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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance

Page 108

by Lisa Lace


  He gave her a stern, commanding look, and she knew what he wanted. She took him fully into her mouth. Klowix’s hips jerked upwards as she began to move up and down, sucking him as hard and fast as she could. Her body was throbbing, already demanding to have Klowix inside her again, but this time she wanted to make it last.

  It seemed Klowix did too, because he pulled her off him before too long, gesturing for her to come back level with him. He pulled her toward him and their lips met again. Klowix’s tongue slipped into her mouth, and Bethany took it eagerly. She wrapped her arms around his broad back, holding on for dear life.

  This time, when Klowix broke the kiss, he moved all the way down between her thighs. Bethany trembled as she spread her legs as wide as they could go, waiting for him.

  Klowix pushed a single finger inside her. Bethany moaned in satisfaction as he began to move slowly in and out.

  “More.” She knew right away it was a mistake.

  His finger disappeared, and she whimpered.

  “Please, Commander, may I have more?”

  “That’s better.”

  This time, he used two fingers, scissoring them inside her, stretching her in ways that made her even wetter than she already was. Soon Klowix’s hand was soaked, but he didn’t seem to mind, and pushed in a third finger.

  When he started to use his super-fast movement, in and out of her at the speed of light, Bethany started seeing stars as she felt herself coming again to the peak. She reached down to touch her clit, and with a cry she came, bucking on Klowix’s fingers, shuddering through it.

  She lay on her back, trying to get her breath, but Klowix wasn’t waiting. He was kissing her again. She could feel his hot, hard cock pressed against her stomach. His hand was behind her neck, drawing essence out for just a few moments; those moments were enough to make her forget that she’d just come, and make her ache for him all the more.

  Klowix rubbed against her, smearing her torso with come, making her slick and letting him slide up and down over her body.

  “Commander, please touch my breasts?”

  “You’re demanding tonight.”

  “Please, Commander.”

  He acquiesced, taking her left breast in a firm hand and squeezing. Bethany felt her nipples hardening under his touch. He started drawing more essence out of her, coming back to kiss her at the same time, and Bethany was so bewildered with pleasure that the world seemed to spin out of control.

  He moved down, positioning himself above her. Bethany lifted her legs, wrapping them around his hips and helping guide him in. Klowix moved quickly, impatiently, clearly as desperate for release as she was. This time, it was his finger on Bethany’s clit, moving in divine circles.

  She could hear the slick noises of them coming together, and felt once again an orgasm building up inside her. She and Klowix cried out at almost the same time. The sweet pull of her essence moving towards him mingled with the sensation as her thighs tightened, shuddering with release.

  By this time, they were both covered in sweat. Bethany wiped strings of hair off her face as Klowix rolled to the side.

  “Are you feeling better, Commander?”

  “Getting there.” He was trying to hide a smile.

  “Well, if you’re not quite there yet, I guess we had better keep trying.”

  He gave her a ravenous look. “I guess so.”

  “What time did he say he’d be getting back?” Bethany was trying to keep the whine out of her voice.

  Snia didn’t look at her. “He doesn’t know.”

  “If I could just send him a message on the T-screen…”

  Lizzy was firm. “No. You’ll drive him insane if you message him at work.”

  “But he’s even supposed to be at work. It’s Saturday.” There was no denying it, she was whining. She couldn’t help it. Klowix had been mostly absent for days, and she missed him.

  She was so used to the weight of fear in her stomach when he was around, wondering if the next sharing would be the one that killed her, that she was actually kind of missing that too. It certainly added to the arousal – and there had been a lot of arousal recently.

  She much preferred this method of Klowix dealing with his anger. The furniture remained intact, and she got to spend hours at a time having one earth shattering orgasm after another. To be honest, that was the part of the reason she was so impatient for him to be back. She hadn’t had him inside her in days, and she was frustrated.

  “What could possibly take up so much time, anyway?”

  “The protests, remember?”

  Bethany did remember, but she didn’t want to.

  “Come on, let’s do something else.” Beoli took Bethany’s hand and pulled her up. “Klowix won’t be happy if you’re bored when he’s away. You know how much he likes us to be entertained.”

  Bethany blushed at the memory of the last “entertainment” Klowix had offered. The others tactfully pretended not to notice.

  “Let’s go for a swim.” Everyone else made noises of interest at Culip’s suggestion. Culip had passed the levaitor test with flying colors just the week before, and as Klowix had promised, he’d given her the controls so that they could swim when he wasn’t home.

  Bethany thought that some cold water would do her good. She had her own selection of skimpy bikinis, thanks to Culip’s many shopping sprees.

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” A smile tugged at Bethany’s lips as she followed suit and went to get changed.

  It was several hours later that they staggered back inside, laughing with their arms around each other, soaking wet and exhausted from hours of swimming, but happy. As Bethany helped Snia unknot her bikini, she realized that somehow, these people had become just as much her family as her parents on earth had ever been.

  “Do we really have to leave? I mean, even after Klowix has found his secrena, couldn’t we all just stay here together? I don’t want to split up.”

  Trili shrugged. “I guess that would be up to you and Klowix.”

