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Page 16

by Hazel Gower

  The room was covered in balloons, streamers, and a huge sign that said, Happy Birthday Jade. I gazed around and saw all my friends, Jess and all my old friends, Stephan’s guy friends and all my new friends along with Stephan’s parents, his cousins, Cassie’s parents, and Jess’s mother.

  Emotions like I’d never felt before bombarded me: gratitude, amazement, happiness, and a deep love. I couldn’t stop the tears and I didn’t care. I turned back to Stephan. “You did this all for me?”

  “Cassie helped.” He nodded over at Cassie. I didn’t turn. I didn’t care that everyone was staring at me, I was too busy gazing at the amazing man in front of me.

  “Why did you do this?”

  “I love you. I would do anything for you. All I ever want for you is to be safe and happy.”

  There it went. My heart was now Stephan’s.

  Chapter Fourteen


  HSC trials started this week and all I’d done was study, walk Fido around the property, and taken driving lessons, oh and studied some more. Tonight the girls and I were going out. Stephan was due home soon and I intended to be gone before he came in.

  Cassie, Renee, Patricia, Stacy, and Racheal were standing next to me as I glared up at Brand. This would be the first time I had gone out since I was eighteen without Stephan. My birthday had been two weeks ago and because of HSC I hadn’t had the chance yet to have a girls’ night out. Brand had just told me he was driving and David and Owen were coming along. “I ordered a taxi, Brand. I don’t need security.”

  Brand sighed. “No way, princess. You’re not going clubbing without security.”

  “Girls go out all the time without security.”

  “They may, but those girls aren’t you and aren’t with a Silverman.”

  I rolled my eyes at Brand.

  “I’m coming because there is no way I’m missing this. I need ammo. I give Stephan a couple of hours before he finds you.”

  I stuck my tongue out at Owen. He was a smartarse, but he grew on ya and I was coming to enjoy the banter he had with Stephan.

  “Does Stephan know you’re going out?”

  I glared at David. “He knows I’m having a girls’ night.” I deserved it we’d been studying none stop.

  Owen chuckled and opened the van door. “Quick, get in before he comes home and sees you. This is going to be hilarious.” He rubbed his hands together. The girls got in the car.

  David groaned as I followed them in. “Could that dress get any shorter?”

  Sticking up my middle finger as my reply and I only stopped when I needed to put my seatbelt on. Owen got in laughing and David sat in front with Brand. “To Sydney we go.”


  So apparently a bunch of eighteen year old girls with bodyguards didn’t have to wait in line. The nightclub was packed. Before we entered the club, Brand had ‘debriefed’ us. I knew he meant business too because he used my name and not the silly princess he usually called me. “Jade, you will be put in the VIP section. When you want to dance one of the three of us will be close. You will not go with anyone except who is here right now. If we give you the signal, follow it. We have been teaching you everything and this is when you’ll put it into use. Got it.”

  I nodded and he turned to the girls.

  “No accepting drinks from anyone but a waiter or bartender. Don’t leave your drinks. You will only be going to clubs I have okayed. There is a tab at this bar.”

  We sat in the VIP area. I felt bad the girls were so restricted. Leaning in I yelled, “I’m sorry guys. I didn’t think we would have babysitters.”

  “It’s no problem,” Cassie, Renee, and Patricia yelled back.

  Racheal smiled and grabbed my hand. “My parents weren’t going to let me go until they knew that the Silverman’s guards were coming.”

  “Yeah, my parents were the same too,” Stacy added

  I smiled feeling better. “Let’s go dance.” I stood and the girls followed. We wiggled onto the dance floor and shook our stuff. I was having a ball. The night was young and I intended to dance my arse off and have fun with my friends.



  “I really don’t think you should go in. Let’s go have a guys’ night.”

  I glared at my brother, ignored him, and entered the nightclub.

  “I don’t know why we even bother,” Brad muttered.

  The club was pumping, my cousin would be stoked. This was Richard’s and Zeck’s club. They had two in Sydney, one in Melbourne and Brisbane, and one on the Gold Coast.

