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The Night He Saved Me

Page 17

by Sarah Stevens

  Bren works her magic and does light makeup and with my hair she decides to flat iron it. The lob cut I got for my birthday is starting to grow out, and honestly, on a good day, it looks a mess. Thankfully, Bren knows what she is doing and gives me a beach hair look with just enough curl and mess. As soon as we walk out into the main room, we hear a knock at the door. That boy sure is punctual. I grab my bag, slide into my favorite pair of flats, and answer the door.

  “Beautiful,” is all he says with that look on his face like he wants me as bad as I want him.

  “Why thank you. I am starting to feel like a whale.”

  “Shut up, Kat, you do not look like a whale,” Bren yells from the couch

  “I agree with Bren, you are beautiful.” He leans in and kisses me on the forehead like he always does. “Are you ready for our day?”

  “I sure am. Bye, Bren, see you when I see you.”

  “I don’t want to see you until tomorrow,” Bren yells back over to us with a wink.

  James takes my arm and leads me out of my apartment and to his car. Still, I have no idea where we are going, so I’m just along for the ride. As I sit there holding James’ hand, I start thinking about all the things I am going to need for both myself and the baby. Apparently, James notices my mood change and squeezes my hand and says, “Everything okay, Kat? You look sad all of a sudden.”

  “I’m fine, James, just thinking. I am going to need a lot of things soon for this little one and not to mention I have no clothes I can wear anymore. You may start seeing this dress every day for a while,” I try and joke, but he grows serious.

  “You will have everything you need for her and you. I will make sure of it. Please don’t worry about anything. I’ve got you, forever and always.”

  I want to know what I did to deserve this guy after everything that has happened over the past few months. I honestly don’t deserve him but I sure am lucky to have him. I squeeze his hand back and decide to enjoy the day because I can’t change anything right now. When I look up, we are pulling into the park where he saved me that night, the night I wasn’t completely right in the head. The night that changed my life with James. Today will be a good day. And I decide I am going to enjoy whatever he has planned.


  I don’t like the look Kat has on her face, like the world is weighing on her shoulders. I try and reassure her that I am here and she has nothing to worry about, and it seems to have worked. I can tell that today she has realized she can’t wear her clothes, and I plan on changing some things around today to fix that for her. We pull up to the park, and I see her eyes glow with recognition. The night I got her off the cliff’s edge coming back to me. I run to her side of the car and help her out. I have noticed that her belly has seemed to grow overnight, but I don’t comment on that. Once Kat is on her feet I kiss her forehead and tell her to wait right there for just a second. I run to the back and pull out the picnic basket I made myself this morning and a blanket. The weather is gorgeous today with just enough breeze to keep the heat comfortable. Once I make my way back to Kat, I grab her hand and lead the way. I bring her over to the bench where we sat that night. I want this place to be special for us, and I hope to make it that way.

  I lay the blanket on the ground and help Kat sit then take my own place across from her and open up the basket. I have packed us sandwiches and chips sparkling apple juice and fruit salad. Nothing fancy, but all put together by me.

  “This is amazing, James, thank you.”

  “There is no need to thank me. I would do anything for you.”

  We sit and eat and drink from champagne flutes I packed. When we’re finished eating, I pull Kat into me and we sit and look out over the water. It seems like forever since it has just been Kat and me with no interference from anyone or anything. We sit like this for what seems like hours talking about anything and everything. We even start talking about names for the baby. When the topic changes to the baby, I try and act as excited as she is but deep down I’m sad. The baby isn’t mine and she won’t be when she arrives on paper, but I already feel like she is mine. The reality of it is what makes me sad. Kat can tell there is a shift in my mood and sits up to look at me in the eyes.

  “What is it, James? I thought you were excited about the baby?”

  I grab her face and kiss her forehead then speak, “Kat, I am excited about the baby for you, but I am also sad about the baby for me. She isn’t mine, and I want her to be. I have to remind myself I’m not her dad, and when I do, I get sad. Does that make any sense?”

