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Mimi Mine

Page 12

by Aubrey Cara

  He had to fist his hands at his sides to keep from reaching for her when she nervously looked up at him, her bottom lip bit between her teeth. Slowly she moved, climbing onto the bed. She slinked up the center and he determined to see her confidence return. Her bottom had a red mark from where he swatted her and he wished he could spank her til' her creamy globes were warm and swollen. He'd spank the insecurity right out of her.

  When she went to flip over he stalled her with a command. “Stay right there with your pretty ass in the air.” Standing at the end of the bed he could see her folds were damp with arousal. The sight of a little blue plug nestled between her cheeks made his cock twitch. He wanted to be where that plug was. Badly.

  “Pull the plug halfway out then push it back in,” he said voice had gone deep and he was surprised he could talk at all.

  With her upper body laying on the bed she stared right at him as she pulled the plug halfway out then pushed it back inside of her. He nearly swallowed his tongue when her eyes rolled back. He could all too easily imagine himself in the plug's place. She smirked at him like she could read his thoughts. He felt an answering smile tug at his lips.

  “Don't stop,” he said. “Show me how much you like that plug in your ass, angel.” He began unbuttoning his shirt and toeing off his shoes. His pulse picked up as he watched his woman slowly fuck herself under his direction.

  *** ***

  Mimi watched through half lidded eyes as Mason took off his clothes. His body was magnificent. All lean, ropy muscles covered his tall frame and she wondered again how a man that sat behind a desk all day stayed so fit. Mimi closed her eyes as she continued to wantonly fuck herself with the plug. All her insecurities about stretch marks and cellulite were forgotten with the near worshipful look on Mason's face and impressive bulge pressing the front of his pants.

  She jumped, her eyes opening as he crawled up behind her. The predatory gleam in his eyes made her inch forward.

  “Where do you think you're going, sunshine?” He gave her an evil grin as he pulled her back. His nibbles and bites to her bottom had her squirming. Every nerve ending in her body felt alive with sensation. Her clit pulsed and her rosette spasmed around the plug each time he sunk his teeth into her flesh.

  Whack, Mason's hand smacked down on her bottom making her jump. “What—”

  “Shh, you need to be quiet.” Whack, he spanked her again the sensation making her toes curl.


  “That was for even thinking about not letting me see your body. I love your body, Mimi,” he said, running a finger down her spine. Goosebumps broke out over her body as she shivered. “You look so damn beautiful. Especially wearing my hand and bite marks on your little ass.” He squeezed the globes, dragging a needy moan from her throat.

  When he buried his face in her wet core she couldn't hold back a squeal. Her legs were already trembling. He expertly licked, sucked, and nibbled her pussy like he'd been making her come his whole life. When he attacked her clit with single minded determination she reached back to hold his face to her as she rode out the orgasm tearing through her fast and hard. He growled into her sending off shock waves that pulsed from her pussy to ass and back again.

  He had to pry her fingers out of his hair as he pulled away and flipped her to her back. He was over her and sliding into her so fast her head spun. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist, her swollen channel fighting to adjust to the length and breadth of him.

  “Lord, you feel good.” He kissed her deep, rocking against her. “I want to feel you here,” he said, reaching under her to pull the plug partially out and back in. “Do you think you can take me here?”

  Mimi gulped, nodding. With a shaking hand she pointed to her nightstand. “There's the drawer.”

  Mason pushed up and off her and reached into the drawer. He pulled out the bottle of lube she kept in there along with one of her little vibrators. Sitting back on his knees between her splayed thighs he gently removed her plug before tossing it aside.

  Lubed fingers breached her making her grab at the bedspread. Her toes curled as she felt arousal slide out of her pussy. She closed her eyes knowing he could see how much his ministrations were affecting her.

  “Look at me,” Mason said, as his big body came over hers once again.

  Her heart felt like it'd beat out of her chest as she looked up at him. “I've never done this before, except for the little bit this afternoon.”

