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America's Bank

Page 41

by Roger Lowenstein

federal, 82n, 185

  state, 82n

  Depression, Great, 18, 187n, 258, 264

  bank runs in, 249

  depression of 1907, see Panic of 1907

  depressions, 2, 3, 263

  and Panic of 1893, 20–21

  de Tocqueville, Alexis, 3–4, 16–17

  Detroit, Mich., 97–98, 304

  Díaz, Porfirio, 97

  Dimon, Jamie, 257

  discount rates, 216, 217, 243, 257, 263

  discount window, 225

  dividends, Reserve Association and, 115, 131

  dollar, 5, 85

  government, 213–14

  as international currency, 262, 281

  in international trade, 48–49

  Dolliver, Jonathan, 95

  Dow Jones Industrials, 319

  Eagle, Joe, 322

  East, 5

  Aldrich Plan as seen in, 134

  Bryan as viewed in, 22

  progressives in, 104

  tariff supported in, 37

  Economic Club of New York, 99, 328

  economic contraction, 70


  agrarian, 15

  expansion of, 14

  education, 44, 100

  eight-hour workday, 158


  of 1884, 16

  of 1892, 16

  of 1896, 21–24, 37, 142, 145, 204, 301

  of 1900, 145

  of 1904, 38

  of 1908, 75, 81, 88, 102, 145

  of 1910, 104, 105, 106, 153

  of 1912, 138–39, 141, 147–51, 156–63, 301, 307, 308, 319

  of 1913, 242

  of 1916, 266

  of 1972, 257

  electrification, 40, 60

  Eliot, Charles William, 80

  Europe, 36, 52, 61, 175, 277

  Aldrich in, 35, 96

  Aldrich’s delegation to, 77–78, 82–91, 204, 253, 269

  banking systems in, 70

  central banks in, 1–2, 30, 39, 54, 56, 74, 83, 86, 111, 114, 185, 204, 269

  credit in, 39, 139, 198

  currency system in, 73

  interest rates in, 209

  Owen’s study trip to, 204

  postwar insolvency of, 264

  prewar, 86

  reserves in, 87–88

  exchange rates, 264

  factories, closure of, 20

  Fant, W. S., 325

  farmers, farming, 6, 8, 39, 70, 71, 98, 100, 165, 232

  banking reform and, 17, 133, 199, 221–22, 224–26, 227, 244, 245

  depression and failure of, 21

  fall harvest and need for money for, 15, 26, 50, 52–53, 58, 209

  money shortage and, 18

  populism and, 44, 45

  silver standard and, 16, 19, 22

  as small businessmen, 16–17, 98

  tariff and, 36–37, 93

  in United States vs. Europe, 4–5

  farm mortgages, 237, 329

  Farwell, John V., 131

  Federal Reserve Act (1913), 8, 49, 113n, 115n, 137, 189, 203, 217n, 257, 265–66, 268, 313

  Aldrich Plan and, 123, 269–70

  banking system unified by, 270

  as business-friendly, 251–52

  signing into law of, 251–52

  see also Glass-Owen bill

  Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 257

  Federal Reverse Bank of New York, 257, 258–59, 260–61, 294

  Federal Reserve Banks, 67, 74, 111, 115n, 128, 181n, 216, 226, 228n, 236, 252, 321

