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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

Page 31

by David Carner

  “Dad,” Veronica began. “Are you telling me that fool believed that the most disgustingly decent man I have ever seen in my life had an affair!?!” Archibald didn’t answer. He smiled broadly at Veronica, got up and refilled his drink.

  “If John Fowler ever found out,” she began. Archibald cut her off. He was waving his hand holding his drink.

  “How?” Archibald asked. “And so what if he did? I never told Bruce to kill her. I never told Bruce anything. I just let his crazy mind jump to all sorts of conclusions.”

  “You know for a fact that he killed her?” Veronica asked. Archibald smiled evilly again.

  “We had that conversation a week before her death,” Archibald said. “At her funeral, Bruce came up to me and asked the conversation we had stay between us. I agreed, of course. He then informed me his father was going to pull out of the primary race. Sam’s death and John’s reaction had been too much for Senator Cosby. So, my dear, I didn’t have to worry about Cosby getting too much power and you got to become First Lady, and I truly didn’t have to do a thing”

  Veronica’s face fell with that last statement. Archibald noticed and started to apologize when Veronica waved him off.

  “That was the other thing I wanted to tell you, Dad,” Veronica began. “I just got a text before I came in here to talk to you. Apparently after my husband resigns, the current Vice-President is set to nominate Jeremiah Cosby as the new Vice-President.”

  Archibald swallowed the drink in his hand. He then threw the glass against the wall causing it to explode. Rosa knew to yell out in Spanish. Archibald stormed from the room. Veronica followed after him, yelling at Rosa to clean up the mess. Rosa began to clean up the glass fragments. She needed to find John Fowler, quickly.

  Jessica and John

  On the way to the Staples

  Chapter 74

  As John and Jessica were heading toward the Staple mansion, John’s and Jessica’s cell phones both went off. John checked his phone and saw a text from Trip about Jeremiah being recommended as Vice-President. Jessica handed John her phone and he saw Trip had sent her the same message.

  “Trip sent us the same message,” John said. “Jeremiah is about to be recommended to be the next Vice-President when the current Vice-President takes over the office.”

  “You’re about to have a very powerful friend in a very powerful position, John,” Jessica replied. John shrugged.

  “Are you ok to drive?” John asked. “I mean I know you had a late night with me two nights ago, and you didn’t have any sleep last night due to Thelma and Archibald.”

  Jessica smiled at John, “I’m good, John,” she replied. “Besides, there is no way I would pass up driving this car. Anyway, I’m the younger one of the two of us.”

  “You act as if I’m ancient,” John replied.

  “Why don’t you try and find something on the radio,” Jessica said, trying to change the subject. John started playing with the radio dial. He looked at his watch and started trying to find a sports channel.

  “What are you looking for?” Jessica asked with a smirk on her face. John saw the smirk and was a little annoyed.

  “A radio station, if that’s ok,” John replied a little testily.

  “You know you can have scores sent right to your phone,” Jessica said, still smirking. John stared at his phone for a second. He looked at Jessica and then back at the phone.

  “You could just ask me, you know,” Jessica said coyly. John looked at her questioningly.

  “Ask you what?” John said. Jessica sighed and rolled her eyes.

  “If they won last night. You do remember I am a FBI agent as well?” Jessica asked. John feigned ignorance. “Oh, for crying out loud, John! It’s March, you’re an avid college basketball fan, and the Cats played last night.” Jessica looked at John, who was more than a little impressed.

  “Sam told you, didn’t she?” John asked. Jessica sighed loudly.

  “John,” she began. “You know I have worked with you for a long time. The only websites you know how to access are sports. You constantly go on about the differences between a 2-3 zone and man to man defense. You go on and on about how you prefer the college three point line be at 19 feet 9 inches. And finally, you’re from Kentucky where you go on and on about college basketball being king.”

  John sat there quietly for a moment. He was smiling.

  “I forget how you can get wound up without any sleep,” John said. Jessica made a face and waved him off. “Jessica, I’m sorry about earlier. I haven’t been around actual people for the most part in the last three years. I’ve only had one romance in my life, and I don’t want to go back to what I was.”

