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Imperfect Love

Page 9

by Isabella White

  Jake just shrugged in an ‘I guess so’ manner. “I did plenty of sexual favors for professors so that they could teach me everything they knew, you know, having started my studies so late and everything.”

  Holly’s eyes rose. “What?”

  He laughed. “I’m joking, you really think I would do that? No, I have a photographic memory.”

  “Ugh! That just sucks,” Holly complained, which made him chuckle again. She started wringing her hands nervously, only because of what she wanted to ask next. Trying to look nonchalant, she forged ahead. “So, this girlfriend of five years, was it Sonic?”

  Jake smiled. “No, her best friend, Melanie. They’re not friends anymore.”

  “I can’t imagine why,” she replied sarcastically.

  “You sound like Bernie now,” he answered on a grin.

  “Well, maybe she has a point.”

  “Yeah, maybe she does. I learned my lesson with Melanie, though. I’ll never go for an airhead again. They don’t stick around when you need them the most, and Sonic only started speaking to me again when she bumped into me two months ago.”

  Holly shook her head. “Not everyone is like that.”

  Jake gave her the eye, the one that meant he totally disagreed.

  “You dated that many?”

  “Holly, if only you knew. There was a time when Bernie hated me. Seriously. I was not one of the nicest guys around, and my morals were way out of place.”

  “At least they are in place now,” she said, glancing around the room. “I hope.”

  “They are.” His tone was seductive.

  He tugged on Holly’s shirt again, until she finally gave in and leaned forward. Their lips touched, and the butterflies in her stomach turned into tiny fire crackers; it felt as if she were going to explode. She’d never experienced anything like this, and with all the stories about his life swimming in her head, she knew she was done for.

  She had somehow crashed into love with him.

  His hand cupped the back of her neck gently, his thumb rubbing the side of her neck, and the kiss grew in intensity. It felt as if she couldn’t get enough of this man, and the urge to dispose of his clothes rose up inside her gut.

  But, Holly couldn’t do that. She needed to be sure about his feelings for her first. Tomorrow, it could all be over and she would be left in the dumps again. Jake was far from safe when it came to getting over Brandon. Heck, she didn’t even think that Brandon would be able to help her get over this, if it turned out to be a one-night stand.

  They were both out of breath when they finally broke away.

  “I could kiss you forever,” Jake told her, his eyes still closed.

  Holly smiled, both on the inside and out, as she felt exactly the same. “It takes two to make kissing a success.”

  He nipped her bottom lip in reply.

  “So, this Brandon guy…” he started asking.

  “Who?” Holly queried, making him grin.

  “Never mind,” he said, his hand touching the back of her head again. His fingers tangled themselves up in her hair, pulling her down so she could lie down on the bed next to him. When she complied, he moved his body over hers, lowered his head and their lips met.

  Holly’s legs moved of their own accord and locked around his hips, while her feet rubbed up, down and around his calves. They were insanely lost in their kiss. One so feverish, it felt like Holly’s hormones would be messed up for good.

  When Jake began to rock slowly on top of her, she thought she was going to pass out due to the pure, carnal lust that had taken over her body.

  He stopped, trailed his lips to her neck and growled, making her shiver. “Woman, you have no idea what you are doing to me.”

  If only he knew what he is doing to me!

  He kissed her neck, but all too quickly hoisted himself up. “I promised, and I think I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  Holly’s skin broke out in goosebumps. If she had acted on her desires, he wouldn’t that minute be making his way to the bathroom. But she let him, because that was just the kind of person she was. She wouldn’t change her morals, despite what she’d thought earlier, and become like the girls who gave themselves to a guy on the first night; not even for Jake. She continued to ponder her situation and what she would do if it indeed turned out to be a one-night stand.

  Tears pressed against her eyelids at the thought. She’d wanted a guy like Jake ever since she’d noticed boys. Now that one was right there with her, available and clearly interested, it scared the living shit out of her. She had nothing to offer him, except her sex and her body.

