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The Manner of Amy's Death

Page 12

by Mackrodt, Carol

  “Obviously,” says Blount, “They did not believe they had anything to gain now that they’ve made their peace with the French king. So now we have no English possessions in France at all.”

  “After all our sacrifices on their behalf,” Robert muses sadly, obviously remembering how Henry died helping Philip and the Spaniards.

  “The people in London are blaming the Queen and her Spanish blood for getting us into this plight. They’re hungry too. After all the bad summer weather last year and this harsh winter, food is in short supply and people in the countryside are starving. Mary’s spent all the money in the coffers on Prince Philip’s wars and this, together with the persistent burnings of poor folk, is making her a figure of hate. Many will be glad to see her dead. They think that England’s sorry state is a result of everything she’s done and that she’s angered God himself. They want an English queen with English blood in her veins.”

  “Elizabeth,” says Amy flatly. Blount nods.

  “And what about her mother, the whore Anne Boleyn? I thought many declare Elizabeth to be a bastard.” Amy’s feelings against the princess rise to the surface again.

  “My lady wife! Hold your tongue! Think what you are saying and be grateful that you are among friends. Really, Amy, I sometimes doubt your judgement – you are such a foolish, gossiping, empty headed girl.”

  Amy blushes bright red at his rebuke and says nothing more.

  “We have to think carefully what our next move will be,” says Robert to Blount, “So please repeat nothing of what you’ve heard here.” He glares at Amy. “Return to the city and let me know immediately if the Queen’s health takes a further turn for the worse. We will stay here and do what we can to further our family’s fortunes away from the court.”

  Blount nods. He knows what Robert means and so does Amy. Elizabeth’s residence at Hatfield is only ten miles ride away.

  But Robert and Amy do return to the city in the spring, staying at Christchurch and signing a legal document to raise money. The manor at Hales Owen is finally sold to Mr Forster.

  “The money is so that we can find a manor in Norfolk,” says Amy confidently. “Robert wants a huge deer park so that he can spend pleasant days out hunting.”

  I nod in agreement but my own assessment of the situation is rather different. Robert wants the money to provide Elizabeth with the wages for a small army of servants willing to fight on her behalf when the time comes. Lady Elizabeth, the Queen in waiting, is increasing her influence and power.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A New Queen

  We spend the summer of 1558 at Throcking and, most surprisingly, Robert and Amy are indeed looking at properties in Norfolk. Today they’re talking to Mr Flowerdew about the estate Amy inherited from her father and about a manor at Flincham which is close to Syderstone and has a manor house that is at least inhabitable!

  Amy stands over Robert as he sits at the table and roles out the plans and drawings of Mr Flowerdew’s survey. She can scarcely conceal her excitement. Robert, who’s not been well over the summer, is still convalescing and is unable to visit Flincham for himself just yet and Amy’s loved having him at home and all to herself. Their deliberations are interrupted by the sound of horses being ridden hard up to the driveway to Throcking manor.

  Amy runs to the window. “It’s Blount,” she says, “And Verney’s with him.” She frowns. She doesn’t like Richard Verney, another of Robert’s drinking and gambling companions. “What do they want?”

  We soon find out. Apparently the Queen has taken a turn for the worse, and suffers a high fever with sneezing and a racking cough. “She won’t survive this,” says Verney with a note of satisfaction.

  “Sorry, my love, I have to leave,” says Robert to Amy’s incredulous look.

  “You can’t leave yet. You’ve not been well yourself. My Lord please do not risk your own health. Richard and Thomas will keep you informed – won’t you?” she says, turning to appeal to them. They say nothing and Verney smiles that insolent smile that says, ‘You are not in charge here, my lady; your wishes mean nothing to us.’ Mr Hyde has just entered the chamber.

  “Mr Hyde,” says Amy desperately, “Please advise my Lord Robert against riding out. He wishes to travel to London to ascertain the state of the Queen’s health at the risk to his own.”

