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Bears of Burden: WYATT

Page 3

by Candace Ayers


  Bright sunlight filled the little trailer. I sat up, feeling fresh and a little bit like Snow White with the sounds of birds chirping outside the window over the bed. I looked around and noticed that all my clothes had either been hung in the small closet or folded and left sitting on the shelf next to the door. Allie.

  I smiled and stood up, stretching before heading into the kitchen. I needed to grab a coffee but there was nothing there. I groaned. I’d meant to pick up some coffee before coming back from the game.

  My head cleared and I gasped. I’d slept straight through the game! I’d slept through my first night with Allie. Some best friend I was. I headed to the little shower, planning to get dressed and find her as soon as possible. Hopefully, she’d forgive me for being a turdball and passing out on her.

  After showering, I chose a green cotton dress that brought out the color in my eyes and twirled my still wet hair up in a bun, pinning it into place before hurrying through my makeup. Then, I slipped my feet into a pair of strappy sandals and headed out.

  I had no idea where to find Allie, but I figured with a town center the size of a postage stamp, no way could it be that hard. I’d take a walk around town; someone would know her.

  I passed a salon and peeked inside to see a couple of women getting their hair done. A pretty blonde nodded at me and waved me inside. I stepped in, taking a deep breath of salon quality products. Ahhh. It was relieving to know that no matter how far I got from home, a salon still smelled like a salon.

  “Hey there! You must be Georgia. Allie’s told us you were coming for a visit!” Another blonde appeared from behind an older woman getting her hair permed. “I’m Randi and that’s Samantha.”

  “Nice to meet y’all,” I nodded. Over at the counter, there was a display of nail polish colors. My eyes danced over all the colors and then down at the peach color on my own nails. “Do you take walk-ins?”

  Randi smiled, and waved a curling iron at me. “Honey, we take anything. You want us to do something for you?”

  I was in heaven. “I have to go find Allie right now, but I’ll definitely be back.”

  Samantha grinned. “She’s staying at Thorn’s place. Just head on down Main Street and you can’t miss it. It’s the green house on the right. Only green house in town.”

  I thanked them, and then headed on down Main Street. I was surprised that I hadn’t stumbled across a coffee shop. There was a small grocery store with a few vending machines out front, one of which sold instant coffee. Oh, well, it would have to do in a pinch. First, I stepped inside and bought a bag of donuts.

  On the way out, pinned to the community bulletin board, was a flyer for a local survivalist tour and training. My fingers tingled when I touched it and I had the insane urge to sniff it. Wyatt Drexel. I whispered the name and had the same weird feeling from the night before, like there was something hanging over my head, waiting to fall.

  I held the flyer tight to my stomach, and hurried off towards the green house. I suddenly had this wacky idea in my head and it was all I could do not to run straight to Thorn’s to tell Allie about it.

  Saying the green house was just right down the road was an understatement. The local shops and offices stopped, the road became dirt and dust with forest on either side, and then, finally, a green house appeared. Allie was just coming down the front steps, a bag in her hands as I headed up the drive.

  “Hey! You’re awake!” She gave me a big hug and then pulled back. “I was bringing you breakfast.”

  I held up the bag of donuts. “I was bringing you breakfast. Where’s the coffee shop around here? I didn’t see one but there’s got to be one, right?”

  She laughed. “You’re out of luck. Come on, I’ll make us a pot inside.”

  She showed me into Thorn’s house and got the coffee going while I sat at the kitchen counter enjoying the breakfast she’d made for me. She happily munched on a donut and told me about the football games the night before.

  “Of course, Thorn’s team won. They always do. They kick ass.” Her smile turned sly. “Apparently, one of the guys was hoping for a chance to meet you last night.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  She nodded. “Wyatt Drexel. He owns a survivalist tour company. Takes tours up the mountain pretty much every week.”

  I held up the flier that was still clutched in my fist. “I picked it up at the grocery store. I was thinking it might be fun to ‘do as the Romans do’ and all.”

