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The American Soldier Collection 5: The Greatest Fight of All (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You saw them last night. They were there the moment you needed assistance.”

  “Murphy did help me out with Tucker. Of course afterward the others did reprimand me. I think Sniper basically said I was immature and flaunted myself, asking for Tucker’s actions.”

  Regan made a sound with her mouth.

  “I wouldn’t worry about Sniper. He keeps to himself and mostly has nothing nice to say anyway. My brothers can be indifferent, too. I think being in the military hardened them and made them untrusting.”

  “Your brothers were in the military for a long time. Of course they’re affected. But they seem pretty confident and they’re all working.”

  “I guess so. I mean it is obvious that they care. It just gets on my nerves sometimes. I think the best part of last night, was finally meeting your mystery airport man, that ultimately introduced you to the sexy possibilities of living the single life in Houston.” Regan teased Amelia. Amelia felt her cheeks warm as she shook her head.

  “Yeah, well first impressions are kind of screwed up and inaccurate sometimes.”

  Regan laughed.

  “I’m going to head up to check my cell phone, and to see if Galen called. My sister, Velma, asked me to check out the three outfits she brought for her birthday in two weeks.”

  Regan stood up and smiled.

  “She’s beautiful and looks way older than twenty. I bet your brothers will start worrying about her and maybe give you some slack.” Amelia winked. Regan chuckled.

  “Honey, you don’t know the Haas brothers like I do. Will you be okay out here by yourself?”

  “I’m going to sit just for a little while longer. I promised your mom that I would help her with dinner.”

  “She’ll love that, just as I’m sure that everyone will love that cheesecake you made.”

  Amelia smiled then leaned back and closed her eyes. She started thinking about her new life here. The hospital was ten minutes from the condo and Regan said she spoke to Murphy about finding an apartment to rent near her new job. Of course Regan said she was fine with having Amelia stay with her for however long, but Amelia overheard Galen asking about sleeping over, and Regan denied him. Amelia didn’t want to stand in the way of her friend’s love life.

  She crossed her legs and allowed the relaxing atmosphere to ease her mind.

  She wasn’t too surprised that she thought of her brothers, Kyle and Edward. She really thought that she could have saved Kyle. But she learned that people have to have some bit of hope of desire to live, or else it was useless. Why couldn’t she have brothers like Regan did? As the thought hit her mind, she realized that she wouldn’t want them as brothers. She couldn’t even pretend to see them in that light or with that label. Seeing them as brothers was the farthest thing from her mind.

  “How did you find one of the best spots on the ranch?”

  Amelia jumped as she sat forward and looked behind her. The sudden sound of a man’s voice startled her.

  “Oh God, Ricky, you scared me.”

  She watched as Ricky walked around the bench and stared down at her. He kept one hand on his hip and holster. It was taking some getting used to, seeing so many people carrying firearms wherever they went. Back in New York, weapons were concealed, and usually carried by cops and thugs. Ricky was sporting a black gun. She had no clue what kind because he looked so sexy.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you, darling. You looked so lost in thought,” he said and she tried to look into his eyes, but the black Stetson he wore was low. It made him appear dangerous. She had the silly “butterflies in her stomach” sensation, and she wasn’t certain why.

  “It’s so peaceful out here. You all must have loved growing up on the ranch,” she said as she pried her eyes off of the man and forced herself to look toward the two men getting down off the horses. Mad Dog.

  She didn’t know who the other guy was. Her eyes zeroed in on Mad Dog and how his presence instantly magnified the atmosphere around them.

  “It was the best way to grow up. Living off the land, working on the farm and in the fields. It’s very beautiful,” Ricky said as he held her gaze then lowered himself to the seat next to her.

  She adjusted her position as his thick, hard thigh made contact with her bare one. Perhaps wearing pants would have been the better option today.


  She looked up as Mad Dog and another young cowboy tipped their hats at her.

  “Hi,” she replied.

  “I’m Jonas. You must be Amelia, Regan’s friend.”