  But Mr Hyde makes no comment either. Robert’s already leaving, calling back to Amy, “My Lady Amy, you must not interfere. These are matters of which you know nothing. You must leave me to be the judge of this.”

  Amy sinks into the chair that Robert’s just vacated and Mr Flowerdew rolls up the plans.

  “I’ll leave these with you, my Lady. Mr Hyde will take good care of them and maybe we can resume our discussions upon Lord Robert’s return.” He takes his leave talking to Mr Hyde about trivial matters, the price of wool, the harvest, the state of the countryside – all irrelevant in Amy’s view – and we two are left alone.

  “Robert didn’t even say where he was going,” wails Amy. “I expect it’s to Christchurch so he can be close to the Queen.” I don’t say anything but I am certain that, from now on, Robert will be setting his sights on Mary’s successor.

  Summer turns into autumn and, to Amy’s surprise, Robert is back again at Mr Hyde’s house even though he now makes frequent trips to unspecified destinations. Mary had seemed to be recovering from her illness but has again relapsed, this time with her old complaint, and it seems that the Queen, broken hearted by Philip’s apparent disinterest and lack of affection for her, has accepted the fact that she’s dying. The level of activity at Throcking intensifies whether Robert is here or not and there are frequent visitors we have never seen before. We take to eaves dropping to gain more information.

  It seems that the Queen has not yet named her successor and Elizabeth has moved from Hatfield, two miles to the north, to the fortified residence at Brocket Hall, ready to defend her claim to the throne. She’s preparing for a fight. As October turns into November the roads to Hatfield become busier and busier with people flocking to show their allegiance to the woman they believe will be the next queen. Elizabeth has been well prepared for this moment, it seems, and has many gentlemen retainers prepared to help her defend her claim, not even counting those who are happy to serve her without financial reward but in anticipation of her recognition and favour in years to come. And both Amy and I know that Robert is prominent among this group. Elizabeth will be relishing every moment.

  “I know Robert will send for me soon so we can both be at court together when the new queen accedes to the throne,” says Amy. “He’ll always want me by his side. Things have changed now. He’s still ambitious, yes, but now I’m part of his ambition. After the disastrous events in Flanders he saw the benefit of a settled family life and now he wants us to be together all the time – well, nearly all the time. He’ll have to spend time at court, of course, and I may not always be with him but he’ll always come back to me, as he does now.”

  Amy’s comments lack conviction and Robert’s visits to Throcking become less and less frequent, to my great concern. When he does come, it’s usually for some urgent meeting and not to see his wife. Then he’s away again. It seems to me just like a return to the old days when the Dudley family’s ambition was limitless.

  The matter’s settled in November when Robert comes once more to Mr Hyde’s house for a fleeting visit.

  “Right, my Lady,” says Robert striding through the Great Hall in his riding attire, “Events are moving fast now. Mary’s close to death and has sent the Spanish ambassador to meet Princess Elizabeth with the news that the succession is to be determined by their father’s will ……. and since Henry, our noble Prince, decided that Mary would be succeeded by Elizabeth in the event of Mary being without issue, all is set for a smooth change. However there are some who wish Elizabeth ill and would prefer to see her Catholic cousin, Mary Stuart, on the throne. Since we cannot tell where this may lead, it will be safer if I move you and your ho
usehold to Lincoln where you will be far away from any fighting or, I shudder to say, civil war or invasion from France.”

  “Lincoln!” Amy is speechless. “But I thought you said that all would go smoothly once the succession was decided by Queen Mary.”

  “There will be no arguing, my Lady. The future, and our future, depends on far more than your frivolous thoughts and wishes. I have made all the necessary arrangements with friends. You will travel to Lincoln tomorrow.”

  With this he leaves us, striding back down the hall where Mr Hyde is waiting in the doorway. From the window Amy and I can see the two men talking earnestly while the groom brings Robert a new horse. With a wave to his friend, Amy’s husband gallops away in the direction of Hatfield.