  Going to the VIP section, I nodded when I spotted Brand. I couldn’t see Jade or the girls in this section. Brand came over to me.

  “This is the second club and they are on the dance floor with David and Owen.”

  I turned to the dance floor and that’s when I spotted her. What the fuck? Jade wore a teeny tiny black shimmery dress. Red strappy high heel shoes with a matching red clip in her hair and bright red lips. “What the fuck did you let her out of the house like that for?” I turned back to Brand who just raised his eyebrow at me.

  “I can tell her what to wear now? I didn’t read that in my job description.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Brand chuckled. “No. But your girlfriend has been getting plenty of offers. See.”

  “Great. Richard and Zeck are going to be pissed, you just wrecked their club,” Derick moaned.

  Growling, I turned and saw a guy leaning over and talking into Jade’s ear. Storming over to the dance floor I pushed people out of the way. I saw David tap the guy on the shoulder and shake his head when he turned.

  Owen got in my way before I reached Jade. “I’m disappointed. I thought you’d be here an hour ago,” he yelled over the music.

  “Get the fuck out of my way, Owen.” I sidestepped but he followed.

  Owen leaned in against my ear. “They’re having fun. Jade hasn’t drank much, she’s too busy dancing. Let her dance. Go sit and calm down. She’ll come when she’s ready.”

  I looked over at the girls and clenched and unclenched my fists calming my racing heart. Jade was laughing and smiling. She looked like she was having fun. She was beautiful and I could see why she and the other girls were constantly being approached. Looking around I noticed I was being watched. Derick and Brad stood with Brand and our three guards.

  “Fine. I’ll wait for her in VIP.”

  Owen patted me on the back. “I’ll watch her and fight off all the advances.”

  I snarled and he laughed. I went back to the VIP area to wait. A waitress brought me a beer and I drank it as I watched the dance floor.



  My feet hurt but it was a good hurt. This was exactly what I needed, a night out with my girlfriends. I’d been studying hard the last two weeks getting ready for the HSC.

  When I wasn’t studying Stephan was driving me insane. He barely left my side and was always touching me. I hadn’t showered alone in weeks. My body felt like it was about to combust. I was so horny. We made out, only grinding against each other and feeling each other up. Anytime I tried to advance our play Stephan would stop it. I may not have been ready weeks ago but I was certainly ready for something now. I’d started taking the pill and I was ready to take this relationship further.

  I needed a drink and to sit a moment and rest my feet. “I’m going to go back up to the table. My feet need a rest and I’m thirsty. You guys staying down here or coming?”

  They all came following behind me as I walked back to the VIP section. I squinted in the dark lighting as the table we were given now had people at it. I moved closer to get a better look and when I was only a couple of tables away I picked up my speed. Stephan was here. He sat back on the chair with a beer, staring at me as I came toward him. My heart soared and I my body heated at the sight of him. The closer I got the hotter I felt. His eyes were hooded and his body looked relaxed but I knew him and he was sitting on the edge of the seat ready to strike.<
br />
  I didn’t see anyone else but Stephan. Smiling, I went straight to him. When I was just in reach, he stood and snatched me to him sitting me across his lap. His lips captured mine and his hands gripped my back holding me to him. I opened and his tongue met mine, greeting each other like lost lovers eager to be together.

  Wishing we were alone and not in a crowded club. I groaned and pulled my mouth from his. “I’m so glad you’re here. When did you arrive?”

  “About half an hour ago.” He ran his fingers up and down my back. “Want to tell me what you’re wearing or I should say not.”

  I grinned. “A dress.”

  “Where’s the rest of it.”

  “You do know you sound like an old fuddy duddy.”

  He kissed me quickly and bit my lip pulling on it. I gasped. “I’ll give you fuddy duddy, little bit.”

  I wrapped my arms around him careful not to hurt him with my cast. “Do you think it would be too rude if we snuck off back to the apartment and left everyone here?”

  He stood cradling me in his arms. “We’re going. See you guys in the morning back at the apartment.”

