Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1)

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Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1) Page 5

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Not really but we’ll let it go. I have a feeling we’d argue for a while and we’d still end up disagreeing.”

  “Come on, this isn’t so bad is it?” Storm turned in a circle, arms outstretched. “I’m not so bad, am I?”

  She hated the warm fuzzy feeling she got when he said he’d chosen her in less than a minute of talking to both her and Christina. She’d always hoped for love at first sight, but this was better. He’d picked her based on more than just looks. Pity about there being no real interest attached. Nothing lasting at any rate.

  Storm grinned when she didn’t answer immediately. It was cocky and arrogant, reminding her of why this was a problem. “So, you’ve decided I’m not so bad after all. I’m glad you’re over your…issue with me.” Storm leaned down and pulled off his pants, stepping out of them.

  Her mouth dropped open. The first two times she’d seen him naked, he’d had his back to her. Not this time. Her gaze was drawn there…how could it not be?

  Storm was a big guy…really big. His balls hung down…heavy between his legs. She guessed that’s where the saying came from ‒ well hung. That wasn’t all, his cock was big too. Especially considering he wasn’t hard. It was both long and thick. Of course, she knew he would be huge after seeing him hard earlier, but still. Knowing something and seeing it for real was two different things.

  She quickly averted her eyes, thankful when he didn’t say anything about her staring. Jolene didn’t know him well, but Storm would be a dick like that. That much she did know. Her cheeks felt hot. Her whole body felt hot. He was standing right there in all his naked glory. She looked outside. Safer that way.

  He walked towards her, drawing her eyes back to him. Keep them up. On his face. Storm was so big and bristling ‒ not that he was trying to be or anything. The guy had presence. She worked hard to keep her eyes from wandering where they shouldn’t.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” He turned to a door. “You coming?” He continued towards what she knew must be the bathroom. It was like he expected her to just follow.

  “No.” She tried not to yell. Was he crazy?

  Storm stopped and turned back. “I’m sure you want to get cleaned up as well. I’ll wash your back and anything else that needs soaping up.” His voice dropped a few octaves.

  “I’m good. I can’t shower with you.” Was that shrill voice hers?

  “Why not?” Storm looked really baffled.

  “I would love a shower but not with you, thank you.” This guy was crazy. Over-confident and crazy.

  “We’re going to eat and then I’m going to fuck you until you come. Just once this time since you didn’t get much sleep.” He winked. “It’s only two hours till sunrise.”


  She was too busy trying to pick her jaw up off the floor to speak, so she shook her head, clearing her throat. “No showering and no fucking.”

  “We’re together for three weeks and we are going to fuck. We may as well start now.”

  “No!” The sheer damned arrogance irritated the hell out of her. That coupled with her body’s reaction to his filthy words. She wasn’t sure which one irritated her more. “We may be stuck together for the three weeks ‒ against my will, I might add ‒ but there will be no sleeping together, no fucking and no…I’ll think of a third thing just now. There should always be three things. I’ll think of a third in no time.”

  “Who said we can’t fuck?” He shook his head. "And why can't we? Forget I asked that. The answer doesn't matter since we will be fucking." He took another step towards her, getting quite close now and it wasn't fair. He had just run for hours. Not just that, he'd carried her for hours too, and he still smelled amazing. Sure, there was an underlying scent of the earth and of sweat, but even that smelled really good.

  “Don’t,” he growled.

  “Don’t what?”

  “You were sniffing.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Your nose was flaring and you were inhaling deeper than normal. You were sniffing me, and by your scent, I can tell you were liking what you were scenting."

  “You smell sweaty,” she mumbled. Not really a lie. Not the whole truth either, but he didn’t have to know that.

  “You like the smell of sweat?” The side of his mouth quirked up. “A little strange but it works in my favor. Fucking, if done properly, can be a major work-out.”

  "I do not like the smell of sweat, and we're not having sex, so please stop."

