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Mimi Mine

Page 16

by Aubrey Cara

  Just as suddenly as he'd started peppering her bottom, he flung the spatula away from him. She felt the hard length of his cock on her thigh before he pushed into her hard. He gave her no time to adjust to the stretch of him as he hammered into her, rougher than he'd ever been before.

  Cries tore from her throat as she could do nothing but hold on. Her feet found no purchase as her legs dangled over the side of the island. She felt helpless and taken. His hands were firm as they settled on the swollen flesh of her bottom holding her open. The move made her whimper. She could feel every callus and bump of his hand. Her bottom was throbbing.

  The tidal wave of release was coming to sweep her up and over. Then it was on her, ripping through her. There was no stopping it. Head thrown back on a soundless cry, her channel convulsed around his length.

  His hand squeezed in front of her and found her clit, making her thighs close up to trap it. “You're not done. Keep coming on my cock,” he growled in her ear as he weaved a fist into her hair. His rhythm stuttered. He was close. “Keep coming,” he demanded.

  His command was white noise to the onslaught of sensation wracking her body. She crested and crashed two more times, her body bowing and arching. Her legs strained for leverage as she tried to buck back against him. She cried herself hoarse as she came and came, until it grew painful. Then she came again with her clit pinched between his knuckles as his punishing cock hit her sweet spot over and over.

  The harsh cry of Mason mixed with her own as she felt the hot splash of his pulsing cum bathing the walls of her channel.

  Breathing hard he wrapped his arms around her tightly and placed gentle kisses along her shoulders. Tender in the aftermath of their violent coupling. They stayed there panting until their breathing evened and their heartbeats slowed.

  She was trembling from head to toe when Mason pulled away from her only to scoop her up in his arms, heading toward the back of the house. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Her eyes closed in exhaustion. She'd never been carried cradled in a man's arms before. She hoped she remembered this in the morning.

  *** ***

  Mimi's eyes barely cracked open when Mason placed her on his bed. He padded to his bathroom to grab a warm washcloth and towel. She hardly stirred as he washed her, only moaning as he held the warm washcloth to her abused opening.

  He wasn't sure why he'd reacted the way he had. He'd never meant to be so rough with her, and couldn't help the twinge of remorse he felt realizing he acted partially out of anger. Part fear. He'd come back from letting the dogs out and she'd looked...conflicted and uncomfortable. Her arms had been around herself as she looked around his home like it was a foreign country she did not want to visit.

  For some reason it had pissed him off. He'd wanted her to love his home. To feel she belonged. To picture growing a family with him. The way he had pictured it. Seeing her standing there retreating into herself like that was like watching her slip away.

  He'd needed to mark her. Remind her she promised not to pull away. Punish her for trying to leave him behind.

  I'm yours, she'd said...what a heady statement.

  He wondered if she had any idea how her words affected him. How irrational they made him. Like they gave him the right to wrap her up and keep her forever. They may have just been words in the heat of the moment. He doubted she'd be so willing to make the same claim when all their clothes were on.

  The only way to keep her was to make her want to stay with him. For now he needed to make up for his rough treatment of her. Not because she hadn't loved it. He knew she had. That didn't stop him from feeling guilty. He needed her to feel how much he loved her. To know she was cherished.

  Starting at her ankle he kissed up one silky leg then the other. Working his way up her stomach. He worshiped at her breasts before moving down her arms. He kissed, nibbled, and bit as moans hummed from her throat. Only then did he move on to gently lap at her honeyed core until she tore at his hair, her thighs quivering against his hands, her liquid heat spilling over his tongue and fingers.

  Let me love you, his body cried with every kiss. Every touch. Every mingled breath as his mouth hovered over hers. Let me love you.

  This time when he covered her, he slid in slowly and savored the way her sweet her body gripped him. How she arched as her breath hitched in her throat. The way her toes curled into his calves and thighs each time he pushed into her glorious heat. The way his name fell from her parted lips as she came, her nails digging into his shoulders.

