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Waves of Despair: Oyster Cove Series

Page 4

by Jennifer Foor

  Brice feels the need to intervene. “Dad, West is right. It’s time to stop this feud between you. West is going to be your son-in-law.”

  His jaw tightens. Both brows furrow before he huffs a loud sigh. He’s fuming and if it continues he’s liable to give himself heart failure. It’s certainly raised his blood pressure. I’m still not sure I’m making things better or worse, but I have to hope it’s at least getting me somewhere.

  His decision was already made before my attempt to clear the air. It’s unfortunate we can’t come to a common understanding, because I’d like nothing more than to have a connection with the man, but it’s never going to happen. He’s too set in his ways. “We’ll see how long this lasts before my daughter wakes up and sees you for who you really are.”

  “Dad, come on and be fair. West is a good guy.”

  He waves the comment away, as if he can somehow make it disappear. “I don’t want to hear it. I’ve spent my whole life profiling scum. You think I can’t tell a rotten tomato in the bunch? He will show his true colors, and when he does, you’ll all be sorry.”

  “If I’m guilty of anything, it’s loving Brice,” I defend.

  “If you need me, I’ll be in my office. Let me know when dinner is ready. Eggnog isn’t going to cut it today. I need the hard stuff.”

  Brice hurries after him, while I’m left shaking my head. Kimber scoots over to whisper. “Way to go, douchebag. Thanks for ruining another holiday.”

  “I didn’t ruin shit.”

  “She’s pregnant isn’t she? Dad was right?” She’s not going to stop asking until she gets a straight answer.

  Rubbing my hands across my jeans, I shake my head. “What does it matter? Your dad is pissed because I didn’t ask his permission, like he was going to give it to me. He’s had a vendetta against me from day one.”

  “Because you were a dick.”

  “Takes one to know one, Kimber.”

  She flings her hair back and rolls her eyes. “Whatever. When I find Mr. Right, if he even exists, I’m not bringing him home. I’ll elope first.”

  I chuckle, up until I realize her mom is still behind us, choking on her daughter’s confession.

  I raise to my feet and head in the direction of where I last saw Brice. It’s unnerving to assume this will be resolved with a shake of hands, but I’m optimistic if anyone can keep the peace for one night it’s Brice.

  I hear voices and know right away what they’re talking about. He’s rehashing every mistake I ever made before Brice came into my life. He’s telling her I’m no good for her, and that after some time she’ll be bored of her little project. A part of me wants to storm through the door and make a scene, to plead my case to a man who’d rather bitch and moan than see how good I am to his precious daughter.

  My feet remain where they are. The lids of my eyes shut while I absorb enough hate to knock down the biggest of egos. It’s Christmas, not that it matters to this man. Any day is as good as ever to bring me down, or at least attempt.

  I hear the mention of Brice’s ex, someone we never talk about. She’d met him in med school, and they’d dated for a couple years. Sure, they’d been serious, and for a time I think she thought they’d marry and have a life together. Her father proceeds to compare me with him. Stewart Friend. That’s his name. He went off to work at a hospital in Salisbury Maryland, specializing in cancer patients. He’s an all around good Samaritan, a philanthropist, and probably the man every father wants for his daughter.

  The problem is, Brice didn’t want him. He was selfish and often took her for granted. His focus was on his career, and she got tired of being alone.

  Brice has never been second to me. She made me work for every moment we spent together, and even when she was doing her best to fix me, I was making her feel wanted, needed even.

  Brice catches me off guard when she raises her voice to her father. “I’m tired of hearing it, Dad. I’m marrying West because he makes me happy. He loves me, way more than Stew ever did. You have to stop this. You can’t keep trying to interfere with my decisions. I’m an adult. I have my own practice, a home, and a life that provides me with security and enjoyment. If you can’t accept that, then I think it’s best if I stopped coming over for family nights and holidays. West’s family would be happy to see us more, and frankly, they’re a lot easier to be around.”

