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Page 3

by Hazel Gower

  Jade backed up muttering, “Damn, those are lethal.”

  I smirked because I now knew my girl liked my dimples.

  “Derick and I are twins, just not identical.” I needed to go back and get the car keys from my brother. “Will you stay here while I go get the car keys?”

  “No. I don’t know you. I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t care if you’re Stephan Silverman, you could be Santa for all I care, I still wouldn’t go with you.” She pushed on my chest and stomped back to the oval.

  I couldn’t help my grin as I followed her, watching her arse in the tight jeans. My girl was feisty. I liked that.



  I was fuming mad. I now knew wanker was Derick’s twin brother, Stephan, and he was a controlling bossy arsehole. How dare he think he could tell me what to do? How dare he pick me up and manhandle me. I ignored the heat flowing through my body from his touch and told myself I must be coming down with something. I walked over to my traitorous new friend, Cassie, who sat on the bench grinning like a loon. Before I could reach her, I felt Stephan’s arms circle my waist and bring me against him.

  Squirming, I turned and gazed up at him. “Will you let me go? I didn’t give you permission to touch me.”

  “I don’t need permission. You’re mine.”

  “Argh,” I growled. “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t know you and I don’t belong to you.”

  His blue eyes seemed to darken as they narrowed on me and I took a couple of steps back. He followed my retreat, stopping me. He tilted my head and leaned down. “I think I need to show you you’re mine.”

  Before I could reply his lips brushed mine and his hands moved up to grip my hair. Tingles shot from my lips to my stomach where butterflies danced. His mouth opened and his tongue came out to trace the seam of my lips.

  “Open,” he whispered.

  When I didn’t open fast enough he tugged on my hair causing me to gasp. Stephan’s tongue slid in and found mine, and they tangled and danced together. He took my breath away and more. By the time he pulled away, my body was hot and aching. I’d never felt like this before, and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

  Panting for breath I stared up at a grinning Stephan, his dimples were showing and I gave an involuntary sigh. Those things were dangerous. I needed to get away from him. I needed time to think, to gather myself. “Please. Go play. I’ll sit with Cassie.” His grin disappeared and he stared at me like he was debating if he did go play would I run. “Please, I promise I will stay with Cassie.”

  “Okay. After practice you’re coming back to my place though.”

  I didn’t say anything, just turned and hurried over to where my friend stared at me still grinning like an idiot. “Thanks for helping me, bitch.”

  Cassie laughed. “From my point of view you didn’t need any help. If a Silverman did to me what Stephan did to you, I would have gladly followed, no questions asked.”

  I glared at Cassie. “I hate you.”

  Cassie laughed harder and nudged my shoulder. “No you don’t. Stop whining and let’s watch the show?”

  I turned and raised my eyebrow. “What do you mean show?”

  “Oh I never miss rugby practice or a game for that matter. The practices are the best though.”


  “Because when they play one side is shirts, the other side is not.”

  It took me a moment to get it and then I couldn’t help giggling. “Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, you do surprise me. Here I thought you were a good sweet girl.” We both broke into giggles and turned to watch practice.

  I sat for twenty minutes staring at a bunch of half-naked guys wrestling each other for a ball. When the shirts came off I noticed Cassie and I weren’t the only people drooling, there were other girls watching.

  “What do you put in the water here? My God they are just…well…they are ripped.”

  Cassie shrugged, like gorgeous built teenage boys were normal for her. “About fifty percent of the population in Reed Creek is what you’d call upper class. If you hadn’t noticed by now, Jade, we are in a prime position.” She made quotation marks and sounded like she was repeating what she’d overheard a parent say. “Reed Creek is in the middle of two large cities and we are coastal, with some of the most beautiful beaches. If you don’t have a water view you have a river view, some have both. Our school is the best in the state. So those guys…” she nodded to the boys on the field, “have the best of everything. We have a gym room at our house. My brother is in there all the time. I know Brad has a personal trainer and some of the other kids all work out together.” Cassie rolled her eyes. “My mother is a real estate agent. You just heard some of her speech.”

