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La Dolce Vita: Romantic Suspense (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 7)

Page 39

by Sienna Mynx

  "Why would you go to the door like that?" Catalina said in disgust.

  "What? This? He's a man; he's seen far more." Rosetta grinned. "I ordered breakfast."

  "Go to your room and eat it," Catalina said turning to walk back inside and finish brushing her teeth.

  "C'mon. We had so much fun yesterday. Let's have breakfast together. Please?"

  Catalina threw her hand up in agreement. She went back to the bathroom, spit and rinsed. After washing her face, she returned. Rosetta had ordered every pastry she could think of. All Catalina wanted was coffee.

  "So what do we do first?" Rosetta asked.

  "Meetings. The Carrousel du Louvre opened up last year. Mirabella has been invited to host her fashion show there. We will be doing two. Fabiana's line at the Carrousel and then Mirabella's line at the Louvre museum. So, there is much to see and do."

  "But can we go to other fashion shows?" Rosetta got up from her chair and pranced over to the table where several invitations were placed. "We've been invited to Gucci, Prada, and John Galliano has invited us to two personal viewings and a fitting for you. I mean this is crazy. I have dreamed of these people. Oh and Chanel! Gautier, the House of Fendi!"

  Catalina smiled. She'd been in the company of many well-renowned designers for almost two years now. And she could remember the feeling of excitement and butterflies in her stomach. Karl Lagerfeld was one of her favorite people next to Gaultier. "Pick two. Only two, and we will not only go see them, but you can get anything you want from their collection."

  "I can?"

  "They always offer, and this time, it will be for you," Catalina smiled.

  "Are you serious?" Rosetta smiled. "You'd do that for me?"

  "We're family. This is our dynasty."

  Rosetta ran over and hugged Catalina so tight she was nearly knocked back and out of her chair. Catalina laughed. She hugged her back. She wanted a sister. Not a mother, like Mirabella and Zia. Not a partner in crime like Marietta. A true friend. Maybe Mirabella was right. Maybe she should let go of the past and really bond with Rosetta. The thought of it felt nice.

  "C'mon. Let's eat. We have so much to do."


  To Catalina's surprise, Rosetta chose Jean Paul Gautier's Ready-to-Wear fashion event. They were given front row seats to bear witness among celebrities and dignitaries. And it was an explosion of contrasts and beauty. A hodge-podge of cultures from African to Indian traditional styles. Everything turned upside down, with men in skirts, and women in corsetry and long belted pants. And it all came together with an intermingled mix of punk rock. Every model wore some kind of face jewelry, from nose rings that connected to earrings, to bones and shells pierced in their lips and ears. There were non-ethnic models with braided hair, men, and women with shaven heads and tribal tattoos that extended from scalp to face. They wore sheer patterned sarongs. They sported dresses in layers of sheer earth tones with tribal patterns woven through. Gold and a rust colored red were the favorite hues.

  Catalina fanned herself with her program and went from smiling, gasping to cheering. When she glanced to Rosetta, she saw the same look of awe and appreciation. Jean Paul had outdone himself. How would Mirabella's collection even compare? They needed to spend more time exploring the beauty and trends within Italy. Focus on their family traditions and translate them into fashion. It would be her new mission.

  The show ended with Jean Paul coming down the aisle. Catalina stood with the crowd and cheered him on. She smiled at Rosetta who was applauding and screaming her praise.

  "Can I meet him? Please? I must! I have to meet him!" Rosetta said.

  "Yes," Catalina said. She glanced around for her brother’s men. They could not join them in their private seating. They were regulated to the far back of the event. She had agreed to meet them there when it was over, to their discomfort. These men were told never to let her out of their sight. But during Fashion Week it was hard to comply.

  "Come, on, let's go to the back."

  "Really?" Rosetta exclaimed. Her excitement was contagious. She took her hand and led the way. Catalina was spotted by Marco. A thin young man with large glasses and purple hair that hung over his left eye, while the rest of his head remained shaven. He grinned. Marco was extremely eccentric. He had his dentist add fang tips to his canine teeth and then had them studded with diamonds. When he grinned, it was both ghastly and beautiful. He waved her through. "Marco, this is my cousin Rosetta. Think she can meet Jean Paul?"