  Her eyes widened slightly and then she shoved a donut in her mouth quickly. She said something but her words were all garbled.

  “What? Why are you being so weird?”

  “Umm… that could be fun... for some. You’ve never been the type to go all wilderness, though. What’s gotten into you?”

  I shrugged. “Just a whim, I guess. I want to experience this place and what it’s like here. You know, with the bears and stuff. Why not get in touch with my outdoorsy, back-to-nature side?”

  “Because you don’t have one?”

  I grinned. “I’ll prove you wrong. What do you do on a survivalist tour, anyway? It’s like going camping or something, right?”

  Allie shrugged and shoved another donut into her mouth without answering me.

  I shook my head and finished my coffee. “This place has got you acting weirder and weirder.”

  CHAPTER 6: Wyatt

  Normally, I was a patient man, laid back, took things easy. There was no trace of normal Wyatt today. I’d waited all night at the game to finally meet the sweet-smelling Georgia. My mate. My bear had done a fucking happy dance when he realized what he was smelling. All the tension and anger left and we eagerly waited for our mate to show up.

  When Allie had arrived alone, I’d been ready to tear through the town looking for her. I needed to meet her. I’d had no choice but to accept that I would have to wait a little longer, though. I couldn’t do anything about that. The sense of urgency around seeing her was driving me insane. I missed my serenity.

  I’d even somehow managed to wake up bright and early after drinking myself into a stupor the night before. I told myself I was going to the bar because I needed to talk to Thorn, but I knew good and well I had nothing to say to Thorn. I just needed to see my mate.

  Of course, Thorn had apparently picked that day to sleep in. I considered sitting on the front porch and waiting for him to show up, but decided that would make me look like a creeper. I swore and headed back to my office. Since when did I care how anything made me look?

  My phone rang as I was coming through my office door. It still smelled like flowers, which slightly disgusted me after experiencing the delicious aroma of my mate. As I answered the phone, I dug around in the metal cabinet in the small back room for some Lysol.


  “Hi. Is this Wyatt Drexel?” A light giggle sounded and then a muffled whisper. “I was just wanting to get in touch with someone about the survival tour this week.”

  My heart kicked up its pace and I swallowed hard. “This is Wyatt. What can I do for you?”

  “This is Georgia Prescott. I’m Allie’s friend.” She hesitated for a second and then continued. “Do you have room for two more this week?”

  My throat turned to a desert. I coughed to clear it, but I still sounded rough as hell when I spoke. “Sure… yeah, absolutely… I have the space.”

  There was some more muffled whispering followed by the sound of skin slapping skin. I could hear Allie curse in the background and then another slap. “Sorry about that… apparently, Allie is too busy to attend this week. I guess I’ll just need a reservation for one.”

  Suddenly my heart was banging against my chest so hard it felt like it might break itself free. My dick hardened, and I couldn’t contain the low groan that escaped my mouth.


  “Space for one. Gotcha.” I didn’t want to get off the phone with her, but I didn’t know what else to say. This kind of thing wasn’t my strong suit. “I’ll
be at Thorn’s bar tonight if you want to talk about the trip or anything…”


  I almost laughed. “Maybe?”

  She sighed. “This is a very big town and I’m a very busy woman, Mr. Drexel. I’ll see if I can pencil you in.”

  I did laugh then. “Of course. I should’ve guessed you’d have your social calendar full. What with the myriad of offerings here in Burden. There’s the grocery store, the salon, the churches, and the bowling alley.”

  Her laughter turned husky and I could almost feel her pulse racing through the line. “Don’t forget about all of my suitors. I’m a lonely girl in a town full of seemingly strapping men.”

  I growled and didn’t try to hide it. “None of them are strapping, I can assure you. They’re all terrible.”

  “All of them, but you?” Her voice had gone quiet and I knew she was feeling the insane attraction the same as I was, without either of us ever having seen the other.

  “All of them but me.”

  “Maybe I’ll see you there.”

  My bear wanted me to beg. I wouldn’t, though. Not yet. “If I’m lucky.”

