Book Read Free

Mimi Mine

Page 1

by Aubrey Cara

  Mimi Mine


  Aubrey Cara

  Copyright © 2015 by Baronet Press. All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are a work of fiction, intended for adults.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously by the author. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents




















  Also By Aubrey Cara


  Mason Coleman cringed at the number of people and Christmas decorations as he pulled his Jeep Grand Cherokee into the over-packed parking lot of the mall. It wasn't even Thanksgiving, but he knew those decorations had probably been up since before Halloween. It seemed like they went up earlier every year.

  He took a deep breath mentally preparing himself before going in. He didn't mind the decorations themselves. It was just that first time every year when he was forced to immerse himself in the holiday frivolity that was always the hardest. Every strand of tinsel, every shiny ornament, and every greeting of merry Christmas reminded him that his family was gone, and his Christmas was not going to be so merry.

  Ten years had passed since the accident that took his parents and younger sister from this Earth. Most days of the year he didn't dwell on that fact too heavily. The holiday season was a different beast. It was hard not to grow melancholy when the rest of the world was celebrating being with those they loved the most while he sat at an empty table with nothing but regret to keep him company.

  As a selfish twenty-four-year-old he'd lied to the ones he loved the most and told them he couldn't come home for Christmas because he was broke and too proud to take money from his dad. The truth was he'd wanted to go skiing in Colorado with his buddies. God, he hated himself for going on that trip. His parent's vehicle had been sideswiped by a drunk driver that Christmas Eve, killing his entire family in one fell swoop. No one had been able reach him for three days to let him know that while he'd been doing body shots and bong hits, his entire family lay in a morgue.

  His Aunt Sherri, his dad's sister had taken care of all the funeral arrangements. His mother's only sibling, his Uncle Tom, lived in Canada. They hadn't been very close. Mason had been too drunk to be much help to anyone, even himself. He'd turned to alcohol a lot those days. The extended family hadn't said anything to him but he knew that he was a disappointment. He could feel their condemnation in every look and knew he'd deserved those looks and so much more. He'd been spoiled and self-involved to the extreme.

  Mason's father had been a great man. He'd invented the machinery that was used in processing beef and had started a company that Mason's aunt still ran. The man had been a philanthropist and a big part of their community. He'd told Mason time and again that the key to greatness was creating something that would live on after you were gone.

  Soon after the funeral Mason had thrown himself into proving his worth. He'd been determined to do something worthwhile with the money left to him by his father. He'd started Coleman Automotive, an auto maintenance and repair shop that was now a chain of fifteen locations spread out across Texas. The first year in he'd been lucky not to go under from mismanagement, due largely to the fact he drank too much, too often, and let others handle things he should have handled himself.

  Shaking off his morose thoughts, he took a deep breath and opened the main entrance to the mall. A jazzed up version of a traditional holiday jingle washed over him and he recalled an article he read about how statistically a man's blood pressure rose up to forty percent when entering a shopping center. It could rise up to sixty percent when visiting during the shopping holidays. Mason could believe it. His own blood pressure was rising with each step further he went into the mecca of materialism.

  He nodded to one of his fellow male shoppers passing by. The man returned Mason's head-nod with a grim expression. The man looked like a veritable walking heart-attack, doubled down with shopping bags while his wife ticked off what sounded like what they still needed to buy.

  Poor bastard.

  Thankfully Mason didn't have a long list. He only needed dress socks. He'd thought about just ordering them online, like he did most everything else, but who ordered socks?

  “Mason Coleman, is that you?”

  Recognizing the voice, Mason pasted a smile on his face and turned to greet LeAnn Maysor. Or was it Everly? She'd been divorced for two years now. She had two sons with Matt Everly, her ex whom she had married a few years after high school. Mason wasn't sure if she took back her maiden name or not.

  “Hello there LeAnn.”

  “Hello yourself, stranger. Long time no see. Where have you been hiding?”

  “You know me. Busy working.” And dodging these kind of encounters. It had been only a few months after the divorce when she'd made it very clear she was interested in him. He just didn't return the sentiment. It wasn't that she was unattractive. She was a beautiful petite blonde with a bountiful chest that defied gravity.

  Part of him wondered if he should just ask her out and see how it went. Maybe have a not so lonely holiday season. But then his mind wandered to another single mother who occupied his thoughts way too often, effectively squashing any desire to casually date a woman he only felt mildly attracted to.

  “You work too hard,” LeAnn said putting her hand on Mason's bicep and giving it a squeeze. “You deserve a break. You deserve someone to take care of you. Are you seeing anyone?”

  With her pretty blonde head tilted in a coy fashion, LeAnn’s fingers trailed down his arm and he fought the urge to step back.

  “I'm um, actually, uh—”

  “Mom, I need money and I'm hungry and Brantly is being a jerk.”

  Mason sent up a prayer of thanks for the arrival of one of LeAnn’s kids. “Looks like you've got your hands full.” Glancing at his watch he said, “I better get going. It was nice seeing you.”

