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Witch Avenue Series (The Complete Set)

Page 55

by Bolton, Karice

  “Logan,” I paused. “You needed to have left that life behind for you.”

  He scowled at me and shot up.

  “You don’t think I know that? I obviously left it for myself as well because I loved you… because I knew what we could become.”

  “And what is that?” I challenged, feeling anger running through me.

  “A couple who will stop at nothing to ensure our love will remain above everything. That we will outlast everything and everyone that is thrown at us because we know what’s most important in this life.”

  The anger that was tearing at me from every direction had nothing to do with Logan. He didn’t do anything wrong. He just happened to be the lucky person, in arm and ears reach, when I found out I don’t get to grow old with him — that my life was going to be cut short for a reason and a purpose I don’t even understand.

  Seizing the true cause of my anger began to feel liberating. It was okay to be angry at the cards I was dealt. I didn’t have to act happy about it because I wasn’t. Instead, I needed to channel this anger into something productive, like hunting down Lara. The least I could do was ensure that once I left this world, Logan would be safe and if that meant ending every single one of the Venators. So be it.

  “My, god. The nectunt is on fire. What are you thinking about?” he breathed, holding his side.

  “Payback.” I said, staring out at darkened skies that had been vacated by my little mammal friends.

  “Don’t forget what you stand for. What we stand for,” he spoke softly.

  “And let you do all the dirty work? I don’t think so. I’ll just have to make sure the circumstances are always just right.” I tossed him an evil grin, and he pulled me down to him.

  “I’m never going to let you get too dirty,” his voice was gravelly, sending chills through me, but I ignored his comment. Things had changed. My amount of time here had changed. Things had to be done the way they had to be done.

  We were now living in a world where people were playing monsters and Gods, and I had to become one to fight one.

  “Now tell me how you ended the ones who were sent after you.” I wasn’t even attempting to resist the surge of adrenaline that was running through me like a drug.

  “I set a trap and waited for them to appear. I picked them off one a time,” he replied coldly. “I used a different method for each one. The first met with a shadow hunter that I conjured. The second met with mercury, and the third met with my fists.”

  “Fists, huh?”

  “I’m not proud of it, but—”

  “It had to be done,” I finished for him. “So we might have a chance of it being less messy with my powers.”

  “Triss, I really don’t want you involved in this. I can take care of it.”

  “When have I ever sat and watched the fun pass me by?” I countered.

  “Point taken.” His lip quirked up slightly. “You know, I’ve been drawn to your stubbornness and strength since we were kids, but somehow it manifested into this complete turn on.”

  His eyes were dancing with mischief and I realized that everything from this moment forward would have a greater significance that was never born between us before. Every breath, every touch, every kiss would be treated as our last, driven by a desire to fight for the next.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I murmured, touching his chin playfully. “Now I’m not hot on the idea of making the first move. It seems whoever starts the war, isn’t around to finish it. I like your idea of setting the traps. I’m just not sure where or when Lara should fall into our timeline. Should we get her first or should she be our finale?”

  “Let’s find out what the movements are doing from Dace and Bakula before we figure out logistics. Something tells me things will fall into place pretty easily soon enough. Now we’ve just got to get your skills to a point where they’re second nature. You know how you feel with archery and—”

  “My pet snake?” I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah. That’s where we need to get you.”

  I leaned up against him, smelling the deliciousness I’d become so accustomed to and let my head rest next to his chest.

  “And babe, you have to understand that I will do anything to protect you. You are more important than anything this world has to offer me. Your role in this world is bigger than me —or you— for that matter. I will make sure you’re protected until the end. Regardless of…”

  “Stop it. Now it sounds like you’re saying your goodbyes.” I placed my finger along his lips to quiet him.

  He grabbed my finger and brought it close to his lips. He kissed it softly as he brought me in to him, letting our lips find each other and share the anguish and heartache neither of us could vocalize. Instead the simple gestures turned to a passion that allowed us to survive another day without being buried in grief for what could have been.


  I climbed a little higher up the tree to see where I could have fun next. Not only was I learning a tremendous amount, I was finding the release of energy to be therapeutic. Some people have the gym — I light things on fire and climb trees. Yay me!

  “Babe, I found a waterfall. We could see what happens when you try to wrangle the water,” Logan yelled up to me. “You haven’t done that since the warehouse.”

  And that was an accident, a good one but nonetheless an accident. I probably should figure out how to wash mean people away.

  I had been practicing my Caneo witch skills all morning and was beginning to feel pretty confident that I could harness my emotions quickly enough to turn just about anything to silver. And the fire? That was second nature. The problem was that I wasn’t sure how useful that would be. I’d always have to make sure I didn’t light other things on fire and did I really want to light someone on fire? Doubtful. I shuddered at the last thought and began my climb down the tree.

  Hopping from the last limb, I landed on a bed of pinecones that cracked and popped as I walked toward Logan. He extended his arms, and I dove right in, breathing in his goodness. After the realization of what type of witch I might actually be, every moment with him was a gift, and I didn’t want to lose a second of what time I had left on earth. I was not going to pout about it. I was going to make the best out of it. Besides, who’s to say I couldn’t be an exception to the rule?

