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Every Last Mother's Child

Page 71

by William J. Carty, Jr


  The first thing Wilson did was to take thirty seconds called Lisa on his communicator, “Connect to Lisa.”

  “Go ahead Michael” Lisa’s voice came out of the instrument.

  “There’s been a bomb at the convention center, I am involved but not hurt, Mylea, and the Queen; are not hurt either. At least I don’t think Mylea’s not hurt haven’t seen her. But get back to the palace and get with the Queen and help her. She’s not hurt; but someone just tried to kill her.”

  “I know,” Lisa said, “Michelle’s on her way to you with all the armored ambulances they have. I’m on my way back to the palace. Everyone is okay here. Call me!”

  “Aye-aye” Wilson said hunting for Mylea.

  He found her knocked out on the floor. Finding her pulse he picked her up and started to carry her out in a fire man’s carry. Half way out he saw Kellogg dragging a woman to her feet. He locked eyes with Wilson and came directly over to him dragging the woman with him.

  “Sir Mike,” he said with a death grip on the woman, “do you need help?”

  “No Kellogg,” Wilson said, “I’ve got her.” With that Wilson waded through the carnage.

  When got out side he saw Janet setting up her command post.

  “Janet!” Mike laid eyes on Chief Able, “Mylea’s down!”

  “Shit!” Janet said, coming over. “Damn it, I am not going to explain this to her daughter.”

  “You don’t have to,” Mylea had come to while Mike was carrying her out. She didn’t hurt much. Only her wrist seemed to hurt. She knew better than to struggle while he was carrying her. “Can you get one of your medics over here to look at my wrist?”

  Janet gently looked at the thonian’s wrist and said “Mylea you’ll live. It’s broken but you’ll have to wait. You know the drill.”

  “I certainly do.” Mylea said, “Well while I am waiting to be seen give me a radio and I’ll help you coordinate as much as I can.”

  “Good deal.” Janet said, seeing the look on Wilson’s face. Janet knew the history between Michael and Mylea. They had been through a lot together. Next to Lisa, Mylea was most likely his closest friend. “Mike she’ll be okay. Really. You know the drill. She’s not going to be transported before we get the critical to the hospital.”

  “Okay,” Wilson replied, “I’ve got work to do. I’ve got to find the people who did this.”

  “She did!” Kellogg had followed Wilson out. Wilson turned and saw the woman that Kellogg had been with earlier. “Look at this shit!” He ripped opened the woman’s jacket. Exposing the now disarmed bomb strapped to her.

  “Trena Fire this is Bat 6,” Janet called into her communicator, “I need the bomb wagon and UXB team at my location code red now! Fire Ground Push!” She said to the communicator, saying the code phrase to bring up every communicator on the fire ground taking over all channels, including every police, and IRS unit responding to the scene. “Attention on the fire ground, we may have other unexploded ordinance on the victims, and in the building. Nobody is to be moved until cleared by the Bomb Squad. No injured person is to be touched or moved until they are checked by the bomb squad.”

  “This is the Marshal,” Wilson called into his communicator, “I want the perimeter secured I want every building checked, I want every person leaving this facility to be positively identified. If anyone gives you any trouble give them the treatment, with full holographic documentation. I want that feed to go to the Queen’s Attorney’s Office.”

  “Who are you?” Wilson put his communicator in his pocket and turned to the woman that Kellogg still held.

  “I am a warrior of the One True God.” the woman said, “as such I am not required to give my name to agents of Satan.”

  “I see,” Wilson said his furry barely in check. She was a member of the Theocracy’s Brotherhood. They were nothing less and nothing more than terrorists. But Wilson as he got his temper under control he smiled, “Oh by the way miss, I’ll be sure to tell the bishop how well you failed to do your job. In fact, since we don’t have the time to try you properly you will be held long enough to ascertain who you really are, and then you will be returned to the embassy.”

  She just glared at him. By this time the bomb squad had gotten to them. Kellogg released the woman to the squad. Wilson nodded for Kellogg to follow him and the two walked off a ways from the commotion.

  “First off,” Wilson said, “the next time you take my wife hostage I am not going to mess with middle men understood?” Kellogg nodded. If the situation had been reversed he didn’t think that he would be that easy about it. He knew he wouldn’t. “Secondly, I want you as part of the intel staff. Coordinate through Mylea, or Mercer.”

  “Is that wise?” Kellogg asked.

  “Hell I don’t know,” Wilson replied running a hand through his hair, “But I know I’d rather have you on my side than on theirs! You saved the day here Kellogg. I mean that. Now disappear. Those warrants are still active and it might be a while before I can get them nulled or get you a pardon.”

  “A pardon would be nice Marshal,” Kellogg said, “But there is some advantage to keeping things the way they are now. I’m gone sir.”

  Kellogg wandered off into the crowd. Wilson shook he is head as he wandered back to where Janet and Mylea were coordinating the rescue.

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