The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems
Page 79
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636 buskin halfboot
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637 generous, noble, honorable
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638 choice of
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639 skillful, dainty, pretty, elegant
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640 profuse, extravagant, sportive, fanciful
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641 noxious, harmful
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642 blighting, infectious
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643 from
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644 crossing, traversing (the sky)
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645 Saturn
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646 ulcerative, decaying
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647 go
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648 hunting horn
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649 count
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650 rows
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651 potent, powerful
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652 vital shears = shears of life
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653 unbreakable
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654 the Fates, daughters of Necessity
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655 fickle, changeable
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656 (1) below, (2) of humble rank
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657 rhythmical, regular
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658 coarse
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659 unpurified
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660 try, attempt
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661 direct one’s attention
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662 stock
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663 clothing
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664 glossy, variegated
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665 i.e., providing shelter against the malign influence of evil stars
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666 the River Ladon runs through Arcadia and joins the Alpheus
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667 Arcadian mountain, birthplace of Pan, associated with the worship of Zeus
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668 Arcadian mountain
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669 gray/grayish white
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670 Arcadian mountain range, where Hercules hunted and killed a fierce wild boar
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671 Arcadian mountain, associated with Pan
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672 nymph beloved by Pan
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673 written to celebrate the Earl of Bridgewater’s election as Lord President of Wales. As performed at Lord Bridgewater’s Ludlow castle, 29 September 1634, the lady was played by Bridgewater’s daughter and the brothers by her brothers. Thyrsis/attendant spirit was played by the composer of the masque’s music (and music tutor to the family), Henry Lawes.
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674 cattle pen
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675 Pluto, lord of the underworld, as Jove was lord of that above ground
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676 custom, practice
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677 i.e., the mainsea, the ocean
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678 much, great
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679 temperate
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680 power
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681 intricate, entangled
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682 Bacchus
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683 free
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684 with
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685 menacing, inauspicious
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686 brilliant, precious
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687 foolish
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688 lynx
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689 fair, pleasing, proper
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690 goddess of the rainbow
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691 garments
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692 male servant, attendant, rustic, shepherd
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693 reed flute
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694 magical, enchanting
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695 band, crowd, herd
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696 having the heads of
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697 commands
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698 to shut up sheep in a fold (pen, enclosure)
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699 (1) temper, abate, mitigate, (2) lay down
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700 sloping, slanting
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701 threads, cords
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702 sprinkling down
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703 proverbs, maxims
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704 channels, inlets
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705 herd, flock, multitude
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706 morris dance: traditional English country dance, especially associated with May Day celebrations
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707 lively, skilled
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708 lively, spruce
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709 rippling
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710 festivals, holidays
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711 Thracian goddess of orgies
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712 except
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713 black
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714 Hecate [trisyllabic], ghost-world goddess
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715 blabbering
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716 spy
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717 fussy, overly refined
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718 announce
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719 i.e., they dance
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720 shelter, hiding place
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721 thickets
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722 overtaken by darkness
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723 tricks, traps, snares
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724 elastic, impressionable
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725 dim
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726 appearances, form
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727 crafty, clever, skillful
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728 flattering, coaxing, specious
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729 prosperity
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730 maintains in connection with
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731 (1) completely, (2) becomingly
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732 merry
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733 sportive
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734 rustics, farmhands
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735 frisky, unregulated
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736 in error
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737 uncivilized/coarse behavior
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738 drinkers
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739 devotee
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740 pilgrim
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741 clothing, garments, dress
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742 wagon
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743 abundant
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744 complete
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745 unbroken, absolute
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746 supporting
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747 glittering, gleaming
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748 river in western Asia Minor, flowing into the Aegean
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749 beloved by Echo, and punished for rejecting her
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750 speech
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751 resounding
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752 drop in pitch
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753 [noun]
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754 water nymphs [trisyllabic, first and third syllables accented]
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755 powerful, mighty
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756 multiheaded, voracious monster
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757 deadly whirlpool, located opposite Scylla
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758 felt intimately/in the heart
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759 god of shepherds, flocks, and their fertility; half human, half goat
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760 god of wildernesses
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761 expedient device
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762 ushering = escorting
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763 hit/come upon, guess
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764 to be important, to signify/matter
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765 daughter of Zeus and Hera, cupbearer of the gods [bisyllabic, first accented]
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766 straps, ropes, harness
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767 wearied, overworked
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768 tender/cutter of hedges
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769 covering, as by a mantle/cloak
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770 bearing, carriage
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771 airy, joyful, bright, etc.
