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Once Perfect

Page 11

by Cecy Robson

  Come fuck me? Shit.

  If looks could freeze―well, I don’t know what the hell mine would’ve done just then, but my fist could have met her face.

  Dee slanted toward me. “You going to put up with that skank working your man?” she asked me.

  “Oh, hell no,” I said, storming forward.

  “I hear that,” Noelle slurred, following.

  Ant laughed when he saw me coming and elbowed Mateo. I don’t know what Teo saw in my face, but it was enough for him to launch forward―kind of the way he does when he’s about to bounce some drunk out of Excess―and pounce on me. “Hey, beer muscles,” he said, grabbing tight to my hips. “Want to dance?”

  He didn’t wait for me to respond and kissed me deep. As pissed as I was, my body melted into his. He paused to flash me a sexy grin and did it again. It was his way of telling me he was only with me. And I was fine with that. The slutty brunette—ah yeah, I forgot about her—stomped by us in a huff. I kept my arms around Teo, watching her. I needed to show her he was mine, at least tonight. She collided into the back of the kitchen chair when Noelle moved it forward with her foot.

  She stopped to glare at Noelle.

  Noelle glared back.

  So did Dee.

  So did I.

  “Dat’s right, keep walking, bitch,” Noelle called after her when she left.

  Dee laughed. “Quit trying to act all ghetto. You’re an educated woman.” She shrugged. “At least somewhat.”

  Teo’s hands remained at my hips. He rubbed my sides with his thumbs, trying to draw my attention. For the moment, though, my focus was all on Noelle. “Did you trip her because of me?” I asked her.

  Noelle’s green eyes twinkled as she watched me over her beer cup. “You had my back. Now I have yours.”

  I couldn’t stop my smile. A minute earlier, I’d been furious. But as angry as I was, I wasn’t a fighter. Noelle, Dee, and Mateo made sure I didn’t have to be.

  “Come on, let’s dance.” Mateo pulled me into the living room as a Drake mix morphed into a mash-up.

  “You dance?”

  He laughed. “Hell, yeah. I’m Cuban.”

  Donovan had only ever slow danced with me. Maybe it was because he couldn’t dance. Mateo? He could move.

  I was very aware of my body and became better aware of his. We mixed it up, our bodies swaying in sync as he held tight to my hips.

  We spent the rest of the night dancing, and laughing with Ant, Big Chris, Dee, and Noelle. Mateo gave me the rest of his beer and switched to water, telling me to just have fun and that he’d drive us back. Around dawn, everyone started leaving. Ant slung his arm around Noelle. “Are you staying with me, sweet thing?”

  She downed the last of her beer. “No.”

  “Why not? We can make some pretty babies.”

  Noelle rolled her eyes. “No. They would be fucking ugly, Ant. Red Afros and freckles would make ugly-ass babies.”

  Mateo’s chest rumbled against me as he laughed. “She’s not lying, Ant.” He led me out the door.

  “What the hell’s wrong with you, Teo?” Ant called after him. “You’re supposed to be my boy!”

  “Commit to Noelle like she wants you to. Then we’ll talk, Ant.”

  Big Chris trailed behind us, ditching the keg to lug Dee and Noelle. I clutched the hand Teo wrapped around my shoulder. “Ant and Noelle were together?” I whispered. “I never knew that.” Which explained why he’d been seriously pissed when he found out she was trampled.

  Mateo laughed again. “They were hot about a year ago. But Ant still wanted to run around. They broke up, stayed friends, but I can tell he still misses her.”

  “Enough to hook up, but not enough to commit.”

  He shrugged. “Yeah. For now.”

  I fished in the pocket of my jeans, pausing before I handed Mateo my keys. “You all right to drive?”

  “The shots I had were hours ago and I never finished the other beer. If I wasn’t sober, Ant would have two more roommates until I was.”

  I smiled. “All right. I trust you.”

  We climbed in. Teo had to push my seat all the way back in order to fit his long legs into the car. “Damn, Evie, you have some little legs.”

