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Unforeseen Heartbeat

Page 18

by Maureen Mayer

  “Well, well. If isn’t the campus slut. Thanks to you I had to register as a fucking sex offender and got kicked off the team.”

  “T-Tucker… you drugged me and tried to r-rape me!” My voice trembled, and my legs felt as though they were about to give out. “What did you think was going to happen? I couldn’t just let you get away with it and let that happen to someone else.”

  Tucker laughed, sneering at my words, and leaned in until his lips brushed against my ear. “Are you kidding me? Take a fucking look in the mirror. You were begging for it. You spread your legs for every guy on campus, and I’d bet you would love to get my dick wet right here, right now. So how about it? You fucking owe me for last time, cunt.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping and praying that it was just a sick and twisted nightmare and that I would soon wake up. I shook my head back and forth, willing him to disappear, and when I peeled my eyes back open, Tucker was no longer hovering over me but rather pinned against the wall next to me with Brett’s bloody knuckles pummeling into his face.

  “If you ever so much as breath the same air as my sister again, I’ll fucking kill you.” Brett shoved him back and he slumped down the wall.

  Hunter pulled me into his chest, cocooning me safely in his arms as he pressed his lips to my neck. I matched his breaths as they flowed over my skin, and it didn’t take long for me to calm my racing heart. He cradled my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly before releasing his hold on me. “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”

  “No. No he just freaked me out. I wasn’t expecting to see him here. I have no idea who invited him.” I was still a bit shaky, and he could hear it in my voice.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. I already called the police, so they should be here any minute, all right? They know he’s violating the restraining order, and they’ll take him away no questions asked. Why don’t you wait over there with Liberty until we get this sorted out?” I nodded against his chest, and he cupped the back of my head, stroking my hair down my back. “I’ll only be a minute. I just need to take care of something first.”

  Liberty pushed through and tugged me into her arms. “Ohmigod, Maddie, are you okay? I am so sorry. I had no idea my friend Nicole was bringing him. I never would have invited her if I knew.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m fine. Hunter’s taking care of everything. He said he—”

  I then realized the entire room had grown eerily quiet. All I could make out were the muffled gasps elicited by the crowd that had quickly formed around us to watch in horror as Hunter manhandled Tucker. He threw him up against the wall and held him there with his hand grasped firmly around his throat. Tucker’s face was quickly turning an unnatural shade of purple as Hunter continued to choke him.

  “You sick son of a bitch! You think you’re so fucking clever don’t you; vandalizing Maddie’s car, throwing a brick through her window, leaving her nasty messages. We all know it was you, so cut the bullshit. If you ever, EVER threaten my girlfriend again, so help me God… I. Will. Fucking. End you! Do I make myself clear?”

  I drew in a sharp breath, completely stunned by Hunter’s reaction. I had never seen him like this! His face was beet red, nostrils flaring, hands shaking, and his eyes, those beautiful silvery gray orbs that had drawn me in the second I laid eyes on him, had grown darker. Almost black. Hunter was bloodthirsty, blinded by the anger that was instilled in him after what Tucker had done to me, and if I didn’t put a stop to it, I had no doubt that he would finish what Shayne had started months ago. He wasn’t kidding when he said that he would end him.

  Even as Tucker’s face continued to grow a deeper shade of purple, he somehow managed to cock a venomous grin and it was directed straight at me.

  “Hunter, let him go,” I croaked out, determined to take matters in my own hands before he did something I knew he would regret.

  He snapped his head in my direction with his white-knuckled hand still clamped around Tucker’s throat. “Baby, stay out of this. He deserves to get what’s coming to him.”

  I slipped through the crowd until I was right beside Hunter and hesitantly placed my hand on his shoulder. “Hunter, please. Let. Him. Go. I got this.” I looked deep into his eyes, hoping he received the message I tried to convey without words. His brow furrowed but only for a moment before his expression softened and he released his vice grip.

  Tucker barked out an abrasive cough as he hunched forward, gasping for air, and when the color had finally returned to his face, the cocky motherfucker had the nerve to start laughing. “I think it’s pretty clear who wears the pants in your relationship.” His hideous grin spread wider. “You should listen to your woman more often.”