  There was a knock at the door. Oh, thank god! Saved by the bell ‒ or the knock in this case.

  Storm kept his eyes on her. “Enter,” he finally growled.

  “I brought several different items,” Beck began as he walked in carrying the largest tray she had ever seen. “I wasn’t sure—” He stopped talking, glancing at them. “I see I have come at a bad time.”

  Storm was standing just inches away from her. When had he gotten so close? He was still naked and…Shit…was that? Yes, he was sporting a semi. “Not at all,” she spluttered, taking a step back.

  Beck smiled. “I will put the tray here and leave you to it. There are a couple of items that will still be good, even if eaten cold, or you could use the microwave to reheat anything that needs it.” He placed the tray on a table.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” she asked.

  “I can scent your need, female. Storm will be eager to sate you. I’m sure the food will get cold.”

  He hadn’t just said that! These guys were so forward about everything. It didn’t help that they had enhanced senses.

  Storm grinned. “I’m very eager! You can go now, Beck. I’ll see you in a day or two.”

  Beck looked over at her. “You are one lucky—”

  “Out!” Storm growled.

  Beck half-bowed. “Let me know if you require any—”

  “Out!” Another growl, louder this time.

  As soon as the door closed behind Beck, Jolene covered her face with her hand. “That was so embarrassing. He could tell…or at least he thought I was…that I was…”

  “Aroused?” Storm raised his brows and cocked his head.

  Jolene rolled her eyes. “I’m not though.” Why was she even trying to deny it? Maybe because she shouldn’t be.

  “Beck could scent your arousal because you are aroused, just as I am aroused.” He glanced down at his— Oh, good lord but that thing was fully erect and jutting from his body. It was big and proud and…

  No! No! No! Storm was sex on legs, but sex wasn’t what she was after. It wasn’t. “I don’t know what your nose is telling you, but—”

  “My nose is telling me that you’re lubricated, your pussy is preparing to accept my cock into its tight confines.”

  Jolene made a soft choking noise but couldn’t speak. Her tongue felt like it was tied up in knots. Tight ones and several of them.

  Storm went on. “Your heart is beating faster as well.” He leaned in, just inches away. “Aside from the sweet, sweet smell coming from your slick channel, there are pheromones in your blood that are also enhancing your scent.” He sniffed. “Fucking delicious.”

  "No sleeping together," she croaked. "No sex and no…anything! I don't even want to be friends with you. If you don't move away, I'm going to slap you again." It was that or kiss him, and if she kissed him, there might not be any stopping. His words were affecting her. His nakedness was affecting her. She'd never been this turned on before and she had no idea why. It had been a good six months since she'd last had sex, but dry spells had never bothered her before. He was an asshole, she shouldn't want this.

  Storm pulled himself back to his full height, looking down at her. “I’m sorry to hear we can’t be friends.” He shrugged. “It doesn’t bug me though. Feel free to hit and claw me, makes hate-fucking all the more enjoyable.”

  “Arghhhhh,” she growled. “You’re incorrigible.”

  Storm chuckled as he turned and walked away. He glanced back over his shoulder. “For a
second there I thought you were ready to give up. I thought I had you.” He grinned, looking so damned sexy that it was annoying.

  “Are you trying to say you would have been unhappy if I had agreed to let you sleep with me?” He was too much.

  Storm shrugged. "I want to fuck you very badly, but I'm enjoying working for it. It's going to make the actual event all the more amazing, just you wait and see." His chest heaved, and his cock twitched. As in, it moved all on its own.

  She shook her head, snapping her eyes back up. “It’s not going to happen.” Her voice sounded normal. Thank god, because she wasn’t feeling normal.

  “It’s a foregone conclusion.” He marched to a door and yanked it open. “I’ll leave it open just in case you decide to join me.” He tapped the wood and sent her another wink.