  Bethany couldn’t help but look surprised.

  “Come on, Bethany, you must know where this is heading.”

  Bethany hoped she knew where it was heading, but she was terrified to get her hopes up only to have them crushed. “Just because Klowix has gone further with me than anyone else doesn’t mean I’m his secrena.”

  “True, but you have good reason to be hopeful.”

  “Anyway, I want to spread my wings a bit, but if I’ve got a home here after the secrena has been chosen, I’ll certainly be back.”

  Bethany smiled as the others made similar comments. She missed her parents and would certainly go back to visit them, but for better or worse, Telion was her home now. No, not Telion. Klowix was her home – and Trili, Snia and all the others. They were her home.

  “Let’s go order some food. We’ll prepare a nice table and have Klowix’s favorite ready when he comes home.” Bethany rather enjoyed taking charge.

  “Now that sounds like a plan.” Lizzy sounded enthusiastic, and Culip whipped out the T-screen that never seemed to be beyond her reach.

  Before they could get started properly, they were distracted by a noise outside. Going to the window, Bethany saw a crowd of rowdy people, all holding signs and shouting.

  “Get away from the window.” Trili yanking Bethany back sharply even as Snia pulled the curtains closed.

  “What, you think one of them might try to shoot us?”

  Beoli shrugged. “You never know. I know these fanatics, they don’t listen to reason like normal people do. Besides, Klowix would have our heads if he knew we allowed any of you in sight of the protesters.”

  Culip and Trili helped herd Bethany, Ruth, Lizzy, and Anna into the middle of the room while Snia flitted around, making sure all the curtains were closed and the doors were locked.

  Trili took charge now. “Just stay here. I’ll get a movie for us to watch. Snia, call Klowix at work and ask him for the window s
ecurity code. We should probably put down the shield blinds, just in case.”

  Snia had barely touched the T-screen when the door burst open.

  “Is everyone ok?” Klowix voice boomed. His eyes went to the closed curtains and the group of humans in the middle of the room, and he nodded approvingly.

  Bethany nodded. “We’re all fine, Commander.”

  “Commander, may I have the code for the shield blinds?”

  “Three, two, four, four, six.” As soon as Klowix was finished, Snia pressed the buttons that brought down metal barriers outside the windows.

  Klowix was resolute. “From now on, I’m doubling security here. These protests are getting violent, they’ve even started attacking humans in the city. You will all go through security drills and carry emergency T-screens on you at all times. Trili, I’m placing you in charge of making sure everyone follows the security measures.”

  “Of course, Commander.”

  Snia spoke up. “We’d never let any harm come to them.”

  Klowix softened a bit. “I know. You have done well without instruction. I am going to see the king tonight; this is getting out of hand. The army will be taking extreme measures to contain this, and I intend to see that he gives the order.”

  If Bethany were the king, she wouldn’t argue with Klowix about it. He was all business and very controlled, but she could see the rage boiling beneath the surface. She wondered if the protesters knew what they were getting themselves into.

  Chapter Eleven

  Klowix took Bethany’s arm as he walked past, pulling her so that she was flush up against his chest. He kissed her, slipping a hand behind her neck and drawing out her essence. Bethany moaned and wrapped her arms around him, but Klowix pulled away after only a moment.

  “Goodbye, Commander.” Bethany was practically breathless. He gave her a nod before closing the door behind him.

  Snia tugged at her arm. “Come on. Klowix said you’re not to get lonely while he’s away.”

  Bethany couldn’t help laughing. “He can’t order that!”

  Trili grabbed Bethany’s other hand. “Well, he has. Come on, we’re going to watch a movie. After that, Anna will do your nails, then we can do some shopping.”

  Bethany let herself be pulled along, not knowing whether to be annoyed at or grateful for Klowix.

  Lizzy’s movie choice never failed, and soon Bethany felt herself being drawn into the story, a comedy about two people who met at a festival and were cursed by a fortune teller to fall in love.

  Trili heard the sound before Bethany did and flitted to the window, peering out through the screen.

  “Everything ok?” Ruth voice did the asking, but her eyes never left the screen. They’d all gotten used to the noises of the protests outside by now.

  Trili didn’t say anything.

  “Trili?” Bethany detached her eyes from the screen, watching Trili’s still profile. “What is it?”

  Trili was frozen for only another moment. “Emergency maneuvers, situation four-five-oh-two.”

  Bethany jumped up with all the others. Klowix had drilled them enough that she felt like she could do this in her sleep. Still, her hands were shaking.

  As they had drilled, Trili took Bethany, Snia took Ruth, Culip grabbed Lizzy and Beoli flew off with Anna to the safe room. The room blurred as Trili zoomed Bethany inside, pushing her right to the back. It was less than two seconds before everyone was in and Beoli had slammed the door shut.

  Everyone had a job to do. Trili grabbed the emergency T-screen to send a message to Klowix. Bethany went around adding the manual locks over the electronic ones. Culip turned on the cameras that showed them what was happening inside and outside the house.

  Lizzy began sorting through the simple laser guns that Klowix had gotten them. Bethany sincerely hoped that this last addition was just Klowix being over-protective. For a few minutes, the room was a hive of activity, the Evions finishing their tasks at lightning speed and turning to help the others.

