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Stephan Page 2

by Hazel Gower

  Going after her, I grabbed her and spun her to face me. Without giving her a chance to respond, I took her bag off and put the jumper over her head and drew it down. It looked like a baggie dress. I didn’t care as long as it covered her and stopped anyone from looking at her. “You’re a little tiny bitty thing, aren’t you?”

  “I beg your pardon. What the hell is wrong with you?” She went to lift the jumper up to pull it off.

  “Don’t.” If she lifted my jumper and any male saw what I did, I’d kill them.

  She raised her eyebrow, pausing for only a moment, before lifting the jumper again.

  “Keep it on, little bit.”

  She ignored me. I grabbed her hands stopping her.

  “I mean it. If you take it off, not only will people get hurt, but I will punish you later for you disobedience.”

  She struggled to get her hands back but I wasn’t giving them up. “Look, I don’t know who you are, but you better let me go. Now.” She narrowed her eyes on me. She looked damn cute.

  “I’m yours. You’re mine. I’ll let you go if you promise not to take the jumper off.”

  “You are not mine. And I most certainly am not yours.”

  “You are mine, and I swear to God if any other man sees that red lacey bra, I will ring their fucking neck. Keep the jumper on.” I let her go.

  She placed her hands on her hips and tried to stare me down, but she was no match for me. “Fine. I’ll leave it on.” She backed away before turning and almost running to the office.

  I made my way to the office taking a shortcut through the hall. I came up behind her as she received her late note. I watched her fill it in, grinning when I saw her write her name, Jade Black.

  I now had a name to look into. As she left, I held her arm. “I’ll see you later, little bit. If I don’t see you at recess, I’ll find you at lunch.” She tugged on her arm and I let her go, piercing her with my stare so she knew I meant business.

  I filled out my own late note and as I walked to class, I pulled out my phone and called my cousin, Zeck, he was amazing with computers. He could hack into anything, and he could find things about people they didn’t even know about themselves.

  “Hey, cous. What up?

  “I found her.”

  “Holy shit. Congrats, man.”

  “Thanks. I need you to find out about her. Her name is Jade Black. She just moved to Reed Creek.”

  “Sure, give me a couple of hours and I’ll get back to you.”

  “Thanks.” I hung up and went to my first class, probably grinning like a loon.



  Cassie smiled as soon as I walked into class. I handed the late note to the teacher and went and sat next to her. “Whose jumper?”

  I shrugged. “Some wanker who knocked into me and made me fall on my arse.” I didn’t tell her about his delusion of thinking he could tell me what to do and I was his. Ha, I don’t belong to anyone but myself.

  Cassie nodded and the teacher spoke louder, gaining our attention. I could tell she was eager to ask more questions. It didn’t mean I would answer them. I’d been at Reed Creek High for almost two weeks and become very close with Cassie, she was a force to be reckoned with. I couldn’t help but fall in love with her and she became a new best friend.

  I couldn’t stop thinking of the wanker. I tried not to breathe in too deep, his jumper smelled of expensive vanilla and coco scented cologne. I’d seen him get out of the new jeep because the idiot had driven by me and splashed a puddle all over me. I’d been going over to his car to yell at him when he got out of the car and I realized how huge he was. It took me a moment to figure out he was a student at the school. He was well over six foot, and built like a body builder. He was unnatural for what she guessed to be an eighteen-year-old boy. I mean what eighteen-year-old looked like he could bench press a tiny car and not break a sweat. When I looked up I almost forgot to breathe, he was gorgeous. I thought Derick, who this week hadn’t left me alone, was hot. This guy was God-like. With jet-black hair that fell perfectly just past his eyes, making me want to go up and brush it to the side. His skin had a light tan.

  When I saw him I decided not to confront him and I turned tail and bolted to the school, only to be plowed down by him. What made everything worse was when I stared up at him the beautiful boy had the most amazing ocean blue eyes and friggin' dimples. He looked like he belonged on a poster on every teenage girl’s wall. My heart stopped. And then I started feeling cold. I gained control of my raging hormones and got pissed off. The idiot didn’t even offer to help me up, let alone apologize for knocking me over.

