McCade's Wish (The McCade Family Series Book 2)
Page 19
Trey paused on the steps. “I’ve always thought there was something magical about Christmas. It was always a big deal in our family. Mama made a huge feast, like the one you’re preparing tomorrow, and my parents went out of their way to make it special for us. Even the years when we didn’t have a lot, they’d pick one special thing us boys wanted and make sure that was under the tree. I know a lot of kids weren’t nearly as lucky as we were. It’s another thing I want to keep in mind with our family. No matter what is going on with the books, in our life, or in the world like right now, I want to try to find a way to make the holidays happy for our kids.”
“That’s so sweet, but keep in mind, it’s not always the monetary things people remember. A walk hand-in-hand with my husband means more to me than the crown jewels, and I’m sure there’ll be things that mean more to the kids.”
Trey cupped her cheek and gave her a slow kiss. “You’re right. I’d give anything to go hunting one more time with my daddy, and that didn’t cost him a thing but time.” His arm tightened around her waist, urging her the rest of the way up the stairs. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s go practice for all those babies you’re going to give me after this one.”
The moonlight spilled in on Adrienne’s face making her beauty almost celestial. Smiling down at her, Cole spread her inky hair out over the pillow, letting the silky curls slide through his fingers as he fanned them out.
“You’re an angel,” he whispered, dropping his head to kiss her. Laughter bubbled against his lips.
“I doubt God would agree,” she said, the amusement still twinkling in her emerald eyes.
“You have no idea how beautiful you really are.”
“Actually, my beauty is something that I’ve counted on my whole life. I love that you find me attractive, but one of the things I love most about you is your ability to see beyond it,” she said, running her finger nail along his jaw line. “I love the fact that you see through the batting eyelashes and pretty smiles and tell me how it is when you really need to.”
“There’s plenty of times I choose to fall for those things,” he said, fighting a smile.
“I love that about you too,” she whispered with a wink.
“Pick your battles seems to be the McCade motto.”
Adrienne pushed on his shoulder, shoving Cole to his back so she could roll on top of him.
“Are you going to fight me, big boy?”
“Nope. I think I’ll just lie back and enjoy it.”
“Smart too,” she purred, leaning down to kiss over his collar bone. He chuckled and squirmed slightly as she walked her fingers down his sensitive ribs. “Mmm…and ticklish.”
“Tease,” he choked out as her lips brushed across his stomach.
“That’s not fair. A tease would get you all worked up and then leave you to your own devices,” she said between planting kisses over his skin. “Is that what you think I’m going to do?”
“God I hope not,” he groaned.
“You really need to work on your self-confidence, cowboy. You’re a very sexy man, and I promise you that I want you every bit as much as you want me.”
“I’m not sure that’s possible.”
“You’re just going to have to trust me,” she whispered, sliding up to nuzzle his ear before starting the torturous journey back down.
He shuddered as she slid over him. The feel of her skin and the silk nightgown against him was like a brush of gasoline setting every nerve ending on fire. Closing his eyes, Cole tried to relax into the multitude of sensations she was wringing from his body. She brought him to the edge time and again, only to back off and start over. The sweet torture seemed to go on forever. He took it as long as he could before flipping her effortlessly to her back. A soft oomph whispered from her and her emerald eyes flared wide in surprise. The desire burning in their depths never faltered.
She tried to push back up and he caught her hands, slowly pinning them over her head. He brought them together to enclose both wrists in one of his big paws. She struggled underneath him, chest heaving. Dipping his head he nuzzled her throat, drawing in the smell of her perfume. His lips brushed her ear and he whispered,
“My turn.”
He pushed down the straps of the sexy red nightgown he’d given her earlier and explored every hill and valley of her delectable body with both his free hand and lips. It didn’t take long for Adrienne’s struggles to turn to pleading as her body arched into his touch. She was stunning. Cole didn’t make either one of them suffer long. Releasing her wrists, he urged her arms up around his neck as he filled her inch-by-inch, loving the feel of her body stretching around him. Keeping his claiming slow and sensuous, he rocked deep and pulled almost all the way from her before sinking in again.
A sexy groan rumbled from her chest and Adrienne’s nails sank into his back in encouragement.
“You’re amazing,” she sighed, lifting her hips to prolong the contact as long as possible on each stroke. “Please.”
They strained against one another until both were slick with sweat, even in the cool room. The tempo picked up a little at a time until the slap of skin drowned out the pant of their breath. Feeling her body tightening around him, Cole loosened the rein on his control and drove into her until she screamed his name, fracturing in his arms. He followed a moment behind.
The light shiver of her body brought him back to the moment. He wasn’t sure how long he’d sprawled there whispering his adoration. Shifting off her, he pulled the covers up around them. Adrienne pressed closer and he ran his hands over her in a bid to warm her damp skin.
“You’re the one that has no idea how beautiful you are,” she whispered, kissing the hard planes of his chest.
“Men are not beautiful,” he said dryly.
Her lips curved in an impish smirk just before she tweaked his nipple hard enough to make his back bow.
“Don’t argue with your fiancée when she tells you how attractive you are if you want to continue to enjoy bedtime pursuits, Mr. McCade.”