  Two weeks later we’re in Lincoln and there’s a tremendous commotion in the streets. People are running and shouting and the church bells are ringing. The news has reached us this far north that Queen Mary is dead and that Elizabeth is our new Queen. Throngs of people appear from nowhere, all laughing and celebrating, tables are set up in the street and folk carry out of their houses whatever they can spare, a ham, a pie, a loaf of bread, some butter and cheese and flagons of ale.

  Poor Mary! There will be no mourning for the Queen, once welcomed as the rightful heir, now hated and despised for bringing England to the brink of ruin. The only person with a very long face – and it’s not on account of Mary – is my friend Amy.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A Different Kind of Life

  In Lincoln we hear all manner of things about Elizabeth’s triumph and nothing is to Amy’s liking. Elizabeth has allowed a brief period to elapse (to show a dignified respect for her sister!) before making her triumphant journey into London. People report how the new Queen looked everywhere to catch the admiring glances of the crowd, smiling at some, speaking graciously with others and waving at the cheering onlookers. She was in no hurry and ready to savour the moment to the full. Riding immediately behind her, clothed in rich and splendid attire, was her new equerry, Master of the Queen’s Horse, Robert Dudley.

  “So rebellion was avoided then,” says Amy, disconsolately and unnecessarily.

  “It would appear so – but this is merely the beginning and we must look to the future to see what will happen next. After all there will be no more moments like this. It’s a one-off and Robert will have to remember that he too has a family life to attend to.” I’m trying to look on the bright side for Amy’s sake.

  “No, Kat, I think not. This is what he’s always wanted. He and Elizabeth have been the best of friends since childhood and she’ll come to depend on him more and more. As Master of the Horse he’ll always need to be there, organising pageants and royal progresses, ensuring that the Queen has the best hunting parties and riding out with her. Already I’m a widow.”

  “No, no, dear Amy. Lord Robert loves you and will not desert you, just you wait and see.” I try to put as much conviction as I can into these sentiments.

  By Christmas Lord Robert has sent his men to take us back to Throcking.

  “My Lady Amy welcome back, welcome back,” says Mr Hyde. “Your dear husband, our Lord Robert, has been especially chosen by the Queen to be at her side during the festivities. How you and your kin are favoured. It must be wonderful for you to know that your dear Lord is so favoured.”

  “Yes, indeed it is, Mr Hyde. You are most kind and I’m sure that your kindness will be long remembered by my Lord.”

  Mr Hyde smiles and bows obsequiously and leaves. Three servant girls enter with some spiced wine and little cakes.

  “Oh Lady Amy,” says one coyly, “Your Lord Robert is held in great esteem by the Queen and people say he leaves her not, day and night, so determined is he that she will have a prosperous start to her reign.”

  “Yes and they say that she is so pleased to have such a noble Lord accompanying her that she made him her Master of the Horse so that he should always be there,” says another.

  “They say that he went to congratulate her on the day of the old Queen’s death and looked so handsome and dashing on his white stallion that Elizabeth almost swooned to see him thus.”

  “They say that Lord Robert and the Queen are inseparable. They make each other laugh and the ambassadors complain that England will be run by a group of young people who will do as they choose.”

  “Well,” retorts Amy through gritted teeth in a smiling face, “I thank you all for your views on the subject. I am sure that it will be a change to see England governed in a more light hearted way and in a spirit of generosity. And,” she says turning towards the one who made the comments about the Master of the Horse, “When I need some knowledge about my husband’s appointments I am sure I will not have to ask a common serving girl. But thank you for your information – albeit news that is already weeks old. And I wish to remind you all that England is governed by the Queen and her Lord Secretary, William Cecil, and her advisors like Thomas Parry – and not by my poor kin. Moreover, if I hear you once more gossiping about my husband and the Queen, I will report your insolence to Mr Hyde and you will all be looking for positions in a new household.”

  Phew! The servant girls go bright red, curtsey to Amy and walk out much subdued.

  “They did that on purpose.”


  “Curtsey. They were mocking me.”

