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Pack Enforcer

Page 4

by Crissy Smith

  He lifted her shoulders up and slammed them back on the bed hard. Her breath whooshed out of her.

  “Cain, please!”

  He did it again, and she felt the tears forming more from fear than pain.

  “What? Wasn’t expecting I wouldn’t take it well?”

  Emily shook her head. “Cain, please…you’re hurting me.”

  He let go of her abruptly and backed away with a look that said he couldn’t stand to touch her.


  He shook his head at her. “Go.”


  He turned his cold eyes at her. “Go. Get out. I don’t want to see you. Don’t want to be around you.”

  She stood up slowly. “Cain.”

  “Get out!” he yelled at her.

  She fumbled for the door while tears ran unchecked down her cheeks. She made it out the door and down the hall, but stopped as she ran into something solid.

  “Emily.” Kyle gripped her shoulders. “You okay?”

  She nodded. She was numb. She had no idea what was going on. How could Cain turn on her? She'd been so looking forward to having him home.

  “Did he hurt you?” Kyle asked her quietly.

  She shook her head. Cain hadn’t hurt her. He’d destroyed her. The look on his face was one she would never forget. She’d known he’d be home today and had hung around waiting for him. Then he flipped out and…

  “Aww, isn’t this sweet?” Cain’s voice came up behind them.

  Emily jumped and slammed her back into the wall. Kyle shifted slightly and had Cain raising an amused brow.

  “Coming to her rescue?”

  Kyle looked between Cain and Emily. “Just making sure she’s okay.”

  Cain laughed. “Were you? Were you really?”

  Cain’s fist flew out and landed on Kyle’s jaw. He didn’t pull his punch and had Kyle going through the sheet rock on the wall. His head cracked against it, and the sheet rock fell in clumps around him.

  Emily screamed and ran towards Kyle to help. Cain grabbed her arm before she reached him and pushed her back into the wall.

  “Don’t touch him,” he ordered.

  Emily looked up at him. “Cain. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Wrong?” His hand snaked up to her throat. “Why do you say something’s wrong?”

  Her eyes widened as she felt his hand tighten. “Cain,” she managed.

  “You’re not laughing now, are you?” he asked. “Did you when he had his mouth on you? His hands?” he spat at her.

  “No, Cain.” She looked at him pleadingly. . “He didn’t touch me, I swear!” The tears fell again. Why would he even think she would betray him? What had happened? “I didn’t do anything.”

  He laughed. “Just couldn’t wait to get another wolf between your legs.” Cain moved in to cover her body with his. She was trapped between his body and the wall with his hand still around her throat.

  “Let her go, Cain,” Lamont said from behind Cain. He looked quickly over to Kyle and watched as he tried to sit up. Cain blocked Emily from his view, and Lamont knew he had to get them separated. Whatever had happened needed to be taken care of quickly, before someone got hurt badly.

  Cain didn’t turn, didn’t acknowledge his Alpha.

  “Cain,” Lamont growled.

  Finally, he turned his head but still held her.

  “Cain, let go of Emily.”

  Cain just shook his head.

  “That is an order from your Alpha,” Lamont said loudly. He moved forward. “Now!”

  Lamont watched Cain try to get control. His eyes were black, which Lamont had never seen before. As Cain blinked, they lightened.

  He let go of Emily abruptly, and she sagged against the wall.

  “Go to the study now,” Lamont ordered.

  Without looking at her, Cain headed down the stairs. Lamont knew Tony had followed him up and was standing behind him.

  “Tony, help Kyle to the living room and take care of his injuries,” Lamont said without turning around. He never took his eyes off Emily.

  He walked slowly to her. She was shaking so badly her teeth were chattering.

  “Come on, honey.” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her from the wall.

  She dropped her chin but let him help her. “Kyle never touched me. I swear,” she told him softly, her voice hoarse and the bruise around her neck red. She wasn't hurt though, just scared. Lamont’s hands shook as he tried to remain gentle.

  “I know, honey.” He pulled her with him down the stairs.

  He led her to the study. Cain had his back to them as they entered but knew they were there. Lamont gently ushered her to the couch. She sat and pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

  Lamont went back to the door and closed and locked it. Cain stared out into the yard, and Emily had her chin on her knees.

  He took his seat behind his desk. “Want to tell me what happened?”

  Neither answered. He didn't think they would. He had a very good idea what was going on. His heart lifted a little thinking about it. And he knew his son. He knew how to get through to him.

  “Okay, maybe you can tell me when you two mated, and why you didn’t tell your Alpha or get his permission first.”

  Emily’s head popped up, and Cain turned. Yes, that got their attention, he thought.

  “We didn’t, Lamont,” Emily answered.

  But Lamont wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at Cain.

  Cain nodded. “We did not. You should know better than that.”

  Lamont leant back in his chair. “And you should know better than to put your hands on a female.”

  Cain darted his eyes away. “I didn’t mean to. I…I just couldn’t stop.”

  Lamont looked over at Emily, who was rubbing her chin on her knees. “You remember Marc?” he asked.

  They both nodded. Marc had been a young wolf only about five years older than Emily. He had found his mate with one of the young members of the Pack. Marc had come home to find his female with another Were and had killed them both.

