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Initiated (Daywalker Academy Series Book 4)

Page 5

by Maya Daniels

  Zoltan sounds wide awake now and it takes me a little time to get my mind back on track. His naked body plastered to mine from neck to toes doesn’t help me at all, especially when he places my soles on top of his feet like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  “Andrius doesn’t need anyone else feeding his ego, Zoltan. Trust me, I should know.” Pushing down the giddy feeling that this is what a real relationship feels like, sharing your inner thoughts while cuddling naked under the sheets, I force myself to concentrate on what he is saying. “If there was any chance that something would give him more power and control over us, he would take it, even at the cost of his soul. It’s who he is. Roberti loves knowing he is above everyone.”

  “He was above everyone.” I’m already shaking my head before he has finished his sentence.

  “Above even you?” His grunt is answer enough. “I didn’t think so. It never sat well with him that the Academy was holding their power over his head. When I think back now, many things make sense.”

  “Like?” He pulls away, rolling me on my back. Lifting on one elbow, he glances down at me. “Do you remember seeing him dealing with someone we can look into?”

  “You are very chatty all of a sudden. I never pegged you as a morning person.” Although I’m grumbling, I can’t help but offer a small smile in answer of his open grin.

  It’s not his well known smirk or practiced tilt of his lips. What I see in front of me is unguarded and open. It takes my breath away. It smooths the tight, stern lines on his face while making him look boyish and unjaded. My chest tightens. Is this how he would always have been if we lived in different times and a different place? The sparkle in his blue eyes turns searching, so I shake away the direction my thoughts take. Wishful thinking never helps anyone.

  “I’m always chatty with the right motivation.” He winks, giving me tachycardia.

  “All I have to do is get naked, huh? Good to know.”

  “We are getting somewhere already.” Lowering his head slowly and giving me time to move away if I want to, he presses a soft kiss on my lips. “I will never let anything happen to you if I can help it.”

  “For the millionth time, I don’t need you to protect me.” I glare at him.

  “What do you need, Francesca?” His eyes flick between mine and I can tell he really wants the answer to that question. I wish I know what I want, although I doubt I will tell him even if I do.

  “To stop Roberti.” When his guarded gaze turns on me and he is closed off once more, I know that’s the wrong answer. It physically hurts me to witness it but it’s for the best.

  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  One day I might even believe it.

  “We will stop him.” My heart jerks at the menace in his voice. “He will pay for everything he’s done.”

  Shadows slither behind his eyes, reminding me that until a day ago he was held prisoner, turned feral, and locked in a cage. Something like that can even change a person as strong as Zoltan. As much as I hate Andrius for what he’s done and is still doing, I do feel sorry for him because when the Daywalker gets his hands on him, it won’t be pretty. My old boss will regret the day he crossed the Academy gates.

  “We should go and see if Leo and Fenrir are back.” Expecting a smartass remark, I’m surprised when Zoltan gives me a sharp nod, rolling off the bed and lifting on his feet.

  My mouth goes dry when he stretches his gloriously naked body, the silver light of the moon casting a mesmerizing glow over it through the windows. Shadows form dips and bumps, luring my eyes to different parts of him while he stands still, his gaze locked on my face. I’m not fast enough to school my features and hide the desire burning inside me. Throwing caution to the wind, I let him see how his impossibly-perfect body affects me. His erection thickens in reaction to my perusal.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we will never leave this room.” His soft voice holds the promise of sweaty skin and unbearable pleasure. I have to swallow the thickness clogging my throat.

  “Let’s put an end to Roberti and get the Board off my back first.” Gulping when his body coils as if he’s preparing to pounce on me, I take a deep breath and release it slowly, my feet wrapping the sheet around my body to hide my nakedness from him. “We can get back staying in this room for a while after that.” My smile wobbles slightly but thankfully he doesn’t comment on it.

  “I’ll remind you of this.”

  “I don’t doubt you will.”