  Hunter growled beside me, but I placed my hand on his chest, letting him know I could handle him. As I stepped into Tucker’s line of vision, his eyes dragged over me, and he licked his lips. God, it made me want to vomit, but I had to keep up this ruse to prove a point; that you should never fuck with me, because I will fuck you right back.

  “You still want this?” I purred seductively and leaned in, brushing my chest up against him while running my hands over his shoulders and around his neck.

  “Fuck yeah, I do! Why don’t you bend over and I’ll take that pretty little pussy right here for everyone to watch.”

  Sliding my leg up his thigh, I could feel his body relax into mine and I smiled, knowing I had him right where I wanted him. “Hmm, I don’t think I’ll be the one bending over, darlin’.”

  I dug my nails into his neck and used his body for leverage as my knee made a direct hit to his itty-bitty manhood. Tucker bent forward, crying out in pain as he grabbed his junk. Lucky for me, he lined himself up perfectly for my knee to connect with the ugly fucker’s face. He went tumbling to the ground and curled up in the fetal position, one hand cupping his family jewels and the other trying the stop the blood that was pouring out of his now broken nose. I grinned, satisfied with the job I had done, and crouched down so that I was eye to eye with him.

  “You’re not going to mess with me anymore, are you?”

  He shook his head slowly as blood continued to pool on the floor.

  “And you’re going to abide by the conditions of the restraining order, and stay the fuck away from me, right?”

  He groaned in pain, but still nodded.

  “Good.” I patted his cheek a little harder than necessary… okay, it was totally warranted in my opinion.

  I stood back up with my head held high and pivoted around to find everyone with their mouths hanging wide open in astonishment, including Hunter. I shrugged my shoulders and grinned sheepishly, having completely forgotten that they were still there. The entire room erupted in cheers, and I glanced over at my friends as they shook their heads and smiled back at me. They knew how good it felt to finally get that out of my system after suffering for weeks through Tucker’s torment. I was even taken aback when one girl asked if I would kick her ex-boyfriend’s ass for her. Now there was a compliment if I’ve ever heard one!

  Hunter swept me up in his arms, spinning me around, and I couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled in my chest. “Baby, I don’t know where that came from, but I am so damn proud of you.”

  I giggled into his chest as I slid down his tall frame. “Thanks, babe. I figured it was only fitting that I was the one to deliver him the blow. Not too bad for an amateur, huh?”

  “I’ll say. I don’t think he’ll be walking straight for weeks, let alone fucking anyone. You might have caused some permanent damage there.” He shook his head laughing.

  “Pfft, serves him right,” I snickered.

  The police arrived a few moments later, and once I showed them a copy of the restraining order that I always carried with me, they escorted Tucker out of the hotel suite without further incident. The second the door clicked behind them, Hunter gazed down at me with unadulterated desire gleaming in his eyes, but just as I was about to lean in to kiss him, his expression suddenly grew very serious. “Fuck, we have to get out o
f here.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  He cupped my cheek and brushed his lips against my ear, his hot breath rolling in waves over my neck. “You have no idea how fucking hot it was to watch his ass get handed to him by you.” The carnality behind his words had me squeezing my legs together to alleviate the ache.

  “But we still have guests. We can’t just—”

  Hunter grabbed me behind my knees and lifted me as if I weighed nothing at all, tossing me over his shoulder. “Trust me. No one will even notice we’re gone.”

  Hunter sprinted toward the door with determination, and I hung limp like a rag doll as my world passed by me upside-down. I knew it was useless arguing with him when he had that cunning look in his eye, not to mention I was curious to see what he had up his sleeve. “Where are you taking me?”

  He barreled his way into the hall, almost plowing into Shayne on the way out. “Oh, hey guys! Traffic was a fucking nightmare… Where the hell are you going? I just got here! You can’t party without me!” I grabbed onto Hunter’s belt loops and hoisted myself up, giggling as I watched the man I used to think was a cocky, arrogant asshole hobble around in his adorable, fluffy lion costume.