  Jessica glanced over at John. He was looking at the floorboard. She knew she should let him off easy, but their relationship has been built on them going back and forth since they became partners. She wasn’t going to let their new relationship change that.

  “First off, you’re forgiven about how you were acting. We’re all a little on edge, and very sleep deprived, and quite frankly you’re learning how to coexist with human beings again.” John chuckled and looked over at Jessica. She looked quite serious. The smile fell from John’s face and he tried to appear serious as well.

  “As for the other,” she continued. “It doesn’t bother me that you don’t have a lot of experience with women.”

  “Hey! I have plenty of experience!” John exclaimed.

  “What bothers me is you’re just like all typical men,” she went on, ignoring him. “You talk a big game and when it comes to game time you all fall short.”

  “Now wait just a minute!” John retorted.

  “For just once in my life,” Jessica plowed ahead. “I would like for a man to be upfront and honest about what they are looking for.” She held up a finger before John could speak. John had never seen this side of Jessica before, but then again, he had never been in this situation with Jessica before. “I would like a man to understand it is my choice what I do or do not do and what I do or do not do does not make me a tease, or scared of a real man, or, my personal favorite,” Jessica threw up air quotes. “’You know what would fix her?’ What I agree to do or not do with my body is my choice, and not only do I expect to have that right, but I expect to be respected for it; whatever it is I decide to do.”

  “You know you covered a lot of ground there about a man being up front, and you being respected,” John said.

  “Well, I did get on a bit of a roll, but it’s how I feel,” Jessica replied.

  “Let me ask you this,” John said. Jessica nodded for him to go ahead. “If you expect for a man to be up front, shouldn’t a man expect you to be up front with him?”

  “That’s reasonable,” Jessica replied, nodding. John waited. Jessica glanced over at him and shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, so you expect me to be up front first?”

  “Any reason why I shouldn’t?” John asked.

  “Ever heard of being a gentleman and going first?” Jessica asked.

  “I’m a liberated man,” John replied tugging on his jacket. Jessica sputtered laughter with that remark. She looked at him for a second and decided to be bold.

  “So, you want to have sex with me?” Jessica asked.

  Chapter 75

  John’s mother had always warned him to be careful what you asked because the answer you got may not be the one you wanted, or was ready for. John thought for a second very carefully. He glanced over at Jessica who didn’t look the least bit nervous or embarrassed with what she had just asked him. John thought she could at least have the decency to look slightly uncomfortable.

  “John,” Jessica said quietly. “Big boys and girls can talk about these sorts of things now.”

  John nodded, and still was silent. It was time to put on his big boy pants.

  “I don’t think it’s a question of me wanting to have sex with you,” John responded. Jessica raised one eyebrow quizzically. “I don’t know of any heterosexual male that wouldn’t want t
o have sex with you. The question is when do I feel comfortable having sex with you and when do you feel comfortable having sex with me.”

  Jessica thought about John’s answer for a moment. She began to worry that John’s statement had a very deep meaning.

  “Jess, this has nothing to do with Sam,” John said. “This has to do with my feelings and what I believe and who I am.”

  “You don’t want to have sex until you get married, do you, John?” Jessica asked. John looked down at the floorboard. “Answer me, John,” Jessica said.

  “No,” John replied. “It’s not you; it’s just something I believe in. I know it’s old fashioned and many guys would think I’m out of my mind, but no. It’s not even necessarily religious. It’s about commitment. I know I talk and make innuendos sometimes, but I believe there is only one for me, and I am going to honor that other person. I know that sounds very 1800s and Puritan, but it’s what I believe. In case you wondering, I also realize this is my decision and I cannot hold anyone I choose to have a relationship with to my beliefs. What they did, or didn’t do, before me is none of my concern. But if they’re going to be in a relationship with me, then they’re going to have to accept who I am.” He paused and looked over at Jessica. He spoke very softly. “Is that a deal breaker?”