  Finally, everything was still, except Trili, who seemed to be having trouble.

  Anna looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Trili was looking worried, which in turn worried Bethany. Few things could fluster Trili.

  “The message won’t send. I don’t know what’s wrong. Maybe we don’t have a signal in here?”

  “Klowix would have made sure the room has signal.” Bethany may not have known everything about Klowix, but she knew how seriously he took their safety.

  “Give it here.”

  Trili handed the T-screen over to Culip before looking around the room. “Is everyone ok?”

  Ruth nodded worriedly and gazed across multiple screens. “For now.”

  Bethany followed her gaze and gasped. The protesters were right up against the door. She could see a few unconscious bodies – at least, she hoped they were unconscious – piled up behind the mob in army uniforms.

  Anna whispered to the group. “They must have realized Klowix has humans here. That’s what they’re after – they’re after us.”

  “That’s not the worst of it.”

  Bethany looked to Culip to see that she’d half taken the T-screen apart; wires were sticking up everywhere.

  “They’ve blocked the signal. We can’t get a message to Klowix.”

  “But – but surely he’ll know already? I mean, this is looking like a pretty big riot. I’m sure he’s on his way.”

  Bethany thought there was a lot more hope in Beoli’s voice than certainty.

  “The soldiers there are out of action. We don’t know if they managed to get a message off before they were attacked. People are being kept away from the protests for their own safety; I’m not sure how long it’ll be before someone comes close enough to realize what’s happened.”

  Bethany tugged the T-screen out of Culip’s hands, knowing that it was useless, and that if Culip couldn’t get a message out, then she had no chance. But she desperately wanted Klowix right now. This time, she wasn’t afraid of his violent side, the side that could kill without a second thought. This time, that side would be in defense of her, and she’d be safe.

  Snia sounded fearful. “What do we do?”

  Lizzy went to put an arm around her while Trili began pacing as best she could in the small space.

  “We do what Klowix told us to do. We’ve been through every possible way things could go wrong, including broken T-screens and dead soldiers. When Klowix arrives, he’ll give us the code before coming in, just as he said. If anyone else comes through that door, we’d better not let them get in here alive.”

  A shiver seemed to go around the room.

  “Come on. Everyone take a weapon. Beoli, Ruth, start getting the supplies out, we don’t know how long we’ll be in here for. Culip, keep working on that T-screen, you never know if their blocking mechanism may falter. Bethany, check the weapons. Lizzy, make sure the air system is running as it should be.”

  Everyone got to it. Anna followed Trili’s gaze and went down to sit down by Snia, rubbing soothing circles over her shoulders.

  Bethany knew that Snia had had a much more sheltered upbringing than any of the rest of them; this was probably the scariest thing that had ever happened to her. Bethany had certainly seen worse than this in the backlands, and even she was terrified.

  She tried not to think as she went through the motions of what Klowix had taught her, putting the lasers on test one by one, and pressing the fire button. Each made a small popping sound and turned green for a moment, indicating that they were fully functional.

  A loud bang made them all scream. Bethany’s breath caught when she looked at the screens.

  They were in the house.

  She didn’t know how the protesters had gotten in – by the sound of the bang, she was guessing some kind of bomb – but she knew it wasn’t good. Klowix’s security measures should have prevented anyone from getting this far.

  Ruth’s voice was quiet as she handed out the custom-made la
ser shields Klowix had stored for them. “Put these on.”

  Bethany pulled hers over her head in a daze. Was this really happening? Could there really be so much hate between some humans and Evions that it came down to this?

  She looked at Snia, huddled in the corner with Anna. How could she ever hurt her friends simply because they weren’t the same species as she was? How could anyone consider hurting her for the same reason?

  Culip was still working frantically with the T-screen, but Trili pulled her away.

  “Looks like whatever blasted the front door is coming for us.”

  Culip stared at the screens. “How did they get a D-grade neutron bomb? Even kings can’t just get one of those, there are intergalactic laws that…”

  She trailed off. “That thing will blow us to pieces, this room is too small. Klowix would have left a shield just in case.”

  She fumbled around the edge of the wall for a moment before her fingers snagged something, and she pulled what looked like one of the window shields across the door. Bethany typed the emergency defense code into the pad, and a large block of solid steel rose out of the floor.

  They all cowered behind it as Lizzy handed out the weapons.

  Trili’s voice was just a whisper. “Remember, no one gets into this room alive.”

  Culip rolled her eyes. “If they don’t blow themselves up with that bomb. There’s a reason those things are so heavily regulated.”

  Bethany’s eyes were glued to the screen as the group of protesters came for the safe room. There were dozens of them, and they just kept coming.

  Culip looked at the floor. “If any of you follow a god, this would be the time to pray.”

  Bethany had never had a god, and at this moment felt she’d rather settle for the laser in her hands. She watched as the protesters placed some metal device against the safe room door; Culip’s fingers were white as she clutched her shield to her body.

  “Get down.” Her voice was barely audible, but everyone heard. Bethany put her back to the steel block, sandwiched in between Snia and Trili.


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