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Taste the Dark (Elwood Legacy Book 1)

Page 8

by Nicola Rose

  “I… I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, it was idiotic,” she backed away.

  Good girl. Keep going. Turn around and fucking run. I could almost taste her blood. It would be so exquisite. I’ve never known anything like her scent. Through a century I’ve wandered and nothing has come close. As for her aura; it was like a rainbow galaxy, glinting and fragmenting.

  I desired nothing else but her.

  The last time I’d been even half this drawn to someone, it was Selena. She was nothing compared to the pull from Jess, and yet, I’d loved her. I loved her, and still I took everything from her. The Beast saw to it that the beautiful, carefree woman was left a haunted girl, trapped in the shell of her feeble body. Weakened and ruined.

  Jess was still backing away, and I was still stalking. She found herself up against a palm tree at the edge of the road, fidgeting with her hands. Yet, even through that fear she still wasn’t running. Her thoughts were centred on how she’d messed it all up, how much she wanted me. Uncaring and unseeing of the threatening monster that loomed over her.

  Good. Make her see it, make her find her fight. She’ll taste so much better when she realises and starts to struggle. Claim her. It’s your right… it’s our laws. She belongs to you.

  I could see clearly how it would go down — her naked body spread before me, bound under my spell. Panting and wanting. I would fill her with my cock and fuck her until she was crying. As my orgasm approached, I’d sink my aching fangs into her butter-soft skin and I’d drain her dry.

  “Look, we’ve landed near the beach we were talking about earlier,” she whispered with a shy smile and a flutter of hands. “It’s nice here. Can we please just stay a while? I don’t want to go back to the motel yet. I just want the chance for us to spend some time together being normal. You know, chatting, relaxing. No more games.”

  I took her hands and pinned them into the small of her back, forcing her chest into mine, our lips poised, so close to touching. Her body slackened and melted against me. Total submission.

  Own her.

  No. I’m stronger than this. I’ve fought through too much pain to let this undo me. I took the biggest intake of breath and shoved the depravity back down with all my might. I told it that we should savour the most amazing meal of our lives, not rush through it. The time would come later, have patience.

  It seemed to work. For now.

  I released her, but stayed close. “I don’t think you know how to drop the games. You seem to live by them,” I replied, breathing in slowly, easing out the pain.

  “You can talk, Mr. He Likes Me, He Doesn’t Like Me… he wants me, he watches me, but wait, he’s disappeared again.” She stared me down boldly.

  “I don’t play games intentionally. I don’t want to. I wish I could be normal with you, but it’s not that simple. I’m not normal.”

  “No shit.” She started walking across the dunes, towards the sea.

  “What are you doing? You can’t go walking around in the middle of nowhere on your own.”

  “I’m not on my own, you’re going to follow me,” she breezed over her shoulder.

  “Seriously? The chasing again?!”

  Damn woman.

  I didn’t answer to anyone, except my own dumbass conscience… and occasionally the Bael.

  And yet, she was right, wasn’t she? I would always follow her.



  “At least do one sensible thing and put my jacket around you,” Zac offered.

  I glanced down at my ridiculously skimpy outfit as he wrapped the leather jacket over my shoulders. It smelled of gasoline and something else I couldn’t place. Heavenly. I wanted to wrap that smell around me like a blanket and snuggle up in it.

  Taking off my stupid high heels, I spread my toes into the white sand. An animal rustled around in the dune grass and sprinted off into the trees at the edge of the beach. There was no civilisation this far up the island; we were in complete darkness, only the bright full moon laying a delicate light over us. Warmth battled with the cool sea breeze, which ultimately won, covering me in goosebumps.

  “I don’t normally dress like this. It was for the hustle, part of the ga—” I cringed, cutting myself short. No more games, Jess. That was the rule. The new life. Sort it out.

  “I know you don’t, I’ve been following you, remember? But don’t apologise, you look so incredible I’m having difficulty staying focussed.”

