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Taught to Submit: A Novel of Escape into Slavery

Page 16

by Powerone



  The ride to Miguel's house was quiet, the limousine purring along the roads. Miguel pulled Elise next to him, his arm around her shoulder. His other hand was on her legs, rubbing up and down her inner thighs. “When you are with me you will never close your legs. I want to be able to feel your silky inner thighs or touch your pussy at any time. You are a very sexy girl with a lovely body and I intend to avail myself of your treasures any time I desire. Do you understand?"

  It wasn't a question, it was a demand Elise found to be very arousing, the thought of being openly fondled at anytime or anyplace. She was sure Miguel would prevail upon her body in places that would humiliate her. The incident with the waiter in the restaurant was fresh in her mind. The thought of being used as a sexual plaything, serving only to please him, was arousing. “Yes, sir.” She let her legs part even wider, and his large hand moved underneath her skirt, her pussy soaked in expectation.

  The limousine stopped. Elise was disappointed. Her pussy wanted so badly to be touched by him. The door opened, and the driver waited for them to exit.

  Miguel could see the disappointment in her face, knowing she was highly aroused. “Patience, Elise. I like your pussy wet for me. I want you to beg me to fuck your virgin pussy. It'll happen soon enough."

  Elise wasn't surprised by the grandeur of Miguel's hacienda. She knew he was important and powerful. Those were some of the things that drew her to him. She looked around the room, checking out the furniture, Miguel's comments about the furniture in her room being suitable to bind her on, provoked the same thought here. The furniture was made of heavy wood. She wasn't sure if it was the style, or if it was intentionally built for the purpose of bondage.

  "Have a seat on the couch,” he instructed her, watching as she sat down, her skirt sliding up her legs, her thighs parted. She learned quickly to please him. “Good girl. I'll get us something to drink. When I come back, I want to find your sweater in the other corner of the couch.” He didn't turn to see her face, knowing she would obey his every command, knowing he would continue to push her limits.

  She watched him leave, his command racing around in her head. The room had a wide expanse of windows opening up to the front yard of the house, and no doors connecting to other rooms. If she did as he said, anyone coming in or passing by would be able to see her naked breasts. She knew she couldn't disobey him, as she slipped the cashmere sweater over her head, throwing it over into the corner of the couch as Miguel had ordered her. Her nipples instantly puckered up, aroused at being so exposed. She sat with her hands in her lap, clasped tightly together, uncomfortable at being half-naked, fighting the urge to put her palms over her breasts. She heard the sounds of a blender going in the kitchen. Miguel must be making Margaritas. She sat nervously, seeming like hours instead of minutes as she waited for the moment when he would come into the room and see her naked breasts. Even though he had seen them before, she felt as if she were a nervous virgin, as if he would see them for the first time.

  Miguel smiled as he entered the room carrying two Margaritas; the glasses chilled from the frozen liquid, salt rimmed the edges. He looked at her breasts, his cock jumping in his pants, two pointed pink nipples surrounded by dark brown areolas, sitting so perfectly on her white skin. Her young breasts stood up proudly. Elise arched her back to thrust them out more provocatively. Miguel was pleased at her new found desire to please him. “Very lovely tits, Elise. My servants and gardeners are around the house. Does the thought of them seeing them arouse you?"

  She had thought they were alone, her eyes darting to the large window, checking the outside garden for anyone, her eyes darting back to the doors. Would Miguel make her strip for others? Was this just the beginning? She shifted in her seat, clenching her thighs together, squeezing her pussy before she remembered Miguel's orders for her thighs to always be parted for him. “Yes, Sir. I've never done that before. Or this,” she quickly added.

  Miguel moved closer, and placed his drink on the table across from her before moving toward her with her drink. He saw her raise her hand to take the drink. “Not yet, Elise, put your hand down. Arch your back a bit more, push those lovely nipples out."

  Elise did so, her breasts thrust out obscenely. She watched as Miguel moved the glass down toward her breasts, and shivered in fear, seeing it in his eyes. She could already feel the cold from the glass as he stopped only an inch from her nipple.

