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Pack Enforcer

Page 2

by Crissy Smith

It was time for honesty. This had been going on with them for far too many years. “I’m still not sorry,” she told him. “And you didn’t do anything to be ashamed of. It was my doing. And,” she added with a small smile, “I can’t promise I wouldn’t do it again if I went back. No one’s ever kissed me like that again.”

  He shook his head, but she noticed his lips twitched in amusement. “You were a child.”

  She shook her head sadly. “I stopped being a child at twelve, Cain.”

  “That’s no excuse,” he told her.

  She blew out a breath. She had tried. “Fine, Cain, punish yourself. Do what you want.”

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Emily had breakfast with Lamont, and he told her a little more about the assaults than Cain did. More, actually, than she thought she wanted to know.

  After breakfast, Toby, the youngest of the Alpha’s children, talked her into making chocolate chip cookies for him. Every six-year old’s dream. One of the guards had come in right after she had started and kept her and Toby company while she baked.

  That was where she was when Cain walked into the kitchen—bent over the counter passing a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies to Toby.

  “What’s going on in here?” he asked, casually leaning against the door.

  Emily turned and rewarded him with a brilliant smile. “Eating cookies. Want some?”

  He looked over at the guard who had straightened from behind her. “What kind?” He walked over and took one. “Eric?”

  Eric cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, I better get back outside. Thanks for the cookies, Emily.”

  She smiled at him. “No problem.”

  Cain stood close to her, and she could feel irritation radiating off of him. She was getting really tired of this. He hadn't said anything else after their short talk in the car. She hadn't wanted to press him further at the time, but she wanted things to be different this trip. Every time she returned home, there was always so much tension between them.

  For once she would like a good visit, to go back to how things had been. If he didn't want her, he shouldn't have any problems with her being there. But the tension coming off him told her that he indeed have a problem with it, with her.

  He took another bite then said, “Go play outside, Toby,” while still looking at her.

  Toby frowned at the loss of his milk and cookies. “But I don’t wanna.”

  He did look at Toby then and had him scrambling up from his chair and out the sliding glass door. Emily watched him go, preparing herself for round two with Cain.

  When the door finally slid into place, she whirled around. “What is your problem now, Cain?”

  She was prepared for a fight, not for being lifted off her feet and his mouth on hers. She was so surprised her mouth opened in a gasp. He used that opening to slide his tongue in. It was rough and brutal and bruising. It was everything she wanted from him. He didn’t release her immediately, and the kiss made her lose all sense of her surroundings.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She could feel his hard length pressed up against her. It made her moan and tighten her legs around him. He left her mouth and continued kissing, nibbling her chin, her neck, her shoulder.

  While he leaned against the counter, one arm around her waist, he held her as he slipped the other hand under her shirt. He ran his fingers over the soft silk of her bra before pushing it away and finding her skin. She wanted to scream at how good his hand and mouth felt on her. She wanted to drag him to the floor and demand he take her like she had wanted him to for years.

  Then he was releasing her, sliding her back off the counter and turning her away from him. Stepping back, he put her hands on the counter and straightened her clothes. She looked back at him, confused, hungry, and hot.


  He just shook his head and nodded to the kitchen door. Not a minute later, Tony walked in. Emily busied herself washing her hands, using the cold water to try to relieve the heat burning in her body.

  When she turned around, Cain didn’t even look at her as he ate the cookies, not quite pulling off the innocent look he was going for.

  “Good God, are you two fighting again?” Tony said as he continued farther into the room. He walked over to the counter and popped a cookie in his mouth. “The emotions swirling around in this room are enough to strangle a man.”

  Cain growled and stuffed another cookie in Tony’s mouth. “Is he ready?”

  Chewing the cookie, Tony brushed crumbs off his shirt. “Yeah, he wants to meet in the living room hoping Christian will be more comfortable.”

  “Christian’s here?” Emily asked.

  Cain’s eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah, he just arrived with Adam and Kyle,” Tony gladly told her, obviously noticing Cain’s reaction as well.

  “Tell them to find me before they leave, will you?”

  Tony nodded and grabbed another cookie.

  “I’ll catch up. Give me a minute,” Cain told his brother.

  He waited until Tony had left and they could hear his footsteps going down the hall before he turned to her. “Stay away from Eric and Kyle.”

  “What?” He had caught her off guard once again. She was expecting another ‘Emily, that was a mistake’.

  “You heard me,” he said in a dangerously low voice.

  She placed her hand on her hips as her eyes narrowed. “Oh, I heard you all right. I just think you should reconsider the orders you give me.”

  He walked slowly to her, his eyes never leaving hers. “Really?” He smiled, and it wasn’t a nice smile, but one of the cat before he caught and ate the mouse.

  She tossed her head. She would not be intimidated by him. “Yes.”

  He leant in. “Okay how’s this? You’d better stay away from Eric and Kyle and anyone else I say.” His eyes flashed.

  “No.” She said it more bravely than she felt.


  “You’re not my boss. I can talk to who I want.” She tilted her chin up.

  He laughed. He actually laughed at her.