  My anger rose again at just the thought of the stupid boy. I didn’t even want to think about how much more he pissed me off when we got into the school. I looked down at the jumper and went to lift it off me, but for some reason I glanced around the room and remembered his words. I shrugged and then sighed, I’d keep it on, but only because I was cold.

  When the class finished Cassie yanked me out of the classroom chatting away. “Come stay at my house tonight. Tomorrow night there is a huge party out at the Silverman house, and for once I’m invited.”

  I stopped and frowned at her. “You’re not usually invited?”

  “No, my brother is. He is best friends with Stephan and Derick. They don’t want me around.”

  “Why do you want to go if they don’t want you?”

  Cassie looked around us and lowered her voice. “Because the Silverman brothers are HOT, and I’ve never been before cos I’m Scott’s pesky twin sister.”

  “Sure, we’ll go if it means that much to you. We don’t have to do the party though. I’m not interested in the Silvermans. From what I’ve learned this week they sound like snobs.”

  Cassie’s eyes became glazed and she looked far away. “Derick seems interested in you. I wish he’d look at me the way he does you.” She laughed and shook her head. “Ha, half the males at school seem into you. I think I got invited to the party because of you. My brother is driving us. He asks a lot about you. I think he likes you.” Cassie didn’t wait for me to answer, she just dragged me to the next class we had together. I only had two classes without her and they were in the afternoon.

  I wasn’t sure what I would have said to Cassie. I didn’t want a relationship. I’d seen my mum go through men like toilet paper. I avoided some of those grade A arseholes by the skin of my well placed foot or any object available. Just because my mother put out for anyone with a dick, didn’t mean I did.

  I had a plan and it didn’t involve a man or boy. I was going to study and graduate school, go to university and get my diploma in childcare, and then either I was going to become a kindergarten teacher or a group leader at a childcare center. I loved children. No matter what mood or how bad your day was they could always make you smile. My best friend, Jess, at the place I lived with my mother, had a little brother who was six and he was the cutest and funniest kid. He always made me laugh and was so adorable. I’d done some work experience in a childcare center and loved it. I’d come home every day feeling light and happy.

  I didn’t see the wanker again. It may be because it was raining and we, Cassie and the girls she’d introduced me to, stayed inside, or because I hid in the library. I wasn’t ready to see the crazy guy again even to give him his jumper back. I kind of liked the jumper and he did give it to me. It was thick and warm.

  My last period was a free one, so I told Cassie I would go home and gather some clothes and meet her at her house later. Also, I wanted to make sure grandpa had enough food made up while I was gone. Cassie told me to stay and her brother would take me home so I could get some things, but I was adamant I was fine and would see her later. Cassie was great, but not only hadn’t I told her I was only seventeen, I also didn’t want her to see how I lived. Grandpa had given me a room, but it barely fit the single bed and my clothes were still stored in two garbage bags.

  The bus dropped me in front of my grandfather’s pub. T
here were cars and a couple of motor bikes parked out front. Walking past them, I went to the back and up the stairs to my grandpa’s apartment. Going straight to my room I emptied my school bag on my bed and went to my bags of clothes. I got out two pairs of underwear and bras, three tops, jeans, and an old baggy shirt for a nighty, I shoved them all in my bag, picked up my wallet and my phone and put them in the front pocket. Getting down on the floor I dug into the bags for something to wear, Reed Creek was colder than the city. It got the coastal breeze. I didn’t own many clothes—a couple of pair of jeans, skirts, tights and most of my tops were short sleeves. I wanted to make a good first impression on Cassie’s parents. I had a problem with shirts and blouses, I’m small, but my breasts weren’t, they have been the bane of my existence since I started growing them at twelve. I couldn’t get tops to fit. I always showed way too much cleavage. Sighing, I gave up trying to find a top that didn’t show too much and put it on.

