Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1)

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Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1) Page 4

by Charlene Hartnady

  “If you mated and had children now, you would miss out. Everyone needs to live a little before settling down. It has nothing to do with me per se except that I’m the lucky male who gets to help you out.” He rubbed a hand over the stubble on his jaw.

  “I’m not sure what you’re on, but it looks like it’s some good shit.” She sucked in a deep breath. “Now…are you paying attention?” Before he could answer, she went on. "I. Know.” She paused. “Exactly. What. I want.” She spoke slowly and carefully. Like he was a whelp.

  "You have no clue, Jolene. These males from your past could not even class themselves as males." His voice dropped a few octaves, but that couldn't be helped. He moved in closer. "You can't settle down until you've had a decent fuck. One that blows your mind several times over. Until you—"


  He had to give it to her, her reflexes were fantastic for a human. Her pain threshold, on the other hand, was terrible. Jolene yelped, cradling her hand all over again.

  “I told you not to do that.” Storm shook his head.

  “Oh good, it hurt this time.” She smiled, even though her face was still contorted in pain.

  “It hurt you.”

  She tried flicking the hand. “I reckon you must be made from granite for real. I think I broke something.” She bounced from one foot to the other. “Oh god, it hurts.”

  “Let me help you.” Storm picked her up.

  “No, you don’t!” she yelled.

  “Stop fighting me for a second.” He held her to his chest and sprinted. Within minutes they were at the bank of the river.

  “Oh, wow!” Jolene sighed as he put her down, noticing that he still held her hand. “How beautiful.” She looked around them, her pain temporarily forgotten.

  "Come to the river bank, the water is icy, it will soothe you."

  Jolene nodded, she followed him to the river’s edge and placed her hand in the current.

  “You shouldn’t keep hitting me.” No-one had ever struck him before, outside of battle. It was fascinating that she stood up to him in that way.

  “You were rude. I’ve never struck anyone in my life.”

  “I spoke my mind,” he countered.

  “Exactly. You have a seriously dirty mind.”

  Storm shrugged. “Females normally like dirty talk.”

  “Not me.”

  “If you say so. And?” he asked. “Feeling any better?” He glanced down at her hand. It was still in the water.

  “Much.” She nodded. Her shoulder slumped. “Just let me go, please. I’m asking you really nicely.”

  “I take it that even though you are attracted to me, I’m not your type.”

  “I don’t even know your name and no…” She clamped down on her lower lip for a moment. “We want different things, so that means you’re not my type at all.”

  “Well then, you have nothing to lose.”

  “I have a whole lot to lose. I came here to find myself a future. My clock is ticking. I need to get married and to have children, one of these days it won’t be possible anymore. I love cats. I don’t have any, but I love them.”

  He wasn’t sure what felines had to do with any of this. Storm frowned.

  "I don't want a whole house of them though, and I don't want to be alone." She looked around them. "I love it out here. I want to stay. I want to fall in love. I want more than you can give me."

  “I’m not saying you can’t have those things but waiting three weeks longer for them to happen won’t make too much of a difference, will it?”

  “Yes, it will make a big difference!” she practically yelled. “If you’re suggesting I stick it out with you for the prescribed three weeks then yes, it will absolutely make a huge difference because I’ll have to go home and this will have been for nothing. I left everything to come here.”

  “You won’t have to go home. You can move on to someone else after three weeks. The males would clamber for a chance. You’d pretty much have your pick.”

  “I can move on to someone else if things don’t work out between us?” She looked like she was mulling it over. “I didn’t know that.” She frowned, shaking her head.

  “It’s not something we advertise but yes, you could move on. Jolene…” Her heart-rate picked up when he said her name and her pupils dilated. This female was far more interested in this than she realized. “I’m keeping you for the next couple of weeks. You’ll share a chamber with me, a bed with me—” She tried to talk. “Let me finish. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. No male will dare try to touch you during that time because I would kill him.”