  “My woman just beat the shit out of Tucker, and now I’m stealing her away so I can ravish my Lil’ Rambo.”

  I drew in a sharp breath, and the delightful ache between my legs returned.

  “Nice! Way to kick ass, Maddie! Hey, wait! You lost your hair.” Shayne picked up my shiny black wig, but Hunter kept up the pace, never once turning back.

  “Keep it! I prefer blondes anyway!” Hunter shouted just before kicking the door shut behind us.

  Hunter padded across the room with me still dangling over his shoulder, and I lazily slithered down the length of his body until my feet hit the soft carpet. Running his nose along the column of my neck, he breathed in deep as though he were trying to memorize my scent. “God, you are so fucking beautiful, Madelyn. Everything about you.”

  He traced his fingers along my spine, running them up and over my shoulder until his large hand splayed over my throat and across my chest. I could feel the heat slowly creeping up my neck as my sex burned with desire down below. “I love this. Your skin flushes the most beautiful shade of pink, and it all stems from here, right above your heart.”

  “You do it to me. I don’t think I ever blushed this much before I met you. Somehow, you always manage to catch me by surprise with the charming words that come pouring out of your mouth.”

  “Well, what can I say? I love the way your body responds to me. Like right now,” he lowered his voice, licking his lips before he continued, “I can see your pulse fluttering against the delicate skin of your throat, and your heart is beating rapidly beneath my fingers. You’re grabbing hold of my shirt with tight fists, balling up the material like you want to tear it clean of off me. Am I correct to assume that your panties are soaked through with your arousal as well?”

  I gave him a sly, knowing grin. “I don’t know. You might need to take a closer look.”

  He accepted the invitation and reached down, skimming his hand over my bare thigh and slowly ran his fingers beneath my skirt, but his gaze never left mine. He wanted to see the jolt of desire flash across my face as he traced his long finger down the silk-covered seam of my sex. The corner of his mouth stretched into a wicked grin, pleased that he had indeed caused my panties to become drenched with my arousal. “Just as I suspected. Always so responsive.”

  I pushed my body further against his, needing to be closer to him, and could feel his erection straining against his black dress slacks and pressing against my belly. “Looks like I’m not the only one.”

  His hands dipped beneath the collar of my blazer, and he slipped it over my shoulders and down my arms, leaving a trail of goose bumps in his wake. He nuzzled into the hollow of my neck and brought his lips to the sensitive spot just behind my ear before whispering, “Take these off.” I looked up to find his starved, gray eyes ablaze, burning with a carnal hunger I had never seen in him before. With nimble fingers, he flicked open the first hook at the front of my corset and grazed his finger across my cleavage. He took a few steps back until he was seated on the edge of the king-sized bed, waiting for me to make the next move. Was he seriously planning on just sitting there, gawking at me while I stripped for him? One eyebrow perked up on his handsome face, and that confirmed that he was most definitely serious about his request.

  I smiled bashfully and ran my hands over my hips and up my sides, brushing against the swell of my breasts before fully cupping them in my hands. Hunter was already breathing heavier, his chest rising and falling rapidly in anticipation. I reached for the next hook of my corset and popped it open, then another and another, releasing the constrictive hold on my breasts and allowing them to spread apart naturally. My nipples had pebbled beneath the material and were just at the brink of spilling out, but I turned around, shielding Hunter’s view as I undid the remaining hooks. From the expression on his face, it was clear I was torturing him, and I loved it. Every damn second of it.

  I held my arm across my chest and twisted my head around as I tossed the corset in Hunter’s direction. He caught it easily, chuckling at my playful demeanor, and crooked his finger, beckoning me to come closer. I kicked off my heels and shuffled over to him, but once I was within reach, he jerked me forward, causing me to squeal unexpectedly as he pulled me between his legs. His strong hands swept over the curves of my perky derrière, giving it a firm squeeze before he reached for the zipper at the back of my skirt. Ghosting his lips over my ribs until his face was burrowed between my breasts, he casually slid the skirt down my legs, letting it pool at my feet. I kicked the scrap of material aside, and all that remained were my sopping-wet, silk panties and a ravenous grin teasing at my lips. But something wasn’t right here. My man still had way too many clothes on.