  We are quiet, each lost in our own thoughts while we shower and dress, the tension saturating the room like a cloud. I end up wearing another pair of Zoltan’s pants since mine ended up ripped on the floor. There is something very intimate in wearing clothing from a male after a night of passion. More so than sharing yourself with him. I’m not sure I understand it myself but it gives me tingles in the center of my chest, and the entity sharing my body purrs like a contented cat at the thought. Fenrir says me and the dragon blood are one and the same, but I still don’t agree. We have too different of a thought process for that to be true, plus our views on the world don’t mesh well, either. It may be the difference between human and animalistic reasoning but I push it away for now. She likes that Zoltan takes what he wants without a care of how that may bite me in the ass in the end. I, on the other hand, would like not to be heartbroken if I can help it. Right, because you are doing a bang-up job so far. I flick a quick glance at the rumpled bed before squeezing my eyes shut, the memories of his naked skin sliding over mine assaulting me like a battering ram.

  “Stupid hormones, and stupid vampire.” Muttering under my breath before I can stop myself, I stab my hands through the holes of the shirt, yanking it on angrily.

  “What is your plan now, Francesca?” I know he hears me, but the fact that he chooses not to make a smartass comment is very telling. The casual tone of his voice even more so.

  “How optimistic of you to think I actually have a plan.” Blowing away the loose strands of hair that have fallen over my face, I focus on searching for an elastic band to secure it again. “I wasn’t prepared to come back here to face a witch hunt. Stupidly, I thought we had averted a disaster by bringing you back and cutting the numbers of Roberti’s goons.” Finally turning to face him, my breath hitches at his smoldering gaze. “I know, very panglossian of me, you don’t have to say it.”

  “They are looking for ways to back you into a corner because that’s the only way they can maintain control of the situation. You are a wild card.” I hate that I take a step back as soon as he moves closer. Locking my knees, I force myself to stand still and ignore the drumbeat in my chest that’s rocking my frame. “An unknown that is shaking the foundations of their rule.”

  “I love that everyone likes to pretend I wasn’t thrown into this out of left field. It must be wonderful to live in this delusional world where Francesca has a notorious agenda to destroy the Academy and everyone in it.” The pain from the nails biting the skin of my palms is the only thing holding me back from screaming at him. It’s not his fault this clusterfuck happened … well not all his fault in any case.

  “Did you?” I wobble slightly when one corner of his mouth kicks up in his familiar smirk.

  “Seriously?” All the mushy feelings that were making me stupid when it comes to Zoltan evaporate with an almost audible hiss inside me. “You think I had some hidden agenda, too? How dare you!”

  Spinning on my heel, I stomp to the door and yank it open. My skin prickles when he materializes behind me, his chest brushing my back. His palm slaps the wood, stopping my attempt to escape by leaving the gap too small to squeeze out of. Leaning firmly against me, he shoves it closed and tilts his face slightly, just enough for me to be aware of the fact that I can kiss him if I just turn my head his way. A fist tightens in my belly from his nearness.

  “I know you don’t, so don’t use this as an excuse to run from me, Francesca. They are grasping at straws, and your behavior only proves their poin
t, especially if you refuse the offer because anyone here would kill to get it. It’s the only reason I didn’t separate their heads from their shoulders in that hall. We must play this smart and see who is pulling their strings.”

  “If Roberti had any of them in his pocket he wouldn’t need a nobody to steal that book. They would’ve delivered it on a silver platter while we were busy chasing our tails.” Catching myself leaning on his chest, I stiffen and straighten up. “Everything in me says they are working together but the facts don’t match my gut feeling.”

  “Then we look for proof.” He nuzzles my hair. “I’ll be coming with you when you see your friend the mage.”

  “Like hell you are.” Elbowing my way out of the cage he formed when he curved around me, I slam a hand on my hip. “Nobody is coming when I see Daren. I need him to speak freely, not worry if you will kill him the moment he opens his mouth.”

  “If you want him to live, I will be coming.” He shouldn’t look that hot with those blue eyes turned into slits and his jaw clenched, yet some dumb part inside me preens that he is jealous. Is he jealous though, or does he just want to make sure I’m not hiding anything from them? That’s a very dangerous thought right now so I change the subject.