  "See your nipple getting longer, and I haven't even touched it yet.” He held the glass so close to her, having to move it away as her nipple slowly got longer as if trying to reach out to the frosted glass. He saw tiny goose bumps appear on her areolas as he moved the cold glass from one nipple to the other, back and forth, making them harden in expectation.

  Elise didn't know what to expect, watching as her nipples grow each time he moved the frosted glass close to them. She knew what it felt like when she ate ice cream too fast, her throat painfully frozen. She shivered at the thought what would happen if he touched her nipples with the glass. But she didn't dare move, with the glass hovering so close.

  Miguel looked at her, seeing the fear in her eyes. “Hold very still now. I don't want you jerking away from the glass,” he warned her. He pressed the glass against one of her nipples.

  "Eeeh!” Elise's shrill voice rang out in the room. It felt like a knife piercing her nipple. The cold wasn't as numbing as she thought it would be. It was more like a painful burn on her flesh. She felt her nipple harden to greater proportions. She felt relief when he pulled the glass from her nipple, but it was short-lived. The glass quickly moved to the other side, and another scream tore from her lips as he pressed the frosted glass against her warm nipple. She struggled to keep her breast pressed outward into the glass. The pain was unbelievable, and tears formed in her eyes as she suffered. She was finally relieved when he pulled the glass away again.

  "Look at how long your nipples are, Elise.” They were at least two inches long, and deep red. He touched them, seeing Elise jerk in pain, the tips sensitive to his calloused fingers.

  She couldn't believe how long they were. Not even her fingers could make them so pronounced. And the color was an angry red, not the rosy pink they were normally. They still ached, and she was afraid he was not finished yet. “They hurt so much,” she muttered, knowing he didn't care. In fact, she was sure her screams probably made his cock harder, enjoying sexually abusing her body.

  "Hold still again,” he warned her, seeing her eyes plead with him. He smiled, moving the glass down beneath her nipple. He pushed the glass up, this time his hand on the top of her breast, pushing it down, pushing the swollen nipple into the frozen concoction.

  "Ggggooddd!” The pain was even worse then before. Goose bumps popped up all over her body, and a stabbing pain hit her breast as her nipple was quickly frozen. It tore through her chest as she shuddered, long minutes while Miguel held her breast captive in the frozen liquid. She shook her chest, only making him hold her tighter, keeping her nipple buried in the painful ice.

  He pulled her nipple out, ice still stuck to the tip, gradually melting with her body temperature. Her nipple was as thick as a pencil, over two inches long and as red as blood. It contrasted sharply with her white skin. Even her dark brown areola looked pale in comparison to the angry red of her nipple.

  It wasn't long before he moved to the other, repeating the procedure as she tried to protest. Her pleading was cut short by the sudden rush of pain as he held her nipple captive beneath the surface of the frozen liquid. Her breathing turned ragged as the pain shot through her body again. She was sobbing now, the pain overwhelming. He finally released her nipple from the grasp of the ice, both of them red and swollen. His fingers moved to the cold tips, rubbing them between his calloused fingers. He squeezed them tightly and pinched the cold flesh.

  His fingers felt good, even though he was a bit harsh. It seemed to bring the circulation back in her tender flesh. Her nipple
s felt like they would burst, they were so large and swollen, and tender to the touch. She began to moan in pleasure as he plucked at her nipples, teasing them, snapping them with his fingertips.

  "Drink your drink.” He handing her the Margarita as he sat down next to her, his eyes still on her nipples, swollen and aroused.

  She took a sip, as she sat back, and relaxed. She wished he didn't stop, but her nerves were on edge, her arousal highly pitched. They made small talk, talking about what Elise did before their trip, about school, about her mother and sister.

  He quickly learned that her mother had probably had similar traits as Elise, submissive to men, bordering on enjoying the pain as sexual in nature, the thin line of pain and pleasure thinly disguised. Christina was another question, she seemed to be more dominant, controlling boys the way one would a dog, but not sure what would happen when confronted with someone who was also dominant and not so taken by her beauty and body. They finished their drinks. Elise was anxious to get rid of the ice, afraid he would use it again on her.