  "Mmmm, yummy! Aren't you sexy! Is Jamie here with you?" Marco looked beyond her. His voice dropped to a deep octave of lust. Catalina knew very well that Marco and Jamie had a short affair. Marco was still salivating after her. Whenever she saw them together, he was always whispering in her ear and touching her intimately.

  "She's not here, but she'll be at the party tonight."

  "Yummy," Marco said again, the word being his favorite. "Well come on, sweet cakes. Let's take you to meet Jean Paul. Can I have her, Catalina?" his gaze scanned Rosetta's backside.

  "Are you coming with me?" Rosetta reached for Catalina's hand. She looked a bit overwhelmed. Catalina found it funny. Rosetta was a classic flirt. But with Marco she wasn't sure if she should be flattered or scared. Marco licked the tip of a diamond pointed fang, and his purple contacts sparkled in his eyes.

  "No. You can't have her, Marco. Behave or I'll tell Mirabella."

  Marco chuckled and winked at Rosetta.

  "Go on, Rosie; I want to see if Zenobia is here. I heard she was in the building. Haven't seen her yet."

  "Va bene," Rosetta said and let Marco take her hand. She glanced back to Catalina once when he pulled her away. Catalina smiled and waved her off. She shook her head with amusement.

  Catalina turned. The crowd behind the scenes had thickened tenfold. She bumped into models and men and women of the press. She couldn't tell one person from the next. She fought to get to the back lounging rooms, away from where the girls changed and celebrated. Champagne bottles were popping everywhere. This was how each show Mirabella did ended. Complete chaos.

  "Excuse me, pardon me, excuse..."

  A hand reached through the crowd. It fastened to her wrist. She was pulled left, and hard. She could not see the savior that brought her from out of the mob. But she was grateful. Catalina closed her eyes as some idiot began to spray everyone in champagne. It rained all over her. The person holding her wrist walked briskly. In another instant, she was shoved into a room. Before she could wipe the champagne from her eyes, she was brought into a man's arms. It was a man. And then he kissed her. His tongue and mouth so persistent her only instinct was to kiss him back. His cologne wasn't familiar. His kiss wasn't familiar. She opened her eyes in horror.

  He kissed her.


  "Get the hell off me!" Catalina shrieked. She shoved Armando so hard he was forced back. He smiled wickedly at her, and she lunged at him. Out of control, she went for his eyes, to claw them out of his head. She went for his throat to scratch and slash at it with her nails if she could. But he must have expected the attack. He grabbed her wrists and forced her to be still under his might. Locking her arms to the front of her.

  "I'm sorry, beautiful. I shouldn't have taken the liberty," he said.

  "Vaffanculo a chi t'è morto--go fuck your dead family members!" Catalina shouted. Armando covered her mouth. She screamed beneath his hand to the top of her lungs. But she knew she couldn't be heard. The music and chaos outside of the door was too loud. And his hand silenced her.

  "If you don't stop screaming I will leave, but before I go I will stop out front to the press and tell them why I came here to be with you," he said and forced her to be still.

  Furious she did as he commanded. Her breasts heaved up and down with her hard breathing. He held her so close to him she could feel everything about him. She could feel his height, his muscular form, his strength, and his desire for her. It made her sick with worry.

  "It was a joke. A bad one. I'm going t
o let you go now. Will you behave?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  His hand slipped from her mouth and went down her throat to graze slowly over her breast. She closed her eyes and withstood the touch of another man. Armando's hold around her waist softened, and she was released. Armando leveled his gaze on her.

  "You want to fight?" he asked.

  "Don't you ever touch me like that again. Kiss me like that. Ever! You do it again, and it will cost you your life. My brother will..."

  "Do nothing. Time is running out for your brother and me. This war between us could cost us both." Armando warned her.

  Unable to get past the insult, and the kiss she never wanted, she paced to calm herself down. It was time this whole thing ended.