  She laughed when a memory hit her. Her sister Jamie had called her private bits Viola, which Holly had thought stupid, but didn’t think so now. She would give anything to hear her sister saying it again the way only she could.

  One thing she definitely didn’t have was a huge bank account. She was in fact still in the red, trying to pay back her mom for the money she’d borrowed for the stupid wedding. Money she never should have borrowed in the first place. Holly didn’t even have a place of her own, either.

  Breathing out a ragged sigh and listening to the sound of the water in the shower running, she giggled to herself again. So what if this is a one-night stand? At least I won’t be crying over a jerk like Brandon anymore. However, tears threatened once again and she closed her eyes. She should’ve enjoyed it for what it was.

  Hearing the shower stop, she decided to pretend that she’d dozed off, even if it was very far from the truth. Her uppermost thought was that she needed to protect herself from whatever tomorrow brought.

  As she lay there unmoving, she heard the door open and relaxed her body completely. If there were two things Holly did well, it was fake an orgasm and fake sleep.

  When Jake walked over, stopping at the foot of the bed, obviously contemplating her sleeping form, she thought she heard him sigh. It was a sigh Holly knew well, one that was always connected to the gorgeous smile he had which in turn transformed his face into a Greek god. She, herself, fought the urge to smile in that moment.

  Holly heard Jake move around. The lights went out, and his cold body slid in right next to hers. Goose pimples danced over her entire body, but she kept pretending to be asleep. As much as she wanted to chat to him a little while longer, she had to prepare herself for the worst.

  Ever so gently, Jake’s lips touched her shoulder, followed by a soft kiss he planted on her neck. Her entire being demanded that she turn around and put her lips to his. But no, she couldn’t do that. Tomorrow was another day. The day Jake would reveal his true feelings for her.

  HOLLY WOKE AS THE BIRDS BEGAN twittering in the brisk morning air. It was silent in the RV, except for Jake’s soft snoring. She smiled down at him, while the reality that the night before might not have been real played inside her gut like a jackknife.

  She gently lifted and removed his arm, which was firmly tucked around her waist and got up. Placing the pillow she’d slept on in her spot, she grabbed her flip flops and tiptoed to the door. She thought he would wake up when she unlocked the door, but he never even moved. She stepped out, closing the door behind her. Tears threatened to roll down her cheeks, just imagining that that might be it. He would most likely leave or ignore her later on, now that the alcohol was gone from his mind and system.

  Get a hold of yourself, Holly, she reprimanded, and walked out.

  Luckily for her, Bernie and Leo were still fast asleep when she reached their tent. She tiptoed softly past them, making her way to the back—a separate section of the tent—where her air mattress had been placed. She struggled to fall asleep once she’d made herself comfortable, and when she finally did the clock read seven in the morning.

  It wasn’t long before Holly’s eyelids fluttered open once more. Her hand had started to ache, the pain unbearable. Why she hadn’t felt it the night before was a mystery, but now it was killing her. Wondering if she could get past Bernie and Leo again without disturbing them i
n order to get her medicine, Holly heard whispering. Bernie was talking to Leo. She couldn’t hear what Bernie was saying, but she could tell it was some sort of interrogation.

  “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” she heard Bernie say, but it wasn’t to her. That greeting was followed by a grunt, which sounded none too pleased.

  “Why did you sneak out?” Jake’s voice suddenly filled her side of the tent, making her jump.

  Holly looked up at him. The feeling of rejection she had had minutes ago melted away like snow in the warmth of the sun. “Good morning to you, too,” she huffed. “If you must know, my hand was aching and I didn’t want to wake you,” she lied. There was no way on God’s green earth she would tell him that she’d felt insecure.

  His foul mood changed in an instant.

  “Holly,” he sighed, making his way toward her. When he reached her, he sat down beside her on the floor.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  “You have no idea how much you scared me,” he said softly.