  I heard laughing but I didn’t care. I held onto Stephan as he took a back way out of the club. Brand, David, and Royce followed us.



  Jade was so fucking hot. I’d sat watching her from the VIP section and every muscle in my body ached with need for her. The fifteen-minute ride back to the apartment was torture. The elevator ride was worse. I didn’t think I was going to get sex tonight no matter how much I wanted it, but I intended to have a play.

  As soon as I opened the apartment door I was on her. Our lips fused and I picked her up wrapping her legs around me. Lately we’d been doing a lot of heavy petting, but tonight I was going to take it another step. Tasting, I was dying to taste her—to kiss and lick my way over her body and down to her pussy.

  Carrying her to my room, I cupped her arse with one hand as I opened the bedroom door. I’d been fantasizing about taking her up against the wall, but Jade was still to innocent, soon though. I just had to get her comfortable and willing.

  Reaching my hands around her back I unzipped her dress and placed her on the floor by the bed. Jade shimmied out of the dress until it pooled around her feet, now in only a black lacy number. My mouth literally watered. I stripped out of my own clothes, throwing them on the floor and gathered Jade against me taking her lips to mine.

  Running my hands up and down her back I hooked my fingers into her bra and undid it. Moving around to her front I slid her bra off and stepped back to ease it off and add it to the floor. I stared at Jade, she wore only the tiny black G-string. Her chest rose and fell, and her dusty pink nipples were pointed high. Her lips were puffy and full, her eyes hooded with lust as she stared right back at me. She nibbled on her lip and took a step toward me.

  Going to her I backed her up until she hit the bed. Lifting her I laid her on the bed and crawled up over her. She inched herself back until she lay in the middle of the bed gazing up at me. “You’re so God damned beautiful. I’m so lucky.” Capturing her mouth before she could reply I took everything she was willing to give, ravishing her mouth as my fingers trailed over her curvaceous body.

  Jade’s hands rubbed over my chest and down my abs. Tearing my mouth from hers I held my breath to see if she would do what I wanted. Hesitantly at first her hand went further down and she brushed my dick with it. Her eyes stared into mine gauging my reaction. I let out my breath and grinned at her. This time her hand gently circled my dick.

  Her teeth came out and she bit her lip. “I want you, Stephan. I…um…I…well, when I went to the doctor last I got the er…pill prescription.”

  Ah, so that’s why she wouldn’t let me take her after the doctor’s appointment to the chemist and why she acted funny. Her hand put a little extra pressure on my cock and I sucked in a breath at the feel of her innocent touch. My God she felt so good. Closing my eyes I tried to calm my raging emotions. This was my soul mate. My Jade. I couldn’t rush this. I wanted her to be sure.

  Opening my eyes I rested on my arm helping hold my weight and stroked her cheek with my other hand. “Jade, we don’t have to do it. Not right now. Not right this moment. I’m happy you thought to get on the pill, but I don’t want you to feel like we have to have sex. I’ll wait for you. We haven’t been back together for long. I know what sex means to you. I only want you to do it when you’re ready.”

  Her hand left me and I couldn’t help but groan at the loss. “But I want you.”

  “That’s good, I want you to.”

  “I um…I like being with you. I’m getting so horny.” She turned a deep dark red and her hand came up and covered her face.

  I bit my tongue to hold in the chuckle. “Jade, little bit.” I moved her hand. “I love being with you. I’m so hard for you all the time. We can do other things. We don’t have to have sex. We won’t until you’re ready.”

  Her cast came around my back. “Okay. Let’s have some fun and do other things.” I grinned at her before I took her mouth. Jade arched up against me and her body rubbed against mine.

  I wanted to taste her. I had been dreaming of her taste and burying my face between her thighs from the moment I met her. Easing my mouth from hers I kissed my way down her body, pausing at her full breasts to lick her nipples and kiss each breast as I cupped and caressed them. Her moans drove me nuts. Circling her nipple I pulled the tip into my mouth taking more in and sucking her.