  A look passed over his face, half possessive half tender. “I'll do everything I can to be careful with you. I want to be your first, angel. Your only.”

  God, she wanted that too. His hot length pressed against her core as his full weight settled over her. His thumb stroked over her cheek as his stormy eyes stared down at her. The way he looked at her made her feel so inexplicably loved.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice quivered with emotion. “I want it to be you, Mason. Only you.”

  His eyes didn't leave hers as he aligned his lubed cock to her back pucker and slowly pushed in. Just the breach of his wide cock head felt immense, even after wearing the plug all night. She fought to stay in place as he gained another inch. He paused and they both panted. She willed her body to relax even as her muscles spasmed and clenched around his invading cock.

  “That's it angel, let me in.” Resting his forehead against hers, he raised her knee. “Only me. Only ever me,” he said and slid all the way in. His hand covered her mouth just in time to muffle her cry.

  She'd never felt so possessed. Her bottom throbbed and pulsed around his large length stretching her sending sparks of pleasure to her pussy. His pelvis ground against her clit as Mason held still. His face buried in her neck, his cock buried deep inside her as he breathed hard. She could feel him trembling in her embrace and knew he was struggling with control.

  The burning stretch was giving way to thrumming pleasure and she tried to thrust up against him. “Please, Mason,” she said grinding up against him, feeling desperate now.

  He grabbed something next to her head and then was reaching between their bodies. With a click and a hum vibrations tore through her body.

  Her back bowed even as he slid partially out and pushed back in. Little broken cries tore from her throat each time he thrust home. “More. Make me come. Please make me come,” she begged incoherently, her body swamped with sensation.

  “Is this what you want?” Mason growled as he worked the vibrator over her clit harder as he slammed into her ass over and over. “You need me to fuck you hard? Come for me, angel. Show me how much you love it.”

  She bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming as her orgasm ripped through her body. From ass to toes, to the top of her head, she came apart. Her core convulsing in spasmodic waves, her back channel milking his cock. She could feel his pulsing release filling her bottom as he growled into her neck with his own orgasm.

  Long moments they lay there with him twitching inside her making her quake in aftershocks. When he clicked off the vibrator and tossed it to the side she couldn't help the tired giggle that escaped.

  “What's so funny?” he asked. His voice was tired and hoarse.

  “I forgot about the vibrator. I think I'm numb down there.” He pushed his semi-erect cock forward inside her making her eyes roll back. “Okay, not numb.”

  Now it was his turn to chuckle. “I'll go get us something to clean up with.”

  “Wait,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. “Don't leave me just yet.”

  He placed a tender kiss on her lips. He gazed down at her like she was his world and for a moment she let herself believe she was. “I'll never leave you. Not ever,” he said.

  Her throat tightened with emotion wanting so badly to believe him. She traced her fingers over his mouth and the stubble at his jaw line. Trying to lighten the mood she said, “That's going to get awkward when it's time to leave this ro

  He nipped at her fingers startling a giggle out of her. He dropped a kiss to her mouth as he eased out of her. “I'll be right back.”

  She heard the water running then he was back. Having already cleaned himself, he tidied her. She'd never had a man tend to her after sex and it only added to how Mason made her feel cared for. He looked around in question she said, “Hamper in the corner.”

  When he pulled the blankets back and snuggled her against him in bed, she drank in the feeling of being held so intimately. She needed this. Was hungry for it for years. With her head tucked on his bare chest she said, “I wish it had been you.”

  “Who?” he asked in a sleepy voice.

  “In high school. I wish I'd thrown Jimmy over for you.”

  His arm tightened around her. “I wouldn't have appreciated you. I would have messed things up. That's what I did back then. Teenage me didn't deserve you, Mimi.”

  “But you deserve me now?”

  “I'm trying to.”

  “I think you're doing a pretty good job.”

  “We'll see,” he said kissing her temple.

  She rolled to her side, and his large warm body settled around hers, filling her with a hope she hadn't allowed herself to feel in years.