  I believed him. He seemed distracted – had that weird look in his eyes, lust mixed with anger. The look I usually received right before he’d disappear on me. Luckily he couldn’t escape this time, not without me noticing.

  “Don’t feel you have to stay restrained for my sake. I’m a little unfocused myself.” I gave him my best sexy bedroom eyes and he smiled awkwardly.

  How could he be so nervous around me? He must have had a million women. When I observed him interacting with others there was always a fluid grace around his movements and demeanour. Easy, never missing a beat. Yet, when he was close to me there was this stiffness and tension. Alongside something else, something heavy and burdened in his expressions.

  It didn’t fit, didn’t belong, and made me feel like I repulsed him or something. That didn’t make sense, either. If I thought too much on it, tried to look and analyse, he’d change the subject, move away. Then he’d be back to normal, leaving me reeling.

  I brushed my hand past his and he sucked in a breath like I’d caused him pain. Then he reached out and took hold, lacing our fingers together. I froze, looking down at our connection in astonishment. My palm tingled and throbbed, shivers erupting along my arm and into my core. Blood rushed to my head making me feel dizzy. I must have been in shock after all.

  He cleared his throat and clenched his teeth, tension visibly spreading throughout.

  “Oh… this feels weird… nice,” I slurred, trying to remember if I was drunk.

  “Yes,” he mumbled, and we started walking again. “So, let’s chat. Start talking now so I don’t have to let go.”

  In my giddy state that sounded weird, but I wasn’t sure why. Were my legs actually going weak at the knees? Yes. Yes they were. Like that feeling after a workout at the gym, all heavy and wobbly.

  “We could start with the usual. What do you do for a living? And we ought to do names, even though I already know yours. Your reputation precedes you, Mr. Elwood. My name’s Jessica Layton, you can call me Jess.”

  “I know who you are. I wouldn’t be much of a stalker otherwise, would I? As for my work… this and that. I earn a lot from poker, so I tend to call myself a professional gambler. What about you?”

  “Sounds like you should already know?”

  He didn’t respond, but offered a faint smile to the ground as we walked.

  “I’m a firefighter.”


  That wasn’t the answer I expected. Generally I got a snort of disbelief, accompanied by a comment about how girls can’t be firemen.

  “Danger, thrill-seeking,” he continued. “Seems like that’s your kind of thing. A job to suit you.”

  The job did suit me. I also hated it at the same time, but I was extremely lucky to still be working, given the suspension following my spell on smack, drinking and late nights. Fortunately they didn’t know about the drugs, but they knew I’d been out on an all night bender when I was called to a fire the next day. If they’d drug tested me it would have been over. I made a stupid mistake and put my crew in danger. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only time that management had noticed the failings in my performance.

  Don’t get me wrong, I take saving people’s lives very seriously, but taking life itself seriously is the area I struggle with. Which caused a great deal of difficulty with the whole work life / personal life balance thing. It means I’m often not as focussed on the job as I should be. And that needs to change. Dammit, it shouldn’t be that bloody hard to quit being an idiot and grow up.

  “Oh my God!”
I shrieked. “I’m dead! So many people saw me tonight, tearing down the road on a bike with no helmet and a goddamn skirt and heels! They’ll recognise me. Danny is going to kill me. When this gets back to the department I’m fired.”

  A pit opened up inside my stomach and I wanted to throw up.

  “No, you’re not,” he said.

  “Yes, I am. I already had a suspension, I’m in so much shit. One day on the job! ONE! That’s all I could manage before screwing up.”

  “Stop, would you? No one is firing you. I won’t allow it.” He paused and I noted that we’d circled back round to the bikes.

  I eyed him with suspicion, Danny’s warnings ringing through me. “Who are you to allow, or not allow, something like that?”

  “Just trust me, if I say you don’t get fired, then you don’t get fired.”

  “And your brother has that same authority, does he?”

  “What do you know about him?” He squeezed my hand with urgency.

  “Nothing. Except that he’s bad news. And clearly, so are you,” I said, trying my hardest to resist the magnetic pull towards his lips. He was so close to me, my breath kept catching.

