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White Girl Bleed A Lot

Page 28

by Colin Flaherty

  Groups of teens—some with younger kids and babies in strollers—filled Elm Street, taunted officers, and instigated fights in a Jimmy John’s sandwich shop, according to Lankford security guard Christopher Thompson, who was off duty.

  “They’re supposed to serve and protect, right? They did that,” Thompson said. “The officers really had to ‘cause if you had seen how unruly it was — it was real bad.”5

  At least one person on Twitter predicted the riot:

  Downtown greensboro is gonna have a riot tonight!! @Puff-ThisTweet at 3 p.m.

  We already covered this in chapter 5: Only three people were arrested, including one person who was trying to rally his troops to attack the police until they pepper sprayed the junior Napoleon. It was hardly Greensboro’s first brush with flash mobs. In June 2011, downtown Greensboro had black mob violence every weekend in July.

  “We’ve uncovered a series—a series!—of mob attacks in the heart of downtown Greensboro,” said the anchor for the WFMY news. “All of them planned on social media. And I know it sounds unlikely but it has happened in Chicago, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and now right here in the Triad. Every single weekend this month. It’s a violent twist on the flash mob craze.”6

  Then they cut to the story “you’ll see only on News 2 tonight.” Cue the victim:

  “One of the teenagers came up from me behind and just punched me in the back and kicked me and knocked me to the floor. … Then, he just continued to kick me, punch me, step on me. People were screaming,” Mitchel Sommers, Executive Director of the Community Theatre of Greensboro said.

  The swarm came from nowhere and the beating lasted seconds.

  “Within I’d say, a minute, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds … I’m not being dramatic … hundreds of young people, just came descending upon this area,” he said. “There were so many young people. I would say all the way from across Elm Street all the way to this park. You couldn’t even get out of the swarm of young people.”7

  The former mayor of Greensboro had his business vandalized as well.

  The comments on the reader board ran true to form: Several people say the mob was black. While others said either 1) The person is a racist for noticing, or 2) it never happened and here is why it happened.

  Said one reader: “The GPD is undoubtedly covering its derriere. Whether or not these marauding “young people” constitute a true Flash Mob, they are certainly dangerous. Our local media’s description of the marauders’ racial identity is, of course, conspicuous by its absence.”8

  No one was arrested during these attacks, so I guess they never happened.

  But if you are mathematically inclined, could you tell me how many attacks this is? In the first few weeks of June in 2011, it happened every weekend. And was there just one a weekend? Or several? And how about the Fourth of July party in 2012? Was that one? Or twenty? They are adding up, aren’t they?

  Ask the police, and their answer is almost zero attacks.

  Use your own eyes and calculator, and the number grows to more than twenty-five very fast. And those are just the ones we know about in one small town.


  “Parents in Vallejo are angry, but not surprised,” says a Los Angeles TV reporter in her introduction to a video where dozens of black people swarm and beat a city maintenance man. Kids are out of control, said one black parent. The others agreed. The city worker was hospitalized with a fractured skull, jaw, and collarbone. The owner of the gas station where the crime took place said that kind of thing happens all the time.9


  Early one Sunday morning in 2012 in the Lakeview area, near Wrigley Field, ten black men in a white stretch limousine pulled up in front of a neighborhood bar and started beating people up. “Witnesses told police that the attackers got out of the white limo early Sunday morning and broke the jaw of a 27-year-old man.” All while a friend filmed the action from the limo.10

  Family members of the four men arrested for these alleged attacks in Wrigleyville claim the men were the target of verbal racial attacks, and were actually filming a music video at the time. They are members of a group called Chicago Maverick and the song is called “Take a Sip.”11

  Lillian Nichols, the mother of one of the group’s members, said her son is the real victim of racial violence. “This is a big misunderstanding,” Nichols told the Chicago Sun-Times after the four appeared in court. “It was just like a brawl but they were the only ones arrested.”

  Three of the victims suffered injuries, including one broken jaw. A police officer hurt his knee fighting with one of the suspects.12

  This was just one of more than fifty racial attacks in Chicago over the last two years. Despite the epidemic of racial violence, none of the media outlets identified the attackers by race. One station did post mug shots of the four men taken into custody.13


  Some black mobs are lethal. Some are larcenous. But no one has ever seen one funnier than what the local media is calling “the brawl” at the Carolina Awards Ball. The fight broke out after the prizes were announced at the black gay beauty pageant. There were almost a dozen categories, and apparently at least one of the contestants was unhappy with the results and went on a rampage.14

  Radio personality Al Walsh accurately called it the “Chair War at a Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Party!!!” A four-minute video of the incident went viral on the Internet. The highlight of the video was when the unhappy contestant, a—uh—extra-large “woman” threw a chair. Then according to Walsh (s)he

  picks up the whole table, chucks it across the room, and then begins her rise to stardom. She blocks one chair with her pocket book, catches another chair one-handed, and then remarkably dodges a third chair with relative ease. The opposition clad in white shirts/red sleeves is noticeably impressed.15

  Of course there was a man with a hatchet, a Taser, flying bottles, threats, bluster, and black men prancing around in women’s clothing.