  as bankers’ banks, 188, 216

  board of, see Federal Reserve Board

  capital of, 242

  capstone of, 182–83, 218

  centralization and, 182

  congressional amendments to charter of, 259

  conspiracy theories surrounding, 117–18, 262–63

  credit conditions and, 263

  currency requests to, 225

  as decentralized, 7–8

  discount rates and, 217

  dividends and, 232, 249

  farm loans and, 245

  federalist structure of, 257–58

  Glass and Willis proposal for, 181–82

  under Glass bill, 191

  gold reserves in, 181, 213, 227, 246

  Great Depression and, 187n, 258, 264

  import and export trade, 218

  interest rates and, 237, 263

  as lenders of last resort, 252

  liquidity and, 218, 263

  loans issued by, 245

  locations of, 248, 257, 260n

  McAdoo and, 208, 257

  market intervention by, 334

  member bank borrowing from, 225

  money issued by, 1, 117, 244, 245, 257, 259

  National Reserve Bank, as previous name of, 201

  New York’s dominance of, 257, 258–59, 260–61

  notes issued by, 181, 213, 227, 247, 249

  number of, 202, 207, 218, 228n, 231, 237, 241, 242, 243, 247, 248, 257, 260, 328

  open market interventions by, 263

  origins of, 116–17, 201

  overseas trade and, 230

  reserves in, 219–20, 237, 244–45, 248, 249n

  securities and, 245

  Treasury securities bought and sold by, 225

  see also reserve banks, regional

  Federal Reserve Board, 181n, 205, 209, 210, 212, 216–18, 221–22, 229–30, 237, 239, 241, 246, 249–50, 263–64, 266, 331

  near-zero percent interest rates by, 8

  proactivity by, 262

  2008 bailouts by, 8, 53

  in Vanderlip’s plan, 239

  Warburg on, 247, 250, 260–63

  Federal Reserve notes, 213, 221, 226–27, 237, 249, 251

  Federal Reserve System, 252, 256, 335

  enactment of, 257

  Wall Street threats against, 220–21

  Federal Reserve System, The (Warburg), 268–70

  Federal Trade Commission, 266

  Ferguson, James E., 69

  fiat money, 128, 185, 214, 251

  see also money, government-issued

  financial crisis of 2008, 1, 8, 53, 62, 221, 225, 238, 259

  financial panics, 2, 46, 48, 49, 204

  San Francisco earthquake and, 51–54

  first Bank of the United States, see Bank of the United States, first

  First National Bank of Chicago, 25, 55, 216

  First National Bank of Little Falls, Minn., 137

  First National Bank of Muskogee, 19, 204

  First National Bank of New York, 62–63, 80, 176

  First National Bank of Tombstone, Ariz., 97

  First National Bank of Weatherford, Tex., 325

  Forbes, 116

  Forbes, B. C., 116, 295

  Ford, Henry, 198

  Forgan, James, 55, 121, 129, 184, 187, 216, 297, 323, 324

  Aldrich’s negotiations with, 130–31

  Glass-Owen opposed by, 219, 228–29, 231

  Fowler, Charles, 33, 78

  France, 35, 85, 86, 87, 93, 265

  America’s financing of, 262

  England’s war with, 83

  free trade, 37

  French Revolution, 84

  Frick, Henry Clay, 196

  Friedman, Milton, 25n, 269

  Gage, Lyman, 25–28, 47

  Georgia, 106, 190

  Germany, 29, 55, 84–85, 86, 112, 264

  financial system of, 30

  Gilded Age, 42, 197

  bankers in, 6

  economics in, 83

William, 166

  Glass, Carter, 11, 19, 34, 118, 179, 196, 199, 255–56, 259, 304, 311, 312, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 321, 327, 331

  ABA bankers and, 184–85, 216–17, 219–22, 228–29

  background of, 17, 153, 204

  banking bill framed by, 171–73, 188–89, 191, 192, 195, 196, 201–3, 205–9, 212–14

  bank reform and, 128

  centralization resisted by, 177, 187–88, 252

  as chair of Banking Committee legislative panel, 151–56, 160, 164–65, 199, 224, 310

  and congressional debates on Glass-Owen, 228–30, 233, 240n, 241–42, 245–49, 251–53

