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Indentured Freedom: Owned by the Vampire

Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  I gripped her chin in my hand, forced her to look into my eyes. “I’m hard on my slaves. Punishment can mean lack of food, or only spicy food for days or even weeks, which works well for back-talking wenches. It can mean you don’t have access to warm water for your showers, or it can mean I whip you unconscious. But if you please me, I’ll see to it you have a fulfilling life in between servicing my needs. It won’t be easy — I’ll drink you nearly dry, I’ll fuck when and how it pleases me, and sometimes I’ll hurt you simply because I want to hear your screams. At times I’ll want to taste your pain when I feed, other times I’ll want to taste your bliss, and you’ll conform to my needs or you’ll pay the price. I enjoy giving slaves enough willpower to get themselves in a little trouble here and there, but not enough to do serious damage.”

  I smelled her fear, but I could also see and hear her thoughts, and my words had done what I’d wanted. She felt better about agreeing to the week, now that I’d been honest.

  We negotiated a price, and I only countered her offer once before agreeing. It was steep, but she’d earn every penny.

  I have somewhat of a business arrangement with the RTMC, and I’ve worked with Bash on a few projects. When I told him I’d be taking Bambi home for the week, and might want to negotiate for her permanent release from them, he took her into the back to talk to her.

  He thought he thwarted me with his mechanical sound dampener, but I was in her head so I heard everything. Bash asked questions to be sure she knew what she was agreeing to, and I discovered she liked the idea of becoming my sustenance. I hadn’t put the suggestion into her head — I hadn’t given her any compulsory suggestions, actually, and wouldn’t unless she oathed herself to me.

  She was also hoping I could break the last of the threads tying her to the old Alpha, but I’d already known that.

  He warned her the MC wouldn’t be able to help her if she agreed to go to me permanently, which simplified things from my end — it told me she was an employee for them, and no more. They’d defend her as long as they had to in order to show they protected their own, but as soon as she wasn’t theirs anymore, the loyalty would end.

  Chapter Two


  We stopped by her apartment long enough for her to get a week’s worth of clothes and toiletries, and I looked around at her meager living quarters. A mattress on the floor, barely enough clothes to get through the week without doing laundry, no television. She had a smartphone, though.

  “I’m saving up to buy fake papers for a different identity, and then a car,” she told me as she scurried around and stuffed things into her backpack.

  “If you agree to be mine, we’ll sort the new identity out posthaste, and probably a vehicle as well.”

  “If you still want me,” she said with a sigh. “I know how this works, Gavin.”

  I took three steps to her and slapped her hard enough she nearly fell over. I’d been in her head and I knew she’d have never dared call her Alpha, or Webster, by their first names. I have no idea what I’d done to make her think it was okay to use mine, but we needed to clear this shit up right the fuck now.

  Her eyes were full of fear, pain, and hurt, but I centuries of experience had taught me it’s kinder to be up front about the dynamic from the very beginning. “Only my friends and worthy political associates use my first name. If I’m to own you, you may as well get used to calling me Master now. No sense having a trial week without the dynamic we’ll have if we take it farther.”

  She looked to the floor as she closed me off to her thoughts, and I grinned inwardly. I hadn’t expected her to have this kind of spunk.

  I let her have her thoughts for now. In a few hours she’d be replaying every one of them to me — she just didn’t know it yet.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I wasn’t aware. I’ll do better,” she said, her voice just the right tone of apology, her eyes on my feet.

  I touched her cheek, felt the heat of the slap, and stroked it with my thumb. “I know you will. We’ll get to know each other and everything will work out. Just remember your place, little wolf.”

  * * * *

  I stopped to get her a half-dozen burgers on the way to the coterie house, which she devoured in the twenty minute car ride.

  We spoke telepathically while she ate, and I discovered she’d been homeschooled and had taken standardized tests at sixteen to graduate with a state-sanctioned homeschooling degree. She’d cleaned the Alpha’s home, as well as the others high up in the Pack’s hierarchy from a very young age, perhaps six or seven. She’d also worked in the Alpha’s restaurant as a cook starting at twelve, and moved to waitressing at fifteen. She’d assumed she was to be given to either a Pack male, or another supernatural in order to curry favor, at eighteen.

  She had no idea how rough I was going to be on her tonight, or she might not have walked into the house with me. I’m sure she thought I’d build her up to it, when instead I was going to start off by ripping into her head in ways I was certain no one had before.

  Her Alpha had been brutal, and Webster had been rough on her, though not cruel.

  However, I intended to make it clear just how deeply my control of her could go.

  And, if by some bizarre twist of fate I couldn’t control her mind, we’d find ways to work around it — because a wolf with enough power to thwart me needed to be aligned with us.

  Chapter Three


  The second he closed the door to his suite of rooms, he shredded my mental walls and was in my head, my mind, my memories, my thoughts. I wrapped my arms around my skull and fell to the ground with a scream, but he didn’t back off and there was no way for me to push him out as he literally raped my mind.