  The giddiness had eased off, but there was still a tingling flowing from my hand where it joined with his cool skin. I wasn’t in any pain from the accident, but wondered again about hitting my head – I certainly wasn’t feeling right.

  “You’re cold, you should have your jacket back,” I offered.

  “I’m fine. Listen, Jess, you’re right, about us being bad news. Alex, he’s… well… I’m…”

  I wasn’t even listening anymore. I was gazing into those eyes and thinking filthy things. The next thing I knew I’d planted my lips on his and the tingling through the joining of our hands paled into insignificance compared to what our mouths did.

  The thrill sucked the breath right out of me. His body went rigid, radiating tension as he let his tongue tentatively enter my mouth, minty and cool. The jolt of pleasure shot straight down between my legs.

  He didn’t stay cautious for long. He kissed me with exhilarating urgency. A hand went behind my neck and the other into my back, holding me tight. He felt so strong and fierce, yet… was he trembling?

  I let my fingers roam to his chest, underneath his shirt, seeking out the hard contours of his abs. He groaned and his teeth tugged at my bottom lip. I thought I heard him make a weird noise, like a hiss, but then there was only crashing darkness.

  I awoke to the pleasure of warmth bathing my body, and then something far more delightful; a whispering tingle along my cheek, where thousands of tiny butterflies fluttered their wings against my skin. Such a nice dream. I hummed in appreciation.

  Wait, was this a dream?

  Cautiously, I opened my eyes a fraction and found Zac leaning over me, stroking my face. His smile was more relaxed than I’d ever seen. There was no strain in his body. I sat up and threw my lips towards his. The tension returned immediately and he dodged me. I must have been dreaming after all.

  “Sorry,” I grumbled.


  “For throwing myself at you again. I know you don’t like me being too close. Do you have one of those phobias about being touched? Or OCD or something?”

  He laughed, taking hold of my hand, and the wonderful zinging returned. “Something like that. I need to take things slowly.”

  “Sure. Whatever you want. Just don’t let go ever again, it feels amazing,” I ran my thumb over the back of his hand.

  “Yes, Ma’am, it sure does,” he sighed.

  “You’re still so cold. You must have got chilled sleeping out here without your jacket. Why are you sitting in the shade, the sun is baking this morning.” He was leaning back against a tree trunk and I pulled him towards me.

  “Would you stop worrying about me, I’m fine,” he replied gruffly.

  “I don’t remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember I was kissing you and… oh… oh! I take back my agreement. Please don’t make me wait too long for that again!” I stared at his red lips, remembering how oddly cold they were, but they’d felt so good.

  Then something horrible came to me. A terrible vision. Too awful to even contemplate.

  “Wait… did I… pass out? Shit me! How humiliating. I passed out, didn’t I? No wonder you don’t want to do it again.” I hid my face in my hands.

  He chuckled softly, “It was probably just the shock setting in from the accident.”

  “The accident!” I shot up with a start. “How could I have forgotten all that?”

  I was confused and disorientated. I shook myself, noticing there was still no pain, not even a slight after-ache. “Crap, what time is it?”

  “About eleven-thirty.”

  “What?! Why didn’t you wake me? Anna is going to be so pissed. I promised we’d go bungee jumping today on her day off. I need to get back. I better ring her.” I pulled out my cell and cursed at the No Signal sign. “Dammit. I can’t ride Loki in broad daylight dressed like this, I don’t even have a helmet with me.” I paced a frenzied circle in the sand.

  “Calm down, Jess. After you… fell asleep, I had one of my friends go over to the casino and get your gear out the locker. I hope you don’t mind. It’s all there, next to your Ducati,” he waved back to the road.

  I stopped pacing, “How did your friend know we were here?”

  “I called him.”

  “On your cell? I don’t have a signal.”

  “Sure. I do.” His jaw set in a way that told me the conversation was over. I didn’t have time to argue, anyway.

  “Well, thanks,” I started hurrying off up the beach and then stopped.

