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SEAL's Second Chance (A Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance)

Page 35

by Ivy Jordan

  I followed her through the White House, in awe of the dramatic décor, red carpets, and grand staircases.

  She stopped and turned to glance at me, as if to ensure that I was suitable to be presented. She opened the door leading into the Oval Office, a room I’d seen reproduced in many movies, but never in person until now.

  The door closed as I took a quick look around, soaking in the surrealism of what was happening. “Quinn,” Adam’s voice pulled my eyes toward him.

  He stood behind his desk, somehow looking as if he already belonged there. “Adam, uh, Mr. President,” I stuttered, quickly looking around to find the woman who’d escorted me in was already gone.

  “It’s just Adam,” he said with a warm smile.

  “This suits you,” I said, fondly gazing upon my dear friend.

  “You think so?” he chuckled, moving towards me with open arms.

  He smelled just as I remembered, of lavender and spice, as he pulled me into his arms. He drew back, holding onto my hands and giving me a once-over. “You look good,” he said.

  My cheeks started to burn and my palms sweat. “So do you,” I stammered, swallowing hard to rid my throat of the lump growing.

  “Have a seat,” he offered, motioning to the couches in the center of the room.

  I sat, expecting him to take a seat across from me, but instead he sat right beside me, close.

  He turned to face me, his knees grazing against mine. His blue eyes filled me with that familiar feeling of longing I’d missed so much, and his smile made me dizzy as it slid upward on his face. “So, I guess you want to know why I asked you here,” he said.

  “Yes,” I replied softly, still feeling buzzed from the hormones flooding my body.

  “I am offering you a position as a senior communications advisor and public liaison,” he said.

  My throat began to swell once again, causing me to swallow hard as his eyes relentlessly gripped mine. “Why me?” I asked, my voice shaken.

  “You’re the best,” he said with a smile.

  “That’s very kind of you to say, but I’m sure there are others more qualified,” I argued the same case from the night he was elected.

  “Quinn, you sell yourself short,” he said quickly.

  His hand moved to my knee, resting just at the seam of my skirt. “We have chemistry. We work well together, don’t you agree?” he asked.

  My panties clung to my pussy from his touch, but I couldn’t move to adjust them. Why did I wear silk?

  “I do,” I agreed.

  “Then say yes,” he urged.

  “Yes,” I gasped before I had time to think.

  Chapter Three

  Adam was quick to turn me over to Michael Guidry, a top advisor on his team that would get me the clearance needed to begin my new position. It was a whirlwind as I was escorted through the White House, through many rooms I didn’t know existed. The doors and private hallways were everywhere, leaving me to believe I’d get lost the first time I was left on my own.

  I thought I’d get to see Adam again before I left, but instead I was ushered to my driver outside the White House doors. I had one week to get my affairs in order, to brief myself on instructions for the position, and be ready to prove myself worthy.

  “I can’t believe you took the position,” Rowena said as I unpacked my suitcases.

  “Yes, it just fell out of my face. It was like I didn’t have any control,” I explained, feeling the same anguish for my rushed and hasty decision.

  “I wish you’d at least given yourself time for all this to soak in,” she complained.

  I growled, knowing she was right but not willing to admit it.

  “You look good,” I said, quickly changing the subject.

  Rowena ran her fingers through her short hair and smiled. I knew it bothered her to lose her beautiful, long locks, but it was growing back quickly. “I feel good,” she said softly, sitting on the edge of her guest room bed.

  She had that motherly look in her eyes, the one she’d always get before giving me life advice. “Are you sure this isn’t about Adam?” she asked.

  “Maybe a little,” I giggled.

  Her eyes narrowed, and her lips tightened as she worked on wording her next comment carefully. “Quinn, he’s twelve years older than you, divorced, and he is the president of the United States,” she warned.

  “He’s still the same Adam,” I defended.

  “No, he’s not. You don’t want a scandal to ruin your career,” she added with her lecturing tone.

  I fought back giggles as I thought about my fear of becoming the next Monica Lewinsky. “I won’t let him stick any cigars in my hoo haa,” I snorted, laughing hysterically after I spewed out my comment.

  Rowena’s eyes widened as she stared at me with dismay. Her lips curled upward, and it was obvious she fought to keep her smile at bay. I continued to laugh, falling onto the bed until finally she couldn’t hold back and joined me.

  My week of getting my personal affairs in order flew by. I’d contacted a moving company and a neighbor to oversee the job, and paid out of my lease. It was official. I was living in Washington, D.C., working as a senior communications advisor to the president—to Adam.

  “We have a press conference today at one o’clock. You’ll need to review the speaker’s speech, prep him on anything he’s missed, and be ready for a meeting in the oval office in fifteen minutes,” Michael Guidry spouted out orders as quickly as I could jot them down in my notebook.

  Holy shit, there was no settling-in phase to this job: just go, good luck, and fuck off.

  Michael’s eyes lingered on my yellow blouse, steadying on the open button that revealed more flesh than he obviously approved. “Did you not have time to dress this morning?” he snapped with a sarcastic tongue.

  My hands quickly gripped my thin blouse, furiously buttoning the top two buttons. Ugh, I felt constricted and uncomfortable. As Michael turned to walk away, I unclasped the top button to relieve the painful suffocation it caused.