  Cocky little bastard. Although, little was the wrong description of him by a long shot. Jolene had been right on the money. This was all a big game. If she gave in, he'd get what he wanted, and if she didn't, he'd get what he wanted anyway. A challenge. This was all a big challenge to him. All a damned game. Her life, reduced to a game. It wasn't fair. Right now she hated him. It didn't matter that there was something endearing and sweet about him, that part was overshadowed by the asshole part. There would be no sex. None. Golden Boy could forget that. If she left this room in three weeks' time and he still had the biggest, baddest hard-on for her, then she will have won, and if not…there was no other option. That was it!

  Chapter 6

  Unfortunately, the food didn’t get cold, so there was no need for a microwave.

  The human didn’t welcome him into her body. All that natural lubrication had gone completely to waste. His three-hour hard-on had gone to waste as well.

  In fact, she insisted on sleeping on the floor. And silent treatment was a real thing. He was at the receiving end right at that moment. Storm wasn’t sure he liked it. He had to keep reminding himself of how good the sex would be once they started going at it. They were going to rut and soon. He’d meant it when he’d said it was a foregone conclusion. She might not like him much, but she was attracted to him. It was only a matter of time before he got to feel her body tighten around him. Before he got to hear the sweet sounds she would make when he was inside her.

  Jolene had folded the blankets and was going about making herself some breakfast. Breakfast for one. She didn’t so much as look at him, let alone ask him what he wanted. She’d ignored him when he offered to make her food earlier and was ignoring him even harder now.

  Maybe making her sleep on the floor had been a bit much.

  No fucking way!

  There was a perfectly good bed. A big enough bed. It wasn’t like he was going to touch her without her consent. What did she think of him? Desperate had never been a part of his vocabulary and it never would be. Not wanting to share had been her choice in the end, and he was damned if he was going to be the one to sleep on the floor.

  “The plates are in the top cabinet to your right.” He pointed at the cabinet in question.

  Jolene stopped looking through the kitchen, completely ignored him and went over and stirred her coffee instead. Her back to him, she took a sip.

  Storm felt his lip twitch. She was stubborn. He walked over to the cabinet and opened it.

  Jolene turned. “I can get my own plate.” She stared daggers at him. Silver-tipped ones. Silver-tipped ones dripping in poison.

  “I’m sure you can, but I don’t mind helping you.”

  “I don’t need your help.” She brushed past him, grabbing a plate. Just the one.

  “I like fruit and nuts in the morning.” He suppressed a smile.

  “Good for you.” She huffed out a breath. “I’d rather not talk. We have nothing to say to one another.” Then she seemed to think the better of that comment. “Except to ask you to put on a shirt or something.”

  Storm leaned up against the counter and folded his arms. “I’m a dragon shifter, this is about as much as we wear. Is my naked torso making you uncomfortable?” He rubbed his chest, watching her eyes as they tracked the movement. He was a big motherfucker, even for a shifter.

  She seemed mesmerized for a second or two before turning her death stare back on him. “Bullshit like this might work on all the other women you seduce but it won’t work on me.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He meant it. “You should be thankful I’m not naked, I normally walk around my own chamber naked, so technically, I’m already meeting you halfway here.”

  “You’re so not.” She snorted and shook her head. “What was with all that roaring just now when you were in the shower?”

  “I think you know exactly what that was.”

  “So loud though? That’s just rude.” She shook her head, putting the plate down on the counter.

  “I was picturing you.” It was true, he was picturing the lush female. Maybe he could have been much quieter about it, but Storm wanted Jolene to know exactly what he was doing, so he hadn’t held back. “I was picturing your—”

  She spun around to face him. “Don’t.” She pointed a finger at him. So gorgeous when she was angry.

  “What?” He chuckled. “I’m a male. I have needs. I had a feeling you wouldn’t be any more interested in letting me fuck you this morning.” He looked out the window at the height of the sun. It was almost midday. “So, I took care of it myself.” He sniffed in her direction watching her frown deepen. “I can scent you didn’t do the same. You’re still aroused and needy as fuck.” Her scent made his gums itch, made his balls feel achy.

