The Complete Northanger Horrid Novel Collection (9 Books of Gothic Romance and Horror)
Page 347
This he secured and presented to her when she was amusing herself in the selection of some of the finest flowers which the gardens produced, to ornament the windows of the oriel; informing her from whence he had taken it, and demanding, in an imperious and authoritative tone, for what purpose she had visited the tower.
Being unprepared for an answer, Madame Chamont did not immediately reply; nor could the conscious rectitude of her conduct, which had hitherto dignified her misfortunes, prevent her from feeling some portion of that acute pain, which is inseparable from the performance of decided wrong.
The hesitation of her manner, and the paleness of her looks were a sufficient confirmation of the truth of the conjecture; and the haughty steward, having thus openly avowed the circumstance which had led to the supposition, after eyeing her with a malignant sneer, that insulted and wounded her feelings more than the severest invective, retired from her presence, with the self-important air of a man who congratulates himself upon some new and valuable discovery.
Soon after this event, Ambrose was dispatched with a letter to the nearest town, addressed to the Marchese; which Paoli informed Madame Chamont was respecting some business which was to be transacted before his return into Italy, which could not be conducted without the directions of his Lord; and at the same time avoiding any hint that could justify the opinion that it had any relation to herself.
Some weeks passed without any material occurrence; in which time the steward, in the presence of Madame Chamont, still preserved that stately kind of reserve, which necessarily forbids the communication of sentiment; seeming to regard the family at the castle as people of an inferior order, whose welfare and happiness were entirely dependant upon himself, and over whom he was permitted to exercise an unlimited power.
This behaviour could not pass without the deserved imputation of arrogance; and Madame Chamont, who possessed a delicate sense of propriety, and had been early taught to make reflections upon character, though she did not allow herself to yield to the impulse of a quick resentment, was not insensible to the indignity that was offered her, and anticipated, with somewhat of impatience, the moment of his departure.
A letter from the Marchese, that was directed to Paoli, in answer to that which had been recently conveyed to him, was now brought to the castle. The joy evidently expressed in the countenance of the steward, on the perusal of it, could not pass unobserved; but the contents, or even the subject of the epistle, was carefully concealed.
Madame Chamont, who was too well acquainted with the disposition of the Marchese, not to be assured that she had much to fear from his resentment, should he arrive at the knowledge of La Roque's release, which she had every reason to believe would be the case, that she felt depressed and uneasy whenever this was the subject of her thoughts; and so terrifying were her apprehensions at times, that nothing but the applause of her own heart, that internal reward of virtue, could have supported her under them.
It was not without some astonishment that she perceived a considerable alteration in the manners of Paoli soon after the receipt of the letter: He appeared at some times unusually animated, joined frequently in conversation, and lost much of that haughtiness of demeanour which had hitherto precluded the advances of freedom.
To account for this sudden alteration was no very easy task, though Madame Chamont could not forbear surmising, that it was assumed for the concealment of some deep design; but from whatever motive it proceeded, it contributed much to the comfort of that part of the family who were entirely unsuspicious of the cause.
Laurette, whose heart was still occupied by the image of Enrico, took every opportunity of being alone, when her necessary assistance in the household concerns did not render her presence indispensable, that she might ramble alone and unobserved in those walks which his society had endeared; where she frequently remained till the close of the day, recollecting every sentiment he had expressed, every object he had admired, and soothing herself with the hope that she still lived in his remembrance.
One evening, after having wandered for some time through the groves and shrubberies surrounding the mansion, which were wild, lonely, and beautiful, she was tempted to prolong her walk, and striking into a new path, which apparently led into a wood not immediately connected with the castle, she felt an irresistible inclination to follow the track, and proceeded in it rapidly.
Having reached the precincts of the wood, she heard the trampling of mules as advancing towards the spot, and stopped for a few moments to distinguish whither they were going. She had not remained long in this situation before voices were heard, which seemed to approach nearer, and were soon afterwards succeeded by loud bursts of laughter, evidently proceeding from intoxication. Alarmed at the consequence of venturing so far unattended, she receded from the borders of the forest, and being afraid lest she should be overtaken before she could arrive at a place of security, ran swiftly towards home.
As soon as she had entered the gate leading into the second court, the tolling of the vesper bell, which informed her she had been absent too long, directed her towards the chapel.
The family were already assembled to render thanks for the blessings of the day; and, as she placed herself in the aisle where the congregation were kneeling, Madame Chamont's looks seemed gently to reproach her inattention to the hour. Laurette felt severely the reproof, and secretly determining not to merit it again, joined in devotion with more than her accustomed earnestness.