  "That's a bit harsh." Her breathing became a little more elevated, and the scent of apples surrounded them. Aroused at his talk of violence. Interesting!

  “No, it’s not in the least bit harsh. I will kill anyone who touches what is mine, even if it is a short-term arrangement.”

  “Can I talk yet?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “We’re going to fuck and often.”

  She shook her head, gritting her teeth. Her eyes filled with venom.

  “You’ll love it!” he growled.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re so damned full of it.”

  “No, I’m not. I’ll make a deal with you, you let me fuck you just once, if you don’t like it, you can leave.”

  “I’m not agreeing to anything.” More candied apples hit his nose. She wanted to wrap her legs around him. She wouldn’t admit it though. Not yet.

  “The offer is on the table. We fuck, have fun and then you go on to the next shifter. The next one will be your mate. He can love you and the two of you can make babies.” He waved a hand. “Blah, blah, blah, and all that other stuff. You may already be…how old did you say you were?”

  “I didn’t. I’m thirty-four. I don’t have time for—”

  “You might be thirty-four, but I can tell you’ve never really lived.”

  Jolene snorted. “How can you tell something like that by the ten or fifteen minutes we’ve spent together?”

  Storm smiled. “You can’t let your guard down and relax. You have no idea what a decent fuck is all about and it’s been over an hour.”

  Jolene rubbed her face and made a groaning noise. She sounded frustrated. “I still don’t even know your name.” She shook her head.


  “Well, Storm…” She lifted her eyes in thought for a second. “I must say, I prefer Golden Boy.”

  He choked out a laugh. “Where did you hear that?”

  “It’s what I’ve been calling you inside my head.”

  “I’m inside your head?” He looked down at her lips. Of course, he was inside her head.

  “Don’t smile like that. It’s not like that. It’s not an endearment, just a reflection of your ego.”

  “Whatever you say, Sweet Lips.”

  “What the hell is that?”

  “It’s what I’ve been calling you inside my head and I’m not talking about the ones on your face, although—”

  She whacked him on the side of his arm. Not hard, thankfully for her.

  “What?” He feigned innocence, unable to help his grin. This female was something else.

  “You’re a pig.” Her lips twitched. Jolene was holding back a laugh, a smile at the very least. He was getting to her.

  “So, what do you say?” He raised his brows. “We enjoy ourselves for a couple of weeks and then…” He shrugged. “You still get what you want. We both do.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Just leave me here. Pick someone else. I—”

  “No can do, Sweet Lips.”

  She yelled when he picked her up again. Yelled even louder when he began to run in the direction of his lair. No water dragon would try to take her, but a male from one of the other tribes just might. A large group of males would be hard to beat in his human form. One thing was for sure, he was keeping this female for their allotted three-week period regardless of what anyone wanted. Storm had no doubt
that he would very quickly change her mind about wanting another male, maybe ever again…That last part could be a problem, for her at least. As long as he kept reminding her it was a temporary situation, she wouldn’t fall for him. Jolene was smart, mature and extremely serious. She just needed to unwind a bit. Make that a whole hell of a lot. He was just the male to help her do it.

  Chapter 5

  Storm carried her the entire way there. He refused to talk to her. On and on he ran until she fell asleep in his arms. He’d woken her up and had placed her on her feet. Then he had shifted.


  All she could say was ‘wow.' His great wings flapped, almost noiselessly. His scales gleamed in the moonlight. A beautiful iridescent green that took her breath away. Storm was gorgeous in his man form and devastating in his dragon form. His chest was a bright golden color speckled with the same green scales. It was as if his scales in that section had been infused with the precious metal. Dazzling and dangerous all rolled into one. His teeth were sharp, his tail barbed. His whole being huge and powerful. The air seemed charged with it. The hairs on her body were raised, goosebumps had settled on her arms.