  She said a quick goodbye and then she was gone.

  I blew out a rough breath and shook my head. I was done for. Her voice alone had me craving her. I didn’t think it was possible to survive a face to face encounter. I forced myself to sit at my desk and get some work done. I had to do something, anything to distract myself.


  I sat at my usual seat at our table in The Cave, my eyes glued to the door. Allie had come in an hour earlier but Georgia still hadn’t shown.

  “You’re starting to breathe heavily and everything, brother.” Thorn had resorted to taunting me, while our buddies Hutch and Sterling, just laughed, egging him on.

  “Did I make fun of you like this when you were miserable over Allie?”

  “Yes, you fucking did. I wanted to rip your head off.”

  I sat back in my chair and let it balance on two legs. My bear was restless as shit waiting to see our mate.

  Allie stopped by the table and poured me a shot of whiskey. “You okay, Wyatt?”

  I let the chair down and nodded. “Sure.”

  She made a face at me but it was lost because at that moment the door opened and that delicious, irresistible fragrance floated over me again.

  I turned, a low growl in my chest that sounded damn near like a purring kitten. Gliding towards me was the sexiest woman I’d ever lain eyes on.

  Generous curves stretched a mouthwateringly tight black dress that was more straps than anything. Heels higher than I’d ever seen gave an alluring sway to her walk as long auburn curls streaked with highlights hung down her back and bounced as she walked. Most heart-stopping of all were the pair of large, bright green eyes locked onto me.

  My blood pulsed, my dick thickened and grew, straining to break free of my pants, and it was all I could do not to tackle her to the floor of the bar and mark her right then and there.

  I knew I would be attracted to my mate, that’s how it was supposed to work, but the idea I had in my head paled in comparison to the reality. With her smooth skin, sweet scent, gorgeous eyes, never could there have existed a woman more beautiful. Never could there have existed a woman who even came close.

  CHAPTER 7: Georgia

  Holy crap-oly. How was I supposed to walk? I quickly looked down at my feet and chanted to myself. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot again. Left foot again. There you go. Now, pick your head up.

  Except, looking up made me forget how to walk again. The man sitting next to Thorn was drop-dead gorgeous. Enough so, that I was tempted to brush my fingers under my lips to make sure I wasn’t drooling down my chin.

  As I moved closer in the dimly lit place, his face came into clearer focus. I swallowed hard. He didn’t look a thing like any of the Ken-doll types I usually dated. He wasn’t elegantly attired, well-kept, or even clean shaven. This guy looked like he could eat Ken dolls for breakfast.

  A wide, strong jaw and thin lips surrounded by a full beard contrasted with the thick, soft eyelashes surrounding his deep brown eyes. His hair was messy and slightly too long. It curled in every direction, like he’d been running his fingers through it. It was sun kissed, matching his tanned skin. A worn T-shirt stretched to cover his wide shoulders, clinging to his obviously defined chest and abs.

  I stumbled and caught myself on the back of another guy’s chair. I didn’t bother looking at him as I apologized, just straightened my shoulders and continued the rest of the way to the table.

  Allie slipped her arm around my waist and grinned. “Guys, this is my best friend, Georgia. Georgia, these are the guys. You know Thorn, that’s Hutch, Sterling, and Wyatt.”

  Wyatt. I’d been hoping Mr. Drop-dead gorgeous would turn out to be Wyatt, the guy I’d spoken to on the phone. His voice had been as deep as the ocean and it had sent tentacles of pleasure coursing through my body. I was eager to cozy up to him tonight and hear more of his velvet voice.

  I kept my eyes on him, and shot him a smile. “Looks like you got lucky.”

  I was surprised my dress didn’t disintegrate the way his eyes burned into me. He stood up and held the back of his chair. “Not yet. You want to sit down?”

  I felt myself swaying in his direction, and clung to Allie’s side. “I’m going to run to the little girl’s room. Be right back.”

  Allie laughed and let me tug her away from the table full of men. I realized that the other guys had been staring at us, but I didn’t care.