  Kat places her hands on top of mine and kisses my lips softly. “James, as far as I am concerned she is yours and always will be yours. You prove to me all the time how much you care about not just me but her too. You act like she is yours and the technical part of this is she isn’t and you know what that makes me sad too. But we can’t change that. I don’t plan on listing a dad on her birth certificate, there is no reason to. Hell, I don’t even know where Trent is. But with no dad listed, James, you will be able to adopt her as your own if the time comes. I want that, I want to be a family with you. Don’t you ever question that fact.” Kat kisses me again, and this time I deepen the kiss. Kat knew exactly what to say to bring me out of my head. I know we are at a public park in the middle of the day, but I push her down so she is lying on her back and kiss the hell out of her. I behave and keep my hands PG, but my brain has gone X-Rated on me. I slowly pull back to calm myself and pull Kat back into a sitting position. I kiss her forehead and start to get up and gather our things.

  “As much as I loved our time here, and I plan to continue that later behind closed doors, we need to get moving to the next thing I have planned.”

  We get everything loaded back into the car and I help Kat in. While I am walking around the car, I shoot a quick text to Bren

  JMAN: Where do I take Kat for new clothes?

  BGirl: Outlet in Freeport Motherhood maternity

  JMAN: Thx

  I get in the car and grab Kat’s hand as we pull away. “Ready to shop?” I ask her.

  “Shop? What are you talking about?”

  “I want to take you to get some clothes you can wear that fit. I told you not to worry that I will take care of you.”

  “No, I can’t let you spend money on me. The necklace you bought me has been plenty for me.” She fingers her necklace as she says this.

  “Please let me buy you a few things, it will make me feel better.”

  “Fine, just one outfit. I will buy more later with my money.”

  I agree to her terms, but I also don’t let her know that it isn’t going to happen that way. She will have everything that she needs and even a few things she wants from me. Once I get to the place Bren told me about, we walk in hand in hand.

  “What do you need the most?”

  “Since I couldn’t put my jeans on today I will have to say jeans and a shirt to cover my belly unless everyone wants to see it hanging out in a few weeks.”

  We are approached by the sales girl asking if we need any help. I reply, “Yes, please, my Kat here needs a new wardrobe for the remainder of her pregnancy.” If looks could kill, I would have been dead in 2.2 seconds by Kat.

  Under her breath and with that glare she says, “One outfit. I told you one.” I ignore her and follow the sales girl around the store dragging Kat behind me. After about an hour, Kat has been fully matched with a maternity wardrobe. Scowl in place and all. We walk out of the store with four bags of clothes. I set the bags in the trunk of my car and then help Kat back in. I get a text from Bren as I go around the back of the car to my side.

  BGirl: all set caterer is on their way up. ETA?

  JMAN: Just leaving Freeport see you in 30 or so

  I get into the car and look over to Kat. “I hope you aren’t too mad. I wanted you to have what you needed. I love you.”

  Her look softens a little. “I know you do, James. I love you too. What I don’t like is not being able to do this for myself. How w
ill I be able to take care of a baby if I have no money?”

  “Kat, please don’t worry about that. You have what you need today because I wanted to not because I felt I needed to. I bought you these clothes because I love you. I don’t expect anything in return but your love.”

  “I’m sorry, James. I let things get the best of me sometimes. I love you.” She leans over to give me a quick kiss. We are then on the road back to my place and for the grand finale of the day.

  After parking behind the building and helping Kat out of the car, I lead her to my door to my apartment. It has been so long since she has been here. I miss her in my space. When I reach the door, there is a note addressed to Kat.

  I love you, Kat. Have fun and don’t come home ;)


  “Looks like I have been ordered to stay at your place.”

  “Seems that way, what a good friend you have there,” I reply with a smirk. But what Kat doesn’t understand is that in a way that is a letter of permission for her to say yes.

  I open the door and am met with low lighting and candlelight. I open the door wider so Kat can see and usher her in the door while her mouth hangs open wide.