  “I’m not apologizing to that delinquent.”

  “I’ll let mom know we won’t be staying for dinner. Your present is under the tree, and before I forget, you’re going to be grandfather. Congratulations. If you need to talk to someone about your feelings I’d recommend finding another shrink on the island.”

  She storms past me, taking me by the arm at the last minute. Her dad is calling her back into his office, yet she continues heading in the direction of the kitchen. We find her mom and sister have been listening. Brice stops in front of them. Her eyes are full of tears and she’s shaking as I grip her hand. “I’m sorry about this. Enough is enough. I have a baby to think about now. West and I are going to be a family, and I won’t stand for this. If he refuses to support me I’ll have no choice but to avoid him.”

  Her mother is cupping her head, perhaps to somehow erase what she’s hearing. She stops to pull Brice into a hug. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I don’t want this to happen. Please don’t go. Not today. We can get through this.”

  “I know you didn’t want this, but he’s made it abundantly clear. I need to surround myself with positivity. I want to have a healthy pregnancy.”

  “Honey, please don’t leave. We can work this out.”

  “I can deal with it,” I remind her. Obviously she didn’t want me to cut into their conversation, but Brice is right. We’d both had enough of this bullshit.

  “No.” Brice shakes her head. She’s furious and brokenhearted at the same time. “It’s unfair for me to want you to deal with this negativity, West. If they want to visit they can come to our house, and I’ll be damned if you’re disrespected under our own roof.”

  “You have presents, Brice,” her mom reminds us.

  “You do too. We’ll open them later, when things settle down. For now I need to get out of here. I don’t want to say things I don’t mean, especially to you. You’re in the middle and it’s not something I want to happen.” Her voice is cracking. It’s only a matter of time before she really loses it. I let go of her hand, grab our jackets and wrap Brice's around her back without being asked.

  In a matter of seconds we’re sauntering toward the front door, her mom begging behind us, all while they’re both in tears. It’s ugly and sad. It’s torture knowing this is breaking Brice’s heart and I’m the reason.

  The last face I see is Kimber. She’s amused by all of this, but doesn’t offer comfort to her crying mother. Instead she stands watching. I loathe her.

  Chapter 5


  The short ride home doesn’t provide solace. She’s crying in the seat opposite to mine, bawling, and I don’t know what I can say to make it better. She’s the one who knows how to comfort. Besides, anything I do offer will only be taken the way she wants to hear it at the time.

  Reaching over to take her hand into mine, I finally get a glimpse of her distraught face. The makeup is running down her soft cheeks, and her pretty eyes are red and burdened.

  “I’m sorry, Brice.”

  I can tell this upsets her more. “Don’t be. If you love me you won’t ever be sorry for it. He’s built this hate up for entirely too long, and now our relationship will never be the same.”

  “Once the baby comes he’ll settle down.”

  “That’s for the wrong reasons, West. I want him to share in this journey, not come around because he feels obligated. This vendetta he has against you is uncalled for. You’re a good man. If he can’t see that then it’s his loss.

  She squeezes her hold. “We’re a team. All or nothing from now on.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want, but I hate that you’re

  “I’ll get over it. It’s not like I didn’t know it would turn out like this. I should have known.”

  “Baby, I hate that it’s Christmas and you’re sad. You cried last year too.”

  “I cried because my father is an asshole. He thinks he can live above the law. He had no right to have you checked out, and to judge you for your past to add. I’m done. I’m over it. My feelings are a little hurt, but he’s a narcissistic jerk.”

  “Don’t hold back, love. Tell it like it is,” I say in my best British accent.

  She smiles. “Sorry to vent.”

  I let go of her hand and run my fingers through the side of her hair. “You can vent to me whenever you want. I just wish I was a better person before, so you could have the support of your family.”

  She sniffles and wipes her face. “It’s not too late to grab the presents and head over to your dad’s house. I’m sure they’d be happy to see us.”