  “I thought you liked my legs.” I hadn’t drunk much―only two beers and a shot. But that’s all I needed to give me a buzz and a big mouth.

  “I do. And a lot more.” He leaned and kissed me. “You ready to go back to my place?”

  It was dawn and we’d been up all night. But we weren’t going to his place to sleep.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Mateo cranked the engine, cringing when my Cherokee roared like a lion and squeaked like an army of rats. “I really have to work on your ride, baby.”

  We didn’t speak on the way back to his place. And it wasn’t because we were both tired. I knew we were both wondering what would happen between us when we arrived at his apartment and the door shut tight behind us.

  My heartbeat, already fast, pounded a little harder when we pulled down Elaine’s long driveway. Mateo hopped out and punched the numbers to the garage door, then returned and pulled my Cherokee in next to his SUV.

  When we slipped out, his hand reached for mine. I glanced at his outstretched palm, taking it and knowing that’s where mine belonged. He closed the garage door and led me up the stairs without another word, his stride easy and confident.

  His apartment seemed oddly quiet when we walked in, making every step his black military boots took across his kitchen that much louder. “Want some water?”

  “Yes. Please.” I sat on his stool and placed my phone, my ID, and the few bills from my back pocket on the counter where he’d tossed my keys.

  He snagged two bottles from the fridge, then took a seat beside me. We drank the water slowly, but it didn’t take us long to finish. Mateo watched me the whole time. I only knew because I couldn’t tear my eyes from his. My hands tingled with adrenaline. I wanted to touch him. But I remained nervous and wasn’t sure how far I could allow things to go.

  Donovan had screwed me in more ways than one. And he’d hurt me so horribly, I hadn’t wanted anyone since.

  Until Mateo.

  He rubbed his knuckles against my face. “What are you thinking, Evie?” he asked.

  I played with my empty bottle. “Just about you.” That was the honest truth then. Donovan didn’t matter when Teo was with me.

  “Then let’s go to bed.”

  He backed his way across the small living room and into his bedroom, leading me with his hands intertwined with mine. My nervousness must have played across my features. He smiled softly. “Hey, sweet girl. Remember what I told you, nothing happens unless you say it does.”

  He sat on the edge of his queen-sized bed and pulled me to straddle him. His feet remained on the floor while my knees rested on either side of his legs. His hands cupped my backside, but they didn’t move and he didn’t kiss me. He waited for me to make the first move.

  My hands splayed along his face as I looked down at him and my hair fell against his shoulders. I took a nibble of his chin, then took a few more across his jawline, enjoying the feel of his stubble scratching gently along my cheek. His bruises had almost healed, but I kissed the spots that lingered. A groan rumbled in his chest when I kissed behind his ear.

  “Am I tickling you?” I whispered.

  “You’re doing something to me,” he murmured.

  Yeah. You’re doing something to me, too.

  My lips passed over his. It wasn’t slow. I didn’t want it that way this time. So I nipped and tasted them until he drove his tongue deep into me. It was then Mateo’s hands wandered, across my backside, gripping it in a possessive massage.

  My fingers cascaded down his broad back, taking in every indentation of muscle. I stopped at his waistband and tugged his shirt free of his cargo pants, breaking our kiss to pull it from his body.

  I thought I was ready to see more of him. But Mateo shirtle
ss cemented me in place. It wasn’t like when I’d seen him in the ring―there he’d been fighting and hurt. Now he waited there just for me.

  And we were all alone.

  I took a long moment to inspect his ripped body and the flame tattoos snaking his powerful arms. My lips parted. Mateo was fucking gorgeous. His hard form begged me to touch him; so did my thundering heart.

  My nails skimmed the borders of his tats where they extended into his shoulders, then trailed down to his pecs until they dropped to tease his washboard abs.

  He watched my movements. “Do you like what you see, baby?”

  I almost couldn’t answer. “Yeah. I do.”

  His hand ran up my arm as his face met mine. “I do, too.”

  He kissed me then, slow and deep enough to make me rub against him. I stopped our kiss and nibbled his neck, encouraging his hand to slide through the back of my jeans. He swore when he discovered my thong. But instead of digging deeper, he peeled off my sheer blouse…and my tiny camisole…and my bra.