  The first place he looked was to see what I’d been thinking when I closed him out after he slapped me. I’d been thinking I couldn’t make him pay for it, reminding myself it’d just been a slap and I’d had much worse, and reassessing whether I wanted to get into another situation with someone who hit me out of the blue when I made a mistake.

  I’d shut him out because I’d wanted to think it through alone in my head. I’d wanted some privacy. Not because I was plotting revenge.

  I’d had to be careful with my thoughts around my Alpha. He couldn’t know I could shut him out. Webster had taught me how to do it, though, and I’d been able to keep him out when I finally ran away. I’d been able to keep everyone out, until now.

  Looked like Master Gavin wanted me to know right off the bat how strong he was.

  He heard me think of him by his first name, and I screamed louder as I felt blood flowing out of my ears. It took me a second to realize he’d just severed every thread leading back to my Alpha, and he forced me to watch as he put a leash around the node he’d cut the strands loose from.

  “This is your willpower, cunt, and you’ll feel my leash on it this week. I can easily take it off, it isn’t permanent. Yet.”

  I screamed again as the mental leash tightened around the foundation of my thoughts, and my body thrashed on the floor as I continued to hold my head as if it might come apart. On some level I understood cutting the final ties would’ve hurt this bad no matter what, and he was doing all of this at once to get it over with, as well as to show me up front that he wasn’t averse to hurting me — but the pain was so intense I thought my head might come apart.

  “Okay, cunt, now you’re going to orgasm for me — your body in total bliss, your head in excruciating pain.”

  My body obeyed, and now my screams were filled with pain and pleasure as tears came from my eyes and more blood leaked from my ears. He licked my throat on both sides, not letting the blood go to waste, and I cursed myself for wanting more of his tongue.

  I stilled as his teeth sank into me — I’d learned at an early age not to thrash while a vampire’s razor sharp teeth were buried in your neck.

  I heard his mental voice now, as he ordered me into my wolf form, and the wolf obeyed.

  Somehow, my body ch
anged around his teeth, so my throat stayed in the same place as the rest of me shifted from human to wolf.

  He drank me nearly dry before ordering me to change once again, and this time I screamed and struggled through it, as the change took several long minutes, and was excruciatingly painful. Once again, his mouth stayed at my throat, and he kept my artery open as he gulped my blood without caring whether it was wolf or human.

  He drank me to the point of near death several times and forced me to change until I didn’t know who I was or what form I was in.

  The last thing I remember before I lost consciousness was that he’d conquered both of us. The wolf and the woman.

  Chapter Four


  I spent an hour dripping vampire blood into her mouth after she passed out. My leash was embedded in both her human and wolf brain now, and she belonged to me until I relinquished her.

  If forced to, I’d release her fully when our week ended, but I intended to craft our time together so she’d be permanently mine.

  My veins sang with her blood, and my heart was lighter than it’d been in more than a century. This little bitch had no idea of the power she could wield. Had her Alpha known? Was this why he’d kept her beaten down? Webster had almost certainly known, which is why he hadn’t kept her.

  I texted Abbott to let him know I needed to apprise him of a non-emergency situation, and I was available the rest of the night. This let him know he could contact me via telepathy at his convenience.

  For official business I’d give him a mental knock, but for something personal, this was more polite.

  It was close to four when he contacted me, and I’d changed the cunt back to wolf and locked her in the cage by then.

  If she was a human when I awoke, then my control slipped while I was dead to the world. If she was still wolf, then either my control held, or she’d chosen to remain in wolf form for reasons of her own.

  Abbott and I had a lengthy telepathic chat, where I let him know what was going on with my new little bitch, and told him I needed a week off from my duties. At his approval, I contacted three other vampires and distributed my responsibilities to them. If something pressing came up they’d let me know, otherwise I’d be mostly free to play with my new toy.

  I also telepathed a vampire who specializes in creating new identities for people. Never mind he’ll obtain the new identity by killing someone and taking theirs — he lives outside of Abbott’s territory so he won’t feel repercussions as long as he can evade the human authorities.

  I told him I wanted to call her Queenie, so we needed someone named Mary, Victoria, or some other famous queen’s first name.

  And I paid the extra five thousand dollars to get the documents within forty-eight hours.

  I wasn’t sure why I put it off to last, but finally, I called Webster.

  Chapter Five


  The wolf didn’t like the cage, but she didn’t slam against it and hurt herself.

  A small dish of water rested in the corner of the enclosure, and the wolf’s body burned with thirst. The bowl refilled as it emptied, and she gloried in the unlimited water source.

  The vampire wasn’t in the bed. We couldn’t smell him, and it shouldn’t be we.

  Something was wrong.

  I tried to force my way up through the fur, and I strained to remember how it felt to have fingers and toes, and hips that straightened all the way.

  Okay, so the girl and the wolf were both in the forebrain at the same time. What could I do with this? Normally, when the girl came this far to the surface, the brain changed to human. I’d never had an opportunity to explore the wolf brain with this consciousness.