  “Are you planning on wearing these all night, Clark, or is Superman going to come out to play?” I loosened his tie and tugged him forward, capturing his lush mouth as I proceeded to unbutton his shirt.

  Hunter smirked at my role-playing. “Mmm, maybe he just needs a little help springing free, Lois.”

  I got on my knees and ran my hand over the bulge in his pants as he let out a rough moan in approval. The button slipped free with ease, and I took my time dragging the zipper down before he stood and let them fall to the floor. What I saw both excited me and almost had me doubling over from laughing so hard. Under Hunter’s pants were a pair of Superman boxer briefs… red cape and all.

  It took me a moment to catch my breath before I could speak. “Where on Earth did you find those?”

  “You like?” He shook his ass, causing the cape the fly up, and grinned down at me. “I couldn’t very well go as Clark Kent for Halloween without hiding a little bit of Superman underneath.”

  “Oh I think you got more than just a little bit of him.” My fingers ambled up his length, and I reached for the waistband, pulling them down just enough so that the head of his cock peeked out. I couldn’t wait any longer. I just had to have a little taste, so I let my tongue flick out and lapped up the bead of pre-come at the tip. Hunter’s head fell back as he raked his hands through my hair, gently coaxing me to my feet.

  “Not tonight, baby.”

  “But—” I pouted. Seriously, why would he get me all worked up just to shut me down again?

  “Shhh, I don’t want you to focus on that tonight.” He kissed my cheek and took my hand, leading me over to the side of the bed where he pulled back the blankets and sheets and motioned for me to climb in. I lay back with my hair spilling over the pillow and suddenly felt very vulnerable sprawled out like a naked platter for him to feast his eyes on. I had dreamt of this night for weeks, but now that it was finally here, I was worried he might not want me once he had his fill.

  “Babe, why do you look so nervous? If you’re not feeling comfortable with all of this, we don’t have to do anything tonight. I’m happy just ho
lding you in my arms.” He brushed his fingers through my hair, soothing my nerves with his tenderness and honesty. I knew Hunter wasn’t like the rest of the guys I had been with, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that after tonight, everything was going to change.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to. I do, it’s just… fuck, I don’t know what I’m doing! Normally in this situation, I would let you have your way with me, and once all was said and done, you’d spend the night and then be on your way; maybe we’d hook up again and maybe not, no biggie. But I don’t want that for you… for us. If we take this next step, I don’t want just another piece of you. I want all of you, Hunter. Maybe that makes me selfish, but the thought of losing you after tonight is literally tearing my heart in two.”

  Hunter propped his knee on the bed and let his tall frame hover above me, his elbows on either side of my head. The shame I felt for who I had become was eating me alive from the inside out and it was blatantly written across my face. “You are not selfish for wanting that. I want that, too. That’s why I’ve been so headstrong about taking my time with you. I didn’t want you to think this was all just to get you in bed for a quick fuck. Besides, I could never fuck you, Madelyn.” My heart stopped for just a beat, but it only took a second for him to revive it. “The only thing I could ever do is make love to you, because in my heart I know that I love you. I know you’re my forever.”

  My breath hitched, hearing him pour his heart out unabashedly, but it was what he said next that truly cemented his feelings for me. “And as for how you’d normally go about handling a situation like this… I don’t care about your past, other than it helped shape you into the beautiful woman that I’ve come to know and love. Never be ashamed of who you are.”

  A sob tore through my chest, and Hunter bent down, softly capturing my lips and swallowing my cries. Never in my life had a man shown anything more than a physical desire to take what he wanted from me… until now. Until Hunter. My hands moved of their own accord and slipped though his chestnut hair, drawing him closer to me. The kiss had started out innocently enough but quickly became heated, and my body responded to him as it always had. It amazed me how the simplest of touches had my body screaming for him.


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