  She was completely unafraid as they lifted up and up and up, leaving the ground far beneath them. His claws held her firmly yet gently. If he dropped her now, she would be dead. And yet, she found this exhilarating. Everything about it was amazing, it was wonderful, it was…wrong.

  It was wrong!

  The thought settled inside her mind. Why wasn’t Storm listening to her? He didn’t get it. This wasn’t about sex or having a good time. No, that wasn’t true, it wasn’t only about sex and having a good time. It was about so much more. Sex and fun were so far from the most important things in her life. Especially sex. Why didn’t he believe her when she said she didn’t care much about it? He was an asshole, that’s why. This was all about him. Storm was a selfish asshole. It was very evident that he was used to getting everything he wanted. Used to having everyone cater to and obey his every whim.

  Not this time.

  If he thought she was just going to roll over and accept this, he was very wrong. She only had three precious weeks. Taking this vacation was already costing her. Someone like him wouldn’t understand that.

  Jolene forgot the dragon shifter for a moment as the lair appeared. There were, what seemed like hundreds of wide windows built into the side of the cliff. Most of them were dark, but several were illuminated from the inside. One-way glass made it impossible to see inside. Except for what looked like public areas, which were visible and lit up like the fourth of July.

  This dragon castle was smaller than the one she had slept in the night before. The fire dragon’s lair. It was no less opulent. Golden chandeliers draped with large crystals and other stones. They looked like rubies, emeralds and other gems. It couldn’t be though, could it? The floors were brightly polished and looked to be made from rock, they were covered with Persian rugs. The furniture was fairly sparse but quite beautiful. Pieces rather than simply furniture. Each one unique. Ranging from highly ornate to very simple.

  Her feet lightly touched the ground, making her realize that they had landed. Storm released her, landing several feet away. There was a cracking noise, and the scales pulled back, his body folding in on itself. The whole process happened quickly.

  Just as before, when he changed into a dragon, Storm stood, his back to her. He might be an asshole, but he was a gorgeous ass. Make that…he had a gorgeous ass. Glutes of note. His hips were narrow and his thighs strong and powerful like the rest of him.

  If she was stuck with him for the next while, at least she would have something good to look at. Pity, she hadn't brought any of her earbuds though, she had nothing to drown him out with. Hard on the ears but easy on the eyes. He walked over to a shelf and donned a pair of black cotton pants, just as a big guy walked out onto the terrace. "Welcome." The guy smiled. His eyes were a bright green, they contrasted beautifully with his brown hair.

  “Hi.” She smiled back.

  A growl sounded from next to her and Storm stepped in, putting himself ahead of her by a half a foot.

  “Good evening, or should I say morning, my lord. Welcome home.”

  Storm relaxed somewhat, his frame remained tense but the tightness in his jaw eased, and he breathed out what seemed to be a pent-up breath. Storm nodded and took her hand, she tried to pull away, but he held on tight while giving her a sideways glance.

  “I am Beck.” The guy nodded in her direction.

  “Nice to meet—”

  Storm growled again, louder this time. She even felt the rumble in the hand that was being clasped by his.

  “Why are you doing that?” She tried to pull her hand away, but Storm shook his head.

  “What is happening to me?” Storm asked the other man, Beck. “I didn’t expect it to be this bad,” he muttered more to himself.

  “Do not be concerned with Storm. This is normal behavior. He considers you to be his and will fight any who try to take you from him.” He smiled at Storm. “It is normal to feel this way, my lord.”

  “But you didn’t try anything.” She looked from Beck to Storm and back.

  “You are feeling possessive, my lord?”

  Storm nodded. “Big time, even though I know you won’t try anything. It’s weird!” He scowled.

  Beck smiled. “You will be driven to eliminate even a perceived threat. It is normal.”

  “I’m not his though,” she mumbled.

  Storm clasped her hand even firmer, his brow knitting in a deep frown. “Yes, you are,” he growled.