  Jade clung to me sighing and groaning. Gliding further down I sucked and licked every inch of her exposed skin resting between her thighs. My teeth gripped her G-string and I hooked my fingers into the side and pulled it down lifting her arse up and easing up so I could yank them off. I came back down again eye level with her bare pussy. Spreading her nether lips I leaned in and licked.

  “Holy mother of God,” she rasped out.

  Grinning, I delved in. Her taste exploded in my mouth and it was better than anything I’d ever tried, she was sweet and creamy and I couldn’t get enough. Sucking her clit into my mouth she screamed and her legs clenched around me. Resting a hand on her stomach to her hold her down, I slipped a finger into her core and moved in and out of her sleekness.

  “Stephan, oh, Stephan.”

  My name coming from her lips in a breathless moan had me eager to feel her come. Scrapping my teeth over her sensitive skin I kissed it better and finishing it by sinking my tongue into her as I thrust my finger up. Jade went wild bucking against me. Adding a second finger and I pumped them in as I delved my tongue into her. Her legs tightened around me and I could feel her trembling. She was close.

  Jade’s hand came to rest on my head, her fingers threading through my hair as she held me against her. I chuckled. “Crap. Do that again,” she moaned.

  I blew on her puffy nether lips and she shivered, her fingers yanking on my hair. My fingers were so deep I felt her virgin skin. A weird satisfaction coursed through me knowing I would be her first…her only. It was the caveman, soul mate thing. I knew I shouldn’t feel like that considering I used to sleep with a new woman almost every night.

  The hand I had holding her I moved around to lift her up so I could get deep. Nestling deeper I sucked her clit, gently nibbling on the tip as I pushed my fingers up as I drove in.

  “Oh. My. God,” she screamed. Her core pulsed and she creamed my fingers and tongue, I lapped it up enjoying her taste and the sting I felt from her yanking at my hair. Her hands went lax and her body stilled. “That was soooo good,” she mumbled.

  My cock was painfully hard but it was worth it as I saw her hooded eyes filled with bliss and her lips were curved in a secret smile, her cheeks flushed, she looked absolutely beautiful. As much as I wanted satisfaction I was happy with knowing my girl was thoroughly satisfied.

  Crawling up Jade’s body I brushed my lips over hers and gathered her against me. “Love ya.”

  “Mmm.” Hugging her I kissed her
head and told myself Jade would say it to me soon.


  I was having the best dream ever. Jade’s body was over mine and she was kissing my chest and rubbing herself on me. Her hand was wrapped around my cock squeezing it. I didn’t want to open my eyes in case it confirmed it was a dream.

  She slid down my body and I almost forgot to breathe when she rested between my thighs and her warm breath feathered over my dick. Her tongue came out and touched just the tip of my cock first before she licked from top to bottom.

  “Fuck,” I couldn’t hold it in. “Little bit, you don’t have to do this.”

  Her hand held the base of my cock and her mouth hovered over the tip. “I want to. I want to taste you too.”

  “Oh shit.” My hips rose of their own accord I was so fucking turned on.

  Her lips closed over my tip and I almost swallowed my tongue, nothing had ever looked as hot as my girl right now. She sucked on just the end and I hissed.

  “The tip is more sensitive. Take me in a little more.”

  She took instructions well, which damn, didn’t that spike my lust. She sucked my cock deep, her tongue swirled around my dick and over the top taking the pre-cum that leaked out.

  My hands came to rest in her hair and I tried not to grip it and help her. Grinding my teeth, immense pleasure bombarded me as Jade’s head bounced up and down her lips perfectly over her teeth so her smooth lips were against my skin.

  “That feels amazing,” I groaned.

  Jade hummed around me and I moaned as her innocent vibration almost had me coming. Her hand was moving up and down on the base of my cock and I was becoming desperate to not blow my load so soon.

  Curling my finger into her hair I pushed her down over me. “That’s it. Take me,” I rasped. She choked. “Fuck.” I let her hair go. “I’m sorry, little bit.”

  She smiled up at me and damn if I wasn’t already in love with her I would be now. “I’m sorry, am I not doing it right?”


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