  Putting my now packed bag on the end of the bed, I went to the kitchen and rummaged through the cupboards and fridge. My apron hung on a hook at the side of the fridge, I put it on. Gathering what I needed, I started making meals for Grandpa. I knew I didn’t need to do this. He hadn’t had this before I moved in, but I liked to know I wasn’t such a burden on him. I figured if I cooked and cleaned for him, he wouldn’t get mad like my mum had told me he always was, and he might not mind as much I was staying with him until I could leave for university.

  After I’d made my grandpa lasagna, a chicken pie, and chocolate slice, I cleaned up making sure I put everything back where I found it. I washed my hands and went back to my room, picking up my bag, and then left the apartment.

  I went into the back of the pub and knocked on my grandpa’s office door. He didn’t open. I leaned in closer to hear if he was in there. “The next shipment is big and high quality stuff.”

  I stepped away from the door, not wanting to hear any more. The voice on the other side of the door talking, I assumed to my grandpa, I had never heard before. I didn’t want to hear or even know who it was. My grandpa’s business wasn’t something I wanted to be involved in any way or form. Stepping back, I looked around and saw the hall empty, which was unusual for the pub, it may be on the small side and shabby but it was busy.

  Going back to the door, I knocked again a couple of times and louder, the door still didn’t open and I was grateful. I called through the door. “Grandpa, I’m going to stay at a new friend of mine, Cassie’s, this weekend. I’ll be back on Sunday.” I turned to walk away.

  The door opened and my grandpa stood in the doorway, his potbelly sticking out from his shirt, his receding white hair slicked back with gel, and his lips thinned in annoyance. I caught a glimpse of a man in his late thirties or early forties, with muddy hair color in a short ponytail, dark brown eyes that looked almost black, a long pointed nose and lips I could barely see. Grandpa grabbed my arm, gripping it tight until his nails dug into my skin and I backed away from the door and the man. “Make sure you’re home by Sunday night. I don’t want no trouble either. I don’t need no eyes on what goes on here. Got it, girl?” he said as he shook me.

  Snatching my arm out of his hold, I backed away as grandpa’s skin turned red, and I nodded. I needed to get out of there now. Not saying anything in case I said the wrong thing, I turned tail and ran out of there as fast as I could.

  Walking to the bus stop in front of the pub I prayed a bus would come soon. I didn’t think my grandpa would do anything out in the open for people to see, but he hadn’t looked very happy when I fled from him, and I didn’t know the man he’d been talking to.

  My phone beeped to tell me I had a message.

  Coming to pick you up. My bro has football practice, not far from you.

  Thanking whoever was listening, I messaged back.

  Sure. Out front at bus stop.

  I didn’t have to wait long before a white Toyota Land Cruiser stopped and Cassie got out of the passenger seat. I followed her back to the car and got into the backseat.

  Scott, Cassie’s brother, turned and smiled. “Hi, Jade.” With him and Cassie together I could tell they were twins, they looked so much alike. Except Scott was a big boy, and it was all muscle. What were they putting in the water around here?

  “Hi, Scott. Thanks for picking me up.”

  “No problem. I hope you don’t mind coming and watching practice before I take you two home.”

  “I don’t. I’m grateful for the lift.” I was. I needed every cent I had to buy food for school this week, my grandpa may have food in his house to eat, but it wasn’t easy to pack food.



  I was fucking pissed off, I couldn’t find Jade at recess or lunch and I found out she went home early, which made me even angrier. Why hadn’t she stayed or found me? I’d never had to chase a woman, let alone a girl. Members of the other sex threw themselves at me. It was partly because my last name was Silverman and my family had their hands into a bit of everything. I had a trust fund I could live off and still never spend it in this lifetime.

  I’d been called a spoiled little rich kid many times in my life. But I didn’t give a fuck what people thought of me. None of my family sat around all day and happily spent their fortune; they all worked, and worked damn hard. I planned to do the same. From a young age I knew I wanted to work with my father, be by his side learning and eventually take over. I intended to graduate and go to university to study business and economics.