  “He’d gone into a rage when he’d found out his mate had betrayed him. To this day, he doesn’t remember what he had done to them.”

  Emily sucked in a breath, and Cain’s eyes narrowed. They could see where he was heading with his questions.

  “We didn’t mate,” Cain told him.

  Lamont believed that they hadn’t intended to. They may not have exchanged blood. But he knew, could sense, that they were indeed mated.

  “Yet you two are very much mated.”

  Cain laughed. “Mated. Soul mates,” he said bitterly.

  Lamont nodded. “It is also been said that when one mate betrays another, the pain from it can be blinding and result in things the injured mate would never normally do.”

  Cain shook his head. “She is not my mate.”

  Hurt flickered in Emily’s eyes, but she quickly schooled her face.

  “How’d she betray you, Cain?” Lamont asked him.

  Cain turned his back again. He took a deep breath before looking back at his Alpha.

  “She betrayed me with Kyle.”

  “I did not!” Emily yelled, jumping up from her seat.

  Cain whirled on her. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Toby saw you.”

  “Toby? Toby saw…” Her eyes widened and knowledge filled them.

  Cain growled and took a step towards her.

  “Cain,” Lamont warned.

  “Cain, it wasn’t…” She put her hands up, but he turned his back on her.

  Emily bit her lip and looked at Lamont. “I was playing Monopoly in the living room. Tony and Kyle came in, and I—”

  Cain whipped around and had her by the arms. “So you admit it!”

  “No!” She shook her head. “I mean, he came in and picked me up and…kissed me for like a second. Just hello. He’s been doing it for years. That’s all. I swear that’s all.”

  “That’s not

  “Yes, it is. I haven’t been alone with Kyle. Not once.”

  She wasn’t lying. Lamont could smell it and knew that Cain could too.

  “I swear, Cain.” She begged for him to believe her.

  He shook his head. “I just… When Toby told me Kyle kissed you, I lost it.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she said softly.

  “Don’t! Don’t you fucking apologise to me!” Cain’s eyes burned. He could have hurt her, killed her. Lamont heard his thoughts even if they weren't said out loud. “She needs to go back to school.”

  Emily’s gasp was audible, but Lamont wasn’t surprised.

  “No,” he told his son.

  Cain looked him in the eye. “I am asking, as your son, send her back.”


  Cain frowned, then rubbed his hand over his face. “No. Hell.”

  Emily’s eyes had cleared and her voice was strong when she told them, “I don’t have to be sent anywhere.” She looked at Lamont. “I’m going home.”

  She walked out without permission from her Alpha. After she slammed the door, Cain looked at Lamont.

  “I could have killed her.”

  Lamont nodded. “Yes. Now what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.” His son confessed. “I wanted to mate with her. I almost asked her to but didn’t.”

  Lamont stood and clasped his son’s shoulder. “There have been a few instances when the exchange of blood hasn’t been necessary. It’s very rare, but it has happened.”

  “I didn’t know.” Cain laid his hand over his father's and squeezed. “I swear I didn't know.”

  Cain stepped away. Lamont gave him time to get his thoughts together. It took several minutes.

  “It wasn't me… What I mean is, I knew what I was doing, but I felt disconnected somehow.” Cain went on, “I couldn't stop myself. All I could see was red. I can't believe I hurt her.”

  “She'll be okay,” Lamont assured him. “Most of her hurt is not physical.”

  “I don't deserve her,” Cain's voice was full of hurt. “I never did.”

  Chapter Seven

  Emily cried the entire way back to the cabin. So he didn’t want her around. That was fine with her, she wouldn’t be around then.

  But it hurt. It hurt so much. Cain, the man she had always loved, had thought she would betray him. He didn’t want her anymore. What they shared had been enough for him.

  He wouldn’t have to see her, she would make sure of that. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. And she wouldn’t cry over him. She made it to the front door before she started crying again.

  She opened the door and looked around the empty cabin. It was fully furnished with furniture, pictures, food, but it was lonely. She had always liked living alone, having her privacy, but right now it was just deadly quiet.

  She walked to the bedroom, kicked off her shoes and climbed to the middle of the bed, curling up as she cried herself asleep.

  Emily woke up drained. Her eyes were gritty, and her throat raw. Her stomach felt sick. Dragging herself out of bed, she went straight into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. She turned the water on as hot as she could stand it.

  The shower and bathroom was done in a deep brown marble with large showerheads raining down. She placed both hands on the smooth wall of the shower and leant her forehead against it.

  She didn’t know how long she was in the shower, but when the water started to turn cold, she unhappily turned off the water. Dressed in pyjama pants and a tank top, she headed for the kitchen to make some tea to smooth her stomach.

  She didn’t turn on any lights, because she didn’t need to, and the least amount of activity the better. She walked slowly and made it halfway into the kitchen, which opened to overlook the living room, before she saw him.

  He sat in the chair next to the lamp that was on, watching her. Once he saw he had her attention, he stood.

  She didn’t ask how he got in. “What are you doing here?”

  He didn’t answer immediately.