  I sat there dumbfounded. It all sounded so logical. I should have picked this all up from school, or just by looking around the town. Suddenly I felt really uncomfortable. I was out of my element. In a daze I stared out at the buff teenagers. Sure, in the city school I’d been going to there had been good looking boys, a nicely built kid here or there, but nothing like the group before me.

  My thoughts strayed back to Stephan, he was probably interested in me because I was the first person to ever say no to him. I watched as he caught the ball and ran, his muscular chest flexing. It was a pity he was a wanker, because he sure was a hottie. Stephan looked more like twenty-one than eighteen. “Do you know how old Stephan is?”

  Cassie winked at me. “He’s nineteen. He’ll be twenty at the start of next year. Their mother wanted them home with her for as long as possible. They did a lot of traveling when they were younger. Their older brother, Dustan, lives in America and they visit him and their cousins a lot. Or so my brother told me.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” He was older than me by over a year. I only had two months until I was eighteen, but it felt like a lot longer. “Are you eighteen?” I asked Cassie.

  “Yep. Scott and I turned eighteen nine almost ten weeks ago. Are you eighteen?”

  “In just over a month.”

  “What? No way. You look older. I thought you would be eighteen already?”

  “Yeah, I’m only seventeen.” Chewing on my bottom lip, I hoped my age didn’t change our friendship. Cassie was looking at me funny.

  “You have no trouble with school work I know. You are usually finished before me and all your answers are right. You don’t look younger than me.”

  “Is this a problem? You are only a little over three months older than me.”

  “What!? No. Why would you say that? I’m just a little shocked, I thought Scott and I were the youngest in our year.”

  “You’re looking at me different. There are plenty of schools that have people in year twelve who are my age.”

  “Yeah you’re right, but I’m actually in awe you keep up with everything. Me and Scott struggled but we have the best tutors provided.”

  “Really, it’s not much difference in our ages.”

  “You’re right.”

  I stood, needing to stretch, and Cassie followed. The coach was rounding the players up on the field.

  “Do you want to go? They are wrapping up now. Scott can get a lift home with someone else. I have the keys.” Cassie jingled the keys.

  “Yep, let’s go.” I smirked as we walked toward the cars, remembering what Stephan had demanded of me. I said I would stay with Cassie, I never promised not to leave.

  Chapter Three


  I am going to tan Jade’s hide. Why couldn’t she stay where I tell her? I turned to Scott. “Looks like you’re with us. Come on, Derick will drive us back so I can get my car. I need to get Jade from your place.”

  Scott scrubbed his face with a towel. “Stephan, I don’t think you can get Jade if she’s at my place. My parents wouldn’t allow it. They aren’t like everyone here. They wouldn’t let you just take her. Jade is new and they know it.”

  “She’s mine. I n—”

  “Stephan, shut it.”

  I glar
ed at Derick as he narrowed his eyes at me. I knew he wanted me to keep quiet. I probably sounded like a possessive arsehole. It was the curse’s fault, and I couldn’t explain to Scott or my friends, they’d think I really was crazy. I knew people thought us Silverman’s were eccentric.

  “You’ll see Jade tomorrow at the party. Right, Scott?”

  Scott’s gaze went from me to Derick. He knew something was going on, just not exactly what. “Er, yeah, sure. Cassie is dying to go to one of your parties. She’ll make sure Jade comes. I’ll drive them to your place myself.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice. I could wait until tomorrow to see her again. I’d call Zeck again when I got home and see what he’d found out.