  This is not the first time this event has experienced trouble. In 2011 a fight broke out when the ball was held at the local Doubletree Inn and someone set a fire as well.

  Charlotte police are investigating.


  VIDEO: Brawl at NC Awards Ball


  America’s newest Internet sensation has it all: the gear, the fans, the schtick. It even has a catch phrase: “Do what you are supposed to do, or get what’s coming to you,” Darien Long told WSB-TV. Long’s fame came from a series of viral videos that show him confronting—and Tasering—angry black mobs while serving as a mall cop at an Atlanta-area mall. Darien Long may have lost his job, but he offers an abject lesson in the rewards—and risks—of confronting black mob lawlessness.16

  In January 2013 Long said something to four children hanging out at the mall. One of the kid’s mother and the crowd would have none of it. They threaten, cuss, assault, spit, challenge, and call Long every racial and sexual epithet imaginable.

  He kept his cool.

  After the woman and her friends ignored Long’s repeated calls for them to leave the mall, he shot her with a Taser, taking some of the fight out of her and the rest of the crowd too.17

  David Spates is an Atlanta actor and writer who has a popular YouTube channel at where he provides commentary about everyday life among black people. Some videos are real. Some are comedy sketches. In an uncharacteristically serious moment, David Spates gives a lecture to the black community on how not to act:

  That’s the problem with a lot of us. Our kids run around doing all kinds of shit they not supposed to be doing, and when somebody else besides us tells them to correct the behavior, instead of us appreciating it and coming together as a people, we attack the people that trying to talk some common sense into our kids.

  Keeping it real with ya: A lot of us don’t even know ho
w to raise kids. … If you truly love your kids, would you have them around something like that? …

  I count four kids … that are watching and learning this behavior….

  A lot of you who act like this, you think you have it together. You think you’re tough, nobody can tell you what to do, you’re smart. But let me ask most of you this: When you watch the way this lady’s acting, do you think she’s a smart woman? …


  VIDEO: Mall Brawl


  VIDEO: Mall Cop Gets Real

  All ignorance does is breed problems.

  For real, black people, we gotta stop this shit.18

  Other merchants in the neighborhood, just a block from the state capital on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, said this kind of violence happens every day. The woman was charged with criminal trespass, battery, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

  One month later the crowd was bigger, but the outcome was the same.

  The good guy prevailed—again.

  When Long confronted a man who refused to leave the mall, the man jostled Long but was then hurled twenty feet in the opposite direction. “It’s on now,” said the loiterer to his friends. But after taking one step forward, he looked back and realized no one was stepping up to help him.

  That was the end of that.19

  The next day, when Long saw the same man and his friends hanging out, he ordered them to leave. They did not want to. It escalated into name calling, threats, pushing—the usual.

  Long took out his Taser and put the tough guy on the ground. He flopped around as Long’s Taser poured amp after amp into him.

  “If they was smart everybody in that hood would boycott the building so that mall loses money and dude loses his job,” said JJ da gawd at

  Another poster at the popular hip hop video site encouraged people in Atlanta to kill Long:


  Although there were a lot of people on the site cheering for the mob, several praised Long and his efforts to clean up the dilapidated neighborhood.

  “My favorite show of all times is back,” said Lion James.

  Van White backed him up too: “Word to all thugs, ain’t none of us older cats scared of you, we just to damn old to put up with your shit, but we will get in your ass if we have to!!!!!!!!”

  Despite the violence and threats, in the end, Long was still standing.

  Not all stories involving heroes have perfect happy endings. Or maybe the story is not done yet.

  One of the thugs in the video sued Long, only he doesn’t look or act like a thug anymore. Now that he is all lawyered up, Marcus Purnell, the hoodie-wearing punk who refused to leave and threatened, taunted, and assaulted Long, had put away his gangster gear and demeanor and was looking like a demure Georgia State college student who would never hurt anyone.22

  Long never even lasted to what was supposed to be his final day. A week before the end of March, he got into a tussle with a mall visitor. Police were called. Two hours later, police perp-walked Long out of the mall and into the back of a police car.

  He is awaiting trial.23

  The black mobs terrorizing the Metro Mall in downtown Atlanta have never been happier.


  Cops are pigs. Occupiers. Willing members of the prison-industrial complex who send black people to prison for no other reason except racism.

  That is what you have to believe to make sense of two 2013 cases of black mob violence and lawlessness directed at police: One in New York. One in Chicago.

  In Brooklyn, Stephen Stowe and eight other black people became upset when a Jewish man ignored their traditional Muslim greeting Assalamu Alaikum, which means, “Peace be with you.”