  “Oh, my God. Who did this? It is beautiful.” Looking at me, she asks, “Did you plan this?”

  “Kat, I have been planning this the last twenty-four hours with a few people’s help. Now, let us go inside to see what else there is.”

  Leading Kat further into my apartment, I then notice that in the dining area there are roses all over the place with one lying across what I assume is to be her plate. The music is low and beautifully romantic, and then as I seat her a waiter comes walking in dressed nicely but not in a tux. They followed my instructions for this not to be too fancy and more relaxed and focused on the romance of it.

  “Good evening, sir, ma’am, I am Brian your server tonight. Can I start you off with a drink, sparkling apple juice, water?”

  “Water is fine for me, how about you, Kat?”

  “Water please.”

  Brian goes to get us our drink, and Kat looks at me with a question in her eye. “James, what do you have planned for tonight? Because whatever it is you hooked me the second we walked in here. This is beautiful, so romantic. Thank you.”

  “This is just the beginning, Kat. Just wait for dessert.” I wink at her. She gets my innuendo and then Brian returns with drinks and some warm bread. “Dinner will be out in a few minutes; can I get you anything?”

  “No, thank you, we are fine right now,” I answer back. Brian leaves, and I take Kat’s hand from across the table. We continue with the meal, and it is delicious. Seafood chowder and corn chowder were brought out. We both tried a little of both and talked and ate bread. Once we had moved onto dessert, I realized that my time had come. I walk over to the side bar where I knew Jackson had set the bracelet and the key with a ribbon attached to it and kneel down by Kat’s feet.

  “This is not a proposal before I completely freak you out,” I say with a wink. “I want you to know how important you have become to me and my life. I was so lonely before I met you and before I knew what was happening you had consumed my every thought. We have gone through so much the past few months and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.” I pull out the wrapped box with the Tiffany bracelet in it and set in her hand. “Open it.”

  Slowly, Kat opens the package, and I already know she is shocked because she recognized the Tiffany Blue box. “You didn’t have to buy me anything more, you know that, right, but I won’t refuse something from Tiffany’s.” She winks at me. She opens the lid to the box and gasps softly when she sees the rose gold bracelet with the diamond. Tears start to shine in her eyes, and she blinks them away. She looks at me and then lunges herself at me with her arms around my neck. “Thank you, James, it is gorgeous. I love it. It is perfect.”

  I kiss her softly and then pry her off me and set her back in her seat. “I have one more thing for you, more of a question, actually. I wanted to know if you wanted to move in with me. I know you just got a place with Bren, and I know it may seem too soon. I want you here in my space. I want to love you and protect you and I want you by my side every night and every morning. I want to take care of you, and I want to take care of your little girl. I love you Kat and I love your baby already. Kat, will you move in with me?” I present her with the key for my apartment with the bow attached.

  Tears are flowing and her body is wrapped around mine on the floor. She pulls my face to hers and kisses me then I think I hear a yes before she kisses me again. I pull away slightly laughing and ask, “Was that a yes?”

  “Yes, yes, yes we will move in with you, James.” And then she kisses me hard and fast. I have to pull back from the kiss when Brian comes back in and clears his throat. “Sir, are you by chance ready for dessert?”

  I help Kat up off the floor and get her seated before I answer, “Yes, I think we can go for some dessert.” Brian quickly retreats back to my kitchen and returns with two plates of cheesecake. One thing Kat and I agree on is cheesecake is the best kind of desert. With a perma-smile on her face, she eats her cheesecake, and then a short while later before we are done Brian and another guy leave out of there like stealthy ninjas in the night. We are all alone now, and I can finally have my girl.


  This day has been perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better guy to come into my life. James had the most perfect night planned out and asked me to move in. Once I read the note from Bren and walked into the apartment I knew something was up and she was a part of it. I was too excited and happy to put a second thought into moving in with James. I knew Bren would be happy for me. Heck, I think she knew something would happen because she had it set up perfectly for me to not have to pay for anything in the apartment and also for her to be close by to me. Bren was smarter than anyone gave any credit for.