  His own orgasm snuck up on him, pouring out of him as shudders wracked his body. He felt like he'd lost a chunk of his soul in that orgasm. Maybe he had. He still felt scared he was going to lose Mimi.

  As if knowing he needed it, Mimi's limbs twined around him. Holding him tight.

  Neither of them spoke or broke apart as he eased them to their sides, afraid he was crushing her. His heart beat mine as they lay wrapped in each others embrace until sleep swept them under.

  *** ***

  The light streaming into the room teased at Mimi's senses as she came awake. A part of her still couldn't believe she was in Mason Coleman's bed. She looked over at the enigmatic man himself. His breathing was still deep and even, his face turned toward her. She had to fight the urge to reach out and trace the hard contours of his face, gentled in sleep. She wanted to play her fingers through his messy curls he usually kept cropped shorter. She knew from experience they were much softer than they looked. And hadn't she wondered what those curls would feel like under her fingers for the past year?

  Now she knew how the silky strands wrapped themselves around her slender digits like each curl had a mind of its own. She also now knew how he groaned into her neck as his body shook every time he came. She loved the feeling of him coming.

  Last night had been amazing, but the second time he'd taken her had made her heartache. No one had ever made love to her so tenderly or thoroughly before in her life. It had felt like...well, it had felt like love. A love like she'd never experienced before, and she was scared to trust it.

  The man made her feel much too much.

  Mimi forced herself to relax. She needed to live in the moment. She was lying in the most comfortable bed she'd ever been in, in her life. The sheets were thread count mar-velous, and the comforter was like a cloud. A freaking cloud she wanted to burrow in for the next twenty years. Who needed to eat or go to the bathroom? Those things were for chumps. Her life was here now. In this bed. No over-analyzing soul rending love making allowed.

  “Hey sleepy head,” Mason said in a gruff sleepy voice, stretching on a yawn, as he woke up. “How long have you been awake?” Rubbing his eyes he smiled at her as he scratched the sprinkle of blonde hair over his flat muscled belly.

  God, he looked good in the morning. Sexy masculine man, and all hers. Her eyes traveled down and she noticed the tent, even the thickest of comforters couldn't hide. Mmm, this bed had perks.

  “I'm not awake,” she said, playfully burrowing further into the bed, and closing her eyes to prove her point. “I'm not getting up today. My bed is warm, my pillow's deep. Today's the day I'm going to sleep,” she said quoting one of Zeke's favorite Dr. Seuss stories.

  “Hmm, just sleep, huh?”

  Mimi cracked open one eye and looked over at him. “Yeah...Why? What did you have in mind?”

  “I was just thinking,” he said, easing his deliciously hard warm body over hers. “It would be a shame to waste a good day in bed...sleeping.”

  Mimi parted her thighs so he could settle himself right where she wanted him to be. He buried his face in her neck and she giggled at the scratch of stubble making him growl. His cock was like a brand against her thigh, but he took his time kissing and tasting.

  She never knew it could be like this. Lazy and playful. And easy. Being with Mason was easy. Like he was a piece of her she hadn't realized she'd been missing.

  He tried to kiss her and she covered her mouth. “Morning breath,” she said in mock horror.r />
  He just grunted and turned her over onto her belly, shoving a pillow under her hips. She squirmed as his stubble scratched over her back and bottom.

  “Mmm, Mason,” she said, in half moan and half whine. She was getting impatient.

  “Is this what you want, angel?” He parted her thighs further and slid in on one long slow thrust.

  Her breath hissed out. She was wet and ready but it still stung a little. They'd had a very active few days. With his whole body lying over her like a blanket of masculinity, he once again buried his face in her neck and held himself deep while her body adjusted.

  Feeling every throb and twitch of his cock inside her was its own kind of torture. His little nibbling bites and kisses along her neck and shoulders made her want to squirm.

  “Lord, you feel so good, sunshine. Is this okay? Are you too sore?”