  Everything landed on the floor in a pile. I landed on the bed on my back, grunting when his mouth latched on to the tip of one breast and his hand―oh, God― raked between my legs in quick rough motions.

  All I could do was cradle his head against my chest as he worked me. It didn’t take long for me to lose control. My lids fluttered and I dug my nails into his sheets. No, it had never been anything like this.

  Mateo panted against my ear when I finished. “You make me so hot, Evie.”

  He tugged on the snaps of my skinny jeans, but I stopped him before he could pull down the zipper, covering his hand with mine. “Please don’t,” I said.

  Mateo face-planted on his pillow, gripping it tight around him. “Okay.”

  I turned on my side. “Okay?”

  He kept his face buried. “Yeah.”

  I watched him. I knew he was hard by the way he adjusted his hips. My hands skimmed over his shoulder. “Are you mad at me?”

  He lifted his head, his hazel eyes glazed with fire. “No. But I really want to go down on you.”

  If he was trying to get me to orgasm with just his words, he damn near succeeded. The throb from his touch still pounded through me, especially when I considered allowing him to do what he wanted.

  I slipped out of bed and pulled on my camisole. Mateo rolled onto his side. “Are you leaving?”

  “No,” I answered quietly. My body heat rose. He didn’t want me to leave. I could hear it in his voice. What he didn’t know was, I didn’t want to go either. Not until I gave him a little something back.

  I zipped out of my boots and yanked off my socks, glancing over my shoulder although I couldn’t really look at him then. “Could you take off your shoes for me?”

  He did as I asked, tossing them and his socks to the side.

  My bare feet padded across the tile floor as I walked around the bed. I kissed Mateo when he sat up. His fingers glided through my hair as he kissed me back. Damn, that tongue of his…

  My hands unbuttoned his cargo pants and reached in, making us both gasp. I was right. He was hard. And a hell of a lot bigger than I’d thought. I met his eyes as I pulled down his pants and briefs and dropped them to the floor. When I sat on the bed again, my lips immediately sought his and my hands began to stroke. “Do you have any condoms?” I whispered after a few passes.

  Mateo’s breath caught and released in a shudder as my hands continued to tease and play. He gritted his teeth when my hand movements turned more aggressive. “I thought you didn’t want to.”

  His need for me intensified beneath my touch. “Not for us. Not yet.” Although right then I wasn’t so sure anymore. My head swam with the idea of him pounding into me. Still, I held back. “This is for you.”

  He moaned and passed his fingers along the waistband of my jeans. “Are you sure? It doesn’t have to be just about me―” His voice hitched when my hands moved faster. The cords of his neck strained before his head fell against my shoulder. “I want you so bad, Evie.”

  Desire made me waver, but ultimately, I couldn’t yet.

  I nipped the spot behind his ear. “Just let me do this for you, okay?”

  His chest rose and fell a few more times before he reached into the nightstand behind him. I released him to take the condom out of his hand and slipped it over him, leaving some space at the tip. I continued to watch him, and how I affected him, until I took him into my mouth.

  I started with just a few tastes at the tip, moving down slowly. When I couldn’t take him any further, I made my movements faster so I could go deeper, even if it was only brief. Mateo groaned and swore, digging his fingers into my hair. He didn’t push, or pull, but something about the way he caressed my scalp made the moment hotter.

  When he was close, I carefully slipped off the condom and finished him with my hand. As we both locked eyes, I didn’t know how much longer I could resist him.

  Chapter Ten

  I woke up shaking in the dark, not knowing where I was.

  “Hey. It’s okay.” Mateo pulled me closer and reached over me to flick on the bedside lamp. “Don’t worry, I’m right here with you.”

  I settled against his warm chest, allowing his presence and deep voice to soothe me. Shit. Considering it was daytime, it seemed unnaturally dark. “The trees shadow the garage around this time,” he said like he understood my fear.

  Except no one really did. How could they when I didn’t understand it myself?