He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”
She shivered again and he lifted the quilt higher on her shoulder.
“Do you want to take a quick shower to warm you back up? Your skin is damp.”
“A hot shower sounds divine if you will share it with me.”
“I’d like that,” he said, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. How could he make love to this beautiful woman and then have reservations about showering in front of her?
Slipping out of bed to cover his embarrassment, he handed her robe over and grabbed up his. He kept her cradled close to his body as they hurried down the hall and ducked into the bathroom. Starting a shower, he spent an inordinate amount of time setting the temperature. Adrienne shrugged out of her robe and pulled her hair back before stepping into the shower. Laying out fresh towels, he hesitated. There was nothing left to do.
She caught his hand, pulling him up into the spray the moment he stepped in. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, Cole enjoyed holding her close. The hot stinging spray from the shower felt heavenly on their chilled skin. Soaping his hands he gently ran them over her smooth body.
“What’re you doing, Mr. McCade?” she teased, leaning back into him as his hands cupped her breasts.
“Just helping my fiancée warm up in the shower,” he said innocently. “Nothing wrong with a little good clean fun along the way is there?”
“Oh, no,” she laughed. “That’s very thoughtful of you.”
“I always aim to please.”
“Mmmm. Your aim is commendable,” she whispered huskily, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
“I’m so glad that you approve.”
Adrienne looked down and her hands slid over her belly. Cole’s hands joined hers. They stood there for several long moments, both lost in thoughts of what a baby would mean to them. His lips caressed her ear.
“I think you’re going to make a wonderful mother,” he said, wrapping her close.
’m glad you think so. Like the wife things, I think I’m going to need plenty of help.”
Turning her in his arms, Cole crooked a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his. “That’s one thing we McCades are good at. We work as a family.” he said firmly. “You and Gen will figure out what works for you, the same as Trey and I have. You’ll work as a team during the day, and at night, you’ll have me. Like Evie was saying the other night, we’ve always been close with our neighbors as well. My mama said it takes a village to raise a child. When we’re so blessed, our little one isn’t going to lack for love and guidance, and neither will you.”
“That sounds wonderful,” she whispered, her voice choked as she smiled up at him.
Cole ran his thumbs over her cheekbones, unable to distinguish tears from the spray of the shower. Cupping her face, he kissed her.
“I know you have doubts and worries about being a wife and mother, about settling in here, but I love you and I’m going to do everything I can to make this work for us. You just need to be honest with me. Let me know how you’re feeling. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed to the point where you want to run instead of fight for us, okay?”
She nodded in his grasp and, this time, he was sure of the tears. He kissed them away and pulled her into a hug.
“Trust me, Adri.”
She nodded again. “I do,” she whispered against his chest. “I trust you more than anyone I’ve ever known.”
Nudging her back, Cole lifted a strand of damp hair off her cheek. “I don’t think there’s anything you could’ve said to me that would mean more, baby,” he whispered.
Adrienne giggled as Gen snuck around the corner to stare at the Christmas tree again before dancing back to the stove. As excited as the two of them were this morning, she couldn’t even imagine what it would be like with children in the house. Breakfast was ready. The men were finishing up morning chores, the turkey was in the oven, and the wrapped packages under the tree were calling their names.
The back door opened admitting Brutus, a swirl of blowing snow, and the three brothers.
“That was fast,” Gen said, hurrying to get the food on the table.
“It’s a Christmas miracle. Nate remembered how to do chores,” Trey said, grinning and swiping the stocking hat off his youngest brother’s head.
Nate laughed with everyone else, grabbing for his hat. Trey tossed it to Cole and a spirited game of keep away ensued with Brutus bouncing and barking between them. Gen caught the cap just before it landed in the sausage gravy and Trey threw up his hands in surrender at her exasperated look.
“That’s enough rough housing in the kitchen,” he said sternly, unable to still the twitching of his lips as he fixed his brothers with a mock glare.
Gen smacked the hat against his chest with a laugh. “Who could’ve started such a thing?”
“No idea, darlin’, but I’ve put a stop to it,” he said, tossing the hat into the mudroom. His expression sobered a little and he caught her hand. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”
Adrienne frowned at the words and the worry that suddenly creased her friend’s brow. Gen put down the pot holders in her hands.
“Of course. Adri, could you take the biscuits up for me?”
“Of course,” she echoed as Trey led Gen into the foyer.
Piling the drop biscuits into a towel-lined basket, she strained her ears to hear the conversation in the front hall. Trey’s low bass was impossible. All she could hear was the rumble. She bit her lip at Gen’s quick acquiesce and repeated reassurances that whatever he wanted was no problem, not a worry, she understood. Adri tossed the baking sheet in the sink with a little more force than necessary. If that big oaf was ruining Genevieve’s Christmas, she was going to brain him again.
She narrowed her eyes at Trey when he stepped back into the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. He gave her a puzzled frown. Gen hurried to get last minute things on the table, her face revealing nothing more than her normal attention to detail. She smiled when she met Adrienne’s eyes.
“I think that’s everything.”