  I was mentally exhausted, but my body was in decent shape — considering all the changes he’d forced me through while he fed from me.

  This brain didn’t let me reason things through as I was used to. Frustrated, I tried to change again.

  And I couldn’t.

  I paced the cage, awkward. I’d never made this body walk before. The space wasn’t much taller than me when I walked, and a mirror let me see the cage was under the bed, and the vampire wasn’t in bed.

  The vampire. Our Master.

  I needed to pee, I was hungry, and I couldn’t change. The wolf took control of this body once again, and howled her anger, her distress.

  And I sat back and let her.

  A wolf on two legs came in the door, opened a tiny slot near the floor, and slid a tray inside.

  Cow. There was cow on the tray, and a lot more than we were accustomed to eating all at once.

  We gobbled it down.

  We still needed to pee, but at least we weren’t hungry anymore.

  Chapter Six


  I felt her frustration when I awoke. She was still wolf. Whether she hadn’t actually been able to change, or whether she wanted me to believe so, I couldn’t be certain, but her brainwaves told me the former was more likely.

  I was downstairs in a hidden room, and I’d continue to take my day’s rest down here until I was certain I controlled her even when I was dead to the world.

  I took in her energy as I climbed the stairs, and noted her need to urinate.

  She didn’t jump up when I came in. She’d sensed me nearing and remained as she was – on alert as she sat a few feet inside the cage’s door.

  I stooped so I was eye level with her. “Well, my little Queen, I can see you’re in control at the moment. A wolf with human eyes is even more disconcerting than a human with wolf eyes.”

  She didn’t move, and I ordered, “Change.”

  The shift was fast and flawless this time — no pain, no screaming. She’d eaten and drunk, plus my vampire blood had helped her recharge.

  “You don’t have to urinate anymore, do you?” I asked as I unlocked and opened the cage door.

  “No, Master, and it’s like needing to sneeze and then the feeling goes away. I still want to, just don’t need to.”

  She was surprised she’d called me Master, and I felt her shrink back internally, consider it, and then accept it. I’d mastered her last night… both of her bodies, both of her personalities.

  I sensed when she wanted to ask me to take her home, to end the experiment, but then she reminded herself I had to take her for a check-in at the forty-eight hour mark. She told herself she could hold out that long, and if things were still horrible, she’d end it then.

  I helped her out of the cage and arranged her on the bed, on her back with her knees bent so her feminine wiles were on display, and her arms out to her side.

  She let me move her as I wanted, and stayed put as I situated her.

  “Last night… was that as bad as it’s likely to ever be, Master?”

  I held eye contact a few seconds before shaking my head. “It’s impossible for me to show you how bad it can be over the course of a week, my little Queen, but it can be much worse.”

  “You’ve changed from calling me cunt to Queen.”

  Her psyche wanted her to call me Master, but she was tamping down the urge.

  “You can use Sir for casual conversation, if it’s easier, but I’d like you to use an honorific every time you speak, unless we’re around humans.” I didn’t give her time to respond before adding, “You should have a new identity in the next couple of days, and while I don’t know your new name yet, it’ll be something that makes sense for your nickname to be Queenie. This is what you’ll be called from here on out, unless I’m in a mood to call you cunt, bitch, whore, wolf, or whatever else comes to mind.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but I held up a hand and she closed it. “As for your earlier question — if you need to be punished, you’ll remember every moment of your punishment. Likewise, last night was to teach you something, and thus I can’t gift you with forgetfulness for it. However, there’ll be times I’ll want to hurt you in ways you can’t imagine, simply to hear your screams. If you wish, I can make you forget those times, so y
ou don’t have to live with the memory.”

  She considered my words a few seconds and gave a tiny headshake. “I don’t want to forget last night, Sir. I experienced it, I should know about it. Will you promise me you won’t make me forget things, Master?”

  “Sorry, no. If I believe I’ve done something to add to the baggage you already carry, I’ll pull the memory.”

  She didn’t like it, but knew better than to argue. Instead, she asked, “Will you promise you’ll tell me, when you’ve made me forget something? Sir?”

  “Unless there’s a reason I shouldn’t tell you, I believe I can make that promise.”

  She was silent a few moments before saying, “But you didn’t make the promise, Sir. You just said you believed you could.”

  Smart. I tilted my head, considered my options, and finally told her, “I’ll make the promise for this week, but promises between owner and slave aren’t binding so I won’t bother making it long term.”

  I ran my hand between her folds, inserted a finger into her pussy, pulled it out, and sucked her juices from my finger.

  “I sent your measurements to a boutique owner before my repose, and had someone pick her up in a van so they could bring the items she thought would work for you. She should be set up downstairs. You won’t need clothes, as you’d just have to take them off when we make it to her. Come on.”

  Chapter Seven


  The walk through the huge mansion was humiliating. We didn’t see any vampires, but we saw at least a half-dozen humans. Gavin still wore leather pants and a silk shirt, and the humans all wore clothes. I was the only naked person, and they openly stared.


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