  “And just for the record, I’m not running from you.” Lifting my chin, I stare down my nose at him, daring him to disagree.

  His lips curve into a smile that triggers my fight or flight instinct.

  “Yes you are, Francesca Drake.” Zoltan’s voice purrs softly, and my heart speeds up, covering me in goosebumps. “But I do love a good hunt. Go ahead and run, female. I dare you.”

  So, I bolt out of his room.

  Chapter 7

  My foot catches on something the moment I’m out the door. With a shriek, I throw my hands in front of me to soften the fall when I pitch forward, only succeeding to sprawl in the hallway like the outline of a body at a crime scene with my limbs in awkward angles. The air is pushed out of my lungs with a loud oomph, my chin and right side of my face throbbing from a numbing pain. When a weight settles on me, I groan. A large paw between my shoulder blades presses me down, and bursts of hot air are steering the hair around my ear in short puffs.

  My heart skips a beat.

  A displeased growl vibrates from the panther who’s pinning me in the hallway like some thief, and the jerk sits on my lower back leaving me at his mercy. Zoltan’s barely-contained chuckle only adds insult to injury. It isn’t how I want this day to start for sure. The whole plan in my head when I decide to literally run from the vampire does not involve a stubborn shifter sleeping in front of the closed door. Wisely, Zoltan does not offer me a hand up.

  Pushing the feline off me, I roll to the side before jumping to my feet. Avoiding looking at both of them, I straighten my clothing, lift my chin up, and very carefully walk down the hall. Considering myself lucky that no one else witnesses this embarrassment, I go in search of Leo and Fenrir. They should be back by now with some information about Daren.

  “They should be in the dining hall.” At Zoltan’s comment, I turn around instead of heading toward the hall to check Fenrir’s room.

  “Thank you,” I tell him primly and I don’t have to see him to feel his arrogant smile because I can feel it at the back of my head.

  Just like I can feel eyes following our progression through the Academy. They are prodding at me like accusing fingers, their hushed conversations like a cloud of bees vibrating my eardrums. My hands stray so I can wipe my sweaty palms off my pants but I catch myself and let them hang loosely at my sides. Never show fear, Franky. Especially not now. Repeating that in my head, I fasten my steps just enough to breeze through without jogging. I’m pissed that the two males are following behind me like shadows but I’d be lying if I said that it’s not helping to keep my anxiety in check.

  My feet falter slightly when I reach the fork where the hallway splits left for Soren’s room and right towards the dining hall. Zoltan must’ve come to the same conclusion and figured out that I’d want to speak with the Fae at some point because I can feel his power surge when I think about stepping in the golden hall and leaving him behind. It’s very tempting, I’m not going to lie, but I need to find out if I can see Daren and that’s more important than my need to irk the Daywalker, so I turn right without too long of a hesitation. Without the tension in the air from the vamp, it’s already easier to breathe.

  Silas’s son, with a handful of his friends, exits the dining hall just as I reach the entrance. His face tightens, pulling on the scar on his face and making me brace for a fight, or at least an insult. If looks could kill, I’d be dead many ways over, the venomous look in his eyes shocking me mute. I’m used to being eyed with wariness or even plain dislike, but I can’t say I’ve ever felt anything like his hatred even from the hunters I’ve faced.

  “Keep walking.”

  My head turns to Zoltan at his whispered words, but he is not talking to me. A deep growl comes from the panther’s chest to punctuate the Daywalker’s threat and he pins his ears to the back of his head, his upper lip curling over sharp teeth as long as my hand. The blood drains from Silas’s son’s face, leaving that scar stark against pale skin as he storms away from us, taking his friends with him.

  “Let’s go.” Placing his large hand at the small of my back, Zoltan leads me inside the dining hall.

  “I don’t understand what that male’s problem is.” Wrestling my heartbeat under control, I let him guide me to the table where Fenrir and Leo are eating with not many others around.

  “He is his father’s son,” is all the explanation I get and pretty much all that’s needed. Silas has hated my guts from day one, and it’s not a secret.