  “Bathroom. Now,” I hissed.

  She pulled me in the opposite direction and into a small bathroom. I locked the door behind us and leaned on it.

  “What. The hell. Was that?”

  She smiled smugly and raised her eyebrows. “I know something you don’t know.”

  I glared at her, the singsong way she said it grated on my nerves. “Tell me or I’m shoving your head into a toilet.”

  “Pfft! Like you could. I’m bigger than you.”

  “You’re taller than me. There’s a difference.” I flexed. “I could take you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “So, last night, Wyatt smelled you, and...”

  I made a face. “He smelled me?”

  “Yeah, like how Thorn smelled me.”

  I thought back to the things she’d told me and frowned. “But, he was wildly attracted to your scent because you’re his mate.”

  Allie cocked her hip out and waited.

  When it hit me, I gasped and smacked her in the shoulder. “Shut up!”

  She winced and rubbed her shoulder. “Dang, you hit like a man.”

  I was in complete shock. I bent over the sink and tried to even out my breathing. “A mate? That’s not happening.”

  “It’s not a bad thing, G. It’s good. Really good.”

  “I don’t know him at all. How can he be my mate? Oh, fuck. Is he going to want to bite me tonight? I’m not ready for this.” I clutched at my stomach trying to keep from losing my lunch. I felt myself sway on my feet. This couldn’t be happening.

  She grasped both my upper arms in her hands and shook me slightly. “Calm yourself, Georgia. You look like you’re going to be sick. I’ll tell you what, let’s go back to my place and we can talk about this. It’s not a bad thing, promise.”

  Bad thing? It felt like the worst thing. When he was just a sexy man, that was one thing. A mate? That was like…like… a marriage. I wasn’t anywhere near ready for something that serious. I was starting to sweat. “Yeah, let’s get out of here. That sounds like a plan.”

  “Can you try to act normal as we walk out? I don’t want him to know that I told you. Wyatt’s a good guy and it would hurt him to know that you’re running from him over this.”

  The idea of caring what Wyatt, or any other man thought felt like a ball and chain around my ankle. “Why should I care about that? Jesus, this is the worst. Okay, let’s go. Can you snatch a bottle of liquor on the way out?”

>   She grinned and nodded. “I wouldn’t be your best friend if I couldn’t.”

  We walked back out and I stood on the opposite side of the table from Wyatt as Allie grabbed a bottle. Even though I refused to look at him, I could feel his eyes boring into me and my body reacted as if he was stroking his large hands all over me. My nipples hardened to tight little buds and my panties grew damp with arousal.

  Wyatt’s beer bottle shattered in his hand as he tipped his head back slightly and took a deep breath in. When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing.

  I knew what that meant. Allie told me all about their shifting ways. It should’ve scared me that he was reacting like that to me, but instead, I had an almost irresistible urge to dive across the table and settle onto his lap. My body, the little hussy, demanded I offer myself to him immediately.


  I shook myself and looked down at Thorn. “Huh?”

  He laughed. “I asked if you were sure you wanted to do the survivalist week with Wyatt. It’s pretty rough.”

  I looked back at Wyatt, which was a mistake, because I suddenly went stupid again. “Um… I’m ready for it. I’m sure I can handle him. It. I’m sure I can handle it.”

  Allie snorted from behind me. “Smooth.”

  I cleared my throat and looked at everyone else, careful to avoid Wyatt. “We’re leaving now. We’re going to have a girl-party. Nice to meet everyone.”

  Wyatt stood up and was coming around the table, a determined look on his face, but I was faster.

  I dragged Allie away before she could even kiss Thorn goodbye. “Bye!”

  CHAPTER 8: Wyatt

  I watched my little mate run away and emitted a long, slow growl. She wanted me. I could smell her arousal. I didn’t get why she was running away.

  Thorn shook his head and thumped his beer down. He obviously agreed with my thoughts. “This isn’t working. She just stole my woman and my damn waitress.”


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