  “Who says I would have sex with you or anyone else before I married?” Jessica asked. John grinned at her.

  “Well . . . ?“ John asked.

  “John,” Jessica began, smiling. “That’s a very personal question. That’s the kind of information I’d only share with someone I’m in a deep committed relationship with. I am in a relationship with you. I have no idea what kind it is at this moment, but I am committed to it. Is that enough?”

  John thought for a minute.

  “This relationship is going to get me committed one day,” John said under his breath. Jessica heard him, and tried to fight back a smile. John glanced over and saw her fighting the smile, but decided to let it go.

  “So basically you’ve managed to get me to tell you my entire past,” John began.

  “What there was of it,” Jessica responded.

  “Got me to admit my feelings for you and what type of relationship I want with any woman and you’ve told me . . . nothing?” John asked. Jessica nodded.

  “You’re the one who said it was none of your concern. Got a problem with that?” She asked curtly. John shook his head no. Jessica smiled.

  “Let’s, just for fun, say I did,” John said cautiously.

  “First, you’d be a hypocrite with that little speech you just gave. Second . . . . I’d tell you to get over it,” Jessica said as she pulled into the Staples drive. “We’ve got a big bad to take down.” Jessica stopped at the gate, leaned over to John, and kissed him. When she pulled back, she winked at him. “I’ll say this, whenever we decide to do whatever, I promise you won’t be sorry.”

  “I believe you,” John replied breathlessly.

  Chapter 76

  John and Jessica were admitted to the house by one of Archibald’s lackeys. As they approached the house, John looked back toward the road and saw a whole fleet of cars and vans headed toward the house. John smiled inwardly. Trip had said fifty agents would be joining them, and apparently he wasn’t kidding. Jessica was serving the warrant to Archibald and one of his lawyers when John spotted the former First lady.

  “Mrs. Nichols,” John said, tipping his hat. He paused and looked at Archibald. Archibald looked very unhappy. “My apologies, ma’am, is that Staples now?”

  “You may call me Veronica,” Veronica replied, her voice dripping with honey. John smiled at her. Jessica shot John a look.

  “Jessica,” John began. “Have you met Veronica? You remember she’s the lady I got Trip to arrest in the White House a few days ago.”

  Jessica smiled sweetly at Veronica. Veronica began to scowl and huffed off. Archibald roared with laughter.

  “John,” Archibald began, slapping him on the back as he led the two agents to the house. “I needed that.”

  “Hear some bad news there, Archibald?” John asked. “I’m sure by now you’ve heard the news about Senator Cosby.” John stopped and faced Archibald. “Or is it that you had some investments bought off you, and the ‘assets’ that were in those packages won’t be able to be used the way you thought they would?” Jessica had a scowl on her face as John said this. Archibald spread his hands.

  “I’m quite sure I don’t know what you’re talking about, Agent Fowler,” Archibald replied. He looked over at Jessica. “Miss Hammerstein, why the look on your face? You’re much too beautiful to look like that. Come in, and feel free to search wherever you want and talk to whoever you want.”

  John smiled. “Whoever?” John asked. Archibald nodded. “Are you sure Archibald?”

  “Be my guest,” Archibald answered as he walked away from the agents. “Most of the housekeeping staff can’t speak English.” John was glancing around as Archibald was talking. He noticed one of Archibald’s staff. A slow smile spread across his face. “Oh, and if you should find any of them to be illegal, please, deport them immediately,“ Archibald continued. “I do try and make sure they are legal, but you know how they can be.”

  “They!?!” Jessica exclaimed.

  “Yes,” Archibald replied. “Those illegals will do anything to take our hard earned American dollars. I honestly hate paying them, but they work so hard for so little.” Jessica was boiling.

  “You know,” John began. “I thought Veronica was the biggest piece of slime I ever met. I was so wrong; she got all her evil honestly. Archibald, I swear to you if it’s the last thing I do I’m going to bring you down.” Archibald drew up and had a look of pure hate on his face. John leaned in real close. “It’s a shame Veronica’s ex-husband won the presidency, because if it had been Jeremiah, I would have been your permanent shadow until we stuff you and your pompous daughter in jail.” John waited for Archibald to respond, but he didn’t. Archibald just turned and left the room. Jessica looked at John, smiled, and nodded.

