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Initiated (Daywalker Academy Series Book 4)

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by Maya Daniels

  Uncertainty is like a fist shoved down my throat, and it chokes me.

  Rubbing my knuckles between my breasts does nothing to stop the hot poker stabbing that spot relentlessly. If only it is physical, then I can pull it out and it will heal in no time. But with everyone hell bent to get their hands on me, all my fears are rising to the surface. It’s making me paranoid, and that’s the last thing I need so I do my best to push it away.

  “I’ll try sneaking up on Silas.” Zoltan’s baritone rasp snaps me out of the dark path my thoughts have wandered down. “He will stop this insanity when I have my hands around his neck. I would bet my life that this is his doing.”

  He leads us to where I can see Astara and Fenrir facing off against the three Board members, the Fae standing in front of them with his arms crossed over his chest while he looks down his nose as them all. My friend, on the other hand, is waving her arms animatedly, her eyes blazing in rage while screaming in their face. The three old idiots with their triumphant expressions are enjoying this more than any sane person should. Screams of pain and anger pierce the night, all due to their idiotic plans or quest for power. As expected, Soren is nowhere to be seen. Not even this gets his ass up.

  “Tutu.” Clenching my jaw hard enough to crack a tooth, I snarl under my breath. “With a shit ton of glitter.”

  “What?” Leo glances at me like I’m the one that has lost her mind.

  “Nothing.” Stomping next to Zoltan, I try to find the best way to go behind the old jerks. “ Should I come with you or am I the distraction?” So far, no one has noticed we are forging a path between them. Everyone’s focus, instead, is on not ending up with a severed limb or a broken neck.

  A thrill flutters through me when Zoltan trains his gaze my way. A smile deadlier than any weapon pulls his lips up, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. My skin pebbles when his power expands from his skin like a blast of air, the hairs escaping my braid blowing away from my face. The panther presses his body closer to my thigh, his purr as scary as Zoltan looks right now.

  “Distraction.” The gravel in that word sounds harsher when his fangs poke out under his upper lip. “I only need a second.” Tilting his chin up at Leo and flicking a quick glance at the cat next to me, he disappears through the fighting bodies.

  “Don’t be a hero, Drake.” Leo bumps his shoulder against mine when he steps next to me. “Zoltan knows them better than anyone. He knows what he is doing. Let’s just get their attention, shall we?”

  When I turn to him, he is out of his sweats and naked as the day he was born. “You planning on getting their attention by waving your cock in their face?” I swear the panther snickers, or maybe I’m going nuts.

  “I’ll have you know it is a legendary cock.” He grins wolfishly at me. “Too bad you picked the vamp, Drake. You’ll never know its glory.” I’m unable to hold in my giggle when he puffs his chest out.

  “I haven’t picked anyone, mutt. But keep your flees to yourself, yeah?”

  “Mhm.” His green gaze flicks to my neck and my hand jerks up, fingers pressing where Zoltan had his fangs in my neck a few hours ago. The knowing look on Leo’s face makes me want to punch him in the nose.

  “I have your back, just don’t get too close to them.” Not waiting on whatever I was going to say all humor drains from him and he shifts.

  “Right.” Blowing out a long breath, I roll my shoulders. “Zoltan gets to have all the fun while I play Doctor Doolittle here.” Snickering at the matching growls from the two shifters, I inch to the side to get a better look. “Okay boys …”

  A blood curdling cry comes out of the panther and drowns my words. The deep purr that follows is so deep the ground under my feet vibrates from it. It silences the sounds that were creating the constant buzz in the air around us. Hundreds of eyes turn in my direction, the weight of the stares rooting me in place. Leo’s wolf howls, the call more of a war cry than anything else. It snaps everyone back into action and I find myself surrounded by people. At first my knees bend slightly because I’m preparing to fight my way through them, at least until I realize they are forming a circle around me.

  I glare at the wolf and the panther.

  “I don’t need to be protected.” Grinding the words out, I march ahead and everyone else moves fluidly right beside me. “This is fucking ridiculous!”

