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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

Page 33

by David Carner

  “Do you remember the Gates case?” John asked.

  “The case that got you discredited with the FBI four years ago?” Arthur asked. John nodded.

  “I never worked the Gates case,” John replied still staring at the water. Arthur looked very confused. “Another agent was actually responsible for the goof. But when Gates got killed there was an emergency meeting with just a few people in the FBI. Originally it was just me and Trip that knew I had nothing to do with the case. There was a plant in the mafia. He was an FBI agent, and he told many made men that I had been paid off and taken out Gates. We used the opening to bring down the whole family.”

  “I’m sorry, John, made men?”

  “Sorry, Arthur, made men are those in the mafia who have taken the blood oath and are now a part of La Cosa Nostra, what we know as the mafia,” John replied still staring at his glass of water. “They’ve taken a blood oath to belong to the organization and die for it before they would tell any of its secrets. This FBI man was just an associate, a non-made member, but he knew the Underboss, or second in command, really well. Anyway, my friend, Mark, convinced them I was on the take. You know about what happened with the FBI. Mark told me I needed to look the part, so I started drinking in bars while I was supposed to be suspended. This was about the time that Chet and Jessica were finally let into the loop. When I was finally cleared by the FBI, the mafia thought they had a G-Man under their thumb.”

  Arthur sat for a minute. “John, did the Mafia kill Sam?”

  John shook his head. “I don’t think so, Arthur,” he replied. “I don’t think they would have killed her and not kill me.” John was silent for a few seconds. “Mark died during a disagreement at a strip club. A patron, a made-man, shot Mark. I was told I had to make the problems go away with the shooting, and I did, but I hated it.” John hrmpped a laugh. “You know they used to call me “The Saint.” I told them I was married and I didn’t want any of their girls they had dancing. I was so worried about the things I might have to do to get in their good graces. I told Sam all about it, and Arthur, she was not comfortable with the assignment at all. I promised if it came to it, I would quit before I hooked up with one of the girls. The boss was there one day, Anthony Lucciano. He asked me why I didn’t help myself to some of my rewards, so to speak. I told him that I meant no offense to him or anyone there, but I had made a personal vow to my wife that I never planned on breaking. I told him, respectfully, if that was a problem that I would go or whatever they wanted me to do. Tony looked at me and said, ‘That’s what’s wrong with today’s Young Turks, no respect for honor or rules. John, if any of these guys give you trouble, they’ve got trouble with me.’ I never had a problem after that.”

  John paused and continued to stare at the water.

  “John, do you want a drink, is that what’s wrong?” Arthur asked.

  John gave a rueful grin. “Arthur, I always want a drink, but I never want to drink again.”

  Arthur thought about that for a minute. When he spoke it was very softly. “That must be horrible.” John nodded.

  “If I had never tried to,” John began, but Arthur cut him off.

  “Stop, John,” Arthur said, slapping his hand against the table. “Stop it now. You did what needed to be done. Sam knew it and loved you for it. Besides, you said yourself, it wasn’t the Mafia.”

  John finally looked up at Arthur. “Arthur, I missed so much because of that bust. It didn’t make my career, in fact, it ended it for a long time.”

  “John,” Arthur began. “The world needs you. They need someone to stop the evil that’s out there. I know that as soon as you took out Lucciano that someone else took his place. Sam said this to me so many times. She would say, ‘Dad, if he doesn’t stop them, then who will, and would you trust them the way you do John to take them down. How many have we known that have been bought out by corruption?’ John, you are the best at what you do, and you can’t stop. In fact, I am asking you, please don’t stop.”

  Chapter 83

  John sat there for a second, silent. He nodded once and moved the water out from in front of him.

  “Arthur, I don’t want to do to Jessica what I did to Sam,” John said quietly.

  “Well, so far you’re doing the exact same thing,” Arthur said pointing a finger in John’s face. John’s jaw dropped. “You pushed Sam away at the end so she wouldn’t get hurt: what do you think you’re doing to Jessica? And don’t give me that crap about how you’ve only been dating for a few weeks. John, you’ve known that girl for years. Sam told me several times if something ever happened to her she was sure you two would be great together. Boy, what is your problem? You’ve been alone for three years, she is an amazing woman.”