  “Sokay,” she hissed out as he did a test pump, seemingly incapable of being still any longer. “I'm so swollen. Your cock's never felt so big inside me.” If anything her words made him swell even larger. She groaned and writhed at the sensation.

  He chuckled at her ear. “You like that, sunshine? My naughty angel, you're going to take it. You're going to take it all,” he said, his voice still gruff from sleep.

  He eased up and back. Then smack, his hand cracked down on her still tender ass lighting her body up like a Christmas tree. She shamelessly lifted her ass for more even as she buried her face in the sheets. He gave her three more hard swats before she was bucking back on his cock, panting and crying out into the mattress with every single stinging strike. “That's it, angel.” Smack. “Come on my cock like a good girl.” Smack, smack.

  And she did. Oh god, she did.

  *** ***

  “You don't have to take me to Kat's, you know,” Mimi said, for the third time since they headed out. Mason, had miraculously spent another day with her at her parents house. Well, they had made it there around noon. It had taken them another hour after their morning lovin' to get themselves into the shower. It had been an hour after that before they made it out the door.

  They couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Had they stayed at his home for breakfast they would probably still be naked and panting. Not to mention dehydrated.

  Mimi's family had never been big into black Friday sales, so the day after Thanksgiving was their traditional day to go pick out a tree and put up Christmas decorations. Now that they were finished trimming her parents’ tree, they were on their way to the house her friend Kat shared with her fiance Caleb.

  Kat owned a gift shop in town called Wild Gypsy that carried all local made wares from rehabbed shabby chic furniture to jewelry. Mimi had promised to help her put together a giving tree for the store, so locals could donate for families in need.

  Mason quirked a brow. “We're nearly there. And Caleb is a good friend of mine. It not like it'll be a chore to hang out with him while you and Kat do your thing. Is there some reason you don't want me to go?”

  “No. Not at all. I just don't want to...put you out.” The truth was she didn't want to smother him. Their relationship was new and shiny. Everything felt magical and she'd gladly spend every second she had with him, but that may wear thin for a man that had chosen to be single for as long as he had.

  How long would it be before he got tired of playing house with her? Then where would she be? She shook her head to dispel the thought.

  “Have you decided what you're getting your parents for Christmas?” Mason said, obviously changing the subject.

  Mimi made a face. She had a love hate relationship with Christmas shopping. She always had something specific in mind that she couldn't find or was out of her price range. “I was hoping to find them both something tomorrow. They're having a street fair on Main Street for Small Business Saturday. My mom likes handmade jewelry. I have no idea what I'm getting my father. ”

  “I'm making Nana and Papa a picture, and mama's going to put it in a fancy frame,” Zeke said from the backseat.

  “That's a good idea buddy.”

  Mimi rolled her eyes. “It's what we do every year.”

  “Well, I got some good pictures of your parents and Zeke picking out a tree and putting up decorations. I can send them to you. Maybe you can put them in a nice album or frame one.”

  “Yeah, I want to do that!” Zeke said.

  She shrugged. “Well, aren't you the idea man.”

  He waggled his brows. “I've got all kinds of ideas.”

  “I bet you do,” Mimi said smiling.

  Grinning himself, Mason handed her his phone. “See if there are any pics you like and text them to yourself.”

  She started thumbing through the pictures and agreed there were some good ones. “Aw, look Zeke. Here's you sleeping on the couch with your football after Thanksgiving,” she said holding up the phone so Zeke could see. To Mason she said, “I didn't know you took any pics of Thanksgiving.”

  “Just a few. Here,” he said, reaching to take the phone from her. “I think that's all there is.”

  Mimi pulled it back. “Wait, Grabby Graberton. I need to send myself the ones I like.”

  Mimi scrolled to another good one of Zeke and her dad running the football, then...her brow scrunched up and she scrolled back to the football pic before her brain had registered what she had seen. She scrolled back and zoomed in and zoomed out. The image was exactly what she thought it was. So was the next pic. And the one after that.

