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Bears of Burden: WYATT

Page 56

by Candace Ayers

  Our rhythm increased, growing faster and hotter. I wanted more. A deep yearning was spreading throughout my veins, the muscles of channel clutching at him, driving him inside me.

  I felt the waves of another orgasm starting to build. He grasped my bottom, drawing me upwards, allowing himself to plunge deeper, filling every part of me.

  “Fuck,” he cried, and rode into me with a thrust that sent an orgasm ricocheting through every nerve ending in my body. I screamed, loudly, and then felt his hot throbbing pulses as his seed flooded into me.

  Chapter sixteen

  I drew her body closer to mine. She sighed with contentment as I kissed her lightly on the forehead. I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off her. My fingers lightly traced the soft skin of her breasts, gently teasing the nipples as they hardened under my touch. She was exquisite. So beautiful.

  I could feel my cock growing hard again, pushing against her thigh. When she smiled wickedly at me, I turned her over so that she faced the window and I could bury my head in her soft hair, and sink my fingers into the full, round orbs of her ass.


  I could hear the smile in her voice, and nuzzled her neck in response.

  “This is entirely your fault,” I grinned, “But I’ll be gentle.”

  In this position I had to be. It was more aligned with natural bear mating, and had my bear crying out to claim her. Scratching at my skin to take control. I wouldn’t allow it. I desperately wanted to mark Chloe, claim her as my mate, and to bond fully with the woman I now knew without a shadow of a doubt owned my heart and soul. But she was human, and it was too soon to ask for forever from her.

  I kissed her shoulder blade, lightly running my tongue over the smattering of freckles that decorated her skin, tasting her sweetness. I closed my eyes, keeping my bear’s urges to bite her at bay.

  My cock pressed against her ass cheek, my pre-cum leaving a trail on her skin. I slid between her legs. She was wet and warm and groaned softly as I entered her.

  Her arm reached back to clasp my thigh, and we moved against one another soundlessly, lost in the languid, lazy friction that was pounding waves of heat through our bodies.

  “I never want you to leave my bed.” I sighed against her skin.

  “Then I won’t,” she replied softly. She turned over to face me, breaking us apart.

  She kissed me deeply, her tongue finding mine with a renewed, needful energy. She drew me back inside her, and then straddled me. I clutched at her waist, watching her beautiful, soft, curvy body glide up and down on my cock.

  Fucking hell.

  She was a complete goddess. Her dark hair gently fell around her breasts as they swayed and bounced gently with her motion. Her breathing came in short gasps and her legs clasped against the sides of my body. She was close.

  I watch her, mesmerized by her beauty as she took her pleasure from me. I thrust upward, moving my hips off the bed. Her eyes widened and pussy clenched me tightly as she cried out, my name falling sweetly from her lips.

  That was all it took. I couldn’t hold back any longer and my entire body exploding in release.

  “Fuck Chloe.”

  She collapsed down next to me, smiling up at the ceiling.

  “That was incredible,” she sighed.

  I wondered if she could feel it. The strengthening of our bond every time we touched one another. I felt more in tune with her body, her moods. As if part of her now inhabited me.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked, feeling my own stomach knot with a ravenous appetite.

  “Starved,” she laughed.

  “I’m going to order in, I don’t really feel like sharing you with the world right now. We can eat on the terrace.”

  “Good, I feel the same way,” she gave me a mischievous look, “I also don’t think we should move too far from the bed.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Chloe stood and retrieved herself a fresh white shirt from my closet and brought it back to the bed. I smiled. Just the thought of watching Chloe spend the evening in a shirt that only just covered her sexy ass made my balls ache.

  “This will do,” she smiled back at me.

  I reached for my cell. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten at home in the evening. And I’d never done it with a woman before. It felt good. Natural. For the first time since I’d moved in five years ago, my apartment suddenly felt like a home.

