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Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1

Page 13

by Leji Albano

  She nodded and slid up beside him, bumping his arm with her shoulder. “I can live with that. I missed you too.”

  His hand scrubbed through his hair roughly. “Let’s just go with the flow and enjoy ourselves, OK?”

  The pain from the crick in his neck woke Alexander early the next morning. The couch simply wasn’t big enough for him to comfortably sleep on. He stood and tried to work the knot out as he walked to the service phone sitting on the desk. He placed an order for breakfast to be delivered in half an hour, then grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom to shower.

  Alexander was exhausted, both mentally and physically. Having Tina here was bittersweet. On the one hand, he was no longer alone, which was a good thing. But on the other, he was facing a situation that he should never have allowed to happen in the first place. It had obviously taken a toll on her as well, and he felt like shit about that.

  He stood under the showerhead and let the hot water beat down on him, lost in thought. One thing he knew for sure was that he could never, ever, tell her the truth. If she found out on her own, then so be it. Maria had handled the knowledge well enough after all…but would Tina? No, he couldn’t risk it. Couldn’t risk losing her. And if that meant keeping her at arm’s length, then that was just the price he would have to pay. He knew he was being a selfish bastard, and since he was being honest with himself, he acknowledged that this was going to hurt Tina, but he just couldn’t see another way forward.

  Monsters were not supposed to have normal lives, normal relationships. He had felt that way from the first moment he realized what he had become. Over the years, he had even come to accept that fact. Unfortunately for him, he had never counted on the train-wreck that Tina had made of his carefully crafted and structured life. She hadn’t intended it to be that way, no more than he did, but fate had taken note of them and decided to let the universe have its way. Had Tina been any sort of genetic freak like he was, then he would gladly make the leap, but the fact of the matter was that she wasn’t. Nor would he wish that upon her.

  Alexander shook his head angrily; no, he would just have to maintain a distance between them. Some things just weren’t meant to be, and this was one of them. Heart aching in his chest, he stepped out of the shower and got ready to face the day.

  Alex was pouring coffee for her when she stepped out of the bathroom. Breakfast was waiting on the small dining table, and it smelled delicious.

  Tina smiled at him as she sat down and placed the napkin in her lap. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” he mumbled back.

  She made a face at his response but shrugged it off. Sleeping on that short couch must have sucked. Tina decided to offer to share the bed. After all, this was his bungalow, and he shouldn’t have to give it up just because she had crashed his vacation.

  Tina tried to ignore the scowl he wore, but it was hard. Had this been a mistake? She was beginning to wonder. God knew she was glad to be here with him, and her family most likely was delighted she had taken her moodiness with her when she left. Her heart had gladdened last night as he had confessed that he had missed her, but she could also tell that it was hard for him to admit. Was he having second thoughts?

  After fifteen minutes of tense silence, she dropped her spoon onto the plate that held a mostly consumed grapefruit. She sighed heavily, then decided to confront the elephant in the room head-on.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  He looked startled. “What? No, not at all.”

  She leaned forward and glared at him. “Then what the hell is going on? Last night you seemed happy enough to see me. What’s changed?”

  Alexander slumped in his chair, groaning miserably, and set his coffee cup gently onto the table. “Nothing has changed…and everything has changed.” He gazed thoughtfully at her. “You are going to need to be patient with me. I haven’t had many people I could consider a friend over the years. Old habits are hard to break, especially for me…. Maria once called me rigid, and I guess she was right.”

  Holding onto her frayed patience with both hands, she replied, “I can do that, Alex, but please don’t shut me out, and that’s what this feels like right now.”

  He glanced up at her with anguish-filled eyes. “I’m not who you think I am, Tina. Please don’t put too much faith in me.”

  “What the fuck does that even mean?” she demanded, even more confused.

  “It means that I come with a lot of baggage, and the odd skeleton in the closet.”

  Her snort sounded loud in the room. “And you think I don’t come with baggage? Dude, I could open a fucking store….”

  Alexander laughed, and while the tension eased, it was still there. His gaze settled on her as if he was seeking an answer to a question that only he knew. After a few moments, he asked, “What is it that you want from me? How does this play out in your mind?”

  Actively sitting on her temper, she replied in a dangerous voice, “What do you mean?”

  Sensing he was on thin ice, he held his hands up placatingly. “I’m genuinely curious as to how you see us.”

  She blew out a breath, exasperation plain to be seen. “Oh-kaayy. I suppose that’s a fair question. But if we’re going to play this game, then you have to be completely honest with me, too.”

  A barely suppressed wince passed over his face. “Fair enough.”

  Tina leaned back in the chair and dived right in. “It’s not exactly a secret that I like you…more than I should, and despite warnings not to let it happen.” He started to respond, but she held a palm up toward him, cutting him off. “Let me finish; this is hard enough.

  “You get me, Alexander, and in a way that is totally new to me. And I like to think that you have feelings for me, too. The time we spend together is good…comfortable. I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not, and I love that.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. “I understand that you think getting involved would be a bad idea, but don’t you see? We already are in so many ways.