  “Move ya arse, bro, or we’ll be late for rugby practice.” I turned from the game I was losing and saw Derick with his head peeking in my door.

  I didn’t want to go out tonight. “I’m waiting on a call from Zeck.”

  “You’ve been acting strange all day. Does this call you’re waiting on from Zeck have to do with it? If so I think you should come to keep your mind off it.”

  Fuck, he was right. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to think of my next move. “Fine.” I got up. “I’m coming. Let’s go to practice.”

  I changed into running shorts and a wife-beater, chucked on my joggers and went down to meet Derick in the garage. There was no point in taking two cars so I got into Derick’s Rover.

  “You gonna tell me what’s stuck up your arse today?”

  I looked out the window at the passing scenery. I had no idea why I hadn’t told Derick, I shared everything but women with him. We didn’t have secrets from each other. I guess I wanted to find out more about Jade first. I wanted to see her again before I told my brother or my parents what she was to me. I knew Derick would think it was hilarious, he knew how I felt about soul mates and turning into a possessive arsehole over a woman like our dad or uncles and cousins. “Not yet.”

  All Derick did was nod. He drove to the oval and parked the car. We weren’t the last there, but for once we weren’t the first. We got out of the car and walked to the group who was stretching and joined in.

  I was running laps when I heard the musical laugh. I turned around gravitating toward the sound. Anger shot through me at the sight I saw, my Jade was laughing and trying to get some items off Scott who held them high in his hand and stared down at her chest as it bounced.

  Breaking from my laps, I jogged over to them. Scott smiled at me, but I narrowed my gaze on him before I pulled my girl to me. Leaning down I whispered, “You’re in trouble.”

  She gasped and spun. “Wanker, what are you doing?”

  I hadn’t noticed her before but Scott’s sister gasped. “This is the wanker who pushed you over and gave you his jumper?”

  “Um…yeah.” Jade wiggled to get out of my embrace but I wasn’t giving her up…ever. She was mine.

  Derick came up next to me. “What’s all the fuss? Why are you holding Jade?” He looked at me and Derick’s eyes widened, his mouth opened and closed for a moment before he shook his head. “Mother fucker, of course you‘re so friggin' lucky. Mum’s gonna freak. Finally another girl in the house.”

  Jade struggled to get out of my arms. “Derick. You know the wanker?” I didn’t like that my little bit knew my brother and was asking him about me.

  Derick laughed his arse off. I really didn’t find this shit funny. “Oh this is priceless. I love you already, little sis.” Derick yanked her out of my arms and kissed her cheek but before his lips could touch hers, I pulled her back against me.

  “Do it and you fucking die, brother. Keep your hands, and especially your mouth, away from my woman.”

  There was a gasp from Cassie and Scott’s eyes widened, but Jade’s reaction had Derick doubling over with laugher. Jade shoved on my arms and turned to me her big brown eyes flaring with anger. She was so cute.

  “You’re crazy. I don’t know who the hell you are but I know one thing. I am not nor will I ever be your woman.”

  I didn’t even think about what to do next, I just picked my woman up and threw her over my shoulder. She screamed but I patted her arse. “Shush now, little bit.” She screeched and I looked over to my brother. “Tell coach I have family shit to deal with. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Jade screamed and yelled for help all the way to the car where I put her down. Crap. I didn’t have the keys. “Stay.”

  “Oh. My. God. You did not just tell me to stay like I’m some dog. I have no idea who you are… You have no right to treat me like this. And why the hell aren’t my friends helping me?” Jade threw her hands up in the air.

  “You’re cute all worked up like this.”

  “Uh-huh, and you’re crazy. Who are you?”

  I knew I should have introduced myself earlier today. Hell, I should have done it a couple of minutes ago, but anytime I was in Jade’s presence, I went all caveman. It was the curse. She was my one. My soul mate. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I slowly let it out. “Hi, Jade. I’m Stephan Silverman.”

  “You can’t be. Derick told me he was a twin…”

  Chuckling, I smiled at her.


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