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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

Page 35

by David Carner

  “I think I want to pull this car off of the road and make out with you,” she replied. John gulped, audibly. Jessica laughed and then continued. “However, due to your current injuries, I think I want to take it safe. I mean I wouldn’t want to overexcite your system or anything.”

  “I’m willing to take the risk,” John replied. Jessica smiled at John. John felt his heart pounding in his chest. He had loved Sam. He still did, but he wasn’t for sure anyone had ever made him feel like this.

  “Calm down, John,” Jessica said playfully.


  “You look like you might stroke out over there. Look let’s go to the Moores, you get a day or two of rest, and then we figure this out, together.”

  “Oh, crap,” John said.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I promised Arthur I’d tell him everything when this was all over,” John replied, looking very uncomfortable.

  Jessica nodded. She reached over and took John’s hand.

  “I know,” she said smiling. “Madeline told me all about the deal you made with Arthur. You and I are going back to New York in a couple of days, get all the files on Sam. I’ve already talked to Trip and Chet. They have agreed to join us here, and we’ll tell them everything we know.” Jessica paused. “John; Trip, Chet, and I have to tell you things about Sam you don’t know. We have to tell you all the things we’ve been keeping from you since we pulled you out of your private eye life.” John smiled and nodded. He knew this had been coming. Jessica continued. “After all that, if you’ll let us, the three of us would like to help you solve your wife’s murder.”

  John smiled at Jessica and nodded. He was looking forward to a day off. It had been a trying couple of weeks. In two weeks he had done more than most agents did at the peak of their career. John had been basically retired three weeks ago, and now he was closing big cases again. It was a major change to his life. He really needed to go to an AA meeting when he got back to New York; in fact, he might try and find one tomorrow night here in Virginia. John leaned back in his seat and watched the sights go by. In less than a week they were going to reopen his wife’s case. Maybe I should find a meeting tonight, John thought.

  That Night

  Psychiatric Hospital

  Chapter 95

  Pamela was working the night shift the way she always did; studying. She hoped she passed her test the next morning. This was the last pre-requisite class for her to get into the doctorate of nursing program. She had always wanted to be a nurse practitioner. She hated her job here. She wanted to help people, but the people here . . . they had problems, problems that Pamela wasn’t ready to cope with. Honestly, she was scared many nights at her job, especially since the new patient had been added to her floor, David George.

  All he did the past few nights was sing some song about Lisa. He seemed so normal during the day, but at night . . . at night he terrified her. She was positive he wasn’t taking his meds, but she couldn’t prove it, and none of the doctors paid any attention to her. She was simply in charge of watching the security monitors at night and putting the facility on lockdown if she saw someone trying to escape. She hadn’t been disturbed but a few times in all of the years working here. Tonight was going to be one of those nights she was disturbed. A man came up to her and flashed an FBI badge.

  “I’m Special Agent John Fowler with the FBI,” the man said. “I have to talk to David George right this second. It is imperative to national security!”

  “I’ll have to call my supervisor,” Pamela answered.

  “Perhaps you didn’t hear me,” the man said, angrily. “That man was charged in the attempted kidnapping of the First Lady. We have to know exactly how he entered into the White House. Other countries may try to duplicate his attempt. We have to seal this leak immediately!” The agent leaned in close. “This is for the safety of our country.”

  Pamela jumped up and headed down the hall with her keys. David was in a locked room for his protection and for the protection of those around him. Pamela unlocked the door, and turned toward the agent.

  “Anything else?” She asked.

  “I’m going to have to take him with me,” the agent said, handing her some papers. “I don’t have all the paperwork right now, but the FBI should be sending it down in the next few days. If you don’t receive what you need by the end of the week, you need to contact the FBI and ask for John Fowler.”

  Pamela looked at the paperwork, and saw all that was missing was the judge’s signature. She looked back up at the agent.

  “Our judge is on vacation, he won’t be back for two days. Just start the paperwork process and everything you need will be here by the end of the week.” Pamela nodded. The agent put handcuffs on David George, who was smiling broadly.

  “Good to see you again, Agent FOWLER,” David stressed, still smiling. The agent pulled David along and they went out of the building. David was put in the back of the car. The agent opened his door, and waved at Pamela. Pamela smiled; glad to see David George gone.

  Chapter 96

  The car drove down the road with David George in the back. He was humming a tuneless song. After a few minutes, the car pulled over to the side of the road.

  “Is this where you kill me?” David George asked.

  “Now why would I do that?” Bruce asked.

  “Well,” David began. “I have no idea who you are or why you would break me out. I figured Archibald sent you to have me taken out.”

  “That’s an interesting theory,” Bruce replied. “Have you ever heard the old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?” David nodded. “Then consider us friends.”

  Bruce picked up a bag from the front seat and pitched it into the back.

  “In there is money, a few survival items, and a key to locker, with an address on it. At that address are a few other weapons to help you in your crusade against the Staples. You see David, they tried to screw me over, and then they had the audacity to send someone else in to help me.” Bruce looked very offended as he spoke. “Like I need any help from anyone! I have a few loose ends to take care of, and then I am going to disappear, with or without my Daddy’s blessing. This is your chance to take care of the thorn in your side.”