  Chapter seventeen

  Nathan’s terrace was spectacular. Its view overlooked the twinkling lights of the city below and the mountains beyond. A few candles I’d found in Nathan’s kitchen drawers flickered on the table.

  We’d ordered Korean food, the take out boxes cluttered the table because Nathan had distracted me with neck kisses when I’d tried to plate up the food. He held my foot in his lap, his fingers running up and down my leg while we ate. The evening was perfect, and I wanted to get lost in the moment but all I could think about was returning to his bed.

  Something strange had happened when we slept together. I didn’t understand it, and I wasn’t sure if it was just my hormones going crazy after sex, but I felt connected to him on a deeply profound level that I couldn’t explain. This whole thing just felt so… big.

  “Do you feel…?” I started to ask him if he was experiencing the enormity of emotions that I was, but stopped suddenly afraid he’d think I was crazy.

  He smiled at me, his eyes burning bright.

  “The connection?” He replied.

  “Exactly. I feel like…I don’t know – like I can feel your moods, like you’re inside my head. Or something…” I trailed off. I needed help here, before I started sounded like an infatuated teenager.

  “Good,” Nathan answered sounding relieved. “Yes, I feel it. It’s the start of the bonding process,” he cleared his throat and I could feel a nervous energy pass between us, “I don’t want to scare you off, but I think, I know, that my bear wants to… claim you. As my mate.”

  “Wasn’t what we just did – mating?” I asked, confused.

  “Not exactly,” he smirked, “When a shifter claims his mate, he marks her.

  “Marks her?”

  “A claiming bite.”

  He laughed when he saw my expression.

  “The bite is a mark that tells the world, and other shifters, that his mate has been claimed. Forever bonded,” he continued. “Once mated, the process is irreversible. I know you’re not ready for that yet.”


  “Are you?” I asked, with genuine amazement.

  “Yes,” he replied simply, “But as a shifter, I know. I can feel – in every fiber of my being, that you’re mine. You’re it for me. It’s not the same for humans. I can’t expect you to feel the same way. So we’ll wait.” He shrugged, unperturbed by the intensity of the conversation.

  I thought about it. The crazy potency of feelings I had for Nathan, which in retrospect I’d felt even that first day in the forest. It had grown exponentially in the ridiculously short time I’d known him, but forever?

  Was I ready for forever? I knew without a doubt that Nathan was the one for me. I couldn’t walk away, even if I wanted to. Now that I had experienced our connection, there wouldn’t be a day or an hour that my body and soul didn’t yearn to feel it renewed.

  “I will never pressure you into anything,” Nathan held my gaze, “My feelings for you won’t change, however long it takes you to decide.”

  I nodded. A blissful contentment saturated my entire being. This incredible man loved me, without wanting anything in return. I felt humbled.

  “Am I interrupting?”

  A man appeared through the kitchen doors, grinning at us both.

  “Yes you fucking are,” Nathan growled at him.

  “Hey, you’re one of the girls from the forest,” he smiled at me and held out his hand, “I’m Byron – and I hear I’m the reason you spent the night in a dank basement – my sincerest apologies.”

  The brother. I shook his
hand, bemused. I had thought I’d feel anger toward the man responsible for such a mess, but there was something about him – a recklessness and a rebel charm that made it impossible to hate him on sight.

  He looked so much like Nathan, but Nathan cultivated an image of raw masculinity tempered with a strength and control that would put the fear in any Ivy League business mogul. Byron was the kind of guy that put fear into the hearts of mothers – the poster boy for broken hearts, unwanted pregnancies and bad choices.

  “You’re not forgiven.” Nathan snapped.

  “Chloe – I am so sorry.” Byron beseeched my forgiveness again, practically getting down on one knee in earnestness.

  “It’s okay,” I smiled at Nathan, “It’s nice to meet you Byron.”

  “You too,” he shot his brother a look of triumph.

  “How are you feeling,” I asked, “after your fight?”

  “Fully recovered, so my generous brother is kicking me to the curb.”

  “You’re lucky I haven’t thrown you off the roof, idiot.”