As soon as vespers were concluded, Paoli requested that Madame Chamont would indulge him with a few moments" conversation in private, as he wished to consult with her respecting some repairs that were wanting on the other side of the edifice. Our heroine fixed her eyes upon her governess as the proposal was made, and perceived that she appeared much concerned, though the cause was unknown to her, and that she seemed unwilling to comply. After having made some objections, chiefly arising from the lateness of the evening, which the steward removed by observing that the moon was unusually bright, and that the distance was so trifling as to preclude the possibility of danger, she assented; Laurette, who innocently besought permission to attend them, was repulsed by a frown from Paoli, and not daring to dispute his authority, returned to the interior of the castle.
As the evening was cold and rather damp, she ordered a fire to be made in the saloon; and taking one of her favourite authors from her store of books that were arranged in an antique piece of furniture, designed for the purpose, she sat down by the cheerful blaze, and endeavoured to amuse herself with reading.
When nearly an hour had elapsed, she began to be alarmed at Madame Chamont's absence, which appeared protracted beyond the time which business required; and desiring Dorothée to accompany her, walked by the side of the rampart wall till she had reached the northern buildings, the way she recollected they had taken.
The melancholy stillness that universally prevailed, increased the uneasy sensation that was stealing upon her spirits; and as she looked anxiously around without distinguishing those she was in search of, her fears began to augment, and she felt irresolute in what manner to act.
The apparent dissatisfaction and reluctance with which Madame Chamont had yielded to the steward's proposal, recurred frequently to her thoughts, though she was unable to form any conjecture as to the reason of it, since there was nothing very surprising or singular in the request.
Yet, notwithstanding the probability of his having something to communicate in private, which could not well be dispensed with, she was not unacquainted with the malignant disposition of the steward; and had oftentimes beheld with astonishment the causeless aversion he seemed to have conceived for her amiable protectress, ever since she had been capable of forming a judgment upon the subject.
Having pursued their way for a considerable time without better success, they mutually agreed to return, and to send Ambrose immediately in search of them.
This was no sooner determined than they saw Paoli walking by the side of the wood. He
was alone, and unconscious of observation, was moving slowly and thoughtfully along.
Dorothée being anxious to know what was become of her lady, called to him, and roused him from his reverie. As he turned and advanced towards them, he betrayed some symptoms of confusion; but recollecting himself, proceeded to inform them that as he was conducting Madame Chamont along the northern side of the battlements, a party of banditti rushed suddenly from the wood, and, regardless of her cries, or the threats and remonstrances that he had uttered, seized upon her with violence, and placing her upon a mule, in spite of every effort he had exerted to effectuate her release, fled instantly away. The alarm this strange adventure occasioned had, he added, so entirely deprived him of the power of action, that he was undetermined what mode to pursue; and was meditating on the most probable method of overtaking them, when he was roused from these reflections by the voice of Dorothée.
Laurette, being overcome with grief and apprehension, was insensible to the latter part of the discourse, for she had fainted in the arms of her attendant, who, after many attempts to recall her to life, was obliged, with the assistance of the steward, to convey her into the castle.
Dorothée, though she had more command over her feelings, was not less affected, and besought Paoli to send Ambrose immediately, accompanied by some of the peasantry, in pursuit of the ruffians. To this proposal he readily assented, though there appeared but little probability of success; and Ambrose, with a party of men armed and mounted, were instantly dispatched.
However unlikely it was that a few simple cottagers, headed by an old servant, who was equally unskilled in the use of arms, should succeed in an attack against a band of robbers, it was a hope that conveyed a solace to the bosom of Laurette, and after many intreaties she was at last prevailed upon to retire to her bed.
Patience and Sorrow strove
Which should express her goodliest; you have seen
Sunshine and rain at once; her smiles and tears
Are like a better May; those happy smiles
That played on her ripe lip, seemed not to know
What guests were in her eyes, which parted thence
As pearls from diamonds dropped; in brief
Sorrow would be a vanity most lov'd.
If all could so become it.
Laurette arose early in the morning unrefreshed by sleep, and being informed that the party in pursuit of the robbers were not yet returned, remained in a state of anxious expectation. Dorothée, and the rest of the domestics, whose hopes were less sanguine, wept incessantly at their loss; though they carefully concealed from Laurette this appearance of sorrow, lest it should lead to the suspicion that the case was hopeless.
It was not till the evening of the ensuing day that Ambrose and the peasantry returned, without having gained any satisfactory intelligence of the fate of Madame Chamont. All the information they were enabled to obtain, was at a small village inn, about a league and a half from the castle, where they were told that a lady, who seemed to be a person of rank, had stopped for a few moments in the society of three men of a strange suspicious appearance. They were unable to give an accurate description of her person, as she was covered with a veil of unusual thickness, which descended nearly to her feet; but, from the little observation they had been able to make, she seemed to be above the middle size; that during their stay at the door of the inn, she had betrayed no symptom of fear or indisposition; and one of the men, of a less ferocious deportment than the others, having assured her in a low voice that she had nothing to apprehend, each of the men took a glass of spirits, without alighting from their mules, and galloped from the place.