  *** ***

  Mason had woken Mimi twice in the middle of the night to make love. He couldn't get enough of her. She was so much more than he'd expected. Funny, sweet, shy one minute, brazen the next. She fit him perfectly. As he lay spooned against her he wanted nothing more than to slide back into her welcoming heat but daylight was already peeking in through the window shades.

  He had a feeling Mimi wouldn't want Zeke to find them together like this. Easing out of bed Mason quickly dressed. Taking one last look at Mimi's sleeping form he headed to the front door. He had just gotten all the locks unlatched and the door open when Zeke came out of his room rubbing his eyes.

  “Mason?” Zeke said. His eyes half lidded with sleep sprang open as he raced across the apartment to throw himself against Mason's legs. “Mason!”

  “Hey buddy, you're up early.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  Thinking quick Mason looked around and said, “Well...I um, I thought I'd sneak in and make your mom breakfast. Since she and your Nana are making a big Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “Can I help?”

  “Of course.”

  Leaning in Zeke whispered, “She loves chocolate chip pancakes. We should make those.”

  “She loves chocolate chip pancakes, huh? You sure it's not you that loves those?”

  Zeke giggled knowing the ruse was up. “You got me. Can we make them anyways?”

  Mason moved into the kitchen, opening the pantry he poked around. “Alright kiddo. We'll compromise. We'll make pancakes, but no chocolate. And you have to have some eggs and sausage too.”

  “Deal!” Zeke stuck out his little hand and they shook on it.

  Mason helped Zeke wash his hands in the sink before they put on their aprons and settled into making Mimi breakfast. Mason chuckled to himself. She was indeed going to be surprised.

  *** ***

  Slowly coming awake Mimi became aware of being very naked. Stretching out she felt the pinch of soreness in her most intimate places and simultaneously groaned and smiled thinking about yesterday and last night. Then frowned as she heard Mason and Zeke talking in hushed tones. She suddenly realized she could smell coffee and...was that breakfast?

  She only had a minute to wonder before her bedroom door was thrown open by her exuberant six-year-old, followed by a smiling Mason carrying a tray.

  “Surprise!” Zeke shouted as he jumped up on her bed and crawled toward her.

  Clutching the bed covers to her chest, Mimi sat up as Mason sat a tray of food on her lap. Mason leaned in like he was going to kiss her then seemed to spot Zeke watching them and stood up looking chagrined. She bit her lip and told herself not to feel disappointed. It was better this way. She didn't want Zeke to get his hopes up.

  She looked down at the food in wonder. The tray had a plate of eggs, sausage, pancakes, coffee, and orange juice. “What's this?” she asked dumbly. No one had ever made her breakfast in bed. Ever.

  “Breakfast!” Zeke shouted as Mason snagged her excited kid off the bed before he could complete a bounce.

  “I can see that. I'm just surprised.”

  “You're supposed to be surprised,” Zeke said. “That's why Mason snuck in this morning.”

  “He snuck in, huh?” Mimi said, giving Mason a raised eyebrow.

  Smiling Mason said, “Zeke caught me sneaking in to make you breakfast. Since you and your mom will be cooking this afternoon. I thought it only right.”

  “Well, in that case, bon appetit. Are you two going to make me eat alone or are we all going to eat in bed?”

  The covers slipped a little and Zeke giggled. “Mama, why are you nekkid?”

  Mimi could feel herself flush bright red. “Oh, I got hot last night, so I took off my night shirt.”

  “Hey buddy,” Mason said, steering a giggling Zeke toward the door. “Why don't we go eat in the kitchen and let your mom have her breakfast in peace.”

  Once he got Zeke out of the room he strode back over to the bed. Grabbing her by the back of the neck he gave her a kiss that made her body tingle and her toes curl in delight. “Good morning,” he said and brushed a thumb over her cheek as he gazed down at her tenderly. His curls were all sleep tousled and he had a morning’s worth of stubble that made him look quite roguish. Nodding his head in the direction of the door he said, “I'm sorry. I didn't make a very good escape artist.” He shrugged sheepishly.