Darting a look at Trey’s departing back, Adrienne caught her friend’s elbow.
“Is everything okay?”
Her smile widened and she patted Adrienne’s arm. “Everything is fine. Trey was just worried because Nate extended an invitation to Josie and her brother for dinner today without clearing it with me. I assured him that it’s not a problem. There’s more than enough. It’s just the two of them in their family and the more the merrier.”
Shoulders slumping in relief, Adrienne shook her head. “Sorry. I was worried the way Trey took you off into the other room. You’re right that we will have more than enough, but Nate should show more respect and at least ask you.”
Gen laughed and leaned close to whisper, “I think he was giving me privacy to get pissy about his baby brother.”
“Baby brother might’ve deserved it,” Adrienne grumbled.
Gen shrugged, her smile still bright. “He did the right thing. We have an abundance. It’s only right we should share, this time of year in particular. Warning is welcome but, like I told Trey, I will always find a way to stretch things, rather than turn away someone who’s hungry.”
“You’re a saint.”
“Not even close. I just know what it’s like to be hungry,” she said, leading the way to the dining room table.
Adrienne watched as Gen put a hand on Nate’s shoulder and leaned down to say something in his ear. Whatever she said, Nate’s face lit up and he kissed her cheek.
“Thank you, little sister.”
The kiss Trey gave her when she took her seat next to him wasn’t a brotherly peck on the cheek. The pride in his eyes as he looked at his bride made Adrienne smile and lean into the side of her fiancée.
“Aren’t they cute?” he whispered against her ear.
She nodded and turned her head to nuzzle him back. “They are. One of these days, I’m going to quit expecting the worst from him. He really loves her.”
“He does. It’s another thing we McCade men do. When we find the right woman, we love fiercely,” Cole said, growling the last word against her skin and making her shiver and laugh.
“Then we’re lucky women,” she said before forcing her gaze from his and bowing her head for grace.
Tears poured down Genevieve’s cheeks, her hands shaking as she cradled the hand carved wooden box in her lap. Her name, the year, and the word cookies graced the top. Carvings of angels, stars, bells, hearts, and more covered the container’s surfaces. Inside, quilted dark green flannel lined the wood and created a nest for each of her tin cookie cutters.
“Oh, Trey…”
“It’s not fancy, but—”
“It’s perfect,” she interrupted. “I can’t believe you made this for me. It’s just perfect,” she repeated, sniffing and wiping at tears.
“I’m glad you like it, darlin’.”
“I love it. It’s so gorgeous. What kind of wood is this?”
“It’s Black Walnut. It’s strong and beautiful, like you,” Trey said, the last words a little shy before he turned back to more comfortable ground. “The dark color comes from the heartwood.”
Gen put the gift carefully aside to wrap her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”
“It’s lovely, Trey,” Adrienne said softly, reaching over to trace one of the carvings.
“Good job, big brother. She likes it better than the earrings,” Cole added, slapping Trey’s shoulder.
“The earrings are beautiful too, and the story behind them makes them even more special.”
“It does,” Adri agreed, touching the emeralds in her ears. “Knowing that they were made from a favorite piece of your mother’s jewelry creates a sense of connection and history.”
“Women are such saps. Men look at it as a cheap out on jewelry,” Nate said, dodging away from the punch Cole aimed at his shoulder.
“I guess that means when you finally convince a
woman to marry you that it won’t mean anything to give her the third set of earrings we had made.”
Cole grinned and winked at Trey. “You were right. He was going to pout.”
“I’m not pouting. What’re you talking about?”
“Trey gave Gen Mama’s ring when they married. It was what Mama wanted. We decided to repurpose another piece when it was my turn. You know how many stones were in that emerald brooch of Mama’s. It was her favorite, a gift from Daddy. So besides the ring, we made sure each one of us got a piece of it. There’s a third set of earrings, just like the ones we gave to the girls this morning. They’re in the safe so you can give them to your wife someday if you want.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s done,” Trey said.
“Thank you.”
“See. We’re not always assholes,” Cole teased.
“Okay. Maybe not always,” Nate said, grinning and reaching under the tree. “One left and it’s Trey’s.”
Gen glanced up from her gift, teeth sinking into her lip as Trey took the small package. Slipping her hand into Gen’s, Adri gave her a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s not much...” Gen said, sounding as uncertain as her husband had earlier.
Opening the small box, Trey revealed a set of engraved fountain pens.
“You mentioned that you needed to replace yours when you were working on the books. I hope you like these.”
Trey smiled. “I kept saying it and never did it. These are perfect, darlin’. Thank you.” He ran his thumb over his engraved name. “I see we had like ideas with the names.”
Gen traced the Gen McCade carved on the box’s lid and beamed.
“I hope you didn’t mind me shortening it. Genevieve’s not only a mouthful, those six extra letters would’ve required mighty small carving,” he said fighting a smile.
“I don’t mind at all. I told Evie that I actually prefer Gen now. No one had ever called me that before you.” Her eyes sparkled when she peeked up at him. “I take it you aren’t disappointed your pens don’t say Thomas Darrell McCade III?”