  "I'll get us another. When I come back, I want your skirt on the other side of the couch.” He took her glass, not even looking in her face as he left the room, knowing her mind was racing a mile a minute.

  The thought of another frozen margarita, this time she knew where it would go, between her legs. She stood and slipped off the skirt as her eyes glanced out the windows—still no sign of anyone else. She folded it neatly, placing it with her sweater, then sat down again, afraid someone might be watching. She sat on the couch, almost naked now, only a pair of black panties that clung to every curve in her body hiding her treasures from him. Even the high heels made her feel more self-conscious at being half naked.

  Miguel walked back in. The sight of Elise almost naked made his cock throb. He could make out the lips of her pussy through the black panties, the spread of her legs wider this time, probably more in arousal then learning her place in life. He put his drink on the table, and moved toward her with his drink. He stood over her again. Elise looking up at him, this time expecting what would happen. He didn't disappoint her, letting some of her drink spill from the edge. It fell quickly to hit her nipple. The red tip became harder instantly. Her body shivered from the cold. He repeated it again on her other nipple. Elise arched her back to present her nipple as a better target.

  The sharp pain rushed back into her breasts. The pain lingered until the ice dripped off to fall on her stomach.

  "Slip off your panties, Elise.” He watched as her ass rose up from the couch, letting her hands slide down to grasp the side of the silky material and slowly draw them down over her hips. Her bush came into view, the faint blonde hair barely visible, her puffy labia clearly exposed. Arching up her ass, her pussy was presented to him. Elise slipped the black panties down her legs until they fell to her ankles, then kicked them aside. She let her legs part, but not enough for Miguel. “Spread your legs wider, Elise. I want to see that pretty pink pussy.” He wanted to teach her obedience, and watched as she let her legs part, her pussy lips pulling back slightly. “Virgins have such tight lips,” he commented. He stood above her, the drink in his hand. “Lean back a bit.” He wanted to make sure he hit his target. Her gaze remained on him as she leaned back presenting her sex to him.

  She braced herself but it didn't matter. The sudden splat of the frozen liquid on her pussy lips, and the shocking cold was something she couldn't even imagine. It felt like a red hot iron touching her lips, not ice. She shivered, goose bumps appearing all over her body. Her nipples stuck out as if they were thermometers. It was only seconds before another splat, equally cold, equally painful, this time farther down her lips, almost slipping between her legs. She shuddered as she held the position for him, her legs spread.

  "Very good, Elise. Now reach down and pull your pussy lips apart.” He waited, her eyes pleading with him before finally surrendering. Her fingers gripped her lips tightly, slowly drawing them outward. “Yes, wider now. I want to see that pretty pink pussy.” He waited, her tiny fingers peeling back her lips, seeing her stretch them wide, knowing he wouldn't be happy until she was fully exposed. “Yes, like that, Elise.” He could see that she was already wet, her juices glistening in the light. Her vagina was just barely visible, the hole small and tight. “Now hold them open,” he warned her. He moved the glass over her spread legs, tipping it slightly, watching her eyes staring at the edge of the glass, her hands glued to her spread lips, keeping herself open and exposed.

  She sucked in her breath, holding it deep inside her as she waited. Miguel let the frozen concoction slip over the edge and fall between her legs. He was accurate, too accurate. “Gggoddd!” She shuddered in pain as her hot inner lips were hit with the icy mixture. It was almost as if she were burned with hot wax. The ice felt as if it were scalding her tender insides. Her legs trembled in pain as she struggled to keep them open as another drip slid off the glass, this one higher up, hitting her clit. “Nnnooo!” she screamed again. The ice hitting her clit felt like a lead weight was dropped onto the delicate nub.

  Miguel moved the glass to the table, his hand brushing the hair from her face, the tears from her cheeks. “Very good, Elise. Put on your skirt and panties, but no top. I want to admire your breasts while we eat. They are too lovely to cover up."

  "But what about your help? They'll see me."

  "Yes, they will be extremely lucky to see you half naked. Just be careful you don't spill anything on you while you eat,” he laughed.