  He reached his hand out and she accepted it as he held her gaze. This cowboy was much younger than Mad Dog and Ricky. His green eyes sparkled as he looked her thighs over.

  “Nice to meet you, Jonas.”

  “So what are you doing out here all alone?” Mad Dog asked and he sounded kind of pissed.

  She looked over her shoulder toward the house, way in the distance, and her belly tightened from his reprimanding tone.

  “Regan just headed inside. I was enjoying the quietness.” Damn her shaky voice. Mad Dog Murphy was such a disciplinary man.

  Mad Dog stared down at her. His dark blue eyes sparkled as his eyes roamed over her body. There was no denying it. Mad Dog and Ricky affected her. So she focused on Jonas.

  “So, where are you staying? Has Regan given you a tour of town and some of the hot spots?” Jonas asked as he stood next to her. She decided to stand up, feeling the heat of Ricky’s thigh next to hers. As she stood, a light breeze collided against her skin, sending her long, black hair over her shoulders. Her skirt lifted slightly because of the flared bottom edge and she grabbed onto it to keep it in place. In doing so, she nearly lost her balance, her legs so shaky from having Mad Dog staring at her, watching her every move, and Ricky doing the same thing.

  “Whoa,” Jonas said as he reached for her and steadied her by her waist.

  “I’m okay. Thank you,” she said to Jonas who smiled down at her then released his hold and tipped his hat. “No problem, ma’am.”

  “Jonas, want to take the horses back to the stable for us. We’ll call it a day. We should walk Amelia back up to the house,” Mad Dog stated firmly, surprising Jonas but also making Amelia jump from his commanding tone.

  “It was nice meeting you, Amelia. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  “Yes, nice meeting you, too,” she replied then thought she heard a noise behind her.

  Jonas took the reins of both horses and walked them over toward a large stable. She watched him go, thinking that Jonas was very nice and that the horses were gorgeous creatures.

  “Didn’t you learn last night about flirting?”

  She turned toward Ricky and was a bit taken aback by his comment.

  “What are you talking about?” Ricky looked her over and she had to turn away from his gaze that totally affected her. She wound up looking straight up into Mad Dog’s eyes and he didn’t look happy. His arms were crossed in front of his chest as he watched her.

  “Last night, after you were dancing with every cowboy in the place and Tucker decided you wanted him to take you home,” Ricky stated.

  She was so annoyed. The anger hit her insides as she gave him a dirty look.

  “First of all, I was not flirting and nor did I dance with every cowboy in the place. Secondly, Ricky, it’s none of your business.” He took a step toward her and instantly she reacted, taking numerous steps back. She knew that look, or at least she thought she did. Men hit women all the time or manhandled them. These men were soldiers and they were cowboys. Two things she was completely staying away from.

  “Maybe I’m making it my business. Regan’s been acting a bit wild lately. She should have warned you about Hucker’s and the types of cowboys that hang out there,” Ricky said.

  “You were there,” she retorted, mostly just to zing him. He was making her feel very nervous. Ricky was almost as big as Mad Dog, had just as many muscles, and ultimately was just so damn good looking, she felt faintish
. Never in her life had a man, or more than one man, made her feel this way.

  Ricky gently took her hand into his large ones, and began to caress his fingers over her palm. She felt that tingling sensation go from her hand, straight to her pussy from his touch. Hot damn, did this man know how to be suave? She wasn’t born yesterday. Then for a moment she wondered if he were just being considerate because she was Regan’s friend.

  “We had a party to go to. Listen, I’m just telling you to watch yourself. You’re a petite little thang, and any man could try to have his way with you, especially if you’re sending out the wrong signals.” Maybe not so suave after all.

  “For crying out loud. Are you for real? I don’t remember asking you for advice or asking for you to keep an eye on me. You know what, I don’t want to get into an argument with my best friend’s brothers. Why don’t you just mind your business and I’ll mind mine.” She turned around hoping her words halted them from any other communication. These two men made her shake.