  “Do you know how many people have all told me the same thing?” John asked, grinning. “She is amazing, and quite attractive.”

  “She’s also got one devastating right hook,” Arthur replied.

  “Did she swing at you?” John asked.

  “No, but I saw the shot she took at you,” Arthur said. “John, I’ll listen all night to you if I need to, but can we go home?”

  John got up and headed toward the door, with Arthur following him. They went outside and headed toward the car

  “Do you think they kept the food?” John asked.

  Arthur smiled. “John, there is no way Madeline would have thrown that out,” he replied.

  “Good,” John said. “That was as good as mom’s.” John paused before he opened the car door. “You’re good with me and Jessica, right?”

  “Sam wouldn’t have it any other way John, and neither would I.”

  Chapter 84

  John and Jessica were heading to see Jeremiah and Bruce in the hospital. The car ride had been silent; awkwardly silent. John decided to break the silence.

  “So, the food was really good last night,” John said, staring straight ahead.

  “Oh,” Jessica replied never taking her eyes off of the road. “I thought you left shortly after I went upstairs.”

  “Arthur took me to find a meeting,” John said. Jessica’s eyes darted toward John, but she never turned her head. John continued. “We couldn’t find one, so we went to a diner and I talked some things out. When we got back, I ate it. It was really good.”

  “You said that,” Jessica replied, not for sure how to deal with the meeting comment.

  “You made me realize something last night,” John said.

  “Oh,” Jessica said still staring straight ahead.

  “I’m not being fair to you.” John turned and looked straight at Jessica. Jessica glanced at him for a second, and silently rebuked herself. “There are going to be times in my life when I’m going to have to go to a meeting. I need you to know it’s not necessarily your fault, or that you did something, but I will need to go. I hope you can deal with that.” Jessica pursed her lips and nodded.

  “So I guess I owe you a meal when we get back to New York,” John said trying to change the subject.

  “Oh,” Jessica replied. “What are you going to make, fried bologna sandwiches and a pickle spear?” she said sarcastically.

  John paused for a second. “That sounds good actually,” John said.

  “It does,” Jessica begrudgingly replied.

  “What would you know about fried bologna?”

  “John,” Jessica said looking him in the eye for a split second and then turning back to the road. “Do you have a clue where I’m from?”

  “It’s not from the South.”

  “Kentucky is not the South,” Jessica stated flatly.

  “Don’t tell the people of Kentucky that,” John said shaking his head. Jessica started to chuckle. “Let me guess, you had family from the South and that’s where you had first had fried bologna?”

  Jessica smiled and kept driving. After a minute she spoke quietly. “I want a world famous John Cheeseburger Pizza that Sam was always raving about.” John was a little taken aback.

  “You know I don’t use re
al pizza crust?” He asked.

  “I know,” she replied with a satisfied smirk on her face. “I listen to my friends.”

  “And I don’t?” John protested.

  “Reading someone is not listening to them,” Jessica retorted. John licked his finger and drew a point on an imaginary scoreboard. “It’s a few more than that,” Jessica said grinning broadly at John. John smiled back and settled into the seat, watching the scenery go by.

  Luke McDonald

  Baltimore, Maryland

  Chapter 85

  Luke picked up the burner phone and called the cell phone number preprogrammed in it for the tenth time. The phone on the other end rang and rang with no answer. Luke disconnected the call, and knew it was time to take care of himself. He began to work on the explosive device. He needed something for leverage, and this was the only thing that he could think of. Luke had explosive training from his days in the military.

  It was obvious that Archibald had turned on him, or was just going to let him hang out to dry. No, Archibald wouldn’t do that. Archibald had a backup plan, and Luke was sure it contained a way to make sure he couldn’t tell how Archibald was involved. When he finished the bomb, he was going to call John Fowler and turn himself in. Luke had to make sure he came in protected. Luke wasn’t sure who Archibald’s man was in the FBI, but Luke was certain a kill order had been put out on him.