  Byron ignored him and turned his attentions back to me.

  “Tell me about your friend, Bri – the girl who was so bear friendly in the forest.”

  I laughed. Not in a million years would Byron appeal to Brianna. His good looks couldn’t be denied, but Bri was violently allergic to any whiff of ‘bad boy’ impulses.

  “Brianna,” I corrected, “She works at the same company I do. I’ll introduce you if you like.”

  He beamed at me, delighted. He didn’t have a chance in hell, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. Besides, after all my failed matchmaking attempts, perhaps I wasn’t the best person to judge what my friend actually wanted.

  “Alright, you got what you came for – now get out,” Nathan commanded.

  Byron backed away with his arms out in mock surrender.

  “It was lovely to meet you Chloe. Call me if he gets out of hand.”

  Nathan rose to his feet, furious, and Byron turned and ran from the terrace. I burst out laughing. Seeing Nathan antagonized by his younger brother showed me a new side of him, one I hadn’t seen yet, and it warmed me.

  “I’m going to get him a collar and a bell,” Nathan said in disgust.

  “He’s harmless – and it all turned out okay,” I soothed him, “I can think of a million things we can do to distract you, if that’s what you want?” I teased.

  He grabbed me, his mood suddenly light and playful.

  “That’s what I want,” he smirked.

  “Good, it’s what I want too,” I smiled up at him and batted my lashes and he tightened his grip around my waist.

  “And while we’re at it, we’ll talk about that claiming thing.” I looked up into his eyes, wanting him to read the unspoken promise in mine. He nodded perceptibly.

  Suddenly I could think of nothing I wanted more than Nathan, forever.


  Want to read more? This is book one in a series. Look for Book 2, Byron: Heartbreaker Bear, which can be found in Amazon’s Kindle store.


  Dragons of Plarizakian


  When Alien Warrior Weredragon Zarek Rav meets curvy biologist Aubrey Moss, sparks fly!

  As the newest biologist at Gen-Ex, mousy Aubrey Moss wants nothing more than to please the president of the research facility, her domineering and overbearing father.

  But, despite being the top female research biologist in the country, she still can’t seem to escape his demeaning jabs and cutting insults.

  When Aubrey is tasked with a job that no one at the facility has been able to achieve, retrieving samples from one of the research subjects, an extra-terrestrial called Zarek Rav, her attraction to him is so powerful, it overwhelms her.

  Zarek’s planet is destroyed, his people on the hunt for a new home. When Zarek is wounded, the Parizakians are forced to leave him behind to shuttle the others to safety. But they’ll return, and when they do….

  …they will destroy all who oppose them.

  Zarek need only bide his time before he will leave Earth and be reunited with his people. The last thing he expected to find on this obscure planet was a mate. But, the human female called Aubrey with her thick, soft curves, beautiful smile and warm heart initiates an attraction deep inside of the warrior that is stronger than anything he has ever felt.

  When the fate of millions rest in Aubrey’s hands, will she defy her father’s wishes to help Zarek return to his people? Will Zarek and his people accept her into their fold?

  Chapter One

  Zarek Rav shifted the control stick, moving the monitor’s red bull’s eye a fraction of an inch. The adjustment wasn’t really necessary, but Zarek needed something to distract him from the anxiety of landing on a new, virtually unknown planet. The two-foot monitor in front of his pilot control displayed images of a desert area in the southwestern region of the United States. This area, over which Zarek’s ship hovered, would provide both the isolation and the aridness Zarek’s race, the Plarizakians, needed to live a peaceful and comfortable existence.

  It looks so much like home, Zarek thought, sighing. No matter the climate, though, Zarek knew it would never feel like home. The Plarizakians no longer had a home. The Nefarianics, a water-dragon race, had flooded Plarizakia’s desserts, making it uninhabitable to the shifter dragon/humanoid Plarizakians.

  “You gonna make it over there?” Virlek, Zarek’s best friend and weapon’s operator, asked.