  “Hmm, interesting.” He ran fingers lightly down her check and she shivered. “Actually, I am your boss, Emily. I am second–in-command in this Pack. A Pack where you are a member.”

  She pulled away. “That doesn’t mean you can tell me who I can be friends with.”

  He’d stepped forward as she stepped back so he was actually closer to her than he had been. “You don’t want to push me here, Emily. Not with this.”

  “You’re jealous,” she accused.

  “No, not jealous. Cautious.” He had moved his hands up her arm and fisted one hand in her hair. He pulled gently and had her lifting up on her toes. “Do what I say, Emily.” Then he kissed her quick but hard and walked away.

  She was still sputtering out a response when he turned before going out the door. “And, Emily, you don’t want to see me jealous.”

  Everyone else was already in the formal living room when Cain arrived. His Alpha sat in one of the chairs next to Christian. Kyle, Adam, and Tony stood by the bar.

  Tony smiled at him as he entered, and Cain wanted to take his frustration out on him. Emily knew better than to argue. Where had the submissive young Were gone? She was argumentative and hard-headed. He knew he couldn’t keep his hands off her much longer, and he’d be damned if he was going to share her.

  Kyle and Adam both walked over and shook his hand, and he couldn’t help but be resentful of Kyle. He was the only Were that had been close to Emily’s age. They had become fast friends, and back then, Cain had been happy for her.

  Now looking at the young wolf with blond hair and charming smile, Cain had to squash every instinct he had to crush his hand while shaking it. But when he turned to the two Alphas, everything jumped back in place.

  Especially his responsibilities and the reason for Emily’s return in the first place.

  The other Alpha looked tired and worn out. Cain walked ov
er to him and held out his hand as Christian stood. Christian had been granted Alpha status and land by Cain's father. He’d only had his Pack about thirty years.

  That was not long in Wolf time. He had taken a few wolves with him when he’d started out—his family and others who’d agreed to follow the new leader. Now, Christian had a girl who’d been attacked. A girl who hadn’t been protected. For an Alpha to not be able to protect one of his Pack members, especially a young female, was the worst crime in the laws, and Christian was taking it hard.

  Lamont got right to business, going over every detail they had learnt so far and sharing theories. It was a long information switch meeting, running over three hours. When Christian recounted what had happened to Mindy, his voice cracked. Adam went over and laid a hand on the shoulder of his Alpha, his father, but Christian shook it off. It was his burden alone to carry.

  Everyone in the room except the Alphas stood and listened. They spoke no words and asked no questions. That is the way it was in a Pack—follow the Alpha, absolutely, with no questions asked.

  It was decided that Cain would work with Adam, looking into the attacks and taking care of the problem when located.

  Gage, another Pack Alpha, was also sending his second, Logan, to Christian’s pack for added security.

  Cain did not like the idea of having to leave his territory during this mess. To leave his Alpha—and yes, Emily—without his protection, but he would have to.

  The meeting wrapped up, and Cain walked out with Adam. Kyle walked out with Christian. Cain met Lamont’s eyes and knew he was to go back in shortly. His meetings were not over for the day.

  “We find this bastard, and he’s mine,” Adam said as he stopped a few yards from the waiting car.

  Cain understood what Adam was saying and nodded.

  Adam nodded back. “I have another favour to ask.” He looked back at Kyle. Cain had a really bad feeling about this favour. “I am asking permission for Kyle to stay in your Pack’s territory until his sister has her baby.”

  Kyle’s sister, Alisha, had stayed with Lamont’s Pack and later bonded with one of their males. They were expecting their first child.

  Cain wanted to demand Kyle’s return back to his own Pack, but he nodded, knowing he would want to be with his sister if he had one.

  “Granted until this is over.”

  Adam shook his hand and nodded at Kyle. The relief that spread from the other man wrapped around Cain. He had done the right thing. Now, he just had to keep Kyle away from Emily. And it wasn’t jealousy, he told himself. He was only looking out for her, like he always had. It was his job.

  Later that evening, he called Emily and set up a time for her to meet with him in the gym.

  “I want you to meet me at eight in the basement,” he told her as soon as she answered.

  “What for?” Her voice was cautious with a hint of annoyance.

  He almost told her because he'd ordered her to, but he knew that wouldn't go over well. “You need to get back to training. We're not sure how long you will be here but while you are here, it won't hurt to work out. Especially with all that is going on.” He wasn't used to explaining himself, and he didn't like it.

  She was so quiet on the other line he wasn't sure she was still there.

  “I don't think…” she started.

  “Eight o'clock, Emily,” he ordered this time.

  She blew out a breath and muttered something.

  “I'll see you then.” He hung up without another word from her. She'd be there.

  Chapter Four

  Emily arrived tired, annoyed, and mad as hell. Who the hell did he think he was? Demanding she be at the gym in the stupid morning before any sane person should be awake. This was her vacation! She should be able to sleep until at least noon. He had no right to order her around, and she was going to let him have it.

  He was waiting on her, of course, standing in sweat pants and no shirt, curling weights. Her heart jumped and lust flowed through her entire body. This wasn’t going to work well.

  So she used her anger and led with that.

