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Oracle Haunting (The Phoenix Files Book 4)

Page 34

by Morgan Kelley

  “I’m in a damn good mood now,” he said, as they headed out.


  “I need a favor,” he said, trusting the woman before him.

  She already knew what it would be, but she also knew he needed to bring it up.

  “Okay,” she said. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’m going to die, aren’t I? I switched fate.”

  She nodded. “You switched it, but I’m working on switching it again.”

  “Can you actually do that?”

  “I can. It takes looking ahead, figuring out a way to circumvent what’s coming, and then actually do it. I saved Jagger from dying. That one was pretty much written in stone.”

  “Then I need one huge thing if you can’t alter fate.”

  “You want us to protect her.”

  “Yes. If for some reason, I die, I need to know that Brianna and our daughter will be safe. Don’t leave her here. If you move on, take her with you.”

  “I can promise that she won’t be alone.”

  He let out the breath he was holding. “What will my daughter be like?” he asked.

  “She’ll be like her mother. She’ll find sweetness and innocence in everything. She’ll be filled with love, compassion, and all the good things in life. Circe will be loved.”

  He took Avalon’s hands in his.

  “I love that name.”

  “So does your wife. She’s a big fan of mythology. She’s going to name her that because Ireland was magical.”

  He needed to know.

  “Will Brianna be okay without me?”

  Avalon touched his head.

  The pictures began flashing through his mind. They began showing him his child being born, her first steps, and then her growing up.

  In all of them, there was Brianna.

  She wore his ring.

  She never took it off.

  “She’ll die loving you. There will never be another. You are her soulmate. The five days you shared will forever impact her life.”

  He wiped his eyes.

  “Thank you for that.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, Laird. I have a lot to do. For now, be careful who you trust, and watch over your wife. She needs you.”

  “I need her. I never realized how much I could want something in life. I want her and that baby more than I want my career, the things I’ve collected, or my life. I want to live.”

  Avalon touched his cheek, and he gazed into those pale misty eyes.

  “Then fight. Fight with all you have, and you’ll help me change fate.”

  He closed his eyes.

  Took a deep breath.

  And got ready.

  Laird was ready to do battle.

  For his life.

  * * * O R A C L E * * *

  Bed and Breakfast

  When they pulled up, they were told this was where their daughter, and Richard’s fiancée, was staying.

  It was…quaint.

  Maureen Collins had no idea why her child wanted to live here in this tiny town, filled with people who could barely speak English.

  It was horrifying.

  As they headed inside, an older man was behind the counter, working on a menu board.

  “Can I help you? We don’t have any vacancies for the night.”

  “We’re looking for our daughter. Her name is Brianna Collins. She has red hair and is a teacher.”

  “Oh, Bri! She’s a sweet girl! We love her here at the inn. She’s been helping my daughter with her writing and poetry. You should be proud.”

  The woman’s face puckered. “Yes, we should be, but we’re not. Can we see her?”

  “Oh, you missed her. She moved out today.”

  That didn’t please the woman.

  “Do you know where she is?”


  She waited.


  “Will you tell us?” Maureen asked. “It’s rather urgent, and we would like to see her.”

  He scribbled the detective’s address down on a card.

  “She’s here.”

  The woman took it and looked around. “Where’s the nearest hotel?” she asked.


  “We were just there.”

  He didn’t like her. She had that air about her like she was better than everyone. Yes, he had Brianna’s room, and it hadn’t been packed up yet, but still…

  “We’re a small town. We don’t have hotels. You’ll have to head back to Cork.”

  She headed out, her husband and Richard behind her.

  Out in the yard, she had her fit.

  “Brianna has made me chase her, and I’m not happy, Thomas.”

  “I know, Maureen. Just be calm. We’ll get her back.”

  She hoped so.

  This whole thing was getting old.

  And fast.

  Chapter Twenty

  I n the living room, they all sat down to discuss what they’d found for the day. Half the team had been doing research, and the other half had been doing the legwork. It was time to come together and share.

  Maura had a giant map laid out on the wall, and there were pushpins in it.

  She went first, giving them everything she’d found out.

  “You had two women who lived together die, but they were placed in different locations. That made me wonder why.”

  They all listened.

  “If you look at the body dumps, you’ll see it’s starting to circle this location,” she said, pointing to the big clump of land in the middle.

  “What is that?” Luke asked.

  Lucian knew before she even told him.

  “That’s this property, isn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “This is ground zero of sorts,” she stated. “I don’t doubt, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but it’s got to be tied to the past. We have someone killing people, and a man who liked to mess with the dark arts.”

  “People,” Roxy stated.

  They all glanced over.

  “After seeing today’s victim, I went back through the first two victims’ autopsies. Michael, Kyra, and Tierney all had multiple wounds caused by what I’m willing to bet were multiple weapons.”