  According to the New York Daily News Stowe allegedly became combative.24

  “You think you’re better than me?” the teen allegedly said. “We are cousins.”

  “No we’re not,” The man shot back, and told Stowe to leave him alone, the Daily News reported.

  The suspect then started hurling ethnic slurs and called the man disrespectful. Apparently the penalty for disrespecting a black mob in a New York subway is the threat of death and the theft of a phone. “They should have killed all of you,” Stowe told his potential victim. Then they tried to steal his phone.25

  The New York Daily News and WND both report that black mob violence against Jews is getting increasingly common in the Jewish neighborhoods of Brooklyn—with dozens of incidents the last two years.

  But this incident of black mob violence was just getting started.

  When the subway pulled into the next station, police were waiting to take Stowe into custody. But the crowd of more than fifty black people would have no part of it.

  They surrounded the police, crowding them as they tried to subdue Stowe in the subway car. They ignored police orders to move back, taunting them instead. While Stowe was on the ground struggling with one of the officers, the mob, rather than assisting the officer, tried to stop the arrest. It was chaos. Of the more than fifty black people surrounding the police, “not one piece of shit would help the police in this video. Not one,” Remarked an officer in an e-mail.

  As police wrestled with Stowe, Sheniqua Joseph was particularly vocal in urging the cops to release Stowe, and urging other members of the mob to assist her in stopping the arrest.

  Four minutes into the video she was also arrested. She also resisted. “Why y’all doing this?” she shouted as cops wrestled her to the ground.

  It’s what they do, Sheniqua.


  VIDEO: Brooklyn Mob Against the Cops

  December 2012 in Chicago, Jamaal Moore and four other black people were suspected of a truck hijacking on the city’s south side.

  The victim told police five black men pulled a gun, robbed him, then fled in a silver SUV.

  Minutes later, police spotted Moore and his friends in the silver SUV. After a high speed chase, the car crashed. Four of the men ran away. After a struggle, a policewoman shot Moore two times, killing him.

  Hundreds of black people quickly showed up at the scene, yelling profanities at the police and complaining of police brutality. They threw “bottles, bricks and rocks,” said the Chicago Tribune.26

  Several days after the riot, Revolution News reported that a flyer urging more violent action against the police was distributed in Chicago neighborhoods.


  VIDEO: “F*ck the Police”

  Moore had a long history of trouble with the law, including a 2006 arrest and conviction for armed robbery, but Revolution News claims that Jamaal had “put aside all of his youthful habits and was getting things together so he could take care of his 4-month-old son.”27 They said that when Jamaal’s mother asked the police what was going on, one cop told her “Another n*gger dead.”28

  “This, in a nutshell, is the racist and genocidal program these enforcers carry out for the system. The cops taunted the crowd with this shit and the people erupted with righteous anger right in the cops’ faces. People were shouting, “We’re tired of this. We’re tired of them shooting down our kids.” And “fuck the police!” In the face of the guns and clubs, the people defiantly fought back.29

  Yes, people still talk like that.

  Despite the dozens of cell phone cameras capturing the action, not one captured a recording of police using racial epithets.

  Nevertheless, Revolution News said Moore was really a victim, not the violent predator police would have us believe he is.

  “It is the workings of the capitalist-imperialist SYSTEM that produces killer cops and the mass incarceration of a whole generation of Black and Latino youth—over 2.4 million in prison,” said the paper. “We need a revolution to end once and for all the brutal, vicious oppression of Black people…”30 />
  Sheniqua wanted an explanation. There it is.


  Here is your law enforcement and media question of the day: Was the TV show COPS real or BS?

  It might have been real incidents, but it wasn’t really all that real. They edited the episodes to make it appear as if black people were committing fewer crimes. That is what the show creator John Langley said in a 2009 interview in response to people who were unhappy his long-running reality show, COPS, was showing too many black people getting arrested.

  “What irritates me sometimes is critics still watch something and say, ‘Oh look, they misrepresent people of color.’ That’s absolutely not true,” said Langley, the show’s producer, in 2009.

  To the contrary, “I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime. If you look at the prisons it’s 60-something percent people of color and 30-something percent white people. If you look at COPS it’s 60 percent white and 40 percent other. It’s just the reverse. And I do that intentionally, because I do not want to contribute to negative stereotypes.”31

  It might be good to read that last one over again.

  The folks at the Color of Change want more. They want COPS off the air. You remember the Color of Change, right? They are the group that was supposed to unify the conflicting agendas of the black and environmental wings of the Democratic Party.

  It was started by the now infamous Van Jones prior to his brief tenure in the Obama White House.

  Despite Langley’s best efforts to “color” the news, the Color of Change is not satisfied:

  Media hound dogs at Color of Change say shows like COPS “over-represent whites as police officers and under-represent Blacks and Latinos as authority figures, while also under-representing whites and over-representing people of color as criminals.”32


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