  “So where’s this magical waterfall?” I asked, as he guided me away from the woods.

  “I doubt it’s magical until you have your way with it,” he teased. “But it’s over there where the cliffs extend and then down a ways.” He pointed off in the distance where mostly rock was exposed. “I was thinking we could hike down to where it releases.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I shouted, and took off running, looking behind me to see him shaking his head at me.

  “You’re gonna leave me high and dry?” he accused.

  “Running downhill is a lot more fun than uphill. Gotta use it to my advantage when I can,” I yelled back, feeling the brisk air glide along my skin. “Catch me if you can.”

  “I’ll catch you all right,” his voice boomed down the mountain. “And then you’re mine.”

  I stepped up my pace and shot another grin back at him as my feet quickly dodged the bumps and lumps that were exposed on the mountain trail. He was gorgeous, especially in the woods. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt with the hood up, which only accentuated how sexy his azure eyes were. There wasn’t a hint of anything lurking behind them. It was a beautiful thing. We both knew what we were facing ahead and that brought us freedom. That freedom was something that I had longed for and hadn’t even realized it.

  I turned back down the mountain, running and hopping over the downed-limbs and large rocks, hoping to keep one step ahead of him.

  Logan’s steps were coming up behind me, and I loved the buildup of anticipation the sound of his footsteps created. I spotted a large boulder ahead and beelined toward it and hid behind it. Not that it was really hiding, since he saw exactly where I went, but I
couldn’t wait to get him over here.

  His footsteps began to slow and then they stopped.


  I wasn’t leaving my hiding place. He’s going to have to walk around the boulder. And then he’ll see what’s in store.

  Still nothing. Shoot! Where’s he at?

  This was definitely taking the fun out of it.

  I slowly edged around the boulder, my hands gliding along the cold stone as I slowly moved anything out of the way that might crunch and give me away. With every step toward where he should’ve been, my heart rate began increasing. Where’s he hiding?

  Circling to the front of the boulder, my anxiety level began to rise. Maybe this wasn’t part of our hide-and-seek game. Listening to the surroundings, I heard nothing but the faint sound of the waterfall off in the distance, a few birds chirping, and then my own heartbeat.

  “Hey, babe…” his voice playful. “Look up.”

  And there he was sitting on top of the boulder. How he got up there so quietly I had no idea, but he dangled his hands down gesturing for me.

  “You are in so much trouble, Mister!” I accused. “I got worried.”

  “Nothing to worry about,” his voice softened. “Grab my hands, and I’ll pull you up.”

  I reached my hands as high as I could and he interlocked his fingers through mine and helped me up the boulder. Hauling me into his hold, I enjoyed the strength his arms offered.

  “Nice one,” I whispered.

  “I try. It was pretty cute watching you sneak around the rock like that.” He began laughing. “You looked like quite the sleuth.”

  “Very funny!”

  His body shook with laughter as held me tightly, and my mind suddenly flashed to not existing in his world. No matter how hard I tried to act like I was okay, I guess I wasn’t. Squeezing him tighter, he pressed his lips against my head and held me tightly.

  “Hey, that doesn’t look like practicing to me,” Dace shouted from up the mountain.

  Logan slowly released me, and we both looked up range to see where he might be and if he was alone. Instead of being happy to see him, I was angry.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, ignoring his antagonizing demeanor.

  Dace met us on top of the boulder and stood in front of us. A look of concern had washed over him as he watched me watch him.

  “Yeah?” I asked, folding my arms.

  “Everything okay?” Dace asked, flashing Logan a look.

  “Define your definition of okay,” I snapped, surprised by my reaction to him.

  “We’ve figured out that she’s a Divinus witch,” Logan replied coldly.

  “Oh,” Dace’s stare returned to the stone beneath him. “We were hoping that we’d be able to tell you.”

  “Why didn’t you?” I asked.

  “We figured you had enough on your plate.”

  “When have I ever given the idea to anyone that I can’t handle things? I think I’ve proven quite the opposite.” I shook my head. “So what brought you up here? Bakula said you’d only be up here if something significant occurred.”

  “That, indeed, has happened. Eben has begun targeting us as well. Fairylands across every continent are under attack. He’s ramping up production on some of the chemicals that produced the brainwashing qualities, and we think he’s getting close to what he’s truly after.”

  “Which is?” I asked, my eyes narrowing.

  “I can’t tell you,” Dace replied sullenly.

  “You expect me to fight for you, and you won’t tell me what they’re after?” I asked, feeling my temper continue to rise.

  “Each fairy congregation across the globe has their own version of something that when combined with other elements can provide what they’re looking for. But it’s not without great consequence and risk to the person who attempts it. In fact, I don’t recommend it at all.”

  “Well, since you’re not telling me what it is, I guess we don’t have to worry about the consequences do we?”

  “These developments will deliver the most devastation our communities have ever seen,” his voice broke, and a tiny, glistening particle dropped to the rock.

  “Dace, what’s the matter?” I asked, feeling very uneasy.

  “They took Bakula,” he replied, barely able to even whisper the words.