  Dinner was a fairly sedate affair. Miguel's gaze continually turned to Elise's breasts, watching them gently move as she ate. He was pleased each time his servant came in with another course, her face turning red as he stared at her, almost dropping the plates the first time.

  No matter how many times the servant saw her, she couldn't get used to being half naked in front of him. Her gaze lowered each time he came in, hoping to avoid his leering glances. She would've liked to cover herself, but she knew Miguel wouldn't approve.

  "Did you enjoy dinner, Elise?"

  "Yes sir,” she responded. “It was delicious. Did you enjoy making me expose myself?"

  Miguel smiled at her comment. “Yes, I did. Now it is time for you to lose your virginity. Let's go into the library. I have a nice desk that I would like you bent over when I fuck you. I want my hands to enjoy all your body as you experience your first fuck. You will look so lovely with your ass arched up, your legs spread, your pussy ready for my cock. Let us adjourn to the library where I can enjoy desert, your sweet pussy.” He slipped his hand around her naked waist, and guided her toward the library.

  She felt self-conscious, naked from the waist up. Miguel's eyes watched her breasts bounce gently up and down as she walked. She didn't think she would ever get used to being naked in front of a man, though it always seemed to excite her to submit to the forced stripping of her body. It seemed like so many men wanted to do it to her, from Bill, her mother's ex-boyfriend, to the waiter, to Miguel, all eager to strip her, to ogle her young, naked body.

  When they entered the room, she noticed a heavy scrolled desk with large legs supporting its massive size. Her mind suddenly concocted images of her naked body bent over the desk, Miguel fisting his cock behind her, ready to take her innocence from her body. God, she thought she would cum from the vision.

  "I see that look in your eyes, Elise. Are you imagining me taking your virginity from you?” He smiled as he said it. Her nipples were hard and thrust out as if they were thermometers testing her sexual arousal. “Your tits give you away, Elise.” He laughed as she looked down, turning red when she saw how long her nipples had grown.

  Her hands went instantly to cover her breasts, feeling her nipples poking into her palms as she covered them in embarrassment. “I'm sorry,” she murmured.

  "I love your modesty, Elise. It makes my cock hard to make you perform in front of others, and I know it makes your cunt wet to do it, even though you might protest.” He moved over to the desk, opened the dra
wer and pulled out a batch of leather straps, piling them on the desk. “I know these will make you wet. Forcing you to spread over my desk, the leather digging into your wrists and ankles, keeping you open for my pleasure. I will enjoy riding you Elise. Now over here,” motioning her in front of the desk.

  She marched over to him, reluctant to be bound on the desk, not being in control of her body any longer. She knew her virginity was about to be taken from her, not in a nice bed by a lover, but bound and spread on a hard wooden desk. Her panties were soaked! Her hips bumped up against the edge of the desk, her body slowly bending over. Her nipples jutted out as they hit the cold desk, and her body shivered in fear as she prepared herself for him. She looked up to see him move over to the other side of the desk, her arms already moving out in front of her as he held the first of the leather cuffs in his hand.

  "Yes, such a good girl, Elise.” He gripped her wrist in one hand, the other used to push the thick leather strap around her slender wrist, tightening it until he saw it cutting into her flesh. “Nice and tight for you,” he said, seeing her grimace as he tightened it more then he needed to. He wanted her to learn. He pulled it to one side of the desk, seeing her body slowly drag over the top. Her breasts rubbed across the smooth surface. He wrapped the strap around the corner of the desk, the metal ring worn from use. Many females had been strapped to his desk before.

  She felt her arm being pulled almost out of the socket, her wrist crushed beneath the thick leather. She didn't need to be told, her other arm stretching out, having to stand on her toes to reach the other side. The edge of the desk dug into her stomach. Miguel made quick work of her other wrist, delighting in the groan of pain he elicited from her when he stretched her arm to the opposite corner, her arms in a big Y. He moved to her face, pushing her hair away. His hands were gentle as they caressed the silky skin of her cheek. He placed a pillow under her head, turning her toward him. “My cock is so hard Elise, your lovely body is doing it to me."


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