  Zarek jumped at the sound, turning his head quickly in Virlek’s direction. Then, he picked up his empty metal drinking container and tossed it toward his friend, a gesture of feigned irritation. Virlek caught the bottle easily.

  He tossed the bottle back before speaking again. “No one’s gonna make it anywhere if Jandric doesn’t get out here. Hey, Jandric? You done in there yet?”

  A door in the rear section of the circular spacecraft opened. A short, stocky man entered the room, shutting the bathroom door behind him.

  “Fine, fine,” Jandric said, walking to the telecommunications panel, sitting, and entering his access code. He was preparing to send a transmission to the other Plarizakian ships that waited in the shadows of the Milky Way. “What’s the hurry? We’ve been looking for an inhabitable area for what—five years now?”

  Zarek reached for his drink container again. Virlek followed his lead. Jandric, his back to them, kept tapping away at his control panel as both Zarek and Virlek threw their empty bottles at him.

  “Ow!” Jandric shouted as the metal containers hit him on the back. He picked up Virlek’s bottle and flung it back. “Do you want me to send this message or what?!”

  “Yes!” Zarek and Virlek hollered at the same time.

  Virlek and Zarek sat in silence as they waited. Zarek’s mind went back to his home planet. Images of his family, now dead, flashed through his mind. He saw his father falling and drowning in the waves that enveloped Plarizakia. His saw his mother succumbing to the same fate. His little brother had almost made it to the ship, but a Nefarianic had spotted him. Zarek saw his little brother’s petite body disappear, covered in a blast of water. Zarek blew out a long, slow breath and, shaking his head to clear the memories, forced himself back into the present.

  “Transmission sent,” Jandric said. “The ships will be heading this way soon. Meanwhile, we’re clear to land.”

  Zarek let himself smile—the first real smile that had crossed his face since the Nefarianics had attacked, since he had lost his entire family, since all hope for a future life had drained from his very being. He took the control stick between fingers, readying the ship for landing. As he was about to move the toggle, though, the ship rocked. He pulled his hand away from the panel. The ship shook again, sparks flying from the weapons-control panel. Virlek covered his face with his forearm and turned away.

  “Weapons are down,” Virlek said as soon as the smoke cleared.

  “Human aircrafts!” Zarek hollered, looking at his
own monitor. “Ten of them. We’re surrounded.”

  “The weapons won’t come back online,” Virlek reported. “Unless…”

  “Unless what?” Zarek yelled back.

  “Unless one of us repairs them from the outside,” Virlek answered. “The shots tore the front panel off. They pulled the wires right out. If one of us could reattach the wires, we might have just enough juice for one shot. That should give us a chance to get out of here.”

  “Fine,” Zarek said, standing. “Jandric and I can cover you while you reattach the panel.”

  “But—” Virlek started to protest.

  “I know it’s dangerous, Virlek, but our people depend on us. If this is the only to get out of here, to warn them, then we take this way.”

  “But—” Virlek protested again.

  “Enough!” Zarek growled, already starting to transform. He shrugged his uniform vest off as his shoulders expanded, their bulging muscles growing and lengthening. He unbuttoned his white pants, hurrying before his fingers turned into claws. He pulled the pants down, exposing his abdomen, his hips, and briefly, his well-endowed frontal parts. Like his shoulders, his thigh muscles tightened, grew, and lengthened. His tan skin turned to green scales, reflecting rainbows of color.

  “Open the doors!” he ordered Jandric, looking over at his stocky friend. Jandric’s brown skin had turned to black scales. Jandric pushed the release button for the door. Both dragons darted out while Virlek, still in his human form, followed them. He had a magnetic breast plate strapped over his chest, one that would secure him to the surface of the ship and leave his hands free.

  “Now!” Zarek jumped from the ship, expanding his massive wings as he flew right. Jandric flew out the ship’s door, veering toward the left. The dragons circled the ship, forcing the planes to move back.


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