  “I’d love nothing more than for this to become something more intimate, but if that’s not in the cards, well, I guess I can live with that. Better friends than to wreck what already exists.” Tina sat there, looking extremely vulnerable, and waiting for his response.

  Alexander walked around the table and scooted a chair over to her side. He reached out and took her hand in his, then started talking.

  “Thank you for that. I know it wasn’t easy, and I ask that you let me get through what I have to tell you before interrupting.” An impish grin split his face. “And we both know how hard that will be for you.”

  A wry smile and a bob of her head acknowledged that statement.

  “I’m drawn to you as well, and it goes against everything I believe in. Bosses don’t take advantage of their employees, and that is set in stone as far as I am concerned.” He looked troubled before continuing. “Or at least that’s how I used to think. You confuse me, Tina Ferrante, and constantly push me out of my comfort zone.

  “I told you earlier that I’m not who you think I am, and I’m not, but for reasons that are my own, I won’t elaborate on that. That being said, I want you to understand that I would like nothing more than to get to know you better…. It’s just not possible for reasons I can’t go into.” His hand squeezed hers gently.

  “All I can offer you right now is more of the same, and if you can handle that, then you are more than welcome to become an even bigger part of my life.” He paused and let go of her hand. “If not, if that isn’t enough, then I will understand if you decide to move on.”

  A rude snort greeted his words. “Like that’s going to happen.” She poked him firmly in the chest and continued. “That’s not really what I wanted to hear, Alexander, and I can’t claim to understand, exactly…but OK. I’m willing to operate under those conditions, for now. Just be forewarned that I will be looking for any chinks in that armor of yours and will ruthlessly exploit any I find.”

  He laughed in delight. �
�I look forward to it. Now, if we are done, can we please enjoy the weather and the beach? After all, we are in Hawaii….”

  They spent the day wandering around the resort and talking about what they should do first. She even managed to talk him into snorkeling with her that afternoon.

  Dinner was excellent and the two bottles of wine they consumed had put Tina into a mellow mood. Alex was fighting off regular yawns, and she could tell he was tired.

  “Why don’t you just go to bed?” she suggested.

  “I don’t want to bail on you like that. I am tired, though,” he admitted reluctantly.

  “Meh. Just stay on your side of the bed, and it will be fine.”

  Looking somewhat surprised, he said, “Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch again.”

  Tina chuckled. “It's fine, quit being a big baby, we’re all adults here.”

  Alex conceded her point and disappeared into the bathroom long enough to change into a pair of pajama bottoms, then climbed into the right side of the bed and quickly fell asleep.

  She watched him sleep as she finished the last of her wine, her thoughts taking her places that they shouldn’t. Why wouldn’t he make a move? Tina could tell he was attracted to her, so it had to be something else. Was crossing that line so hard for him? Maria had told her he never would, but she refused to believe that. No. It had to be something else, something he felt was insurmountable.

  She drank the last of the wine, shook her head in confusion, and got ready for bed. When she slid between the sheets, she could feel the heat radiating off him. Tina mentally sighed and shifted over so she could lay her head onto his chest. Alex unconsciously slid his arm around her, and she snuggled into his embrace and drifted off.

  Alexander was mortified. He had woken up to find that he was spooning Tina. But that wasn’t the worst part, oh no, it was so much worse than that. His hand was cupping her breast through the t-shirt she was wearing, her nipple hard beneath his fingers. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, he was also sporting morning-wood, which was currently poking menacingly into her backside.

  He eased himself out of bed as stealthily as he could and dashed for the bathroom, where he took the first of many long, cold showers that would become routine over the next couple of weeks. What he failed to see was the satisfied grin that Tina had on her face as she pretended to be asleep.

  It was New Year’s Eve, and the fireworks display was in full force. Wailea had gone all out for the show, and people were stacked up anywhere they could find a place to stand. Tina was currently perched on his shoulders so she could have an unobstructed view. His hands gripped her upper thighs firmly, holding her in place even as she squirmed around in excitement. Alexander wished she would settle down…or that she was wearing more than a bikini bottom.

  Tina alternately gripped his long hair like reins to stabilize herself, and threw both hands up into the air when she liked a particular set of fireworks. Her heels would thump his chest as she rocked back and forth in her excitement, and it was a good thing that she had taken her sandals off before mounting him like a horse.

  The wine they had with dinner seemed to have lessened any inhibitions Tina may have had under normal conditions, and the free champagne that was handed out prior to the show had only added to the effect. Alexander wouldn’t say she was drunk, per se, but she was definitely feeling no pain. He was almost jealous, but he had to really work hard at getting a buzz, the wolf metabolism burning it off almost as fast as he consumed alcohol. In most cases, it just wasn’t worth the effort.