  As James and I sat there eating our dessert, I notice the two guys leave, and this is where I start to get nervous. Don’t get me wrong I want James so incredibly bad, but I worry about actually doing it. I hardly remember the first time I ever had sex, so I am nervous. Once we are finished with dessert, James gets up and takes my hands, pulling me up out of the chair and into his chest.

  “We are alone now, finally.” He lightly kisses my lips, running his tongue across the seam of my lip trying to get me to open, and I do. I want this with James so bad that as much as I have the urge to jump him I also am scared. The kiss intensifies and he leans down grabbing behind my knees to pull me up around his waist. I lock my ankles together and he starts to walk toward his bed. Once we reach his destination, he turns around and sits on the edge of the bed and pulls away from the kiss.

  “Kat, I want you, so bad. I have dreamed about this. But I also want to move on your terms, at the pace that you set for us. If anything is happening you don’t like or want to do, please tell me.”

  “I will, now I want to feel you. Lift your arms.”

  I take off his shirt and admire what I see. Then he does the same to me pulling my dress above my head discarding it to the side. I am sitting there in my bra and panties, pregnant belly hanging out making me a bit self-conscious. But not anymore when he leans down and kisses my belly mumbling the word, “Beautiful.”

  In a matter of seconds, James has shifted us, and I am at the top of his bed with him over me. He leans down not adding any pressure to my body and kisses down my neck then over my collar bone and to the tops of my breasts. He glances up at me asking for permission with his eyes. I nod my head and he starts to push my straps down slowly exposing my breasts. When the lace material is gone and my bra discarded to the side somewhere, he rolls his tongue around my right nipple while palming the left. I start to arch my back because it feels so good. I have never been touched like this by any guy and I am glad that I have James to share this moment with, this experience with. James continues his exploration looking up and making eye contact with me every time he does something different. James is now k
issing right above the waistband of my panties. He lowers his head between my thighs and brushes his nose over my panties, over my center. He then kisses me again above my panty waistband. He then loops his thumbs into the sides and pulls them down. I am now completely bare to him. James spreads my legs apart and licks me. His tongue meets my clit slowly circling around until he has me squirming. He then inserts a finger slowly pumping in and out. After a few strokes he adds a second finger. Soon my body is tightening up and I feel the tingle all the way into my toes. I arch my body into him and yell out his name “James, oh God. James.”

  He continues what he is doing until all the waves of my orgasm, the first I have ever had, subside to a low tremble. He leaves me breathless. I open my mouth to speak. “That was amazing I have never felt anything like it before in my life.”

  James is now eye level to me giving me one of his many looks, and this one I can’t figure out. “You have never had an orgasm before, not even given by your own fingers?”

  “No, that was my first,” I reply shyly hating to even admit it.

  “I hope it to be the first of many to come,” he says as he slides his jeans over his hips and sending them to the floor. He stands at the foot of his bed wearing just his boxer briefs and asks a question. “Kat, before I go further with you, I am clean I was tested last month. But I will use a condom if you want me to. What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to come here, and I want you to make love to me. I want to feel every part of you.”

  James quickly removes his boxer briefs and slides up my body slowly kissing his way up. When we are eye to eye he asks me, “You okay?”

  “Please, James, no more questions, I’m fine. I want you inside me now.”

  James kisses me and inserts his fingers inside me again, once he decides I am ready he pulls back and slowly pushes himself inside. He is so large I am unsure if he will even fit, but he does and once he is all the way in he stays still, waiting for me to adjust. Slowly he starts to move and it feels amazing. I start to move my hips along with him and encourage him to go a little faster. He does. The familiar feeling I had earlier starts to return and I am panting now. He feels so good. He leans down to my ear and says, “Baby, I am so close, you feel amazing wrapped around my cock. Are you close?”


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