  “So, I take it we will be seeing you a lot now?” Bernie’s voice came from the entrance. Approval laced her tone.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Here.” She handed Holly a capsule, which she swallowed dry.

  Jake just smiled while Bernie shivered. “I still don’t know how you can do that, Holly.”

  “It’s an art. Besides, water gives it an aftertaste.”

  Rolling her eyes, Bernie announced, “I’m going to take a shower.”

  She left as Jake bent down to kiss Holly good morning. “Don’t ever sneak out again, please.”

  Holly blushed.

  He’d already showered and was sporting clean clothes; a pure white shirt, and a pair of shorts that reached his knees, making him look like some sort of Olympian god.

  “I have to leave early today but I will see you later, okay?”

  “Okay,” she mouthed.

  He kissed her on the tip of her nose, winked at her which made her melt again, and left. She could hear him speaking to Leo, who still sounded as if he was in bed.

  “So, what time will we see you?”

  “Soon,” Jake replied and left.

  “Holly, Holly, Holly.”

  “Shut up,” Holly said, making Leo laugh.

  “One thing I know for sure, Bernie is not going to stop hassling you today.”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  He chuckled.

  When Holly eventually made her way outside, Jake’s RV was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes gazed at the spot where it had been parked; she felt empty again. She hated the fact that Sonic had gone with him, and she couldn’t help the jealousy that rose inside her. Stop it!

  At around ten that morning, they were all packed up, too, and had already said their goodbyes to the others.

  “I’m just going to quickly say bye to Josie. I’ll be a minute, promise,” Holly said as she started making her way toward Josie’s camp.

  “One minute, Holly,” Bernie yelled after her.

  When she got to Josie’s, they were still enjoying breakfast. Holly was grinning madly upon seeing Josie.

  “What happened? You’re glowing.”

  “Shut up,” Holly grumbled, embarrassed.

  “Share, Holly. Now!”

  “As it turns out, Jake had the same fantasy as yours.”

  “He made a play for you?”

  Holly nodded, biting her lower lip.

  “I want to hear every single detail. All of it.”

  “I don’t have much time, Bernie and Leo are waiting. But... it was hot.”

  Josie shrieked in excitement.

  Speaking as quickly as she could, Holly shared in record time. “I thought that it was a one-night stand at first, although he did say it wasn’t. They had so much to drink last night, but this morning I did what I do if I’m not sure over certain situations.”

  “Please, tell me you didn’t sneak out?”

  “I did,” Holly replied, wrinkling her nose.

  “What now?” Josie asked in a serious tone.

  “He stormed into my tent at around nine, wanting to know why I’d snuck out. I’m seeing him later today.”

  Josie let out a wolf-whistle, well, something resembling one. “You deserve it. He just better treat you right. We should do something later on.”

  “I don’t have a phone, Josie.”


  Holly nodded. “But you do have Bernie’s number, so when I eventually get a new one, I’ll let you know.”


  “Bye, Josie. It was so nice seeing you guys again.”

  “We’ll stay in touch. I’ll give you a call.” She gave Holly a huge hug before making her way back to the SUV.

  “So did you tell her the news?” Bernie’s face was one huge, big grin.

  “Bite me.”

  “I want details, Holls.”

  “I’m sure Leonard has you all caught up.”

  Leonard laughed and started the car as Holly jumped in and closed the door.

  “I’m so happy for you, Holls.”

  Holly shrugged, but nonetheless content.

  Bernie beamed. “He’ll take good care of you, I can promise you that.”

  “Let’s see. Too early to tell yet, although he passed my little test this morning. But I hope you’re right, Berns, because I have no idea how I’m going to get over this one if things go south.”

  Leo snickered.

  “You just shut up, you hear me?” Holly said, pointing and wagging her finger at him.

  “I won’t say a word. Bernie would kill me.”

  “That would be a first. You can hardly keep a secret.”