  Beck shook his head. “Do not let anyone hear you say that. It is dangerous. It would be foolish for a lesser to try to take on a royal. With talk like that, however, they may be tempted, and there would be carnage as a result."

  “Carnage? You can’t be serious?” She felt her blood drain.

  Storm had gone back to clenching his teeth. His muscles bulged beneath his skin. Wired, agitated, angry. He was all of those and more. Her hand was being squeezed half to death.

  “I’m afraid I’m very serious. Blood, broken bones, possibly even death to anyone who tried.” Beck said it like it was completely matter of fact. “It would be better if he keeps holding your hand. Maybe you should carry her.”

  Storm turned his amethyst eyes on her. “No!” she quickly announced. “I’m fine. Are you fine though?” she asked Storm because he looked far from okay.

  He squeezed her hand tighter and nodded once. “Beck, you need to come with us.” Storm spoke in a low rasping voice, addressing the other shifter. “Keep the female safe if I need to fight.”

  Eeep! Was this really happening? It seemed crazy, and yet she could feel the aggravation coming off him in waves.

  Beck nodded. “It would be my pleasure.”

  Should she be afraid? She couldn’t see another shifter anywhere. Would someone else try to take her? If so, would Storm really hurt them that badly? What if Storm lost? Her first feeling was fear. She could even go so far as to say it upset her to think someone might rip her away. Like she wanted to actually stay with a guy who only wanted to use her. This prince. This asshole.

  “Let’s go,” Storm said, his voice deep and gravelly.

  Jolene swallowed thickly and nodded. The walk took all of a few minutes. They moved quickly and quietly. Jolene had to almost slow jog to keep up. They did pass a couple of guys who gawked at them…at her. Their eyes tracing her every move with definite interest. Storm growled loudly at one who took a step in their direction, but that was it. No fanfare otherwise.

  "Are you hungry?" Storm asked her as they arrived at a large set of double doors, his hand rested on the doorknob as he spoke.

  "Yes, I am actually." She realized at that moment that she was ravenous. The last time she had eaten a proper meal had been the previous morning. The energy bars they had given her were long gone as well and could hardly be considered real food.

  “I will take care of it, sire,�
� Beck said, walking backward in the direction they had just come from.

  Storm opened the door and gestured for her to go in, finally relinquishing his tight hold on her hand.

  Jolene did as he asked and almost stopped in her tracks. The room was huge and double volume. All open-plan. A modern kitchen, a dining area…and the bed.

  That was some bed. Huge, like double king huge and four-poster. The linen was black, which added a certain amount of masculinity to what could have been girly, for lack of a better word.

  The view was breathtaking. Or would be in the light of day. The entire one section of the living area was glass window. A vast expanse of darkness on the other side, a half-moon up above, shining down on the rippled surface of the ocean. The stars…they were simply amazing. The Milky Way and Orion’s Belt had never looked so vivid. She found herself wishing she’d paid more attention when she visited the planetarium some years back. All of the constellations were on display, twinkling and blinking.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?” he asked, stepping up next to her.

  “Yes.” She nodded, taking it all in for a few moments more before saying what was really on her mind. “You’re not going to be able to let me go, are you?”

  Storm shook his head. "Nope, I guess it's how the hunt works. Once a male wins a female, he won't…can't give her up without a fight. It's an instinct thing. Shifters are governed a lot by our instincts. I fought for you. I won you. I got you here safely, which makes you mine. I am feeling possessive…” He frowned. “Not something I am used to. I didn’t think it would happen to me at all, let alone this acutely. But, hey,” he shrugged, “it is what it is.”

  His feelings reduced to hormones and chemicals. To base instincts. They hardly knew one another but still, it stung. “You didn’t fight for me.” She shook her head. “You fought for Christina and me. You didn’t really care who you ended up with, so it’s not the same.”

  "You are right. I initially didn't care who I ended up with, but that quickly changed. Within a half a minute of talking to the two of you, I knew I wanted you. So, by default, I fought for you, Jolene.”


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