  Providing Tina with a perch that put her over everyone else and allowed an unobstructed view was hardly taxing. Truthfully, she could sit there all night and he would barely notice. That being said, holding onto this squirming bundle of excitement was…distracting. More than distracting if he was honest with himself. The feel of her toned thighs between his hands and the warmth of her crotch that pressed against the back of his neck were practically instruments of torture as far as he was concerned. He just wished the fireworks show would end so that he could safely put her back onto the ground and gain some semblance of control over where his thoughts were leading him.

  A final crescendo of explosions and brightly colored bursts announced the finale. The crowd clapped and cheered, then began to disperse into the shadows, no doubt seeking privacy and comfort in each other’s arms. Alexander sighed deeply, then lifted Tina easily off his shoulders and lowered her to the ground in front of him. With a quick spin, Tina jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, threw her arms around his neck, and pulled his face in for a passionate kiss. For a moment, his body froze in consternation, then he returned the kiss just as forcefully. Tina moaned into his mouth and ground her hips into him, her intentions plain.

  Alexander wanted nothing more than to surrender to what he was feeling, but a small, yet vocal part of his psyche reminded him that he couldn’t allow this to happen. His hands reached up and gently removed her arms from around his neck as he pulled his head back, breaking the kiss. Her eyes shot open, searching his for answers, and then she sighed softly and slid down to stand on the beach.

  Tina looked away, obviously embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why?” he asked softly. “You’ve been very upfront about your feelings, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy that kiss very much.”

  Her head turned back toward him. “But?”

  “But…I just can’t,” he told her sadly.

  To say that Tina was frustrated would be a severe understatement. The two weeks she had spent with Alex in Hawaii were amazing…in every way but one. Even though they had shared a bed the entire time, they hadn’t actually shared it. He wanted her as much as she wanted him; his body couldn’t lie about that. She grinned as she thought about waking up each day, his body pressed up to hers, and the daily erection that he always dashed off to get rid of before he thought she would know about it. She snorted in amusement as if something that size could be hidden. Had he even attempted to make a move, she would have thrown herself at him, but he didn’t. The man should have joined a monastery; that kind of self-control was almost unheard of…and yet, here she was, completely unsatisfied. It was almost insulting.

  Her aunt had warned her, told her not to get her hopes up. But had she listened? No. She had only herself to blame. Why couldn’t she seem to be able to find and keep a good man?

  Tina took out her phone and stared at it uncertainly. Finally, she jabbed at it and called her aunt.


  “I need your advice, Aunt Maria,” she whispered mournfully into the phone.

  “What’s wrong, Tina?” her aunt said sharply.

  “Alexander is pissing me off.”

  “Oh? How so?”

  “I practically threw myself at him in Hawaii and he wouldn’t bite.”

  “Oh, dear,” Maria commiserated.

  “We shared a bed for two weeks.”

  The sigh she heard spoke volumes.

  “The only action I got from him was while he was asleep,” she wailed miserably.

  Maria chuckled as she said, “And by action, you mean?”

  “Some minor groping and major morning-wood pressed into my ass...all while he was asleep,” Tina replied. “Is there something wrong with me? Am I broken in some way?”

  “No dear, you aren’t broken. I was worried this might happen, Tina, and I did warn you.”

  “You did, and I should have listened, but I didn’t.”

  “Did anything he said or may have done indicate why?”

  “Not really, just said he wasn’t who I thought he was, or some shit like that.”

  Her aunt was silent for a moment. “He does have secrets, Tina.”

  “What? Like he’s a serial killer? He sacrifices small animals to Satan during the solstices?” Tina growled into the receiver.

  Maria laughed freely at those guesses. “Nothing like that, I can assure you. It’s complicated, though, and I can’t speak about it

  “Jesus Christ, Maria!” Tina said fervently. “That’s not very helpful.”

  “No, I suppose it isn’t. But that’s what I’ve got for you,” Maria said unrepentantly.

  Tina got herself back under control and asked, “What am I supposed to do now?”

  “What do you want to do? You know the options as well as I do, dear,” Maria stated calmly.

  “You mean other than murder the bastard?”

  “Yes, other than commit bodily harm.”

  Tina blew out a loud breath as she considered the question. “What I should do is quit.”

  “But you aren’t going to do that, are you, dear?” Maria said knowingly.

  “No. If anything, I think that would make me even more miserable. How fucked up is that?” she wondered aloud.

  “I understand. So that doesn’t leave many other options, does it?”

  “I guess not.” She thanked her aunt for listening and ended the call.


  “…I found that I was accumulating money far faster than I could spend it and had begun investing it heavily. Stocks, bonds, real estate, and even limited partnerships in several promising businesses. All of which meant that my immediate needs were well in hand, and long term, I would have sufficient funds to not only allow for further expeditions, but that would make for a very comfortable lifestyle.

  There was a building downtown that I had had my eye on for quite some time, and when it came up for sale, I immediately made an offer on it. Structurally it was sound, but the years had not been kind to it, nor had the previous owner spent enough on its upkeep to keep it in any sort of proper condition. Renovation would be neither cheap nor easy. Still, I would be able to make it my center of operations and turn the top floor into a penthouse apartment that would suit my needs nicely.


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