  “You better keep your mouth shut, Leo. I mean it. I don’t want him to know that he’s already got some leverage.”

  Leo roared with laughter. Turning to face Holly, he said, “You’re hilarious, but I’ll keep my mouth shut. Promise.”

  “Thank you.”

  The drive home went quicker, but that was usually the case. Once home, Holly helped Bernie pack everything away, while Leo went to pick up Sam from his mom’s.

  Holly couldn’t stop smiling, and noticed Bernie giving her the eye every now and again.

  “Stop looking at me.”

  “Holly is in love.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “We tried to get him to come to a BBQ, Holls, but he kept declining. He wasn’t even going to come this weekend. Leo had to threaten him.”

  “Then I should thank Leo.”

  Both girls laughed.

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “What the hell is his last name?”

  “Holls, you spend a night with a guy and you don’t even know his last name?”

  “We didn’t do anything.”

  “Sure you didn’t.”

  “I’m serious. Believe me, I wanted to, but he was a gentleman.”

  “Peters,” Bernie finally answered.

  Holly Peters. It sounded good. Better than Holly Morgan, had she married Brandon. Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself here. We’ve just practically met!

  “So, what’s the deal with his mom? Everyone sure made her sound like Cruella at the hospital.”

  “She’s not that bad, really. She just doesn’t want her children to fuck up while they study. Other than that, I won’t say she’s Cruella… she’s more of a psycho mom.”

  Holly’s eyes rose. “Are you serious?”

  “Leo would beg to differ, but I saw her with one of his girlfriends before. He’s not a momma’s boy, though. Once, he ignored her for like six months because she interfered.”

  “I guess that means she’ll have a problem with us dating, then.”

  “Maybe not. If it doesn’t interfere with his studies, I can’t see how she would not approve. I mean, really, the guy does need someone.”

  Holly chuckled and glanced at her watch. It was already eleven.

  “Stop looking at your watch. S
undays are family days at the Peters’ home, so everyone is expected for lunch. As we don’t usually see him, for the precise reason I’ve just told you, I was extremely shocked when Leo said we’d see him later on.”

  That piece of info made Holly feel like a million dollars. She was finally worth someone’s time and not just anyone, this Olympian-god-of-a-man’s-time.

  “He’s perfect for you, Holls.”

  She smiled again. “To be honest, he seems too good to be true and I’m waiting to wake up any minute.”

  Bernie pinched Holly, hard.

  “Fucking ouch!” she yelled in Bernie’s face, while rubbing her arm.

  “I was just proving a point. See? That was real; you’re awake, so now you know.”

  The girls couldn’t have laughed any harder or louder than at that exact moment. It was precisely then that Leo entered the front door with Sam.

  In an instant, Bernie sobered up and ran toward Sam, and in an animated tone began lavishing him with love. “You are such a big boy,” Bernie cooed, taking him from Leo. “Yes, you are. You spent the entire weekend with Nana. My big, little man,” she sang, giving Sam a hug.

  The sound of a car pulling into the driveway made her stop.

  As for Holly, she didn’t bother wondering who it was. She knew it wouldn’t be Jake so continued with the task of packing the camping stuff away.

  Leo opened the door and guffawed, “I wish I could have been there to hear what the hell you told your mom.”

  Holly froze when she heard Jake’s laughter.

  “I told her the truth.”

  “Sure you did,” Bernie interrupted, still holding Sam in her arms.

  “Hello, Sammy,” greeted Jake, taking him from Bernie and proceeding to throw him a couple of times in the air. The one-year-old cackled with glee.

  “No, seriously, bro. How did you get it right?” Leo really wanted to know.

  “It’s not a big deal. I just told her I had other plans and that was that.”

  As much as Holly loved that Jake was there, she didn’t like that he’d forgone lunch at his parents just to be with her.

  “Hey,” Jake greeted, nodding in Holly’s direction.

  “I should send you back home,” she playfully scolded him.

  “Why?” he asked, through a huge grin.


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