  at Democratic convention of 1896, 21–22

  Federal Reserve Banks and, 181n

  money systems in early life of, 11, 13, 15

  as newspaper proprietor, 18, 20, 22, 153

  Owen’s feud with, 266–67, 268

  SEC legislation by, 266

  as Senate authority on finance, 266

  subcommittee hearings by, 184–86

  Trenton plan of, 188–89, 313

  Untermyer and, 155–56, 204–5, 268

  Warburg and, 247, 261

  Wilson’s meeting with, 178, 179–84

  Glass bill, 188–89, 191, 193, 195, 196, 206–9, 214, 216

  Warburg’s analysis of, 202–3

  Glass-Owen bill, 217–22, 224–37, 240–53, 265, 329

  Aldrich Plan and, 225

  Democratic caucus and, 322

  in House Banking Committee, 209, 214, 219, 221–22, 224–25

  in House of Representatives, 221, 229–31, 241, 329

  O’Gorman and Reed’s shift on, 328

  in Senate, 231–51, 329

  Glass-Steagall Act (1933), 249, 266

  gold, 11–12, 15n, 209, 237, 270

  Bank of England and, 56–57, 83, 85

  decentralization of reserves of, 31–32

  Federal Reserve System and, 334

  international movements of, 264

  intrinsic value of, 13

  in Klondike, 26

  money backed by, 128

  Panic of 1907 and, 59

  in Reserve Banks, 181, 213, 227, 246

  reserves of, 113, 189

  San Francisco earthquake and movement of, 51–54

  in United States, 85

  World War I and, 260, 262

  gold certificates, 15n

  gold coins, 15n, 249

  Goldman Sachs, 121–22

  gold standard, 16, 20, 41, 230, 244, 258, 277

  abandonment of, 259

  Bryan’s opposition to, 23–24

  Glass’s opposition to, 18

  McKinley’s support of, 37

  Republican Party and, 21

  silver and, 16, 19–20, 230, 277

  González, Henry, 258

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 163n


  Aldrich Plan and safeguards against, 113, 140

  progressives and, 44

  small, 2

  government bonds, 14, 24, 217, 220

  government securities, 79n, 261–62

  Grant, James, 80

  Gray, Andrew L., 291

  Great Britain, 36, 48, 70, 84, 93, 197, 328

  America’s financing of, 262

  commercial banking in, 85

  gold standard in, 16, 22

  interest rates in, 48

  Lombard Street financiers in, 17

  greenbacks, 15–16, 19, 249

  Gresham’s Law, 19

  Greystone, 203, 205

  Griffin, G. Edward, 117

  Hamburg, 30, 31, 262

  Hamilton, Alexander, 2, 28, 53, 107, 117, 142

  influence of, 261, 269

  Hardwick, Theodore W., 223

  Harper’s Weekly, 142, 144, 193

  Harriman, Edward H., 32

  Harrison, Benjamin, 91

  Harvard University, 43, 53, 57, 67, 80, 83, 139, 262

  Harvey, George, 142–43

  Harvey, William H., 21

  Havemeyer, Theodore, 37

  Hearst, William Randolph, 43

  Hearst newspaper chain, 148

  Heinze, Frederick Augustus, 283

  Henry, Robert L., 151–52, 221–22, 224–26, 228, 323

  Hepburn, A. Barton, 20, 38, 73, 184–85, 187, 205, 209, 318, 323

  History of Crises Under the National Banking System (Sprague), 80

  History of the American People, A (Wilson), 142

  Hitchcock, Gilbert, 231–32, 235n, 236, 238, 242–44, 247–48

  Hitchcock bill, 243–44, 247–48, 329

  Hone, Philip, 98

  House, Edward M., 301, 309, 313–14, 318

  on banking bill, 196, 203, 205–7, 219, 229, 250

  on central bank, 174, 183n

  Seymour’s edition of papers of, 267

  Untermyer and, 195–96

  Warburg and, 174, 183, 219, 233, 243, 253

  as Wilson’s ally, 144–46, 157, 190, 250–51

  Wilson’s falling-out with, 265–66

  House Banking and Currency Committee, 33, 212, 214, 219, 310, 315

  agrarian revolt on, 221–22, 224–25

  amendments in, 322

  Glass-Owen bill in, 209, 214, 219, 221–22, 224–25

  legislative panel of, 152–53, 177n

  Money Trust inquiry under, 152, 155–56, 172

  reconstituted, Glass appointed chairman of, 208–9

  House Democratic caucus, Glass-Owen and, 224–25

  House of Representatives, U.S., 35, 38

  Aldrich Plan submitted to, 147–48

  Democratic control over, 105, 171, 200, 208