  “You sure you’re up to it?” Unlike her crew, my family is loud and obnoxious. We argue about stupid shit just for something to do. It’s a hot mess to a person who made a career out of fixing people and relationships.

  “Of course. I owe your dad a big hug for fixing the lights the other day when you were still oystering. He came right over and had me up and running before I had to cancel my appointments.”

  “Because he loves you. He thinks you’re my angel.”

  This causes Brice to laugh. “Give me a break, West. I’m a doctor. It’s my job to help people. There’s nothing angelic about it.”

  “Give yourself credit where it’s due. You’re a fabulous person, who happens to be the love of my life. Don’t forget that.”

  We spend the rest of the night in the company of my family. Dane is the only person who leaves following dinner, because he’s made other plans for the evening.

  Unlike the battle we got into with her parents regarding our news, my family celebrates and makes Brice feel wanted. I’m honestly surprised Brant kept the secret. One that big was sure to force him to burst at the seams, but they all seemed pretty shocked about the baby. We’d wanted to wait, but now I’m glad we didn’t. Brice needs to know we have support. She needs to know she’s loved and that our baby is a blessing, and not a bad decision.

  Later, we all play a game where you attach a card to your forehead and the people around you give clues to which you have to guess to reveal the card. It’s loud and unorganized, but Brice has a blast. When it’s time to go home she’s settled down. Her smile has returned, and I know she’s able to breathe a little easier in the company of my dad and Alice. Even my sister offers her a big congratulatory hug, and Bristol usually doesn’t give a shit about anything besides herself or animals.

  When we arrive home, she’s nestled up beside me, almost disappointed that we have to part. I unload the gifts from the back and carry them in to find she’s already changing out of her nice clothes. She’s stripped to her underwear and sits on the edge of the bed. Gentle sniffles fill the room as I enter. Kneeling down in front of her, I place my hands on her thighs. “What’s up?”

  “Just checked my phone. More ranting from my dad. I should have known better.”

  “I’ll get up tomorrow and go have a talk with him, man to man. I won’t let this continue. He can’t dictate our decisions, and I won’t let him treat you this way.”

  “I don’t expect you to get involved, West.”

  “It’s a done deal, babe.”

  “Can you promise me you’ll wait until after the new year? Can we just enjoy the next week off from everything? We’ll go to Salisbury and do some shopping, then maybe catch a movie and have dinner. We can stay home and watch movies, taking naps and eating for seven whole days. We’ll pretend life is perfect and live in a bubble until we can ring in the new year. I’m not optimistic one talk will solve anything, but if you can wait until next week maybe it will be easier for everyone to be able to handle.”

  I simply kiss her hand and smile. “I’ll do whatever you think is best.”

  “I know. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry it’s difficult. He’s doesn’t know the wonderful man you are, West. He won’t allow himself to admit he’s wrong.”

  “Your love is all I need, Brice. As long as I have you I don’t need to worry about anything else.”

  Brice falls back on the mattress of our bed and lets out a sigh of relief. “It’s been a crazy day.”

  I follow her lead until my back hits the blankets. “It’s been a crazy couple of days. Marriage. Kids. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”

  She leans up on her elbows and smiles at me. “It’s real. I’m wearing a very beautiful ring to prove it.” She drags her fingers across my cheek while staring deeply into my eyes. “You were worth the wait, do you know that?”

  “It never gets old hearing it.”

  “Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas this year, West?”

  I shrug and lean on my side. “There was one thing I didn’t get.” We kiss slowly before she pulls back and snickers.

  “One thing, huh?” She stands and backs away from the bed, unfastening her bra and dropping it to the floor. Next to go are her panties, leaving her naked like a work of art. “Oh what’s this,” she offers with a ornery sneer. “I think there is something special I forgot to give you this morning.”