  Luke knew his only chance was to tell everything he knew on Archibald and try to get into witness protection. Luke hadn’t actually kidnapped the Senator, so that should play into his favor. Luke knew the Attorney General from his years in the White House, and he knew that telling all on Archibald wouldn’t keep Luke from not serving any jail time, but it was the only way Luke thought he was going to come out of this situation alive. Luke pushed all the thoughts about Archibald from his mind. He had to finish this explosive in case the mole in the FBI came in to take him out before John could get to Luke’s location. Luke swore to himself that he would never chase another woman like Lisa if he ever got out of this mess alive.

  Washington DC Hospital

  Senator Cosby’s Room

  Chapter 86

  John and Jessica entered the Senator’s hospital room. Bruce was in the chair beside his father. John couldn’t believe the change that had come over Bruce in the past few days. John had never seen Bruce show any compassion for anyone before.

  “Learn anything?” John asked Bruce. Bruce shook his head no.

  “I haven’t asked much,” Bruce replied. “I figured I’d wait until Jessica gets here; just as long as she remembers he isn’t a suspect.” Jessica shot Bruce a withering look, and Bruce smiled back at her. John was in shock. Bruce seemed like a regular guy. Jessica came over and hugged the Senator.

  “Like I could ever grill this guy,” Jessica said, still embracing the Senator.

  “Now, my dear,” the Senator began, with tears in his eyes. “You mustn’t worry about me; I’m a tough old bird.” John smiled at the Senator. “You better not hug me too long Jessica.” Jessica let go and looked at him. “We wouldn’t want to make your boyfriend insanely jealous.” John laughed at loud. Jessica shook her head, smiling.

  “He’s not my boyfriend, Jeremiah,” Jessica replied, glancing over her shoulder at John. “He hasn’t had the good sense to make that move.”

  “Is there something wrong with him?” The Senator asked.

  “Hey!” John exclaimed, in mock annoyance. “I’m standing right here!” Jessica went on, ignoring him.

  “I think he’s got commitment issues,” Jessica said, straightening the Senator’s gown.

  “Is there someone else?” The Senator asked quietly. John threw up his arms in frustration. Jessica gave the Senator a withering look.

  “He’s not that stupid,” she said. Jeremiah roared with laughter. Bruce watched the whole exchange, with hate slowly growing in him. Here was another trying to push her way into his father’s life. Bruce checked himself discreetly to not give any of his emotions away. First it was his illegitimate . . . no he wouldn’t give her that recognition. Bruce had to take care of a few loose ends in this case, and then it might be time to take care of John once and for all . . . and if Jessica should get involved, then he would take care of her too. John spoke, breaking Bruce from his thoughts.

  “I hear you’re about to get a job promotion,” John said trying to change the subject of him and his love life, or lack thereof.

  Bruce beamed with pride. “May I have the pleasure of introducing you to the future Vice-President of the United States of America . . . my dad . . . Jeremiah Cosby.” Jeremiah smiled and squeezed Bruce’s hand. John just couldn’t get over how things had changed with Bruce. Bruce smiled proudly and thought of all the different ways he would soon get rid of John.

  Chapter 87

  “Look,” John said. “While I’m extremely happy to see you and hear about your new advancement in the political arena, the clock’s ticking on your kidnapper getting away, Jeremiah. Do you have any idea who might have kidnapped you?”

  “Party pooper,” Jessica said glancing over her shoulder at John and giving him a withering look. John shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “What did I do?”

  “Ok, ok you two,” Jeremiah said, waving his hand at them to get them to quit. “The only thing I know is one of the kidnappers said something about Luke being behind the kidnapping.”

  Jessica and John exchanged a look. That sounded like a set-up to both of them. Bruce leaned down beside his dad.

  “Are you sure, dad?” he asked.

  “Of course I am, Son, you don’t forget something like that,” Jeremiah replied. Bruce put his hand on Jeremiah’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. Jessica patted Jeremiah’s hand and smiled at him. She got up and walked toward the door, touching John’s shoulder for him to follow her. They stepped outside the room.