  David sat there for a minute, slowly nodding.

  “So any chance you have a change of clothes for me?” Bruce smiled, and got out of the car. He opened David’s door, and helped him out. Bruce took the handcuffs off of David and opened the trunk. In the trunk was a change of clothes. The road was deserted, so David changed right there. David laced up his boots, grabbed the bag Bruce had given him and looked around.

  “There’s a small town about 3 miles that way,” Bruce said, pointing.

  “Which way is the address of the weapons locker?” David asked. Bruce pointed in the opposite direction. “Then that’s the way I’ll go,” David said. He started walking and stopped. “You know he’s going to find out.”

  Bruce smiled at David. “I’m counting on it.

  David shook his head at Bruce. “Do you think you can take him out?” David asked. Bruce smiled a million watt smile.

  “He’s been a dead man walking for weeks and didn’t even know it,” Bruce replied.

  “While I owe you for helping me out, I have to tell you, you don’t stand a chance against Fowler. Good luck,” and with that, David was off. He slipped into the fog and night. Bruce stood there for a minute scowling. He got back in the car, thinking about David George. Bruce had to take down John, but not yet . . . not yet.

  Two Days Later

  NY FBI Building

  Chapter 97

  Dr. Freeman was in his office when he received the text that changed his life. The text simply contained two words, All clear. Stephen wasn’t sure how to act. For the past twenty years he had been under Duck’s thumb. There was a time in Stephen’s life when he loved to bet on the ponies. Stephen knew he had devised a system in which he could never lose; until he did. He kept trying to win money
to pay back his bookie, but it never worked. He started sports betting and for a while Stephen was catching up, until the “earthquake series” in the 90s. Stephen knew he could never pay off what he owed, and so did Duck.

  Robert Mariotti, previously known as The Duck. Today he was known as the alleged head of organized crime, but before that he was a loan shark. Duck was a genius who knew how to collect on the vig, or interest on a loan. Duck used his clients to get information that he could turn into a profit. Sometimes he loaned one of his clients out in return for a payment. Duck would put a percentage of that payment toward the principal of the loan, creating a win-win for all parties; at least that was how it was originally described to Stephen.

  Stephen thought he had gotten out of debt to Duck a few years ago when he finally found a bank that was willing to give Stephen a loan to pay back the loan shark. What Stephen didn’t know at the time, and soon found out, was the president of the bank was in Duck’s pocket. Stephen had almost given up hope of ever getting out from under all the money he owed.

  Over the years Stephen noticed that he was doing things that in the beginning of their arrangement he would have never agreed to. This had been Stephen’s last job, and he was grateful. He was sure that his actions in Trip’s office a few nights ago had led to the death of Trip’s girlfriend.

  Stephen picked up his hat and gathered his papers. Tomorrow the orders would come down that Stephen was to be transferred. Stephen didn’t know who Duck owned in the hierarchy of the FBI, but he was absolutely sure that there was someone. Stephen was scared John was on to him, and the sooner he got out of New York, the better. He went to the door, opened and took one last look around the office. Stephen shook his head; he would be back tomorrow to clean up, it wasn’t like this was the last time he would see this office. Stephen closed the door to his New York office for the last time.

  Chapter 98

  Dr. Freeman started across the parking garage floor. As he was walking, he noticed there was a van parked near the security camera. He found it odd that the workmen left the camera without having it fixed. Stephen shrugged. With budgets being constantly scrutinized and gone through with fine tooth combs, he really wasn’t surprised, but he did find it odd. As he got to his car, he got the feeling that someone was watching him. Stephen looked around, but didn’t see anyone. There were very few cars left in the parking lot. Stephen chuckled, with only a handful of cars in the lot; one would be parked right next to his. Stephen paused before he opened the door to his car. He had a nagging suspicion that someone was under the vehicle parked next to his. He got in the car quickly, locked the doors, and looked down toward the car beside him. He saw no movement. Stephen chuckled and leaned back in his seat. He blew out a sigh. That’s when the gloved hand covered his mouth and nose.

  Stephen was struggling. His air was being cut off by the hand and now an arm snaked across his neck. He felt hot breath against his neck. Stephen was seeing black spots. His mind spun. Then he heard a voice.

  “Steve, ole buddy, I really hate to have to do this . . . but I have to send a message to your boss. NO ONE!!! And I mean NO ONE crosses me!!”

  Stephen tried to answer, to no avail. Suddenly Stephen felt sweet air rush into his lungs. Then Stephen felt nothing as his neck cracked.

  “When are people going to learn?” Bruce asked to the dead body in the front seat of the car. “When are they going to learn?”

  Chapter 99

  Bruce hummed to himself. He got out of the car, walked over to the van and opened the door. The smell of gasoline reeked out of the van; it was saturated inside. Bruce pulled out a gas can and began to methodically soak the inside of the car. He was 95% sure no one would be down in the garage, but he wanted to hurry all the same, just in case.