  I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the memories of another scary dream. “What time is it?”

  He adjusted his body slightly. “A little after twelve.” His hand stroked down my back. “You cold?”

  He pulled the warm blanket to cover my back before I could tell him yes. Although I was still shaken from the nightmare and from waking up in complete darkness¸ I lifted my chin and smiled. “Thanks.”

  He smiled back and offered me a small kiss. “You’re welcome.” He played with my hair until the thick strands fell behind my shoulder. “Ev, you didn’t have to do what you did before.”

  “I wanted to,” I told him honestly. “Was it okay for you?”

  “I liked it. A lot.” He stopped smiling then. “I just want you to want it.”

  “I did.”

  “Good. That’s how it should be.” Mateo’s large hand smoothed down my arm. “So, what’s your number?”

  Whoa. We were going there, weren’t we? “One.”

  He tilted his chin, raising his thick brows slightly. “Just one?”

  I rested my cheek against his chest. “Yeah. But it wasn’t good.” My nails trailed against his skin. “What about you?”

  “More than one.”

  I released a small sigh. “I thought so.” By the way he looked and carried himself, yeah, there had to be several.

  “Do you want me to tell you?”

  The notion of his hands touching someone else made me sad. “No, I don’t want to know. I just want to be safe.”

  “Me too.” I slid across his body when he lifted me to face him. “I’ve been careful, Evie. I’ll take a blood test to prove it.” He considered his next words. “Will you get one, too?”

  I stilled completely. “In case things go further?”

  “Yeah. Just in case. But that doesn’t mean they have to.”

  He wanted to do more. A lot more, based on the way his voice deepened. And yet he didn’t pressure me. What he didn’t know was I wanted to do more, too. Problem was, I was still fucking hesitant.

  “Okay, I just want to take things slow. My ex, he…” I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling fan, trying not to allow the memory of Donovan’s actions to come between me and Teo. “I just want to take things slow,” I repeated, not knowing what else to say.

  Mateo slipped his arm around me and rolled me to him. I didn’t realize I was crying until he brushed a trailing tear away from my cheek with his thumb. “What did he do to you?” he asked, with an underlying bite to his tone.
r />   I shook my head, not really understanding the cause of my tears. Mateo was the one lying there without clothes, but despite the camisole and jeans I still wore, I felt so naked then. “He wasn’t good to me,” was all I managed.

  “Then he was an asshole.”

  Mateo’s voice remained gruff, but his eyes were soft as they drank me in. Somehow, I managed to drop my stare from his. “Can I talk to you about something?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “If I get the blood test, and things continue between us, you have to do something for me.” He waited as I gathered my courage. “If you’re with anyone else, or even if you’re thinking about it, you need to tell me. I won’t get mad.” I laughed when he did. “Okay, maybe I’ll get a little mad.”

  He pulled me on top of him. “Just a little? Hell, Evie, I’d be pissed as all shit.”

  I grinned down at him. “Just promise that you’ll tell me, okay?”

  He scrunched his face when I tickled his nose with a strand of my hair, glancing away before clasping my wrist and circling the inside of my palm with his thumb. “Deal. But you have to tell me, too. All right?”

  “Okay.” I smiled at the way he watched me. “But I don’t think you have to worry about that.”

  His hazel irises smoldered. “Oh, yeah?”


  He brought me to him for a long deep kiss. Almost immediately, I could feel his erection press against my belly where the edge of my camisole had slipped up. He pulled off my top when I reached below his waist, and he slipped his hand between my legs over my jeans.

  My moans immediately matched his. But as I wrestled with whether to ditch my jeans, his phone rang. The ringtone vibrated hard enough to rattle his cell against the bedside table. He swore and slid me to my side, surprising me by giving me his back and answering his phone. “Yeah? What’s wrong?…Okay…When the fuck did that happen?…Calm down, baby girl…I’m coming…No. Stay put. I’m coming for you.”

  He disconnected and wrenched himself from the bed to yank on his clothes. He paused when he sat to tie his shoes. It was almost as if he’d forgotten I was there. “I have to go.”


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