  “What do you want, Cain?” she asked. Her voice cracked, and she looked away.

  He stepped towards her, but she stepped back, shaking her head. “Don’t touch me. Just go away, Cain.”

  “I can’t, Emily. You know I can’t. I have to make this right.”

  She didn’t look at him but shrugged. “Fine, it’s fine. Now go away.”

  He stepped closer to her slowly. “Emily.”

  She shook her head and tried with all her might to hold back tears. “Go, Cain. I can’t see you. Please.”

  He did touch her then. He moved and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She struggled, but he held on.

  “Shh, please, please let me try to fix this,” Cain begged.

  “No… No… Just let go.” Her voice broke, and he held her head on his shoulder and let her cry.

  He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. “Oh baby, I’m sorry, so very sorry,” he told her, rocking her.

  “Y-y-you d-d-don’t w-w-want me,” she choked out.

  “Baby, oh baby.” He moved to sit on the couch, still holding her to him. “No, baby. Oh God, Emily.”

  “Y-y-you said…”

  He laid his forehead on the top of her head. “Listen, just listen.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes.

  He leant in and kissed her tears away. “I’m in a new place here. I’ve never had these feelings before. I feel out of control…like I’m sinking.”

  Emily wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. She was embarrassed that she couldn’t stop crying. She tried to pull away, but he held her.

  “Don’t, baby. Please let me hold you.”

  Emily watched him a moment. “Why?”

  Cain frowned. “Why? I want to feel you. I want to touch you.”

  “You wanted to send me away,” she accused.

  “I did,” he admitted, and her eyes teared up again. “I’ve had feelings for you for so long that I couldn’t act on. I finally have you, and then I hurt you. I could have killed you, Emily. Do you understand that?”

  She sighed. “Do you think what Lamont said is true?”

  Cain shook his head. “I don’t know.” He tightened his grip around her when she shifted. “Does it matter?”

  She nodded. “I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t really want me. If you’re here just because your dad made you come, then you need to leave. If you don’t want me then…then that’s fine, but you have to leave me alone then.”

  He kissed her lightly on the lips, rubbing softly. “Emily, my dad did not tell me to come here. He doesn’t even know I am. He’s probably figured it out, but I don’t care. This is about you and me. I hurt you, baby, and I have to make up for that.”

  She pushed away and he let her finally. She stood in front of him. “You feel guilty.”

  “Yes. I had no right to put my hands on you out of anger.”

  Emily gave him a sad smile. “Go, Cain.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hands. “Emily.”

  But Emily pulled them away. “No. I don’t want you because you feel guilty. I’ve been in love with you for eight years. Maybe it was fated, or maybe it wasn’t. I don’t care about you grabbing me. I just want you to love me. I want you to choose me, Cain.”

  He stood and put a hand under her chin. She met his eyes, as he wanted. “Do you remember what I said to you that first day? Before I made love with you.”

  She nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “Mine. You said I was yours.”

  He stepped closer. “That was just me talking to you. I meant it then, and I still do. You are mine, Emily. I choose you and still want you.” He kissed her gently, just a soft meeting of lips before picking her up.

  “Let me prove it to you.” He took her into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed.

  He made love to her slowly and gently, putting all the feelings he had for her in the open.
Emily knew it was the only way he had to show her.

  His lips lingered over her body, his tongue worshipped her skin, and his fingers traced across her so lightly it was barely a touch. Cain whispered sweet nothings in her ear as he seduced her body and mind.

  The love she felt for him was reflected with every caress. Tears welled up, and for the first time in her life, she felt truly adored and protected.

  When he slipped inside, she wrapped around him, taking all of him in. He kept his strokes slow and deep, and when her eyes went unfocused and she breathed out his name, he linked their fingers, leant in, and kissed her as they came together.

  * * * *

  Lamont hung up the phone with a feeling of dread.

  There had been another attack. This time in Montana, this time had been more brutal, and this time it had been on Pack territory. Shaking his head, he looked out the window into the darkness.

  A meeting had been called for all the Packs. It would take place in Colorado in Riker’s territory. He had to send Cain, and while his son could handle it, how would it affect his relationship with Emily?

  Lamont had suspected for a while now that they might be fated to mate. No two had ever fought it as hard as they did, but you couldn’t miss the emotions when the two were together.

  He hadn’t believed Cain would hurt Emily until he saw them that day.

  Cain had more control of his emotions than any wolf he’d known, including himself. It had been when Lamont had heard her scream at the stairs that he’d known something was wrong.

  He hadn’t punished Cain. Cain would be doing that to himself. Sometimes being a father was harder than being an Alpha. He had to protect them both, even if that meant protecting Cain from himself. Lamont was sure that Cain would punish himself ten times worse than Lamont would have.

  He glanced at his watch. It was ten-thirty, and he didn’t expect Cain back tonight. If they worked things out, Cain would be an idiot to leave her tonight. If they did not, Cain still wouldn’t return. He would be off torturing himself. Lamont wanted to reach out to his son. He wanted to offer his reassurances, but he knew Cain wouldn't accept them. Cain had to work out his own feelings.

  He looked up as the knock came on the study door.


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