  She shrugged back. The smell of food made her tummy grumble and she smiled as she took a bite of her eggs. Her eyes rolled closed on an appreciative moan. “Mmm, Mason these are really good. You can get caught sneaking out anytime if it means you make me breakfast.”

  “Duly noted,” he said smiling. He gave her another kiss between bites of food, looking reluctant to leave. “I want to crawl back in bed with you and get you making those yummy sounds for completely different reasons.”

  Taking a bite of sausage Mimi made an exaggerated moaning sound that drew a groan from Mason. “You're a cruel woman.”

  Her coy nod was ruined with a blush. Something about getting breakfast in bed put her in good spirits. Maybe it was the delicious man who had made the breakfast.

  He tossed her night shirt onto the bed and leaned in. “One last kiss before I go. My dogs are probably dancing.”

  Smiling against his lips she asked, “That's not a euphemism for anything, right?”

  “No,” he said chuckling. “I need to go let my actual dogs out.”

  “Mason!” Zeke shouted from the other room. “I spilled the syrup!”

  Mimi groaned and moved the tray, ready to get up.

  Mason placed the tray right back on her lap. “I'll take care of that,” he said. “I'm the one that let him talk me into making pancakes then left him unattended with a bottle of syrup. You finish your breakfast and get some peace while you can.” Dropping another kiss on her lips he groaned. “I better go before I lock the door and have my way with you.” He gave her a heated look that made her feel flushed.

  “Zeke could be spending the night at my parent's house tonight,” she said a bit breathlessly.

  “Is that so?”

  She shrugged, nibbling on her lip. She usually hated asking her parents to take Zeke when it wasn't necessary but at that moment she was pretty sure she'd beg if it came to it.

  Looking at her mouth he growled, actually growled, causing her core to clench as a shiver raced down her spine remembering when he made that same sound last night.

  “Mason! I cleaned up the mess all by myself.” Zeke called out again.

  At Mimi's horrified look, Mason shook his head. “I'll take care of it. Stay in bed. I'll see you this afternoon. One o'clock.”

  “One o'clock.” she repeated back, saluting him with
her fork.

  She listened as Mason said, “Oh, wow buddy. You did indeed clean the mess. Let's get these towels rinsed out and in the washer.” She smothered her giggle at Mason's words. She should really get up and take care of that. Even when she'd lived with her parents, she always made sure to deal with any Zeke-related crisis if she wasn't at work. Sitting in bed eating her breakfast felt weird. Decadent and glorious but weird.

  She was naked in bed, after a night of being...oh god, last night. Had she really let Mason do everything he'd done to her? She shifted even now very aware of the sore throb of her nether hole proclaiming she had indeed let him do that. And she'd loved it. The man made her want to wrap herself around him and never let go.

  And then he'd made her breakfast. Fed her son. Cleaned up a mess. All while looking sexy as hell. She couldn't help but feel this moment was surreal. Maybe even a little too perfect. Mason couldn't be real. In her experience when things got this good, it was only a matter of time before the rug was swept out from under her.

  She wanted to be able to take her and Mason's new relationship at face value, but her mind was screaming proceed with caution.

  *** ***

  Mason couldn't wait to see Mimi again. He'd gone home and let his dogs out before he went for a run. The run had been more out of habit than because he needed to. If anything he felt more upbeat than ever. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face if he tried. Seemed like the sun was shining and the birds were singing just for him.

  After he'd showered and gotten dressed he'd run to the sports store to purchase Zeke a junior size football. Now it was only twelve-thirty but he was heading over to Mimi's anyway. He figured she wouldn't mind if he was a little early.

  Pulling into the apartment complex he parked next to Mimi's sedan just as she and Zeke were walking out to the car, carrying pies. Quickly cutting the engine, he hopped out of his jeep.

  She stopped in her tracks her eyes wide. Mimi looked like she had gotten caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar the second she spotted him, giving him a sinking feeling in his gut. Zeke waved completely unaware of any undercurrents.


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