  “Oh, but wait!” LeAnn cried. “No need to run off.”

  “Uh, well, actually...I have a thing and I, uhh...” Mason looked around as if searching for a life raft. Then he spotted his unwitting savior in the form of the pretty single mother that consumed his thoughts for way longer than he cared to admit.

  She was even now chasing her young son around a display of lacy ladies underwear. Her silky brown fall of hair swished as she darted left, then right. Her beautiful green eyes sparked with fire as she searched for her son. Mason could see the boy hiding under a rack of negligees and had to chuckle.

  “I'm meeting someone. Here. At the mall,” Mason said, and knew he had to be wearing a dumb smile. His day was looking up and he hoped the universe forgave him this one little white lie.

  LeAnn followed his gaze and said, “Oh, I see. I didn't realize. I guess you have a good day then.”

  “You too,” he said, already striding toward the lingerie store and Mimi Westfall. The woman he'd
secretly compared every girl he'd ever dated to since he'd been seventeen years old.

  *** ***

  “Zeke! This isn't funny.” Mimi Westfall blew a wisp of hair out of her face as she eyed down her six-year-old son across the clearance underwear bin at the mall's lingerie store. She went to circle the display case once again and cursed under her breath when the child gave her the slip.

  Mimi looked up searching the area for her giggling spawn. A curly blonde head popped up two bins over with a hot pink thong on his head. The thong's back narrow strip of cloth fell down the center of his face making it look like he wore an obscene version of a Roman soldier helmet. His big green eyes were bright with laughter.

  “Zephery James Westfall, you get those panties off your head this instant,” she hissed. “We do not act this way in a store, young man.”

  A gray haired woman who was riffling through thongs nearby looked Mimi over reprovingly with pursed lips. Mimi fought the urge to flip her off. Damned thong-wearing granny could suck it.

  Mimi's attention was jerked back to her son as a woman on the other side of the store said, “Woop,” like she'd been goosed. Then, “Well, hello there.”

  That was her Zeke. He looked like an angel but he could be a demon. His head popped up at random around the store like a cherubic gopher until he was back at the bin she'd been circling the first time. Mimi was working on her grab tactics and best punishment threats when a strong, lean arm reached down and plucked her son right out from under the bin.


  “Hey,” Zeke yelled. Then when he recognized his captor, he let out an excited, “Mason!” His happy shout was accompanied by a big hug. Mason, or Mr. Coleman to her, stood awkwardly hugging her son back.

  Mason Coleman, was her boss at Coleman Automotive where she'd been working for almost a year. Her son had met him months ago at the Coleman Fourth of July annual cookout and had since seen Mr. Coleman quite a few times around town and on the rare occasion she had to bring Zeke into the office with her. She wasn't sure why but her son thought the moon and stars were hung by Mason Coleman.

  Mimi didn't blame her son his hero worship. She was pretty hung up on the man herself, but for completely different reasons. Mason was some kind of sexy with his silver gray eyes, short dark blonde curls that showed only the slightest bit of graying, and his voice...his voice slid over her like velvet and honey. More than once she'd lost track of what she'd been working on when he'd been on the phone with his office door open.

  She watched with a bit too much interest as Mason's sculpted arms and shoulders flexed under his flannel button down as he set Zeke on the ground and plucked the panties off the boy's head. Giving him a reproachful look he squatted down to Zeke's level and said, “We don't defile ladies undergarments by wearing them on our heads, son. Nor do we run about when we're in the store. It's not gentlemanly. Is that understood?”

  Little Zeke solemnly nodded his head. “Yes, sir.” Then tilting his head he said, “But I'm not your son.”

  Mason Coleman wasn't Zeke's father, but anyone passing by may wonder. Both man and boy had enough similar looks for Zeke's paternity to be questioned.

  “That's an expression us old guys use for young men such as yourself,” Mason said. “Now, what do you say to your mama for acting ugly in the store and not listening?”

  “I'm sorry mama,” Zeke said, the expression on his little face so darn earnest she almost believed he meant it. She knew her son too well.

  “I accept your apology, as long as you don't do it again,” she said. “You can't just say the words. You have to mean them.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” he muttered, hanging his little head, his shoulders drooped. They'd had this conversation before.

  “So,” Mason said, rocking back on his heels. His warm, beautiful silver eyes locked on her. “What brings you two out to the mall on such a fine day? Doing some early Christmas shopping?”

  Before Mimi could say a word Zeke blurted, “No. Mom needs underwear for her fancy date next weekend.”

  Mason's eyebrows went up as she felt herself flush red. She really needed to watch what she said over the phone when her son was around. “It's not a fancy date. Or even a big deal. It's barely a date,” she said completely flustered. “I don't even really like the guy. I mean I like him. Just not fancy underwear like him. And I doubt anyone is going to be seeing my panties, let alone my date. Nobody’s seen my unmentionables in—” She quickly cut herself off. In her ramblings she had been about to blurt she hadn't been with anyone in almost four years. What was wrong with her? Pull yourself together, girl!