  "He's sabotaged my business deals. And destroyed alliances my family has had before I was ever born."

  "There is nothing I can do to stop him. Nothing!" she shouted. "And you’re not innocent. It's all over the press. You claiming to be Mirabella's brother."

  "I am her brother!" he said.

  "Brother from hell!" she snapped back. "You don't want to negotiate. You don't want to stop this. You want revenge. And you think you can use me to get it. But you can't, Armando. I'm not that stupid or desperate. I’d rather deal with the fallout than give any power to you."

  "Are you sure about that? Are you certain? Because you will have to be certain, piccoletta. This is the moment. This one, right here. You decide. Tell me to go and do what I wish, and trust me, I will."

  Catalina felt panic swell in her heart. It wasn't just Giovanni she worried for. It was Lorenzo. Armando had a loaded gun to his head. He could pull the trigger. She knew it. He knew it. If she refused him, Lorenzo would die.

  "What is it you want?" she asked, and this time, she couldn't hide the tears in her eyes. She prayed it was money. She prayed it was anything other than what she felt in his touch and kiss. She prayed hard.

  "Ti voglio--I want you," he replied.


  "For one night."


  "Be mine, Catalina. And I will give you the tapes."

  "No, damn it! I can't do that!" Catalina said. "I won't!"

  "Then there is nothing you can do for Lorenzo or Giovanni," he said and started for the door. She stopped him. She blocked him. She put her hand to his chest.

  "You have known me all my life, Armando. Why would you want to do this to me? I know you hate Giovanni. But why do you want to do this to me? What have I ever done to you?"

  "Don't you get it?" he asked.

  "No. I don't."

  "I'm in love with you," he said.

  "Liar!" she laughed.

  "My empire is crumbling. I could end this war between Giovanni and me today. This instant. With those tapes. I could. But I won't. If I'm going to lose La Cosa Nostra, then I'm a dead man. And if I'm a dead man, Catalina, I have nothing left but my feelings for you."

  "Gross. I'm going to be sick,” she covered her mouth.

  Armando chuckled.

  "This is emotional rape," she said.

  "No. It's not."

  "Forcing me to have sex with you will be the same as rape!" she shouted.

  "Who is forcing you? I made a proposition. You are free to decline."

  "Bullshit!" She stepped forward. “You are blackmailing me. If we are seen together. If one photo links of you and I together my brother could kick me out of my family. You know damn well what you are doing!”

  "Decline or accept; that's the deal. You have to come to me of your free will. Tomorrow night. I am in room 1634."

  "But you are forcing me! I would never be with you. Never!"

  "Why?" Armando asked. "Because of Dominic? A boy pretending at being a man."

  "He's more man than you!"

  "How would you know? Because of a crush, you have had for your brother since you learned to walk into his arms? You think what he gives you is even close to what a real man’s love would be?"

  "I love Domi."

  "How do you know, Catalina?”

  “Because I do.”

  “How can you know if you never experienced life outside of the glass bubble he keeps you in? Look at what you have done for my sister’s business. Look at who you have become without Dominic."

  “I’m not stupid Armando. There is nothing you can say to make me not love Domi. It's not how love works, Armando. It's not an emotion to be turned on and off like a switch. You're pathetic if you don't know that!"

  “It’s the only offer I’m prepared to make Catalina," he said.

  "I don't want Lorenzo to die. I swear I don't. But I... I can't do this. I can't become this person. I will never betray him or my brother. It’s not who I am."

  "Do you know the first time I saw you? Really saw you as a woman? Not Giovanni's little sister?"

  "Do you think I care?"

  “I do,” he smiled. “It was your wedding to Franco."

  Catalina cut her eyes away.

  "I was there. Do you not remember? No one in Sicily wanted to miss the wedding of la piccoletta. It was the biggest event since the years of our fathers. Bigger."

  "I didn't see you there," she mumbled.

  "But I was there. After the wedding at the party, you and your husband were announced, paraded through the families. You were out of your wedding dress. You wore something more pleasing to your beauty. I watched you dance with your husband and knew that marriage was doomed. I wanted to cut Franco's throat myself to be as close to you."