  Brianna was new at all of this.

  As she sat in Laird’s lap, she was horrified by what she was hearing.

  “Couldn’t the killer have more than one knife?” she asked.

  Laird answered. “He likely wouldn’t. If I were going to kill someone, I would carry one knife. Two is overkill.”

  Nate agreed.

  Luke too.

  “If there are multiple knives, you’re likely going to have multiple assailants.”

  “So, two people?”

  She nodded. “One was a lefty, and one a righty.”

  Laird knew this was going to be hard to solve. They didn’t have anything substantial.

  “What about a trace report?” Bishop asked.

  Laird pulled out his phone. “I have the results for the first two, not the third.”

  He began reading them off.

  “They found fibers from a few different types of clothing.”

  “Like what?” Bishop asked.


  Strike one.

  Nate saw where this was going. “That’s like cotton back home. Most of the sweaters here are made of wool.”

  “Exactly,” Laird offered.

  “We pulled some hairs, but none had root balls. They are a dead end.”

  Strike two.

  That really sucked.

  “Anything else?” Luke asked.

  “Yeah, beer. They found it on their clothes and the bottom of their shoes. Since they were all in the pub, we don’t know if the killer was drinking above them or if they got some dumped on them while celebrating. Hell! They likely stood in it!”

  Strike three.

  This was going nowhere.



r />   That described everyone in Ireland.

  “So, all we really know is that this is the place someone likes to hide bodies, and that it’s attached to the things that happened here three hundred years ago with Sir Lawrence Keane.”

  They all nodded.

  “So nothing,” Laird stated.


  Avalon knew they weren’t going to like what she had to say. Still, it had to be brought up.

  “We may have to work this case differently.”

  “How?” Laird asked. “I have three bodies. If I don’t get something soon, this is going to blow up. My boss was already lied to once. Jack isn’t going to buy the bullshit for much longer. He’s a seasoned Garda.”

  They all sympathized.

  “You need to focus on the past,” Maura stated. She knew what Avalon was thinking.

  “We know that there’s a victim from at least ten years ago. Maybe we can take the missing person reports and start working those.”

  “I can get them tomorrow morning at my office.”

  That worked for them.

  “We also need to start focusing on Lawrence Keane—seriously focusing on him. We know he killed his lover, Maribel, but what happened to Polly?”

  Maura hated that name.

  It reminded her of what happened between her and Luke. It made her belly roll.

  “Is there a town genealogist?” Brianna asked.

  “Yeah, his name is Brian Higgins. He’s married to the librarian. They really like books,” Laird stated. “If anyone would know about the history of Graymoor, they would.”

  Yeah, they were supposed to hit up the genealogist earlier, but they’d gotten distracted with all the information at the library.

  Well, it looked like they had an angle.

  Who knew?

  That might make their lives easier.

  “We should visit him,” stated Luke.

  “I can do that,” Brianna offered. “I might work better with them, since I deal with academics. No offense, but the rest of you are scary.”

  Maura laughed. “It’s like she knows us.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Nate stated. “We’ll keep working the forensics, and maybe Avalon and Brianna can visit the town historian/genealogist.”

  Avalon got excited.

  “Yes, baby, you get to go out and play detective, unless you’re tied up here. I’ll let you play it by ear.”

  That made her happy.

  “If only our killer was a psychic, I’d be able to feel him the second I met him.”

  Yeah, luck was not on their side.

  Not on this one.

  Then again, no one was surprised. Of course it would be like that. They have a non-psychic killer, and Avalon is free to wander.

  That was Nate’s luck.

  Lucian hated to be the bearer of bad news, but someone had to say it.

  “We’re getting another victim,” he offered. “I can feel it. The static…”

  That was all he had to say.

  Laird could feel it too. With Brianna in his lap, the static was clearing out, and he could hear the chitchat going on in his head. It was buzzing.

  “I’ll be awake tonight,” Avalon offered. “I’ll monitor it.”

  They knew they could relax if Avalon and Lucian were going to patrol.

  “The rest of you should get some sleep,” Lucian offered. “If I need you, I’ll call you,” he said.

  That worked for the team.

  “Meanwhile, Avalon and I will go into the static. Maybe our friendly dead woman will give us another clue, other than that evil has been reincarnated and to look for the family link.”

  “What?” Nate asked. “The family?”

  Avalon had forgotten to tell them that part. “Polly said look for the family.”

  Okay, well, they could add that to the list.

  Nate wasn’t sure how much that would help, but if the dead woman said it…

  Yeah, that just sounded bat shit insane to him.

  The team broke up, each person taking their partner by the hand.

  When Lucian and Avalon sat on the couch, facing each other, she took his outstretched fingers in hers.

  “Ready, partner?”

  He grinned. “Let’s see what you can do.”