  Trying to cover she said, “Well, it's the semi-annual sale. It's the best time to go shopping for...well, you know.”

  Mason gave her a bright smile his expression unchanged. He was either completely unaware she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her or much too polite to comment. After a year of working with the man, she still couldn't read him.

  “I don't want to do girly shopping anymore,” Zeke said petulantly. “I want to shop with Mason.”

  She rubbed the growing ache between her eyes before pasting a tight smile on her face. Zeke had linked hands with Mason and she had no idea how she was going to extricate her child without him pitching a fit.

  Zeke's rebellious phase was a new thing that had started when she'd moved out of her parents’ house nine months ago. Her once-sweet child was still a darling, just for everyone but her.

  She did timeouts. Took away any electronics and TV time he had. Nothing worked. She was at her wits’ end trying to figure out how to get him to listen to her.

  Sudden tears stung her eyes and she rapidly blinked them away. She would not end this humiliating encounter by crying, dammit.

  “Hey,” Mason said, laying his hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently.

  His large hand was warm and firm and she instantly felt comforted by his touch. She blinked up at his tender gaze and couldn't help but take in the clean masculine scent of his cologne.

  His lips cocked up at the corners, and he said, “Why don't I take Zeke to do some man shopping with me. We can meet back here in,” he looked at his watch “how about an hour?”

  Mimi's mouth dropped open. “You're going to take Zeke shopping with you? For an hour? By yourself? For an hour? With my six-year-old?”

  Mason's smile dimmed a bit. “Is that weird? I just thought it would be nice. I wasn't planning on kidnapping him or anything, but if it bothers you that much—”

  “No, no, not at all,” Mimi rushed. “I was just questioning your sanity.”

  “Oh, well then,” he chuckled. “Completely sane. I just thought you could use a little break.” He leaned and softly said, “Go buy some fancy panties you want somebody to see. Just not the guy you're seeing next weekend. He's a joke.” He winked and warm tingles stole through her body like she was sixteen again.

  “You don't even know who I'm going out with.”

  “Whoever he is, he doesn't deserve to see your fancy panties.”

  “How about some Fruit of the Loom six pack panties?”

  Mimi was about to keep—dare she say—flirting with him when her son yanked on Mason's arm. “Can we go to the pet store?”

  She knew she must have looked panicked because Mason chuckled and said to her, “I promise not to buy him anything.”

  “No matter what,” she said.

  Mason crossed his heart, then lifted three fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

  “I'm holding you to that.”

  Mimi completely trusted Mason with her son. Zeke had been to the office enough to be very comfortable with the man. Not to mention other local events like the opening of her friend Kat's new store in downtown Gibson. Plus it was only for an hour. Still, she hesitated. “You're sure?” she asked.

  “I'm sure. We'll be fine.”

  “Famous last words,” she said.

  “Mom, we'll be fine,” Zeke said, already pulling on Mason's hand in his impatience.

/>   “Well, okay then,” she said, still feeling somewhat hesitant.

  “I have your phone number and I'll have the mall security page you if he sets anything on fire,” Mason said grinning.

  “Don't give him any ideas,” she said seriously. Looking at her son she said, “You be good for Mr. Coleman.”

  “I will.”

  They weren't twenty feet away and she called out, “One hour.”

  They smiled and waved. “One hour,” both man and boy called out. Mason's voice strong and sure. Zeke's that of an exasperated child.

  “And no sugar!” she called as an afterthought.

  “Got it,” Mason said just as Zeke loudly muttered, “Ah, man.”

  She watched twin blonde heads walking away and had a momentary fantasy that Mason was her husband, and Zeke's real father. A wonderful man who doted on her and loved Zeke. And this was just a normal family jaunt to the mall. After the mall they'd go get pizza. Then later that night, they'd tuck Zeke in together. Or better yet, Mason would tuck in Zeke while she took a hot bath. And then all warm and naked from her bath, Mason would tuck her in. Over and over again. Until both their naked sweaty bodies quivered in…

  She shook herself to clear her dirty mind. Keep dreaming, honey.

  Zeke's biological father had never been a real father to him at all. And he certainly hadn't ever doted on her, let alone made her quiver. She was due a good quiver.

  She had to will herself to stop standing there, watching them walk away like a pathetic boob. She had a child free hour. No sane woman would waste a second of such a gift. She suddenly wondered if she had time to get her nails done.

  *** ***

  Mason tried to concentrate on what little Zeke was saying, but his mind kept wandering back to Mimi. He wondered what kind of panties she ended up picking out. He foolishly hoped she thought of him while making her decision.

  He'd had a crush on Mimi Westfall so long it was ridiculous. He'd wanted to ask her out four years ago when she'd first moved back to Gibson. He'd run into her at the supermarket and thought she looked more beautiful than when they were in high school. That was the first year Coleman Automotive's success had taken off and he'd been opening five new shop locations around Texas. He hadn't had time to blink let alone date. Really it was only this past year that things had evened out enough to where he had time to relax and breathe. He had planned on taking full advantage of that.


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