  When Brice climbs on top of me it’s a game changer. The serious conversation has been pushed aside for something we both seem to need more. Comfort. Physical connection. Passion. It’s like an aphrodisiac for the soul.

  Her hands pin mine to the sheets as her striking attributes hover over me. Those puffy lips dip down, crashing into a kiss that leaves us both breathless. I'm fully vested in this encounter, and for some reason it seems more intense. Our tongues mingle a familiar pattern while my hands explore the soft skin around her hips. Her peachy skin reacts to my touch, goose pimples leaving a trail of where I've been. A knee comes up and brushes against my pants across my groin. It's only natural it would bring an immediate erection. I grope the round curves of her ass, squeezing the cheeks and pulling her body to grind over mine. More than anything I need to be skin on skin.

  A light push causes her to slide off of me. Not wasting time, I unbutton my pants and shove them down to my ankles, my boxers come down with them. My cock springs to life, standing at attention before I'm able to climb back on the bed.

  Brice is too important to rush this. She needs to be taken care of in every way. Taking one of her ankles into my hand, I kiss my way up her thigh. When I reach the back of her knee, while her leg straightens in the air, she squirms like it tickles. My mouth courses over the front and upward, until I'm at the inner part of her thigh with her pussy staring me in the face.

  By this point I'm writhing with anticipation, but keep my focus on the task at hand. Moving to the opposite thigh, my tongue licks until it meets the skin at the base of her scrumptious lips. A tiny patch of hair sits above, almost shaped in an arrow pointing down to her prize.

  Our eyes connect and it's impossible to resist a smile. I'm too eager to please this woman to act like this won't please me just as much. "Lie back and relax, babe. I'll do all the work tonight. It's my turn to take care of you."

  Focused, my hands trail the distance of her legs until they're gripping her plump ass. She lifts so I'm able to get a better hold. I yank her down until they're hanging off the mattress. Without asking, she spreads them apart for me, her arms coming up and resting flatly above her head.

  I could do this all day. Bringing her pleasure does just as much for me. I'm rock hard, but abstain from my own needs to ensure she has a perfect experience.

  My tongue narrows in on the prize, her tiny bud that sits patiently waiting. The attention I'm about to provide will send her into a grateful frenzy. I start slow, working in circles until her soft moans are almost cries. Her body begins to quake. The muscles in her ass tighten. She's squeaking and gripping chunks of my hair. Then it hap
pens. She's coming undone and it's a beautiful sight to watch. Even after I venture lower, licking the remnants my success. Brice bucks a few more times before I drag my wet lips up her abdomen. Taking my time, I kiss around her belly button, cupping both breasts and watching her react. Pinching them gets another jolt, so I repeat it a few more times, enjoying each quake.

  I feel connected to her in a way I've never known. I know every part of her just as she knows me. I could never tire of this, of being with her for the rest of our lives.

  I reach those matching mounds and savor each one, sucking them into my mouth and biting the nipples until she writhes. When I free one I grab the other, over and over again. Next I trek around her neck, only stopping to nibble on each ear lobe. She's fighting for a kiss, but I won't easily be distracted. Concentration is the key to breaking her repeatedly. My right hand drives down until it reaches her warm, wet pussy. Remnants of her flavor still linger on my face. I lick my lips and close my eyes, remembering the ecstasy I've just given her.

  Our next kiss is a prelude to what’s coming. Brice flips us over by locking her legs around mine and using her might to overtake my weight above her. Once she’s hovering above, her lips lower and crash over mine like she’s starved for a kiss. The more intense the encounter becomes, the more animalistic behavior she exudes. She’s grinding her pussy over my erection, and not easily to spare me discomfort. She’s ready for me to be inside of her, and without words it’s apparent. Her practiced hand maps a course until it’s gripping my shaft. I’m inside. It’s like the stress of the day is immediately erased the moment this happens. She moves slowly at first, her natural juices lubricating her tight walls. I’m under her spell and it feels fantastic.


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