  Like I haven’t spoken at all, they ignore me, the two shifters trotting on either side of me without a care in the world. Well Leo is trotting, his tail wagging just to piss me off I’m sure. The panther prowls and each press of his plate-sized paw on the ground is calculated and deadly as if he’s daring someone to step in his path. His black coat is reflecting the moon like an oil spill with each move of his powerful legs. Some of the vampires, along with a demon or two, try to push through the protective shield formed around me but give up pretty fast when my self-appointed protectors get more vicious.

  “Hey assholes!” All three Board members jerk their heads my way at the shout. “Here I am.” Spreading my arms wide, I let my fangs drop when I grin at them. “Francesca Drake at your service.” Executing a perfect bow, I flick my braid that fell forward back over my shoulder.

  “Ms. Drake. You need to stop this nonsense at once and come with us.” The burly shifter of the Board—I don’t know his name—snaps at me.

  “Consider it stopped.” Nails digging into the skin of my palms, I bite my tongue. If they think they can blame this on me, they need to think again. ”Now call off your goons.”

  “How dare you …” the mage stutters as sparks shoot from his fingertips. “None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t spin your … your…”

  “My what?” The circle around me opens, allowing me to step closer to where Fenrir and Astara are standing. “My magic? I’m a mage now, too?” Snickering, I ignore the Fae inching closer to me, mainly because I’m still upset with him for being a jerk to Myst. “The way you people are throwing new things at me, I have a feeling you’ll need to build me a shrine pretty soon and worship me like one of the gods.” The shifter Board member growls and takes a step towards me, but then he jerks back, almost jumping a foot off the ground when the wolf snarls. The panther’s hiss follows directly after.

  The Board member glares.

  I grin wider.

  Movement from the corner of my eye makes my smile falter. Azgor stands between the Board members and Astara, the collar of his shirt gaping open. He must’ve been pulling on it long enough to make it look almost like he is wearing a V neck. The ghoul’s face looks pale and his eyes are too wide for his face, which are darting all over the place. I feel like someone punched me in the stomach.

  “Azgor, you went along with this shit?” I can’t hide the hurt in my voice to save my life.

  Silas smirks, his black pools serving as eyes glittering in triumph.

  “Me? No.” Azgor takes a step back although I haven’t moved. “Ms. Drake, I tried to stop them. Their arguments, however, have merit …” He flinches at my glare. “Had merit at the time I should say.” The ghoul’s shoulders drop and he deflates in front of my eyes. “I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

  “They are turning us against each other.” Talking slowly like I’m speaking to a simpleton, I lean slightly forward and pin him under my gaze. “While Roberti is trying to unleash the Titans and humans on us, the hunters are doing their best to kill as many supernaturals as they can.” If it’s possible, the ghoul pales more. “And you don’t know what to believe? How about I don’t want any of us to die, least of all me.” Azgor tugs on his collar again, and it’s obvious he is fighting for breath. Can a ghoul have a panic attack?

  If I live a thousand years, I’ll never forget the high-pitched squeal Silas makes in that moment.

  “Call everyone off, now.” Zoltan has his face pressed cheek to cheek with Silas, his fangs a breath away from the Board member’s throat. Sharp claws are wrapped around Silas’s neck, the tips shredding his skin and rivulets of blood soaking the
collar of his shirt. “Or don’t,” Zoltan whispers just loud enough for us to hear him. “Give me a reason to drain you dry right here, right now.”

  I have to give it to Silas. The vamp doesn’t fold as fast as I think he will. If his shoes, I may be yelling like a fighting match announcer to get everyone’s attention so I don’t die the moment Zoltan takes me by the neck. I had the male running his hands tenderly over my body and I barely stop myself from emptying my bladder just from the sound of his voice and the hatred gleaming in his gaze right now. But I also know the same hands that worship my body will separate Silas’s head from his shoulders if he doesn’t speak up soon.