  Scott stayed for a while and he’d help distract me. Derick took him home half an hour ago and I’d just gotten off the phone with Zeck. I sat at my computer shocked at the information I was reading. Jade was only seventeen, she was a little over a month away from eighteen. I was nineteen, so there wasn’t a huge difference in age. She was smart, not only to keep up with people a year older at school, but she was street smart. I felt like an even bigger arse as I read about her. Jade’s mother had died of a meth overdose only two weeks ago. She had no known father, and there were three different restraining orders against men her mother had been with. DoCS, Department of Community Services, had been called several times, but nothing had come of the visits. There were notes though, and he felt sick as he read one after another. Why the hell hadn’t they taken her? Jade had raised herself. She now lived with her mother’s father who was her only known relative and a drug dealer. Zeck had dug deeper finding out she received Centerlink benefits from the age of fourteen. He’d hacked into her account and I could now see how Jade spent the money, with care at the grocery store, and the cheapest clothing stores.

  A knock sounded on my door and knew it would be Derick. “Come in.” I didn’t turn to him I kept reading.

  “So anything good?” He didn’t need to ask what I was looking at.

  Running fingers through my hair, I cleared my dry throat. “I’ve been an idiot. I knew we were lucky and spoiled, but…” I couldn’t tell him. I stood and moved from the computer. Derick took my place. I laid on my bed and tried not to come up with images of what Jade’s life would have looked like and what she’d been through.

  After a while the side of the bed sank. “Fuck, bro, that’s some serious shit. What are you going to do?”

  Ha, that was the big question. “I don’t know. I’m going to need help. I didn’t want to bother Mum and Dad, but I’m gonna need Mum.”

  “Do you still want her?”

  I sat up and snarled, “What the fuck kind of question is that? Of course I still want her, she’s mine. I just have to take it slower than I wanted.” I stared at Derick. “I’m going to give her everything, Derick. I promise she will want for nothing. I’m going to surround her with everything she could ever want, luxury, friends, family—and love.”

  Derick stood. “You know I’ll support you, and Mum will love spoiling her.” He walked to the door. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you need to go slow and build up her trust. You won’t be able to just move her in here and expect her to follow your orders. You need to give her time to get to know you. Jade is not one of your normal women, so treat her right.” He left my room, shutting the door.

  As much as I wanted to get angry at Derick for what he said, I couldn’t because it was all true.



  Cassie’s parents were nice, and I learned were she got her no filter—her father. He just said whatever came to mind. I didn’t think I’d blushed so much in my life and I’d definitely not had a sheltered life. He seemed like the laid back one in the relationship, were Cassie’s mother was all perfectly put together, not a hair or piece of clothing out of place.

  Scott didn’t come home until after dinner. I was relieved when Derick came with him to the front door and not the wanker. Derick hadn’t stayed long and he didn’t say a word to me.

  I stayed in the guest bedroom, which was the biggest room I’d ever seen. The bed felt odd, it was soft and the sheets were of a high thread count. I’d never had a bed so soft or sheets so smooth and soothing against the skin. I tossed and turned all night.

  No one woke me in the morning, and when I looked at the bedside clock I was shocked to see I’d slept past ten. I’d never done that before. I was an early riser. I showered and rushed to get dressed so it wasn’t too late when I made it downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen I was surprised to see Cassie’s dad at the stove and only Cassie at the table, set with plates, knives, forks, juice and cups.

  “Hi, Jade. I hope you slept okay.” I smiled at Cassie’s father. I couldn’t tell him I hadn’t. “Yes, thanks.”

  “Are you hungry? Go sit down. I’m doing sausages, hash browns, bacon, and eggs.”

  I sat at the table next to Cassie. I wasn’t really a breakfast person. I sometimes had an apple or a mandarin, but nothing like what was being offered. “Yes. Could I please have a hash brown and an egg?”

  “Sure.” He came over with a plate filled with already cooked food.

  I placed the items on the plate.

  “So what are you girls doing today?”

  I had no idea so I looked to Cassie. “We are going to go to the beach. It’s such a nice day. A bit cool, but still hot enough to have a dip and sunbathe.”