  Avalon reached into the voices, and she did her thing.

  She began listening.

  And he had her back.

  * * * O R A C L E * * *

  He had to admit, the room was plush. Laird was Garda, so he didn’t make a ton of money. He was living his life on his salary, and really didn’t covet the finer things.

  Until he hopped up on that bed.

  Holy bloody hell!

  It was plush.

  He was going to sleep like the dead tonight, especially beside his girl.

  It was his wedding night, and this was better than any hotel or get away in the area. Lucian Monroe knew how to live.

  Now it was time to focus on his wife.


  He was married.

  “You look pretty tonight,” he said, watching her pull her things from her bag.

  “Thank you, Laird.”

  She could feel him watching her. “Thank you for stopping by the inn to grab my things. I appreciate it. Only, you didn’t have time to get yours.”

  “I can swing by in the morning and shower there. I’ll pack a bag. We’ll be here until the killer is found.”

  She didn’t mind.

  When she turned around, he was pulling off his tie and suit jacket.

  “What?” he asked, when he looked up.

  “You take my breath away. You’re so handsome, and I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  His heart skipped.

  “I feel the same, a grá. Want to really make my heart go crazy?” he asked.

  “Absolutely, husband. It is our wedding night. I think that’s my job.”

  “Yeah, about that.”

  She moved closer. “What?”

  “We’ll have a proper honeymoon when this is over.”

  Brianna hadn’t known him long, but she was psychically connected to him.

  “Why are you worried?”

  “Bri, my love, I’m not.”

  She touched his face. The second she did, his mind opened to her. Laird tried to pull away, but she wouldn’t let him go.

  She gasped.

  Then she took a step back. She saw it all. The fear, the worries, and his death. He was covered in blood, blindly staring up at her.

  It made her want to cry.


  “Oh, Laird. What have you done?” she asked.

  “If anything happens to me, I need you to stay with these people. They will take care of you. I need you to make sure our daughter learns how to be a good person, helping people. That will be my greatest legacy.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “No.”

  He lifted a brow. “No?”

  “No, you’re not dying on me. I just found you. I’m not dying, and you’re not going either. We fight, and we be careful. We weren’t put together to lose half of us. Promise me you’ll fight and stay with me.”

  He moved toward her. “I’ll fight until my dying breath,” he promised. “You are my sweet flower. I’m blessed to have found you, Brianna. I will never give up hope.”

  She went into his body, and placed her head above his heart. It thumped.

  “It’s for you. It will always beat for the woman I was meant to marry. The day you were born, you were made for me. This was all part of our fabric of fate. It wove together for us.”

  She stared up at him. “I’m not going to let you die. I’m not willing to give up.”

  He took her face in his hands. “That’s the tough schoolmarm I married. She’s tenacious, beautiful, and giving me a daughter.”

  She smiled up at him. “You gave me everything I’ve always wanted. How could I not give you what you deserved?”

  His heart skipped.

nbsp; She was right. She had given him everything.

  “I have something for you.”

  “What?” she asked.

  He set her free and crossed to the old dresser in the room. On it, he grabbed the prettily paper wrapped bag. When he pulled out the hot pink box with the black ribbon, she giggled.

  He loved giving her things.

  She was always so exuberant. Too many women wanted things, but his Brianna…she was just thrilled to be surprised. He made a vow that if he lived to see their daughter born, he’d surprise her all the time.

  “What is it?” she asked, as he handed it to her.

  “Something pretty for my lovely lass, and racy for our wedding night.”

  She gently untied the ribbon with shaking fingers. When she pulled the paper back, and took off the lid, inside was the prettiest negligée that she’d ever seen.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” he said.

  She stared up at him. “Why would I?” she asked.

  He was embarrassed. Laird had never done this before. This was a first, and he hoped not the last time.

  “I tell you what,” she said. “My biggest fantasy should happen too. Take off your shirt, and get comfy.”

  “Just my shirt?” he teased. “You’re easy.”

  “There’s nothing sexier than a man barefoot and shirtless. I watched you from your loft. I have that forever in my mind.”

  He unbuttoned his shirt.

  “Your turn, wife,” he offered.

  Brianna took the box and headed into the bathroom. While she was gone, Laird got the giant bed ready.

  He pulled back the covers, and plumped the pillows. Then he hopped up, braced his hands behind his neck, and waited.

  The entire time, he was in her mind.

  She was happily humming away, and it charmed him. Brianna was a sweet soul, and he’d found the woman he’d love forever.

  “I’m ready,” she said, opening the bathroom door.

  He sat up in anticipation, and then his heart nearly stopped.

  The see-through black showed off so much, and the sexy red bows did crazy things to his brain. Laird wanted to crawl and beg for her touch.


  “Do I look okay?” she asked, turning around.


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