  “Zoltan”—Silas swallows embedding the claws deeper into his skin—“I see you are back.”

  “Not thanks to any of you.” Zoltan growls, the words coming from deep in his chest.

  Silas locks gazes with the mage and nods slightly, being careful not to nail himself deeper in Zoltan’s grip. I stiffen when the mage Board member flings his hand up and sends a blast of magic like a cannonball up in the air. It swirls and pulses for a second before blasting apart with a loud boom that no doubt even the humans hear through the portal. The panther moves fast, preventing me from toppling on the ground when the earth rocks violently.

  All fighting stops.

  It’s the only reason I hear the startled gasp from the shifter Board member. When I turn to look at him, his eyes are comically wide while he stares at the panther with his mouth gaping open. Even Silas looks startled at seeing the large feline. To make things more awkward and take away any points in my favor with the Board, the panther sits primly at my feet, curling his tail around my ankle. His jaw stretches in a yawn wide enough to fit my head inside it before he licks his paw and rubs it over his face.

  “It can’t be,” Azgor gushes reverently, and I look around confused as hell about what’s going on.

  Everyone is staring at me and the damn panther giving himself a bath at my feet. At least the fighting has stopped, so I’ll count the small blessings while I can. When I glance at Zoltan, who is still choking the shit out of Silas, my stomach clenches at the proud smirk on his face. Leo joins me, plopping next to my feet with his upper lip curled, his eyes burning into the Board members.

  “Of course it can.” Fenrir sniffs arrogantly, folding his hands at the small of his back like some professor about to give the best lecture of his career. “Anyone want to say anything while we have everyone’s attention?” The Fae looks from one grim Beard member to the next. “I didn’t think so. Let us take this inside then, shall we?”

  Everyone turns as one and moves towards the Academy like the high tide of the ocean pushing at the shore. Zoltan leads them dragging Silas by the neck. I stand frozen, my mind empty and unable to think of one reason the air filling my lungs is so potent with excitement and expectancy. I’m not stupid. I know it has something to do with the feline acting dumb at my feet, but for the life of me I can’t figure out what. There are tons of shifters here, from wolves to lions, tigers, bears, foxes, and even different types of birds along with the sea creatures. So what’s so special about this one? And why in all the fates do I end up with the animal stuck to my side?

  “Let’s get inside.” Astara links her arm through mine, kicking Leo aside in the process. I notice not even she will walk beside the panther.

  “What just happened?” I’m not sure my lips move when I whisper under my breath at Astara, but the feline tilts his head up and I swear he grins at me.

  “It’s just you being you, Franky.” Astara smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “I wish you knew how special you are.” Tugging on my arm, she pulls us to follow the others. I force the lump in my throat down.

  “Special, my ass,” I say so softly there is no way it could’ve been heard.

  When the panther whips his tail across my ass and makes me yelp, I jump and rush forward while Astara chortles. The stupid shifter will leave red welts on my skin for sure.

  Chapter 3

  “I seriously can’t catch a break.”

  At my muttering, Astara nudges me forward with a sharp jab of her elbow in my ribcage. It irks me to no end that everyone subtly shuffles around and forms a protective barrier between me and the Board members when we enter the open hall. A handful of mages are spread around to keep a crackling barrier that prevents people from attacking each other. Mostly to protect the old farts, as Astara likes to call them, even when they can’t free them from Zoltan. Braving the ancient males is not a death wish on my part, but this is getting out of hand. The conversation I had with Fenrir about chess games and chess pieces being moved around the game board is like an insistent mosquito in the back of my mind.

  “All hail the queen.” Murmuring under my breath, I snicker like an idiot, wiping my sweaty palms on the fabric of my borrowed pants.

  “What?” The deep frown pulling Astara’s thin eyebrows low over her eyes may be comical if every eye in the large space isn’t trained on me.

  “Never mind.” A few people do a double take when I force my lips to stretch into a smile.

  “Don’t,” Astara mumbles, huffing when I quirk an eyebrow at her. “Just … don’t smile, okay? You look constipated. Leave the resting bitch face in place. It’s way more natural.”