  "Your charm, Armando, is too sweet. It's giving me a toothache."

  He chuckled. He put up his hands as if she drew a weapon on him. “I can’t win with you can I?”

  She looked him in the eye. “You disgust me. And your cock won't do anything to change my mind.”

  "I disgust you?"


  "Didn't taste like disgust when we kissed."

  "I love Domi. What you taste on my tongue is him."

  Armando nodded at her witty comeback. He clasped his hands behind his back and let his gaze sweep over her once more. "You keep throwing him up between us as if he’s some kind of force field. It only makes me want you more."

  "Nothing you do will ever change my heart."

  “Let's place another wager."

  Catalina frowned. "All you want to do is play games? If you are at war with my brother, don't you have more important business to handle?"

  “After your big show. We'll have dinner. Give me an evening to convince you to come to my bed. If you decide I still disgust you, then you win. I'll give you the tapes. And I will find another way to destroy your brother."

  "Bullshit. I don't believe this bargain. Not for a minute." Catalina said.

  "I'm a man of my word, Catalina. Tomorrow night you make the choice. But understand, I want the woman in you to decide. Not the brat, or the love sick little girl who thinks her step-brother is her hero. I want the woman. You like a powerful man? You deserve one. Dominic can pretend at power, but he'll never have it. And you'll never be the queen you're destined to be unless you rule at my side."

  Catalina gave a slow clap. "Are you done?"

  "One night. Leave the attitude behind. Let's see who you really desire before it’s over."

  "The same thing I've desired since you showed up with Lorenzo’s confession on that tape cassette. For you to die," she said.

  Armando smiled. "You're my kind of woman."

  The door flung open. “Catalina! Are you in--“ Rosetta said. She gasped to see Armando. "What is he doing here? Should I get Raffaele?"

  "No. It's fine. He was just leaving." Catalina turned and faced Armando. "Leave. Now!"

  He stared into her eyes for a moment and then smiled. He tipped his head and walked past her. He made sure he brushed against her as he did. Rosetta held the door for him and slammed it. Catalina walked away from her cousin with her arms folded over her breasts. She wasn't sure what to do or say.

  "What is Armando Mancini doing her
e?" Rosetta asked.

  Fear gripped her by the throat. She continued to pace. She tried to speak and breathe. To do or say something that could explain it away. Then she sighed. She turned and looked at Rosetta. She needed to trust her. She was desperate. And she was scared.

  "He's blackmailing me," Catalina said. "He wants to hurt our family. And he's trying to use me to do it."

  Rosetta went to her. She threw her arms around, and she hugged her. Catalina sighed. She refused to cry, but she wanted too.

  "Listen to me, Catalina. It's okay. Everything is okay. Tell me what I can do to help."

  Catalina let go of Rosetta. "I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone."

  "Then call Domi, he can--"

  "No! Domi can't know. No one can," Catalina said.

  "I don't know what to do. This is trouble. Armando is a dangerous man, Catalina. Very dangerous. And he's here. Gio needs to know that."

  "I can't. I need to trust you, Rosetta. I need to."

  "You can. I swear it. I know we have never been close, but we are now. You're my blood. I love you. I will protect you."

  Weakened by her own conflicting emotions, Catalina forced herself to believe. "Then help me. I’m not sure when, but I want you to seduce Raffaele."

  Rosetta frowned.

  "When he's guarding our room on his shift you take him into yours. And you... keep him there."

  "Okay," Rosetta said without flinching. "But what will you do?"

  "I have to meet Armando. I have to finish this."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Whatever I have to. Just do as I ask. So the men aren't looking for me. Okay?"

  "I don't like this plan. I'll get in just as much trouble as you. Why take the risk when we can tell Giovanni..."

  "Because we can't! I'm doing this for Giovanni. For all of us!" Catalina shouted.

  Rosetta nodded. "Va bene, I'll do it. Whatever you say."

  "Grazie. Grazie, Rosetta."

  "Prego. We will do it together. Whatever it takes."


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