  She stopped then looked over her shoulder toward Mad Dog. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was his deep tone, the Texas accent, or simply the man’s ability to make anyone halt in their tracks with just one word.

  “We’ll talk later.”

  She turned back around and headed toward the house. Who the heck was Mad Dog to say “we’ll talk later”? Was he for real? God, Regan’s brothers sure did take the protective role seriously. But why include her? She wasn’t even family.

  As she got closer to the house, she saw Regan standing on the front porch with Velma.

  “Were they bothering you?” Regan asked.

  “Apparently, I’m a flirt who sends guys the wrong messages. I don’t know.” Amelia threw her arms up in the air.

  Regan chuckled then winked at Velma.

  “My brothers have the hots for you,” Velma said and Amelia gasped.

  “What? No, not me. They’re all acting like I’m their sister, too. Regan, you can keep them. I don’t need this type of aggravation.”

  Regan and Velma laughed.

  “I have to see this play out. This is awesome,” Velma said and Amelia didn’t know what the little Haas woman meant, but all she wanted to do was stay clear of Mad Dog and Ricky.

  * * * *

  “So, you start on Monday right, Amelia?” Elise Haas asked as Amelia, Regan, and Velma set the large table. It could seat more than a dozen people, and as Amelia thought about that, she realized there were going to be eleven of them eating today. Her belly tightened at the thought that all four Haas brothers were going to be sitting there.


  “Oh, sorry, Mrs. Haas. I was just thinking about how huge this table is.”

  Elise smiled.

  “Wait until you see this place in two weeks, Amelia. The whole family is going to be here and a bunch of friends for my birthday,” Velma stated with a smile as she placed the napkins next to each place setting.

  “That’s right, you’re turning twenty-one. Very cool,” Amelia added.

  “So what about the job, Amelia?” Elise asked as her husbands, Sam, Jordan, and Tysen, entered the room. They each gave their wife a kiss or a pat to her backside. She swatted their hands away and giggled. Amelia smiled. It was nice to see the affection and love between the four of them and it was weird, too.

  “Well, I’m a bit nervous, obviously,” she began to say then noticed Ricky and Brody standing in the doorway. Their brothers Waylon and Murphy were already taking a seat at the table.

  She swallowed hard. They saw her watching their fathers and mother. But who couldn’t get caught in appreciating their obvious love.

  “Well that’s understandable, Amelia. Starting a new job can be nerve-racking, but I’m sure you’ll do just fine. I heard that your interview knocked their socks off,” Sam Haas stated then popped a cherry tomato into his mouth.

  “How did you hear about my interview?”

  “Oh, I know your boss, Toby Conlin.”


  “Where is she working, the hospital?” Ricky asked, sounding annoyed and she wondered why.

  “She’s working in the injured soldier program. Amelia has a big heart.” Regan winked as she locked gazes with Amelia. Amelia shook her head. Regan was enjoying using Amelia to egg her brothers on.

  “Why do you ask, Ricky?”

  “Well, last night Tucker tried to take Amelia home with him,” he stated with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Now all four brothers stared at her. Amelia felt her cheeks warm and then she heard Sam, Jordan, and Tysen make comments.

  “That man is trouble. I hope you four did something about it,” Jordan stated.

  “She’s standing here now isn’t she?” Mad Dog replied with an attitude.

  Amelia wanted the floor to eat her up. This was so embarrassing. Where did all this instant protectiveness come from? She wasn’t used to it. She took care of herself and the sooner everyone understood that the better.

  “Excuse me,” she stated. They all looked at her as Elise, Regan, and Velma placed the last platters of food onto the table.

  “I don’t know anything about Tucker or what his problem was last night. I don’t know any of you at all really. I appreciate your concern. I appreciated your assistance last night, Murphy, but I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it long enough, so please, back off.”

  By the intense expressions on the men’s faces, she knew she hit a sore spot or something with them. She heard chuckling as she turned toward their fathers. She saw them trying not to laugh.