  “Gee, thanks. Picking up tricks from Myst, or did you come up with that insult all on your own?” Dodging people, I weave through the crowd so I can reach Fenrir and Leo, my friend hot on my heels the whole way. ”I really feel the love. Don’t sugarcoat things on my account.”

  “Trust me on this, Franky. I know these things, so you just continue to glare at them. It’ll do the trick.” She grins like a fool when I jerk my head back to stare at her. “Exactly like that.”

  Shaking my head at her antics instead of watching where I’m going, the tip of my shoe bumps into someone’s foot. Twisting my ankle so I don’t step on their toes, I trip over my own feet, my stomach dropping to my feet when I pitch forward for the second time tonight. A hand wraps around the back of my shirt to stop my fall, the sound of fabric ripping shooting through the room like a gun going off.

  “Easy, Hellion.” Fenrir materializes next to me and yanks me up, his fingers digging into my upper arms. “You good?” Flinching back when the panther growls deep in his throat, the Fae eyes the cat warily.

  “Yup.” My voice is shaky from the heartbeat strangling my throat. “I tripped,” I add stupidly like there is a single person in this room that has missed my clumsy maneuver.

  A choking sound makes me peer behind me, my face catching fire when I see Astara fighting a laugh. Swallowing thickly in hopes to push the drumming of my heart where it belongs, I fidget with my shirt and try to straighten it, which is an impossible task since the seams of the collar are ripped thanks to Astara grabbing me from behind. After a moment I give up, grimacing when the front drapes over my boobs. At least I’m not naked, I tell myself and lift my chin up, ignoring the continuing snorts coming from my friend. Fenrir’s lips twitch but he schools his features fast when I scowl at him.

  “If you are done with the show, Ms. Drake, we are waiting.” Silas sneers as he stands next to the far wall of the hall.

  “No monkeys, no circus.” Chirping cheerfully just to piss him off, I stride with determined steps right at him.

  It works.

  As soon as those standing between us part, all three Board members’ faces twist with different levels of disdain. The old Francesca would’ve tucked tail and bolted out of here as fast as her feet would carry her. If for nothing else, I do miss my old self for her ignorance in so many things. But that person is long gone. Soren made sure she retreated so far inside me I can barely feel the echoes of who I used to be.

  My chin tilts up a notch higher.

  Taking a lesson from Fenrir’s book, I look down my nose at the three assholes. With their misguided ideals, they’re willing to let all of us kill each other as long as it leaves them at the top of the food chain. If I don’t know be
tter, I may think they are in cahoots with Roberti. I’m still not one-hundred percent sure they’re not. A knot forms in the pit of my stomach, twisting and shredding my insides.

  I hope I’m wrong. Please, fates, make sure I’m wrong.

  “Now what?” Aiming my question at Silas, I breathe easier when Zoltan glides gracefully from behind the vampire to stand next to me. Little zaps of electric currents slither under my skin where the back of his hand brushes mine.

  “I will choose my next words wisely.” Zoltan’s voice is even, his words softly spoken, but their impact is as if he has roared them in their faces.

  “You are forgetting your place, Zoltan.” Anger tightens the edges of the mage’s mouth.

  “Like a fledgling losing his path over a …” Silas chokes, his nails scratching and clawing at his throat. The shifter and the mage pale, the color draining from their faces, while the vampire Board member purples like an eggplant.

  With a sigh like he’s dealing with misbehaving children, Zoltan folds his arms across his chest. All my girly bits tingle from the way he is throwing off Alpha vibes. Squirming, I press my thighs together and pray to whoever listens that no one can scent my arousal. Perfect timing, Franky …you idiot, I chide myself. Astara’s sharp nail stabbing me between the ribs gets my brain back online.

  “Let him speak, Zoltan.” No matter how much I hate these three, the last thing we need is Zoltan killing Silas for being a dumb jerk. “It’s not like he’ll say anything I haven’t heard before.”


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