  They were all pics of book titles across a kindle screen. Her kindle screen. But she still didn't understand.

  “Mason, what is this?” she asked looking at him.

  He glanced at her with a pained look on his face. His expression was clearly guilty and remorseful. And here she'd thought she couldn't read him. Her chest suddenly felt tight.

  Pitching his voice low, as to not be overheard, he said, “I may have...taken pictures...of your kindle book list.” He opened his mouth like he was going to say something more, but instead sealed his lips as he stared back at the road. His jaw clenched tight like he was holding something back.

  “Why?” she asked in genuine confusion.

  “Umm, why don't we talk about this later,” he said, nodding his head in Zeke's direction.

  She clutched the offending phone in her hand feeling mutinous and wanting to shove it in his face and demand answers, but she didn't want to have this discussion in front of Zeke. They were close to Kat's place anyways. She pinched the bridge of her nose feeling a headache coming on.

  Again, she scrolled through the screen shots of all her books she'd read or been reading this past month, humiliation burning in her gut. Taken by the Boss, Punished by the Boss, and Bent Over The Boss's Desk were just the first three titles. She also had plenty of other BDSM, submission and spanking stories on there. That was basically the only thing on her kindle.

  And he'd known that fact for how long?

  She checked the date the pictures had been taken and blinked back the tears that pricked her eyes. Monday. He'd taken them Monday and he'd known all her dirty little secrets before he'd called her into his office Tuesday afternoon.

  She flashed hot and cold, suddenly feeling dizzy. She bit her lip hard to keep down the tears of betrayal and anger that threatened to fall free. Thankfully they were pulling into Kat's driveway.

  As soon as he cut the engine Mimi said, “Zeke,” she said as calmly as she could manage. “Please go into the house without us. I need to talk to Mason.”

  Zeke must have felt the tension in the car or maybe he was just hesitating. Mason looked back and gave him a reassuring nod. “It's okay. Go on kiddo. We'll be there in a minute.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  As soon Zeke was out of the car Mason said, “Mimi, we don't have to do this right now. It was stupid of me. I just wanted...”

  She shook her head at him, her vision already clouded with tears.“What? What did you want? I mean, what the fuck, Mason? What the hell am I supposed to think?” She
felt a tear escape down her cheek and angrily brushed it aside.

  Mason tried to take her hand in his but she pulled away. She just couldn't let him touch her. Not until she got some answers.

  “You remember the night on your couch? When you told me about Jay.”

  “Yeah. The same night you let Craig think you were Zeke's dad.”

  Mason's jaw bunched and he swallowed whatever retort about that and said, “You mentioned kink that night...You had said you wouldn't be with anyone who didn't desire you or share your kinks. I had to know. I thought that maybe—I had thought that maybe there was a naughty book you were reading or had read that may give me a hint to what that kink could have been.”

  She huffed a humorless laugh. “You must have felt like you hit the jackpot, huh? You were looking for crumbs and you found the whole damn loaf.”


  “Don't. Whatever you're about to say, just don't.”

  Wisely Mason sat back and didn't say anything. He was clearly frustrated, but she didn't care. He was just upset he'd gotten caught.

  “Why didn't you just ask me? If you were so dang curious...curious enough to—to—to I don't even know. Did you look up these books? Maybe read one to see what would get me all hot and bothered?”

  “Stop it.” Mason said, genuine anger cutting through his remorse. “I'm sorry. It was stupid of me—”

  “Ya think?”

  He ignored her and continued, “I should have asked you. And maybe you would have been honest, but I needed to know for sure. I didn't want to gamble on you.”

  “No, instead you stacked the deck. No need to gamble. I was a sure thing.”

  “Dammit Mimi, I didn't even know where to start with you. You threw me for a loop with that kink statement. I had to know if it was something I could be okay with. Honestly I'm glad I read those books. Those books brought us together. I wanted you and finally I had something I could give you.”


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