  “You thinking what I’m thinking?” Jessica asked.

  “That I didn’t know if was possible for Bruce to have a heart and a soul?” John responded, smiling. Jessica smiled and lightheartedly punched at his shoulder. John didn’t dodge and she hit him. Jessica looked at him with an arched eyebrow. John shrugged.

  “Different circumstances now,” John said simply. Jessica stepped back and stared at John.

  “You’re saying I was flirting with you by hitting you back then?” She asked. She started to wag her finger. “Un-uh. That was me being friendly, that’s all. You know, the way two guys might hit each other when their goofing around. It was just my way of saying we’re friends.”

  “First off,” John said, closing his fingers around her still wagging fingers. “You only do that wagging thing when you block a shot in basketball,” Jessica smiled in spite of herself. “Secondly,” John continued. “Did you ever hit Chet, or Trip, or Bruce, or any other man that way?”

  “No,” Jessica said. “But I don’t have the relationship . . . .” She stopped her sentence before John made something out of it that she didn’t mean, but she was already too late.

  “No?” John asked, smiling. “I’m begging you, please finish that thought.”

  “I hate you,” Jessica said, her eyes narrowing.

  “I can live with that,” John said, moving in to kiss her, and he did. John thought he saw fireworks go off, or maybe that was just in his head. He was really afraid he was starting to fall in love. The thought terrified him, and excited him; all at the same time. When John broke the kiss he spoke quietly.

  “You didn’t try to dodge that,” he said grinning. Jessica grinned back.

  “I didn’t want to,” she replied. “Are you going to dodge this?” And with that, she leaned in to kiss him, but stopped when she heard a, “HRRMP!!”

  Jessica spun around and John straightened up. Trip and Chet were standing there. Chet was trying to appear interested in the ceiling tiles. Trip simply shook his head.

  “Do we have anything?” Trip asked.

  “I don’t know, you interrupted us before I could
find out,” John replied, and then doubled over from the elbow he caught in the ribs from Jessica. Trip held his composure, but his eyes began to water from holding back the laughter.

  “One of the men who held Jeremiah said that Luke was his boss,” Jessica replied. “I don’t know Trip; it all sounds like a setup to me.”

  “Tell me about it,” John replied, trying to catch his breath. Trip’s mouth twitched trying to hold back the laughter.

  “There’s more where that came from,” Jessica said to him under her breath.

  “The kiss or the elbow?” John asked at full volume. With that comment, Trip lost it. Jessica tried to appear irritated, but gave up. John gave everyone a second.

  “Do you have something for us, Trip?” John asked. Trip nodded, as he tried to compose himself. He took a moment and then spoke.

  “I just had a phone call from Archibald Staples, turning over evidence to us!”

  Chapter 88

  Bruce stepped out the door of his father’s room just as Trip finished his sentence.

  “What’s the evidence, Trip?” Bruce asked. Trip looked down at the floor and then over at John. Bruce grew impatient. “Oh, come on! I have been on this case since the beginning. I admit I made a few mistakes, but I want my father’s kidnapper brought to justice.”

  “What’s the difference in him and me, Trip?” John asked. Jessica and Trip both looked sharply at John. “I want to look into Sam’s killing, and the whole world has signed off on that, so what’s the difference for Bruce to go after whoever kidnapped his dad?”

  Jessica looked at Trip, hoping he would come up with anything to keep Bruce and John from going out together again. She didn’t trust Bruce, regardless of what John thought. Trip frowned at John, and reluctantly nodded.

  “You’re right, John. Bruce deserves the chance,” Trip said, hating himself for going along with John. Trip turned toward Bruce. “Archibald has received numerous calls from a burned cell phone that we have tracked to a warehouse in Baltimore.” John was a little surprised by that news. Trip looked at John and shook his head no. “It’s not the same warehouse, it’s a little ways away, but very close to the warehouse that Jeremiah was found in. It is one owned by Archibald, and he has given us permission to search it.”


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