  “Who the hell do you think you are ordering me here at the butt crack of dawn to train?” she asked him with her hands on her hips.

  He smiled at her in the mirror but didn’t turn around.

  When he didn’t answer, she took another step closer. “I’m telling you, Cain, you better stop ordering me around. I’m not going to put up with it.”

  He lifted an eyebrow at her. “You wouldn‘t have come if you didn‘t want to.” She fisted her hands at her sides, and he laughed. “I forgot you’re not a morning person.” He put the weights down and finally turned to her. “Now, would you like to stretch before we get started?” he asked sweetly.

  She switched strategies. “This is not a good idea, Cain.”

  Cain continued to smile as he wiped the sweat off his chest. She almost moaned with the need to lick it off.

  “Are you not the one who keeps telling me we are both adults?” he asked.

  She didn’t respond. Just turned and stomped to the other side of the gym and started stretching.

  He gave her fifteen minutes before walking over and nodding to the mats. She sighed, but walked over to them and stood in the middle.

  “Okay.” She raised her arms. “I’m here. Now what?”

  He smiled and circled her. “I think we’ll start with hand-to-hand. You’ve seemed to have a problem lately with your reflexes. “


  “You’ve been pretty easily grabbed and touched and…mmm…kissed,” he taunted.

  She lifted her chin. She was a fierce competitor, and he knew it. Insults and challenges were always the way to push at her.

  “Well, don’t worry. I’m wise to your tricks now so we won’t have that problem again,” she assured him.

  He threw his head back and laughed. Then he shot a foot out at her knee and made her crumble. She fell, but rolled and was right back on her feet.

  “I wasn’t ready,” she told him, then tried a kick of her own that he easily blocked.

  That started the twenty-minute battle. She landed on her ass at least a dozen times but was always right back up. She even landed half a dozen blows, one knocking him back pretty good. She finally landed a perfect jab with a kick to the back of the knee, sending him down. She yelled and clapped right before he swept her feet from under her.

  He was immediately on her, sitting on her legs and holding her arms over her head. “Celebrating before your enemy is all the way out is never a good idea, Emily. I taught you better than that.”

  They were both breathing hard, but she smiled. “Got you down.”

  He looked her over with a slow, hungry gaze. “Did you? Hmm. but it looks like I finished on top now, didn’t I?”

  She struggled for a brief moment as he shifted his body in between her legs while still holding her arms above her head.

  “What a very interesting position you seem to be in.” He leant close. “Almost helpless.” He licked the side of her face.

  Her breath washed out of her, and she trembled with need. “Cain,” she warned.

  He moved his mouth down and licked her from her collarbone to her ear. “Yes?”

  She couldn’t help it—she moaned. “Don’t. Stop.”

  He laughed softly and licked her again, this time from her ear to under her chin. She lifted her chin to allow him access.

  “Which is it? Don’t, or stop, or don’t stop.” He pressed close and teased her lips with his tongue. “Come on, Emily. Get away. Take me down.” With his free hand, he slid it down her body, teasing with light touches.

  She moaned, arching her back. “Let go of my hands,” she demanded, her voice heavy with need.

  “Make me.” He brushed his fingers through her clothing over her centre, just hard enough to have her biting her lip to keep from screaming. “Make me, Emily,” he said again before he took her mouth in a rough kiss.

  He used his teeth on her lips
. She pushed up and, using his momentum from the kiss, was able to change positions briefly before she was on her back again.

  “Mmm, good.” He rocked against her, and she could feel his hard erection.

  “Cain,” she pleaded.

  He looked her in the eye and smiled. “Oh, you’ll beg before I’m done, make no mistake.” He took her mouth again, and she already wanted to beg.

  He released her only long enough to pull her shirt off. He had her hands caged once again in one hand before she knew she’d been released. She struggled against his hold, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “I want to touch you. Let go of my hands, Cain,” she said as he continued to kiss her from the collarbone down.

  “Then get your hands loose,” he told her.

  She struggled again, pushing up, and only managed to rub herself against the hardest part of him. For just a moment, she saw spots. She wanted—no, needed—him so bad.

  Then, with his one free hand on her sports bra, he pulled and ripped the material. The feeling the sound of the fabric ripping was too much for her. She did beg. “Please, oh God, please.”

  He licked one nipple and blew on it. “Not yet,” he told her, taking the nipple in his mouth and sucking.

  She screamed, but he didn’t release her. He used his tongue and his teeth until she was sobbing out his name. Her body was on fire. Never had she ever been so turned on in her life. Each tug on her sensitive nub shot through her body.

  “Almost there,” he told her, sliding his body down to concentrate on her stomach.

  He released her hands, but she kept them above her head until he used his teeth to pull her pants down. She moved quickly, pushed up and had him on his back. He let her have the position as she reached down and pulled his pants off. He wore nothing underneath, and she purred as she cupped him.

  Then she was on her back again with his mouth on hers. He slipped a hand down and brushed a thumb over her swollen centre.

  “Now, Cain. Now!” she demanded.

  But his body slipped down hers as he held her legs apart and feasted.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to taste you,” he murmured.


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