  “I noticed you looking around when Archibald was talking,” Jessica said. “I also saw that famous John grin.” That statement caused John to smile. Jessica stepped very close. “What did I miss?” She asked.

  John leaned forward and whispered into Jessica’s ear where only she could hear.

  “You mean besides the fact that I’m the man of your dreams?” John asked. Jessica rolled her eyes. “Archibald’s housekeeper can speak English, and I think from the way she’s acting, she knows something.” Jessica’s eyes went wide, and John leaned back, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  Chapter 77

  “How in the world can you possibly think that?” Jessica asked. She kept glancing at the housekeeper that John had pointed out to her. John grabbed Jessica by the shoulder and walked her outside as the FBI techs began to file into the house and process it.

  “Keep your voice down,” John whispered. “I don’t think Archibald knows. Her body is reacting to everything Archibald is saying, if she doesn’t understand English, how is that possible? We need to get her out of here. If she does understand English, there is no telling what that egotistical nut said in front of her and what he would do if he figured it out.”

  Jessica nodded. “Let me handle this,” she whispered. She walked through the door and John followed her. She walked up toward the housekeeper. John noticed the housekeeper watching Jessica. John made eye contact with the housekeeper, and winked at her. For a spit second fear covered Rosa’s face and then she saw John’s smile. Relief began to spread across her face.

  “FBI,” Jessica said loudly to Rosa. Jessica pulled out her badge and put it close to Rosa’s face where she could see it. “Ma’am I have to take you in for questioning.” Archibald came around the corner and saw what was going on. John waved at Archibald and smiled. Archibald waved them off and went back to his office. Rosa went quietly with Jessica. She stopped in front of two agents, Jeff and Steve, which were searching
the premises.

  “Do you two think you can handle this search?” Jessica asked. The two nodded. “Remember, guys, this has to be by the book.” They nodded again. They didn’t notice John behind them. As Jessica walked away, John leaned in between them.

  “Just so you know, I read Agent Hammerstein’s report, she covered you two,” John said. The two agents smiled. “If it had been me, I’d of hung the both of you out to dry. Just so you know.” John walked off as the two agents stood there dumbfounded. John got in the car after Jessica and Rosa. The car took off toward the road.

  “Please, you have to let me talk to Agent John Fowler,” Rosa pleaded.

  Jessica looked over at John. John nodded slowly.

  “You know for someone who supposedly can’t speak English you do a great job of it,” John stated. Rosa sighed.

  “That idiot,” Rosa said. John and Jessica laughed out loud. Rosa was a little taken aback, but she continued. “He thinks anyone that has a Spanish or Mexican sounding name can’t speak English. I was born in the US for crying out loud. Please you must let me talk to John Fowler.”

  “You know,” John began. “There are days I even impress myself. I have never met you before in my life, ma’am.” John reached out his hand. “My name is John Fowler.” Rosa shook John’s hand eagerly.

  “I have to talk to you about my good friend Thelma,” Rosa began. “An FBI agent named Bruce killed her.”

  “Jessica,” John said not taking his eyes of Rosa. “Let’s get to the Moores pronto. I’ll have Trip meet us there.” Jessica nodded and floored the accelerator.

  Jeff and Steve

  Inside Archibald’s Mansion

  Chapter 77

  Jeff and Steve were conducting the sweep of Archibald’s mansion, but both of them were burning up inside from what John had said to them. Archibald had noticed when John and Jessica had taken away Rosa that words had been exchanged between the two hot shot agents and the two men. Archibald was happy to finally be rid of the housekeeper He had no idea what her name was. Archibald had one of his lawyers snap pictures of the two men. The lawyer came back with the pictures, and Archibald had the lawyer forward the pictures to a cell phone number. A few minutes later Archibald’s cell phone rang.


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