  Elise smiled as she patted Amelia’s shoulder.

  “You have been taking care of yourself, Amelia. But my boys will keep an eye on you, for me. You’re not from around here. You don’t know who to stay clear of and what things to watch out for. And don’t worry, my sons’ barks are bigger than their bites. So let’s eat, before it gets cold.”

  Jordan pulled a chair out for Amelia as Sam pulled one out for his wife. She sat between her men, and they served her first before they served themselves.

  Feeling half successful in making a stand and half foolish, they ate in silence until Velma began to explain about her plans for next Friday night, her official birthday, and then the family party here at the house on Sunday.

  Amelia caught the looks from the Haas brothers. She felt her palms sweating as their intimidating personas affected her big-time.

  She took a piece of chicken and looked up to find Sniper watching her. She liked both of his names. Waylon sounded so cowboyish. Sniper definitely added to his intimidating attitude. The way his eyes held her gaze, or zeroed in on her body, her lips especially as she spoke, made her nervous and aroused. A glance at each of them, and she saw things she liked and was attracted to and things she feared. The ultimate scare was their immediate authoritative attitude. They were bossy, mean looking, yet handsome enough to stop a woman dead in her tracks. She smiled to herself. Son of a bitch, I am attracted to these men. Since I would never be able to choose between them if I had a chance, it’s futile to fantasize.

  “Waylon, you’ll be here for my birthday right? You don’t have any matches?” Velma asked.

  Amelia wondered what Velma was talking about, and as she looked at Waylon, he gave a nice smile to his sister.

  “No boxing matches. I’ll be here.”

  Amelia’s stomach was immediately in knots.

  “You’re a boxer, a fighter?” she asked, her voice cracking as she said the words.

  “Yeah, that’s where his bruises came from. He just finished a huge match in Vegas. That’s when you guys first met right? At the airport.” Regan smiled, but Amelia wasn’t even paying so much attention to that or how his parents began asking about them meeting. She heard them saying how crazy it was that she and Waylon met one another at the airport. She even heard Velma say something about fate, but Amelia was in a dead stare at Waylon and she felt the disappointment and sadness reach her eyes.<
br />
  He’s a fighter. He has a bad attitude. He’s just like what I left back in New York.

  “You should see him fight. He’s really good, Amelia,” Velma stated.

  She stared at her plate.

  “I don’t like fighting,” she whispered.

  “Oh this is organized fighting. You should see how good Waylon is,” Regan added.

  Amelia was silent. She felt the eyes upon her and then Jordan changed the subject and they all started talking about the ranch, the upcoming season, and swimming in the lake out back.

  She listened quietly as they all talked about the area.

  “Murphy, did you get a chance to look for a place for Amelia to rent yet? Didn’t you say he was going to help her, Regan?” Elise asked.

  “Yeah, Murphy, anything?” Regan asked.

  Murphy looked at his mom as he wiped the corner of his mouth with a blue checkered linen napkin.

  “I’ve been looking. I found a few places, but the rent isn’t cheap.”

  “How much?” Amelia asked.

  He looked at Amelia from directly across the table.

  “A few hundred more than what Regan said you could afford.”

  “Shoot. Well, don’t worry, Amelia, you can stay with me for however long you need to,” Regan said.

  “I don’t want to impose like that. I’ll look around, too. I’m just a bit wary of taking on too high of a rent before I even get my first few paychecks. Once I sign a lease, I’m stuck. What if the job doesn’t work out, or if I need the money for something else? I’m already using public transportation until my car gets here from New York.”

  “It will get here this week right?” Regan asked.

  “It’s supposed to.”

  “I have a great idea. Especially since the hospital is only about thirty minutes from here. Why not stay in the bunkhouse down the road? It’s completely renovated. No one is renting it right now,” Elise stated.

  “Oh, Mom, that’s a great idea,” Regan said with a smile. Amelia didn’t know what to say.

  “Oh, I don’t know, Mrs. Haas. I mean, I don’t have a car as is and Monday I start work.”


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