  Her cheeks began to redden, and her jaw tensed.

  “I would be more than happy to take care of that for you. I may have eased myself but we shifters have a ton of stamina. We can go many rounds before—”

  “Stop it!” Her hands flew to her hips. Flared and plump, just like her ass and her tits. The t-shirt she was wearing strained. “Stop looking at my boobs like that as well. Why does everything have to be about sex with you?”

  “I’m a male, you’re one hell of a sexy female, we’re together for the foreseeable future. You’ll forgive me if I react to all that.” He looked her up and down.

  “You’ll say whatever it takes to get in my pants, won’t you?”

  “No, I’ll be straight up honest with you at all times and you can be just as honest with me when you tell me how amazing it is, how much you love riding my cock.”

  "Stop it!" she half-yelled. "Just stop already. I'd rather not talk to you but if you insist on flapping your mouth, you can talk about something other than sex. I dare you to try."

  Her breathing had become elevated and her pupils were dilated. He didn’t need to see or hear to know she was aroused right then. He only needed his nose. The sweet scent of her wet pussy permeated the air around them. It made him want to open his mouth and taste the air. So fucking delicious. He couldn’t wait to slip inside her.

  “No can do, Sweet Lips.” He winked at her, watching as her face turned red all over again and the peppery tang of her anger mingled with all that sweetness. An amazing combination. One he had never experienced before.

  “Do not call me that!” she yelled, eyes wide. They were dark and narrowed in on him. “And stop talking about sex. It’s getting boring.”

  “Your body doesn’t think so.”

  "Well, I do. My body is not involved in any type of decision I make."

  “Pity.” He leaned back against the counter.

  “You’re an even bigger asshole than I first suspected.” She hooked some hair behind her ear. “My life is not a game.”

  “It should be. You’re an awesome, sexy female, why can’t you relax a little? Enjoy yourself for once? You’re so wound up.”

  “I don’t want to enjoy myself.” She made a noise born of frustration. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “No, I think you did.” He loved cranking her chain. Might be his new favorite thing. Just until he got inside her, then that woul
d be his new favorite.

  “I. Did. Not. Stop putting words in my mouth. I’m not twenty anymore, I have responsibilities and I’m not getting any younger. That’s the long and short of it. You’re messing with me.”

  “I’d like to mess around with you.” He smiled, using the one he knew females loved. The smile that had them dropping their panties.

  It didn’t work on Jolene. In fact, it had the opposite effect. “You’re such a dick. What I mean by messing with me is that I only have three weeks leave. Not something you thought about when you decided to take me as your own personal plaything despite my request that you leave me the hell alone.”

  “Three weeks leave?” He suspected she was talking about her job, but he wasn’t sure.

  “Yes, leave. I need to be back at work in three weeks. I’m not sure my boss would allow me to take any more time off. If I’m lucky, he’ll grant me unpaid leave and if I’m unlucky I’ll lose my job. All because of you.” She pointed at him. “If I decide to stay for longer than the allotted three weeks, I’m definitely going to lose out on a promotion I’ve worked my ass off to get. I still might lose out on it even if I go straight back. It’s a risk I was willing to take because I thought the guy I would end up with would at least be taking this seriously.”

  Shit! “Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that.” He rubbed the back of his head.

  “No, you hadn’t.” She shook her head. “You’re only thinking about yourself. The good news is that I have money saved, so unpaid leave isn’t a problem. I might lose my job though. That promotion is toast. I’m losing out to a serious bitch who likes nothing more than to rub my face in it.”

  “I’m sorry!” What else could he say? He did feel like a dick.

  “Let me go then.” She implored him with her eyes.

  “I can’t. Even if I wanted to…I can’t.” Shit! Right then he wanted to try but even thinking about it made his muscles tighten and his gums itch. Made his scales scratch. “Not until the three weeks are up. I’ll pay you out…I’ll—”


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