  Glass-Owen bill in, 221, 229–31, 241, 329

  in 1908 elections, 88

  progressives in, 132

  tariff reduction in, 200–201, 210–22

  Wilson’s appearance in, 200–201

  House Rules Committee, 221

  House-Senate conference, 331

  Housman, Arthur, 26

  Houston, David F., 234, 252, 255, 260

  Hudson River, 48, 71, 108

  tunnels under, 190, 195, 314

  Huerta, Victoriano, 223–24

  Hulbert, E. D., 177, 318

  Hunter, John, 294

  Illinois, 47, 157, 158

  immigration, 44, 105

  income tax, 21, 22, 90, 94, 158, 191, 204, 234

  Indiana, 12, 69

  Indianapolis Monetary Convention, 24–25, 33, 74, 81, 131, 200

  Indian Chieftain, 203–4

  individualism, 167

  and American banking, 31, 32

  Industrial Revolution, 34

  industry, 44

  regulation of, 34

  inflation, 3, 8, 111–12, 226, 244, 245–46, 247, 257, 258, 263, 329, 330

  banks and, 6, 185

  Second Bank and, 3

  insurers, foreign, 51

  Intercontinental Rubber Company, 103

  interest-bearing deposits, 39n

  interest rates, 30, 83, 258, 263

  Bank of England’s, 57

  Fed and, 216, 218, 261

  near-zero percent, 8

  in Panic of 1907, 65

  short-term, 1, 47, 48, 257

  at trusts, 61

  interlocking directorates, 222, 225, 228

  international finance, America’s limits in, 48

  International Harvester, 131, 288

  Interstate Commerce Commissions, 330

  Intimate Papers of Colonel House, The (Seymour), 267

  investment banks, investment bankers, 122, 237–38, 260

Iowa, 17, 85

  Italy, 85, 265

  Jackson, Andrew, 7, 23, 50, 72, 84, 92, 97

  influence of, 98–99, 102, 140, 153, 157, 179, 210, 225, 236, 240, 252, 253–54, 270

  Second Bank opposed by, 3–5, 20, 33, 101, 115, 187

  Jackson, William, 211

  Jefferson, Thomas, 23, 142, 201

  central bank opposed by, 2, 5

  influence of, 166, 167, 204, 210, 261, 307

  as small-government advocate, 2, 213, 307

  Jekyl Island:

  Aldrich’s return to, 122, 129–30

  bankers’ conference on, 106, 107–23, 130–31, 154, 188, 238, 249n, 261, 264–65, 294

  conspiracy theories surrounding, 117–18

  Jekyl Island Club, 110

  Jews, 31, 108, 169, 172, 304, 308, 314, 334

  John Birch Society, 117

  Journal of Commerce, 134, 153, 172, 304

  J.P. Morgan & Co., 48n, 58, 60, 80, 96, 108, 158, 169, 305, 308

  Justice Department, U.S., 136, 139

  Kansas, 17, 81, 103

  Kansas City, Mo., 53, 236

  Federal Reserve Bank in, 260n

  Kansas City Star, 98, 157

  Kitchener, Lord, 197

  Knickerbocker Trust Company, 62, 63, 70

  Kuhn, Loeb & Company, 31, 41, 70, 75, 108, 195, 260, 314, 334

  labor, 6

  Taft on, 305

  Wilson’s support for, 169

  Labor Department, U.S., 158

  labor reform, 22, 34, 38, 158

  child, 104

  progressives and, 44

  labor regulation, 34, 90

  labor unions, 40, 105, 221

  La Follette, Robert M., 72, 95, 172–73, 211

  in 1912 election, 138, 140, 156, 157, 162

  laissez-faire, 3, 8, 25, 44, 128, 209

  and Aldrich Plan drafters, 115, 119

  Bryan and, 23

  in Democratic Party, 21, 93

  Glass proposal and, 182, 205

  Wilson and, 141, 166, 213

  Lamont, Thomas, 158, 308

  La Salle Street, 54–55, 78, 216

  Laughlin, James L., 25, 81, 121, 255, 303, 304, 309, 310

  at Citizens’ League, 131–36, 139, 153, 159–61, 171, 299

  Glass’s distancing from, 177–78, 188

  on National City Co., 135–36

  at 1912 Democratic convention, 163, 164

  reform proposals by, 176–77

  Warburg’s disagreements with, 132–33, 159–61

  Willis and, 153–54, 178, 267

  Lawrence (Mass.) Journal-World, 332

  League of Nations, 266

  legal tender, 244, 249

  Leslie’s Weekly, 116

  Lexington (Ky.) Herald, 160

  Lincoln, Abraham, 11, 13, 276

  Lindbergh, Charles August, 137, 141, 151, 230, 252, 259

  Link, Arthur, 157, 223, 329

  Lippitt, Henry F., 211

  liquidity, 41, 258, 263


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