As no hint respecting their future destination had escaped them whilst they were refreshing themselves, the party in pursuit were, for a short time, undetermined which way to proceed; but, as danger might be augmented by delay, they finally resolved to follow the beaten track, and to make a second enquiry at the next town. Here they arrived at the break of day but were unable to gain any hint that could lead to the knowledge they desired. They then pursued their journey for a considerable way, without better success; and as there appeared but little chance of overtaking them, or of gaining farther intelligence upon the subject, they mutually agreed to return.
Laurette, now finding that the feeble hope which had sustained her was delusive, felt the keenest affliction, and it was long before a cessation of sorrow allowed time for reflection, or the animated exertions of fortitude. To indulge in unavailing regret was, she had frequently been told, vain and impious; but this was a trial which youth and inexperience could with difficulty support. Every object reminded her of her valuable friend, and she found it impossible to resist the pressure of her grief, which now affected her spirits, and undermined her health.
A letter from Enrico, which at an earlier period would have been received with the most innocent effusions of rapture, now tended to increase her uneasiness; it was directed to Madame Chamont, but having been always allowed the privilege of perusing his epistles, she ventured to open it.
As the tender, the dutiful expressions with which it abounded met her eye, her tears flowed silently and fast; but when she got to that part of the letter which treated of the danger of his situation, and informed her that he expected soon to be called into action, her feelings could no longer be restrained, and she wept and sobbed aloud.
Paoli, who at first affected to interest himself in her distress, now either totally disregarded her, as a being unworthy of his attention, or reproached her with severity for the indulgence of it.
The only consolation afforded her was derived from the conversation of Dorothée, whose solicitude to remove her concern mitigated the severity of her own.
The suspicion that Paoli was indirectly an auxiliary in the affair, would sometimes occur to the imagination of Laurette, though she could not effectually reconcile it to her reason or the native candour of her mind. The voices that excited alarm, which she supposed to be those of the ruffians, and the circumstance of the steward's requesting the society of Madame Chamont alone, and at that silent hour, and his walking apparently from the wood from whence those voices proceeded, was food for conjecture; and a mind less pure and inexperienced than her own, would have resolutely decided against him. But she knew the value of that virtue which places the actions of others in the most favourable light, and willingly rejects every thing that tends to criminate, if it falls short of conviction.
Had she been acquainted with La Roque's confinement and escape from the dungeon, which was carefully concealed from her, or had heard of the bracelet which was found there by the steward, sufficient evidence would have been collected to justify the opinion.
The only consolation that now offered itself, was the probability of Madame Chamont's being still alive, and in a place of safety; for as one of the men had assured her she had nothing to fear, there appeared not to be any design upon her life.
Her silence and apparent tranquillity at the inn could not easily be accounted for; but from whatever cause it proceeded, it wore an aspect by no means unfavourable.
These circumstances she continued to reflect upon with hope; and as the possibility of meeting again with her beloved friend was presented to her young and sanguine imagination, her spirits gradually revived.
When the mind has once escaped from the influence of overwhelming calamity, it endeavours to extract comfort from surrounding objects at once to apply a balm to the wounds it has endured, and to compensate for the losses it has sustained. So Laurette attempted to divert the melancholy that assailed her by constant and unremitting employment; at first her former amusements were irksome and uninteresting, in a short time they became more supportable, and finally, as the reward of effort, assumed the power of pleasing.
Though the lovely orphan was too much intimidated to venture far from the castle alone, she continued to stroll as usual in the gardens, whose wild and desolate appearance was in
unison with her feelings, and sometimes, under the shade of her favourite tree, where she had so often sat with Enrico, would resign herself to the influence of melancholy reflections.
One evening as she was returning from this spot, and had arrived at the smaller gate which led directly to the mansion, she observed Lisette, seemingly much affrighted, darting along the side of the edifice. Anxious to be made acquainted with her cause of alarm, she called to her, and desired her to stop. The girl, not immediately hearing her, did not slacken her pace, till Laurette's repeating the call occasioned her to turn.
Having made some enquiries, which the affrighted servant was too much terrified to answer, she led her into the hall, and observing that she looked unusually pale, called instantly for assistance. As soon as Lisette revived, she informed them, that as she was returning from one of the cottages on the margin of the river, whither she had been to convey some food to a poor woman that was ill, according to her usual custom in cases of a similar nature, she perceived a tall dreadful looking figure gliding by the side of the rampart. She was too much agitated, she added, to observe it minutely; but it appeared much taller than any human being she had ever seen, and very ghastly.
As soon as she had arrived within a few steps of the court, she saw the same figure, which she was assured could be no other than an apparition, stealing along the avenue. Having turned hastily back, she had, she said, the courage to look behind, and saw the spectre pursuing her, who having waved its hand mournfully, as if beckoning her to follow it, vanished suddenly from her sight. In a few moments a terrible scream, which was more loud and dreadful than any thing she had ever heard, and which was succeeded by a strange noise or fluttering in the air, so considerably augmented her alarm as almost to deprive her of her senses.