  Don’t ask it, Jess. Don’t do it. Keep walking, step away from him. He’s trouble with a capital T and you’re into Phase Two of the new life plan.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked anxiously.

  “When would you like to?”

  I thought about being casual, sounding like I wasn’t that bothered, but I’d promised no more games. “Tonight?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he nodded.

  Sitting in MoJoe’s that night, my cell vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to find I had a message from a ‘Hot Stalker’. What the fuck?! My fingers quivered as I pressed the open message button.

  Hot Stalker: Spent the day dreaming about the crazy girl that stole my Harley. There really should be consequences for such delinquent behaviour.

  He helped himself to my phone contacts while I was asleep?! I hoped to hell he hadn’t scrolled through my old messages. My pulse sped up as I typed the reply.

  Jess: I’m sure I’ll have committed more punishable crimes before the night is out.

  His response came back instantly.

  Hot Stalker: My palm is twitching in anticipation.

  Jess: Go ahead, leave a nice pink handprint on my ass if you think you can handle me. Luckily I’m wearing my best silk pants.

  Hot Stalker: HaHa. I can hear you saying that in your cute British accent. But surely you mean panties?!

  Jess: Ew! No! I have managed to adopt most of your Americanisms over the years, but I draw the line at panties. #Shudder.

  Hot Stalker: You love hearing the word panties in my Southern accent though, right?

  “So, you’re telling me that you stole his motorcycle?” Anna was scowling at me. I put the phone back in my pocket while I thought of a suitable sassy comeback. He’d never been so candid and relaxed. It made my stomach flutter.

  “I didn’t just steal it, I crashed it,” I corrected.

  “Why are you grinning?” she scolded. “You need help, Jess. Your issues are beyond my healing capabilities.”

  I tried to stop smiling. Honestly I did.

  She rolled her eyes in despair. “Are you hurt? You don’t look hurt?”

  “I’m fine, that’s what doesn’t add up. And so are the bikes, and him. We all crashed together in a heap, doing ridiculous speed, but it was like it happened in slow motion and, this is going to
sound stupid… but he kind of swept me off the road and shielded me.”

  “Sit down will you.” She scanned the bar for available seating.

  “I’m not hurt and I’m not in shock. I’m fine. I’m sorry we didn’t do the bungee jump. Next weekend?”

  “Did you get checked out at the ER? Why didn’t you call me?” she fretted.

  “No! I’m FINE! He’s fine. We stayed at the beach, and we kissed.” The blood ran to my cheeks at the mortifying memory of passing out. I decided to only tell a half truth, “It was so amazing it took my breath away.”

  We lingered in semi uncomfortable silence for a beat.

  “Have I ever told you how lucky you are? You always got all the best boys at college, too,” she said.

  “I thought you didn’t like Zac. Too weird? Anyway, you had Mark Adamson at college. He was tasty. I was jealous.”

  “You were jealous of me?” she snorted, fiddling with her glasses as if to prove some point.

  “Come on, you know you’ve got the librarian sex-doll going on. Apart from that one year when you insisted on dressing like your grandma.” I teased her with my oversized grin.

  “You want to wear this drink?” She thrust her glass forward and hovered it playfully over my head.

  Phew. She wasn’t angry at me for standing her up on our bungee date. Zac wasn’t angry that I stole his bike. Danny hadn’t called me in to give me the boot from the department. Life was good.

  I was struggling to believe that Zac had anything to do with that missing girl. And he hadn’t mentioned the small fact that the sand had risen up of its own accord to choke Mullet-man. Perhaps he hadn’t seen. I was in the clear. Anna had certainly been too occupied to notice it.

  But then, that’s how most people deal with my weirdness if they witness it — by shrugging it off as themselves seeing things that aren’t real. And that’s exactly how I deal with it, too. I pretend it’s nothing, it’s a coincidence, I’m imagining it. Because what else can I do? I have no idea what it is, or why it happens, or how to control it. Only that when I’m mad enough, you probably don’t want to be near me.


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