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772 dell, hollow, cleft between hills
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773 shallow hollow or pit
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774 bushy
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775 brook
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776 escort
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777 residing
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778 sheltered
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779 straw bed
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780 poor, humble, inferior
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781 dutiful, faithful
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782 guaranteed, attested
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783 adapt, regulate
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784 are in the habit/practice of
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785 blessing
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786 (1) wax wick/candle, (2) a light
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787 reed
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788 small door
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789 Arcadia (site of proverbial pastoral simplicity)
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790 Tyre = ancient Phoenician city
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791 Callisto, raped and impregnated by Jupiter, is turned by Juno into Ursa Minor: the Pole Star is in its tail
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792 shut into their folds/enclosures/pens
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793 interlaced twigs, sprigs, and the like
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794 sheds, stalls
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795 flute
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796 made of oat stems/straw
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797 that which forms/encloses a fingerhole
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798 narrow, enclosed, confined
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799 ridge
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800 large pillow
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801 filled
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802 overexcited/intense
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803 reckon, resolve
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804 form, shape
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805 i.e., I do not plan to look for her in that spirit
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806 embraces, hides
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807 fixed, steadfast
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808 unsuitable
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809 peril, danger, risk
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810 [five syllables, first, third, and fifth accented]
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811 preens
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812 quotidian activities
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813 confused
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814 of the earth
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815 blinded, clouded
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816 likes, seeks
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817 single-person solitary dwelling
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818 place of frequent resort
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819 garments
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820 prayer beads
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821 unchastity
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822 assault
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823 body
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824 unacknowledged? unaccompanied?
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825 conclude
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826 balance
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827 govern
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828 indirect, oblique
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829 travel, tread
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830 having no shelter
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831 open uncultivated ground
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832 grotto = cave, excavation
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833 covered
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834 bristling, frightful
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835 not disconcerted/deceived
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836 marshy, moorlike
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837 swampland, marsh
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838 unexorcised
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839 dark, swarthy
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840 from underground
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841 weapons
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842 tawny-spotted/streaked
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843 leopard, panther
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844 arrow
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845 to frustrate, destroy
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846 absolute, sheer
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847 dressed in livery (distinctive uniform of servants)
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848 serve, wait upon
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849 unrestrained, profuse
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850 admits
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851 [four syllables, second and fourth accented]
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852 incorporates
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853 degrade, make bestial
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854 cemetery
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855 as if
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856 sacred, holy, religious
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857 unsheathe a sword
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858 i.e., swords
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859 melodies, tunes
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860 pushing, hurrying
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861 mother
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862 irregular
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863 caused to be abandoned
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864 nearest, closest
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865 open expanse of upland
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866 concern, fear
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867 fanciful, incredible
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868 [verb]
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869 monsters with lion heads, goat bodies, and serpent tails
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870 split
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871 poisonous, life-destroying
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872 whispered charms/spells
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873 undoing
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874 coinage, stamp
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875 engraved, written
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876 pastures, fields
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877 crowd
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878 domesticated
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879 [trisyllabic]
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880 most remote (farthest in)
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881 unwitting
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882 waving
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883 conclusion, end
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884 familiar
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885 forestall
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886 a sentence [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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887 enslaved
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888 evil
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889 [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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890 the underworld, Hades
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891 monsters, part woman, part bird
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892 many-headed snakes
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893 hobgoblins
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894 booty
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895 prowess
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896 profit, advantage
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897 “as to tell us this story/narrative”
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898 tricks, stratagems
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899 value, merit
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900 strong, powerful, magically endowed
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901 pouch
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902 herbs, medicinal plants
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903 picked, chose
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904 studded
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905 a fabled and fabulous plant
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906 fabulous plant given to Odysseus by the god Hermes [bisyllabic]
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907 the shepherd lad
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908 supreme
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909 blasting influence, curse
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910 [five syllables, first, third, and fifth accented]
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911 entanglements
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912 retired, came away