  “Sounds good, sweetie. You can take the car. But your brother asked for it tonight.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Cassie said. “Derick and Stephan are having a party tonight we’re going too. Scott said he’d pick up Stacy and Renee. The others are meeting us there.” Cassie’s father opened his mouth but Cassie put up her hand to stop what he was saying.

  “Before you worry, we are going with Scott. You know the Silverman boys.”

  “Okay. Promise me you’ll call no matter what, even if you need picking up or just want to leave.”

  Cassie beamed. “Promise.”

  For once in a long time jealousy flowed through me. I’d never had anyone care about me enough to give me options like Cassie’s father. The love was obvious between father and daughter. I hoped Cassie knew how lucky she was to have such caring parents. I decided I would say something. I hadn’t told Cassie much about my life before moving here, just the basics like my mother died and I didn’t have any other relatives beside my grandpa and I didn’t know my own father. Cassie hadn’t pried much, she’d been more interested in what my other high school was like and my friends. I‘d tell her a little bit, enough to understand she was extremely lucky.

  After eating, we changed into our swimmers. Cassie grabbed towels, sunscreen, and the keys off the hook by the front door and we headed for the car. She jumped in the driver's side and I got in the passenger, chucking the towels and sunscreen in the back. Cassie started the car and backed out of the drive and we were heading toward the beach.

  “You’re really lucky you know, to have parents like you do.”

  Cassie smiled. “I know. My brother’s not too bad either. What was your mother like?”

  “Not like yours. My mum would never have said anything like your father did. I don’t think she ever asked where I was going when I went out. I stayed at friends places and sometimes didn’t come home for days. She didn’t even seem to notice I was gone. I remember one time she was dating this guy and they were both high as kites. He got angry at something she did, probably stole money from him and he started beating her. When I called the cops and ambulance, the paramedic asked her a bunch of questions, I remember her saying she had no children. Another similar time she did the opposite and screamed I was a slut and no daughter of hers and went crazy attacking me. The cops pulled her off me.”

  I hadn’t realized the car had stopped. I shook my head out of memory lane and turned to Cassie, she had tears rolling down her eyes and she was gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles were
white. “I’m glad your mother is dead. She sounds like a selfish bitch.”

  I flinched at her hard words. They were harsh. I didn’t hate my mother. I never had anyone else so I didn’t know what I was missing. It wasn’t until I started staying over at friends’ houses that I noticed my mother was different.

  Cassie threw herself across the car and hugged me. I was stiff in her arms. Not many people hugged me, my best friend, Jess, from my old life and a couple of other friends, but not many. I‘d learned at a young age to avoid touch. It didn’t usually have a positive meaning.

  Making myself relax I, slowly wrapped my arms around Cassie. She hiccupped and hugged me tighter. I had no idea how long I was supposed to hold her so I waited for her to let me go first.

  Cassie took a deep breath, loud against my ear. “Let’s go before we miss out on any more sun.” She let me go and I grabbed the towels and sunscreen before getting out of the car.

  We walked down the beach and I was surprised at how packed it was. The shore was lined with families, teens, and couples, some were swimming and others sunbathing. Cassie stood still and looked around.

  “Do you have a certain spot or are you looking for someone?”

  “Both. I’m looking for the best view.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “What do you mean view?”

  “We don’t want to be with the families or the couples. We want to sit with the hot singles. So both.”

  I couldn’t help laughing at Cassie’s logic. I may not want a boyfriend or any man, but it didn’t stop me from looking.

  Cassie tugged on my arm and we walked to our left away from the flags. We sat on the edge of the safe swimming flags, right behind a group of what looked to be university guys. I rolled my eyes. Cassie was full of surprises.

  We’d been at the beach for half an hour, enough time to set up and put sunscreen on both our bodies. Before today I didn’t realize how putting sunscreen on a friend’s back could be such a turn on, but it got the guys’ attention in front of us.


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