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America's Bank

Page 43

by Roger Lowenstein

  Morgan’s eventual rejection of, 305

  in 1912 election, 138–39, 149–50, 156, 157–59, 161–63, 168–70, 301, 308

  popularity of, 102–4

  as progressive, 33, 45, 149

  Taft’s break with, 91, 102–3, 139, 149–50, 157–59, 161

  third-party challenge by, 163

  U.S. Steel and, 72, 139

  Vanderlip on, 47

  Wall Street and, 305

  Root, Elihu, 245, 247, 258

  Rosenwald, Julius, 131

  Rothschild, Lord, 85

  Rothschild family, 117, 334

  Royal Weaving Company, 93

  Russian Revolution, 265

  Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 165n

  Sachs, Samuel, 121–22

  St. Louis, Mo., 184, 216, 247

  Federal Reserve Bank in, 260n

  as reserve city, 14, 39n, 69, 232, 241

  San Francisco, Calif., 241

  earthquake in, 51

  Federal Reserve Bank in, 260n

  San Juan Hill, battle of, 26

  Schiff, Jacob, 31–32, 41, 49, 55, 66, 169, 281

  call for financial reform by, 46–47

  on fears of centralization, 50–51

  Schonberg, Mathilda, 82

  Schwartz, Anna, 269

  scrip, 67

  Seaboard Company, 304

  Sea Girt, N.J., 165–66, 168

  Searles, John E., 42n–43n

  Sears, Roebuck, 131

  Second Bank of the United States, 3–5, 20, 84, 101, 115, 142, 187, 198, 246

  securities, 65, 193

  American, 19

  Federal Reserve Banks and, 245

  liquid, 237–38

  mortgage-backed, 226

  Treasury, 15n, 225, 263

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 266

  Seligman, Edwin, 55–56, 73–74, 94

  Senate, U.S., 95

  Aldrich in, 33, 36–38, 89–90, 95

  Aldrich Plan submitted to, 148

  Democratic gains in, 105, 171, 200, 208

  direct elections to, 21, 90, 138, 156, 201, 204

  Glass-Owen bill in, 231–51, 329

  1908 elections, 88

  tariff reform in, 210–11, 233–34

  Senate Banking and Currency Committee, 200, 203, 260, 263

  Glass-Owen in, 224, 231–43

  Senate Finance Committee, 33, 38

  Seventeenth Amendment, 156, 201

  Seymour, Charles, 267

  shares, bank, 134

  Shaw, Leslie, 30, 46–47, 123, 282

  and Panic of 1907, 58

  in wake of San Francisco earthquake, 52–54

  Shelton, Arthur, 129, 294, 297

  at Jekyl Island, 108

  Sibley, Joseph, 18

  silver, intrinsic value of, 13

  silver certificates, 15n, 249

  silver dollars, 15n, 16

  silver interests, Bryan supported by, 23–24

  silver standard, 16, 19–20, 21, 22, 277

  in 1896 election, 21–24, 142

  Glass’s support for, 18

  gold and, 16, 19–20, 230, 277

  Sinclair, Upton, 72

  Sixteenth Amendment, 191

  Smith, Adam, 37

  social activism, 6, 33, 158

  Socialist Party, 168, 171

  South, 19, 154

  Bryan in, 88

  central bank opposed in, 3, 4, 19, 154

  cotton farming in, 139–40

  Democratic Party in, 7, 22, 165

  Glass’s compromises and, 7–8

  Laughlin’s tour of, 133

  in 1912 elections, 148, 168

  racial segregation in, 22, 153

  South Africa, 52

  South America, 49

  Southern Society of New York, 191

  Spanish-American War, 26, 47

  Sprague, Oliver, 57, 62, 80, 262

  Standard Oil, 48, 53, 136

  state banks, 129, 136, 202

  credit from, 199

  states’ rights, 3, 22, 165, 167, 180, 266, 307

  steel industry, 70, 71

  Steffens, Lincoln, 38

  Stephenson, Nathaniel, 42n

  Sternstein, Jerome L., 35, 42n

  Stillman, James A., 86, 100, 106, 135, 233, 265, 299, 301

  Money Trust hearings and, 192

  in Panic of 1893, 57

  in Panic of 1907, 57, 62, 64–66, 70–71