  The Fae and the Alpha stiffen when we reach them, their gazes going from me to Zoltan in question. The vampire nudges me to sit on one of the long sofas, plopping down next to me with a subtle shake of his head. I don’t have it in me to call them out on the silent conversation going on right now, which is still unsettled by the hatred I faced a moment ago. Gnawing on the inside of my mouth, I look from Fenrir to Leo.

  “Did you find Daren?” Zoltan shifts next to me, his thigh brushing against mine reminding me how close he is sitting.

  “The mage has fire in him to be sure.” Leo grins and, just like that, the knot in my stomach loosens. “I didn’t think we’d need to give him a message from you so he’d hear us out.”

  “Leo learned the lesson when his tail was on fire and he was yelping out of the pub.” Fenrir chuckles, then out right laughs when Leo glowers at him. “It was the highlight of my night.”

  “I bet it was,” I tell him dryly, the Fae turning his breathtaking smile on me. “What did he say? He knows a way for me to go see him?”

  “Fenrir.” Zoltan arches an eyebrow at the Fae.

  “Already done. No one can hear our conversation.” Waving his graceful fingers, Fenrir dismisses Zoltan’s concerns. “What do you take me for?”

  “Emotions are running high right now, and we all make mistakes.” The only apology Zoltan gives is a slight nod of his stupidly pretty head.

  “You should know, huh.” Unable to swallow it down, I throw the jab at him.

  Leo snorts, covering it up with a cough.

  Zoltan glares at him.

  “The mage was not happy to hear what we had to say.” Fenrir steers us back on track, plucking a piece of apple from his plate. “Told us you are a big girl and if you got yourself in trouble, you’d get out of it on your own.” Stabbing the air with the fruit slice, he cocks his head to the side, his platinum hair sliding over his shoulder. “I find it very interesting that he wasn’t worried about you at all. Especially since I saw that he cares the first time I spoke to you in his pub.”

  “Daren knows I can take care of myself.” A smile blossoms on my face, warmth spreading through me that my friend has faith in me but turning to ice in my veins when Zoltan growls menacingly. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “If he is your
friend, he should be worried that your life is in danger, more so now than ever,” he snaps at me, his lips pressing in a thin line.

  “Him not being worried doesn’t mean Daren doesn’t care. It means he trusts that I can handle it. Unlike you.” I would’ve moved away from him to sit in a chair but the panther is sprawled over my feet preventing me from moving. So I just glare at Zoltan.

  “She does have a point.” I’m surprised Leo speaks up, but he definitely gets Zoltan’s narrow-eyed gaze shot his way when he does. Fenrir, on the other hand, is nibbling the apple and watching the three of us with amusement dancing in his expression.

  “You don’t have anything to add to this insanity?” I wiggle in hopes to slide away from Zoltan, but he clamps a hand on my thigh and drags me back.

  “No.” Fenrir beams at Zoltan, lifting an eyebrow when the Daywalker stiffens. “It’s fascinating to watch really. Better you than me, my friend.” Saluting Zoltan with the leftover apple, he pops it in his mouth and chews it cheerfully.

  “Daren.” Pressing my fingers over my eyes hard enough to see bursts of light behind my closed eyelids, I blow out a breath. “Did he tell you how I can get out through the gates to see him?”

  “As we suspected, since you are bound to the magic holding this place up, you can’t go past the gates to Sienna. Your friend confirmed what we knew as well.” All the humor is gone when Leo speaks, rubbing the back of his neck. “We managed to get the mage to talk to us long enough, but no solution came from that. I almost forgot to give him your message but remembered it as we were leaving the pub.” He exchanges a look with Fenrir that tells me absolutely nothing. “He said to meet him in the human realm tomorrow, wrote down an address on a napkin, and told us to never come back to his pub unless we want a fight.”

  “He can come to the portals to use them to go to the human realm?” Turning from Fenrir to Zoltan, my eyebrows crawl to my hairline. “I never thought of that until now. Do others use the portals we are protecting? I thought only those in the Academy can use them.”


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