  “Oh, my god,” I whispered, realizing the glistening particle was Dace’s tear. Sadness ripped through me at an unstoppable rate, and I reached for Logan’s hand.

  “They’ll stop at nothing. We’ve seen it before. But they’ve never been this close before to the combination of elements. Their tactics are more ruthless than I’ve ever seen. They know how close they are. I’m sure they’re trying to get it out of her. If she’s even still alive.” Another glistening particle dropped down his cheek, and my heart tore as it splashed to the boulder.

  “How can we help? When can we get off this mountain?”

  “You’ll know when the time is right.” He wasn’t even fighting his sadness. Dace and Bakula’s love spanned centuries, and now he no longer had her by his side. I swallowed and felt my throat constrict as I held back the tears.

  “We were off to the waterfall for me to practice,” I replied, squeezing Logan’s hand. He began sliding off the boulder and jumped to the ground. “We won’t let anything get in the way of my practice time.”

  “Thank you, Triss,” Dace replied, and I felt so guilty for snapping at him earlier. “But do take time out for each other because no matter how long you have together, it’s never enough.”

  “We’ll get her back,” I told him. “I know we will.”

  “I know we’ll certainly try,” Dace whispered, shaking his head. “We’re on the move again. Here we barely got set up and now we’re moving again. We’ll have to stay on the run until this is over, which makes it more difficult if Bakula manages to escape. She won’t know where to go…”

  “Dace, one step at a time. We’ll find her. I promise,” I replied. His uncertainty killed me inside.

  “Never make a promise you can’t fulfill. So that’s the update. You’ll know when to come down. Keep practicing, and I’ll let you know if anything else happens.”

  I nodded and he flew away, leaving me to process everything and unable to reconcile anything.

  Logan tapped the bottom of my foot, and I slid over the edge of the rock, letting myself slip over the side, falling into Logan’s arms as he caught me and placed me gently on the ground.

  “It’s gonna be okay, babe. We’ll get her back.” He kissed the side of my head, and I let my hand fall into his as we walked toward the base of the waterfall.

  Hate was running through me. I don’t think there was another term for it. I always avoided that particular emotion and I’ll certainly admit it snuck in here and there… but now it was fueling me. I knew that was a dangerous place to exist, but it was naturally transpiring.

  The remaining walk to the falls was a somber one for both of us.

  “Bakula… I can’t believe it. I kind of let her fall into that mom category for me lately.” I paused. “I feel like I’m dooming everyone around me to a fate that was never meant to be theirs.”

  I looked over at Logan who was shaking his head. “You’ve been feeling like that for a while, haven’t you?” his voice was filled with tenderness.

  “Yeah. Actually I have. This only confirmed it.”

  “But these aren’t your actions. You’re not doing these things to anyone. You’re here to stop them.” He brought me in close to him, and I wanted his words to sink in, but they wouldn’t. It’s like I didn’t want to hear it because deep inside I’d never believe it.

  “I have the same blood in me as my father, grandfather, and aunt.”

  “And I have the blood of my mother and father who never dabbled in the dark arts at all and look what happened to me.” His words struck a chord.

  “But look how you turned out. You shot it down. My family has been chasing after things for centuries, which
has done nothing but bring pain and unrest to anyone associated with them.”

  “Don’t forget you have two parents,” he said. “Your mom’s side of the family has practiced peacefully since the beginning. You have that in you as much as anything else. It’s not like you see me calling furry beasts to come to my rescue.”

  “Would you want to?” I laughed. He always had a way to put things in perspective.

  “Probably not.” He smiled and pulled me over onto a slippery rock, next to the base of the falls. “Are you ready to give it a go?”

  “Absolutely.” I grinned, feeling the dew begin spreading along my arms. I thought of the desperation that I felt when we were in the warehouse together and the thought of losing Logan.

  I ran my finger along my arm, feeling the wetness at my fingertips. At the warehouse I was only able to burst some pipes. Here I could tell I’d be able to do a lot more.

  “You’re glistening, babe,” he replied.

  “Am I now?” I teased.

  Rubbing my fingers together, I closed my eyes and began envisioning the river rising from the riverbed. I could hear the river rerouting and my excitement was building.

  “Whatever you’re doing is working,” he said admiringly. “Keep it up.”

  I pictured the water wrapping itself around us like a cyclone, swirling a beautiful glass shield protecting us from the evils that were only a mountain away. Once I began hearing the splashes and droplets to match my mind’s work, I reached for Logan’s hand and grabbed on tightly.

  Slowly opening my eyes, I was mesmerized at the beauty of what I had created.

  “I can’t believe this is for real…that I did this.”

  “I can’t either,” he replied, releasing his hand from mine. “But you did and it’s beautiful.”

  He reached out toward the cascading wall of water that surrounded us. Once his fingers touched the shield of water, I gasped realizing the wall wasn’t going anywhere. In fact, it was getting stronger; the walls were thicker, taller, and less translucent. The water beaded along his skin as his fingers pressed deeper into the water as if it was an ice-blue, bubbly wall keeping us in our own imaginary world.


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