  “No, Amy, I don’t think they were. I think that they knew they’d gone too far by trying to find out how much you knew and they were afraid for their positions in the household which they thought they might lose if you were angry with them. They’re just silly empty headed girls.”

  “But if this is what they are saying to my face, Kat, then what is everyone saying behind my back?”

  There’s nothing I can say to this.

  “I’ll be glad,” says Amy wearily, “When Robert asks me to join him at court. That will silence the gossips.”

  But Christmas has gone and still Amy has still not been invited to join her husband at court. Lord Robert says he is very busy with the task of planning the Queen’s Coronation which is to take place on January 16th so there will be no time for him to travel north to Hertfordshire. We are left to imagine what the Christmas festivities have been like at the Queen’s residence at Whitehall and what part Amy’s husband has played in the celebrations. Elizabeth loves dancing and Robert is an athletic dancer!

  Throcking Manor was merry this year with dancing and music, story telling and masques – all the kinds of thing that Amy would normally revel in. Yet I haven’t seen her smile for many weeks. She received presents from her husband, delivered by his henchmen, a gold chain and some pretty gold buttons for her gown. She examined them carefully, unsmiling and thoughtful, and I could read her mind; she was wondering what Robert had bought for the Queen and whether his presents to Elizabeth were much more extravagant.

  In January she receives a letter from her husband with the news from court. Elizabeth has given Robert, as a Christmas present, a gilt cup and a mansion at Kew not far from the Palace of Sheen where Robert and Amy were married almost nine years ago. Amy also discovers that Elizabeth spent her first nights in London in Somerset House, Amy and Robert’s former home! This reminds my friend of the dresses she was forced to leave behind when we fled the city as traitors!

  Finally, in March, another letter brings a piece of news that should make Amy rejoice but doesn’t; Robert is to be made a Knight of the Garter, the highest honour his sovereign can confer upon him but this piece of news is to be kept a secret as Elizabeth has not yet made her decision official. The announcement will be made on St George’s Day as is customary. Robert, however, then delights Amy by saying that first he intends to spend Easter at Throcking.

  “There you are,” I say, “He was just waiting until all the business of the coronation was out of the way. Now he misses you and wants to join you soon.”

  “But I thought the Garter Knights were all noblemen from ancient families,” says Amy, “So why has Robert bee
n singled out by the queen to receive such an honour. Both his father and his uncle were traitors and stripped of their membership of the Order of Knights of the Garter.”

  “It will be for everything he did preparing for her coronation. Robert always works hard as you know and, by all accounts, the coronation went smoothly with no hiccoughs. No wonder Elizabeth decided to reward him.”

  Secretly I’m worried – I have to reassure Amy, who hasn’t been well and is suffering from her old problem, usually brought on by worry, but I’m very concerned for her. The gossip among the servants is that Amy’s husband is the Queen’s favourite and that the two of them are never far apart.

  But what can Elizabeth do? Robert is a married man and even the Queen cannot take another woman’s husband. Can she?

  Robert arrives at Easter with everything that’s necessary to make the occasion a memorable one, entertainers and musicians, cooks, wonderful food and spices for the feasting and a host of admiring followers. His clothes are the finest money can buy, a declaration of his elevated position at court; he’s certainly been catapulted to fame and he’s revelling in his new found success.

  But, when he leaves a few days later, Amy’s disappointed that her husband hasn’t been more loving towards her. Indeed he’s almost ignored her presence in the house, staying up late into the night, drinking and playing cards with his men and with Mr Hyde and finally collapsing into bed in his own chamber. She wants for nothing now as Robert ensures that all our needs are met and that we can all live well at Throcking. The only missing ingredient is love. Lord Robert no longer shows any real affection for his wife.

  Amy’s health deteriorates especially when she thinks that she’s not to be invited to Robert’s investiture as a Garter Knight, set to take place in early June at the castle of Windsor. She’s depressed and, I fear, has heard the many rumours that are circulating about her husband’s relationship with the Queen and that are now becoming common knowledge. Robert, hearing of his wife’s condition, ensures that his physician sends her certain potions to ease her pain.


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