  Vanderlip and, 47–48, 51, 116, 136, 159, 197, 237, 240n

  Warburg and, 32–33, 65, 70–71

  stock, copper-mining, 61

  stock exchange, 66, 71

  capital and, 18

  stock market, 28, 30, 39, 52, 122, 198, 209, 237, 319

  Fed’s influence on, 1

  National Banking Act and panics in, 15

  New York bankers and, 50

  in Panic of 1907, 65

  plunge in, 58, 70

  Street, Julian, 60

  Strong, Benjamin, 63–65, 70, 133, 261, 263, 294

  on central banking, 298

  as leader of Fed, 263

  Vanderlip’s alternative bill and, 238–40, 243

  Sugar Trust, 37, 42–43, 279

  Sumner, William G., 14

  Supreme Court, U.S., 136

  Taft, Nellie, 150

  Taft, William Howard, 91, 92, 97, 162n–63n, 194, 224, 296

  Aldrich and, 94, 102–3, 130, 141, 158

  Aldrich Plan and, 133, 150, 158, 162

  baseball’s first pitch originated by, 156, 159

  in election of 1912, 138–39, 141, 149–50, 151, 157–59, 161–63, 168–70, 301, 308

  on labor, 305

  populist dissatisfaction with, 138

  as presidential nominee, 81–82

  progressives and, 100, 136, 158

  Roosevelt’s break with, 91, 102–3, 139, 149–50, 157–59, 161

  on tariff, 93

  Wall Street and, 196

  Warburg and, 120

  Tallman, Ellis W., 284

  Tammany Hall, 166, 236

  Tarbell, Ida, 43, 59, 193–94

  tariff, 18, 70, 92–93, 134, 314

  Aldrich and, 37, 41, 92–95, 103–4, 134, 140, 234, 291

  debate on, 36–37

  on importing art, 85, 95n

  under McKinley, 25–26

  reduction of, 21, 38, 90, 191, 210–11

  Roosevelt and, 102–3

  Taft and, 102

  Taft’s capitulation on, 102

  Wilson on, 169, 194–95, 200–201, 210–11, 224, 233–34

  in World War I, 234n


  income, see income tax

  progressive, 104, 138

  technological change, 44

  Tennessee, 17, 190

  Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Company, 71–72, 139

  Texas, 81, 151

  textile industry, 93

  Third Bank of the United States, vetoing of, 3

  Thomas, R. H., 193

  Thornton, Mark, 296

  Timberlake, Richard, 70

  Titanic, RMS, 159

  Tobacco Trust, 136

  “Treason of the Senate” (Phillips), 43–44, 89

  Treasury bonds, 225, 258

  Treasury Department, U.S., 30, 46–47, 118, 136, 181n, 206, 235–36, 263

  Aldrich Plan and, 133–34

  America’s growing financial strength and, 25

  Andrew at, 108, 161

  cash reserves in, 26–27

  under Cleveland, 24–25

currency issued by, 207

  Federal Reserve and, 257, 260–61

  funds moved by, 46–47

  Morgan’s bailout of, 20

  National Banking Acts and, 13–14

  New York banks and, 53–55

  Panic of 1907 and, 58, 59–60, 63, 66

  post-earthquake gold imports by, 52–54

  Reserve Banks and, 115

  secretary of, 212, 230, 241, 248, 249–50

  silver and, 16, 19

  tariffs and, 26, 41

  2008 bailouts by, 8

  Treasury notes, 261

  Treasury securities, 15n, 225

  short-term, 263

  Treaty of Versailles, 266

  Trenton, Glass plan presented at, 188–89, 313

  Truman, Harry, 257

  Trust Company of America, 64–65

  trusts, 40, 44, 61–66, 69, 73, 146, 167, 169, 305

  busting of, 38

  Untermyer on, 155, 193

  Tumulty, Joseph, 191, 210

  Turkey, 93

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 105, 142

  Tyler, John, 3

  Underwood, Oscar, 148

  unemployment, 20

  Union Pacific Railroad, 58

  Union Railway Company, 42n

  United Copper Company, 283

  United Kingdom, see Great Britain

  United Reserve Bank, 111, 113

  “United Reserve Bank” lecture (Warburg), 101–2

  United States:

  centralization feared by, 2–5, 50–51, 55, 89, 98, 101, 128, 253, 269–70

  as creditor nation, 262

  decentralized banking in, 40–41

  economy of, 48, 56–57

  Federal Reserve System and modernization of banking in, 253–54

  as financial also-ran, 5–6

  foreign investors’ abandonment of, 19

  frontier traditions of, 4, 101–2

  gold standard in, 16

  improved financial standing of, 262

  individualism in, 31, 32

  industrialization of, 5, 11, 18, 34, 60, 198

  manufacturing economy of, 36–37

  population increase in, 60

  primitive nature of finance in, 11, 31–32, 46–47, 56, 198, 253–54

  as rural, 4–5

  as sole industrialized nation without a central bank, 1, 2, 39

  United Traction and Electric Company, 42n–43n

  Untermyer, Samuel, 169, 171, 255, 303, 304, 310, 314, 317, 318

  attempt to usurp Glass’s legislation by, 155–56, 171–72, 177, 195–96

  Glass’s feud with, 155–56, 204–5, 268

  Money Trust hearings and, 155–56, 175, 191–93, 195

  U.S. Money vs. Corporation Currency (Crozier), 150–51

  U.S. Steel Corporation, 71–72, 93, 139, 196, 288, 305, 308

  utilities, 211

  Vanderbilt, William, 110, 190

  Vanderlip, Frank A., 47–51, 73, 90, 91, 159, 170, 175, 196, 197, 209, 234, 244, 258, 293, 299, 301, 321

  Aldrich Plan and, 122

  alternative plan by, 237–43, 251

  central bank supported by, 220–21

  as corporate director, 314

  European recovery schemes, 265

  on Glass-Owen bill, 220–21, 233, 257

  at Jekyl Island conference, 108–10, 112, 114, 116, 118, 294, 296

  on Money Trust hearings, 175, 176, 192

  at National City Bank, 134–35, 253

  on 1912 election, 139, 160

  O’Gorman and Reed and, 327

  outreach to bankers by, 128–29

  on overseas expansion of National City, 118, 264–65

  and Panic of 1907, 57, 60, 66, 69

  on Republican progressives, 99–100

  on Roosevelt, 103–4

  Untermyer and, 155, 205

  Versailles peace negotiations, 265–66

  Virginia, 7, 17

  Volcker, Paul, 226, 258

  Wade, Festus J., 179, 184, 187, 216–17, 219, 231, 241, 247, 312, 324

  Walbert, M. W., 27

  Wallace, George, 117

  Wall Street, 8, 23, 57, 61, 80, 97, 121, 166, 184, 191, 193, 196, 205, 206, 214

  Aldrich Plan and, 113, 115–16, 134, 140, 141, 160

  banking reform and, 70, 131, 175

  Bank of England and recessions on, 5–6

  central bank supported by, 46, 50–51, 54, 112, 206

  collusive tendencies of, 133, 175–76, 192–93, 299

  country banks and, 102

  and dollar’s international limitations, 49

  and election of 1912, 169

  Federal Reserve Banks and, 257, 258–59, 260–61

  and founding of Fed, 7

  on Glass-Owen, 232, 245

  Jekyl Island retreat and, 107–23

  laissez-faire and, 128

  McAdoo and, 190, 220

  McKinley supported by, 23

  market busts on, 29–30, 31, 150

  Money Trust hearings and, 175–78

  panics on, 57–58, 60–61, 150–51, 209

  progressive skepticism toward, 45

  public distrust of, 50–51, 55, 71, 72, 98, 111, 132, 134, 137, 150, 151, 257

  Roosevelt and, 158, 305

  short-term interest rates and, 47

  silver standard opposed by, 16, 20

  threats by, 220–21

  Treasury and, 27, 53

  Wilson and, 73, 143, 145, 157, 174, 183n, 196

  Wall Street Journal, 50, 97, 192, 210, 253

  Walters, Henry, 288

  war bonds, 47

  Warburg, Aby, 30

  Warburg, Felix, 30

  Warburg, Fritz, 30

  Warburg, James, 294

  Warburg, Max, 30

  Warburg, Nina Loeb, 31

  Warburg, Paul, 38, 46, 50, 85, 147, 159, 168, 169, 195, 196, 199, 225, 238, 256, 258, 259, 267–68, 295, 303, 304, 313, 320, 335

  Aldrich and, 74, 75, 88–89, 96, 98, 99, 100–101, 111–12, 116, 127, 131

  on Aldrich Plan, 114, 121–22, 123, 138, 139, 188

  on Aldrich-Vreeland Act, 79

  call for central bank by, 6–7, 31–33, 47, 56, 71, 75–76, 77, 88–89, 99, 109, 120, 128, 184, 185, 217–18, 242, 253, 262, 269–70, 295