  After he was satisfied that the car had been properly soaked, he placed the small explosive inside the car. It was amazing what kind of instructions you could find online these days. He was glad he had destroyed that computer he used with a sledge hammer and then had it crushed at a junk yard. You just can’t be too careful these days. He peeled off the coveralls, coverings for his shoes, and his gloves. He threw them all in Stephen’s car. He knew he smelled like gas, but that could quickly be corrected. He walked over to a stairwell and headed down to street level quickly. He exited the building out a side door no one used and joined the crowd heading to his gym. He had practiced the route several times over the past week, and was never spotted on any of the security cameras.

  As he approached the door to his gym, he slid his hand into his pants pocket and pushed the send button, and listened. He smiled as he heard the faint explosion and went inside. He quickly hurried to his locker. He grabbed his shower gear and washed himself thoroughly. He knew he smelled of gas, but he had made a big scene earlier in the day when he was filling his car of spilling gas. He knew the two attendants on service would remember him if they were ever questioned.

  Bruce finished his shower and dressed quickly. Bruce was running things through his mind as he headed to the lot where his secondary car was hidden. The van had been stolen and had been in an impound lot. Bruce had switched plates on the van and parked it in the FBI building with everything he needed a few days ago when the cameras first went down due to “technical difficulties”. He moved the van just a few minutes before Stephen had come downstairs to his car. Bruce had swiped Stephen’s car keys a few days earlier and made a copy.

  Bruce shook his head. He knew his FBI career was over, unless he finished off John. John was determined to find Sam’s killer, and that just wouldn’t do. Bruce chuckled to himself. The best part of the whole thing was Stephen helped Bruce with his escape. Bruce had gone to Stephen asking to be approved for time off due to his father’s kidnapping and emotions that Bruce needed to “deal with.” Of course Stephen signed off. He thought they both were working for Archibald. Bruce laughed out loud. Bruce only worked for himself. The fact the “shrink” had never figured that one out was a mistake that had cost Stephen his life.

  Bruce realized he was by the river. He parked his car, got out, dropped the small detonator to the ground and crushed it. He then scooped up all the parts and began to throw them into the river. Bruce knew where to go. He had left enough clues for John to figure it out. The next time they met face to face it would be the two of them in a death match.

  Bruce reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small cloth bag closed by drawstrings. He opened the bag and pulled out the simple gold ring with the inscription, “Always yours, John,” engraved inside of it. Bruce began to talk to the ring.

  “We already know that I’m 1-0 when it comes to Fowlers, don’t we Sam?” Bruce asked the ring. He studied the ring for a minute and then spoke his ritual softly.

  “If I had a sister, I wouldn’t miss her,” Bruce said. He put the ring in the bag, and the bag back in his coat. “I’m going to kill you, John, just like I killed that pretty wife of yours. I’m going to frame you for her death, and I’m going to become the FBI super-agent.” Bruce’s voice was getting louder and louder. “And then, John, and then. . . and then I’m going to tell my father everything I did for him, and if he doesn’t appreciate it. . . well, I’m going to kill him too!!” Bruce laughed loudly for several minutes. When he finished he got in his car and prepared to drive as he began to go through his master plan in his head.

  New York FBI Offices

  Immediately after the explosion

  Chapter 100

  John still couldn’t believe what had happened. He and Jessica had been in her office, talking. Well, talking was really what most would call it. They were shamelessly flirting. Ever since their discussion in the car a few days ago, John thought that their relationship had begun to pick up steam. John knew he had to stop doing that at work, but it was hard. At work; there was a phrase John hadn’t said without disdain in a very, very long time.

  John snapped back to the present. He was downstairs in the parking garage. Trip had joined them. He hadn’t left
the building yet; Trip hardly left the building until very late in the evening. Trip saw John and Jessica and waved them over.

  “It’s Stephen’s car, and we’re pretty sure Stephen is inside,” said Trip.

  Jessica went to take a look at the car. She came back, faced Trip and nodded. John was watching Trip and Jessica very closely. They both turned towards John. John raised his eyebrows questioningly.

  “Is there something I should know?” John asked.

  Trip sighed. He started to say something and his phone rang. He looked at the phone and walked off, taking the call. By the sound of his tone and his body posture, John was pretty sure Trip was talking to someone at the top. What surprised John was that Trip seemed to be telling whoever was on the other end of the line what was going to happen and not the other way around.

  “You really just can’t resist, can you, John?” Jessica asked.

  John turned back toward Jessica, with a smirk on his face. He shrugged his shoulders.

  “It just takes over sometimes,” John replied. “What is going on here?”

  Jessica looked over at the shell of the car. She looked back over towards Trip. Trip was coming back toward them. Jessica waited on Trip.

  “We think Stephen might have been a mole,” Jessica said. John waited. Jessica leaned towards John nodding her head, thinking John didn’t understand. John nodded his head up and down slowly.

  “OK,” John said. “What’s the big secret?”

  “WHAT!?!” Jessica asked, as quietly as she could so it wouldn’t be heard but by the three of them. “How?? How could you possibly know??”


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