  Citizens’ League and, 131–33, 135, 299

  Colonel House and, 174, 183, 219, 233, 243, 253

  critique of American banking by, 1–2, 29–30, 31–33, 38–41, 45, 49, 51, 55, 70, 73–74

  death of, 264

  departure from Federal Reserve by, 334

  on Federal Reserve Board, 247, 250, 260–63, 267

  German origins of, 29, 74, 262–63

  Glass and, 173–74, 187–88, 247, 261, 268–69

  Glass bill analyzed by, 202–3

  Glass hearings and, 185–87, 312

  on Glass-Owen bill, 219, 232–33, 242–43, 244–45, 247–48, 251, 253, 325

  on House legislative committee, 154

  at Jekyl Island, 108–9, 111–14, 116–17, 119, 294

  Laughlin’s disagreements with, 132–34, 159–61

  modified central bank plan of, 75–76, 286

  on monetary reform, 93–94

  as naturalized U.S. citizen, 78, 185, 247

  on New York Chamber of Commerce monetary committee, 19–20

  outreach to bankers by, 128–29

  Owen and, 243, 248, 334

  Owen and McAdoo plans analyzed by, 207–8

  proposals by, 177, 182–83, 187–88, 248, 310

  remedial proposals by, 253, 333–34

  on reserves, 215, 249

  Roosevelt and, 149

  Seligman’s encouragement to, 55–56

  speeches of, 101–2

  Stillman and, 32–33, 65, 70–71

  Taft and, 120

  Untermyer and, 155, 205

  Willis and, 267–69, 313

  War of 1812, 3, 84

  War of Independence, American, 2

  Warwick, 75, 85, 86, 97, 106

  Washington, D.C., 27, 34, 37, 78, 114, 121, 173, 180, 182, 201, 239, 242–43, 252, 259, 270

  Coxey’s march on, 21

  Washington, George, 2

  Washington and Lee University, 153, 203

  Washington Post, 63, 235, 332

  wealth, 44

  predatory, 149

  redistribution of, 158

  West, 7, 71

  Aldrich’s tour of, 134

  banks and bankers in, 12, 85, 119

  central bank opposed in, 19

  Glass-Owen’s popularity in, 229

  in 1912 election, 168

  progressives in, 104

  railroads unpopular in, 78

  West, Robert Craig, 173, 226n

  Wexler, Sol, 216, 321

  White, Stanford, 63

  White House, 81, 121, 122, 128

  white supremacy, 22, 153

  Wickersham, George, 136–37

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 55

  Williams, John Skelton, 207

  Willis, H. Parker, 132, 178, 196n, 210n, 213, 230–31, 256, 261, 267, 304, 310, 311, 313, 314, 316, 323

  ABA bankers and, 184–85, 229

  on Aldrich Plan, 154–55

  in Glass-Willis meeting, 179–85

  Laughlin and, 153–54, 178, 267

  legislation drafted by, 188, 195, 201–3, 216

  as legislative aide to Glass, 153–55, 160, 171, 173, 176–77, 187, 195, 219

  at 1912 Democratic convention, 163

  subcommittee hearings of, 184–86

  Trenton plan of, 188–89, 313

  Warburg and, 267–69, 335

  Wilson, Ellen, 145, 166, 196, 215, 221, 224, 231, 233, 234, 250, 266, 325

  Wilson, Woodrow, 83, 90, 147, 149, 178, 259, 267, 318–19, 325, 326, 327

  Aldrich Plan and, 141–46, 148–49, 164, 170

  antitrust reform as priority of, 235

  bankers and, 211–22

  banking reform and, 73, 128, 143–44, 148–49, 167–68, 177, 195, 198, 201–2, 205–18, 221–22, 223, 227–28, 310

  Bryan and, 145–46, 148–49, 157, 170, 189–90, 230–31, 301

  cabinet appointments of, 189–90

  on central bank, 7, 141–44, 149, 157, 170, 174n, 183–84, 312

  on central government, 141–42, 157

  conservative side of, 166–67

  death of, 266

  federalism and, 183

  financial agenda of, 200–201

  on Glass-Owen, 223, 224, 233, 234–36, 240–44, 246–47, 251–52, 269

  Glass’s meeting with, 178, 179–84


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