  I’d been following Michael around as he barked his orders since I walked through the front doors. I barely knew where I was, let alone how to get to the Oval Office.

  I walked in the direction Michael had gone in, but at the end of the hall, he was gone. The hallway opened to the left, and to the right, each with sets of doors that looked unfamiliar.

  “You lost?” I turned to see Adam standing behind me.

  I knew I was blushing. I could feel the heat flowing from my cheeks. “Yes. Actually, I am,” I admitted.

  “Walk with me,” he said firmly, but offered a friendly wink.

  I took note of the path, knowing there’d be no way I’d get lost again. “So, first day going well?” he asked as he walked, not taking his eyes from his path.

  “Yes. It’s a little overwhelming,” I admitted.

  “I kept a map in my pocket the first few days,” he laughed.

  “So, they follow you everywhere?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at the two men in suits.

  Adam didn’t bother to look; he just smiled, and nodded. “I assume I’ll get used to it, eventually,” he said softly.

  A group of suits gathered outside the office, all clearing a path when Adam and I walked towards them. “Good morning, Mr. President,” each one chanted like clones before Adam smiled, and opened the door to let them inside.

  The meeting was simple, just a quick itinerary for the upcoming week. There were several events in the immediate area and a few in other states that needed to be weighed by importance. Myself, Michael, and the other top advisors would create a schedule, and if there was to be travel, Adam immediately assigned me to be his personal liaison.

  I could feel the looks in my direction, all questioning the real reason I was even there. I couldn’t blame them. I questioned why I was really there.

  “Thank you, everyone. Let’s have a great day,” Adam said, clearing the room within seconds.

  “Quinn,” he said as I started to
follow the crowd of suits out the door.

  I stopped, turned, and nodded as he held up his index finger to motion me to wait. Michael gave me a quick glance, letting his eyes fall to my opened button with disapproval.

  “Yes, sir,” I said as Michael closed the door behind him as the last man out.

  Adam motioned for the two servicemen by the door to exit, which they quickly obeyed.

  “I don’t know how you expect me to focus on running the country while you’re wearing that yellow blouse,” he said with a smile.

  His dark hair had speckles of gray that glistened when the sunlight brushed across them. I wasn’t sure what to say, or how to react. My pussy was already swelling against my panties, and my nipples were gnawing at the material on my bra as they fought to push through. “I’m sorry. Is this not appropriate?” I asked, flushing with embarrassment.

  It was a designer blouse, and the light-gray jacket and shirt that it was paired with gave it a professional, but feminine style. Maybe it was too feminine. Oh God, did I dress to turn on the president? I knew better than to do that. I was a professional, and Adam or not, this was my job.

  “No. It’s stunning,” he said, leaning back against his desk.

  His back shifted against the hard wood of his desk as my eyes accidentally glanced toward his package. My cheeks burned as I quickly moved my eyes to the windows behind him. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “I don’t mean to be so forward. It’s ju—just, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you,” he stammered.

  My knees weakened, almost buckling beneath my small frame. I nervously pressed the material of my skirt flat against the palms of my hands as he stared into my eyes. I wanted to tell him I’d thought about him too, but I was frozen, speechless, delightfully stunned.

  “I may be reading things wrong, but I thought we had a real connection out there on the campaign trail,” he said nervously.

  My heart pounded, my breasts swelled against the thin yellow blouse. The president of the United States was flirting with me, nervously flirting with me.

  “Is that why you wanted me here?” I asked, suddenly finding his advances offensive.

  “No, of course not. I mean, I would love for something more, but you are the only one for this job,” he said convincingly.

  “Something more?” I asked softly, loving the sound of those words.

  He pushed away from the desk and moved toward me quickly. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him. God, his scent was enough to make me weak, and his hot breath enough to drop me to my knees. “We couldn’t,” I whispered.

  “Couldn’t what?” he leaned in closer, letting his lips barely graze against mine. “We couldn’t kiss?” he whispered, pressing his mouth to mine.

  My eyes closed as his soft, sensual lips covered mine and his tongue glided to part them. He tasted so sweet, so delicious, that I found myself lost in a passionate embrace.

  He pulled away slowly. “That’d be a shame,” he said softly.

  “A crying shame,” I gasped, still dizzy from his aggression.

  “What else couldn’t we do?” he asked, his hands moving to my ass and squeezing my cheeks.

  My head fell back and a soft moan escaped my lips as his mouth consumed my neck. He pressed into me, letting me feel his excitement hard against my side as his tongue traced the length of my neck until it wended its way back to my lips.

  I was lost, in passion, in pure heat, in a fantasy. What was I doing? What were we doing?

  I pulled away, adjusting my skirt and struggling to calm my heavy breathing. “We can’t,” I scolded mournfully.

  “We’re both adults,” he argued convincingly.

  Damn, he was gorgeous.

  “Yes, and one of us just happens to be the president of the United States,” I pointed out.

  “John Tyler, Woodrow Wilson, and Grover Cleveland all married while in office. You know they had to have dated as the president,” Adam spouted off his history facts quickly and with confidence.

  “You’ve done your homework,” I chuckled.

  “I have,” he admitted.

  “I think people will believe I was hired only for your personal pleasure,” I said sternly.

  “Once they see what an amazing job you do, they’ll know that isn’t true,” he argued.

  “Yes. But the people hate scandals, and you’re fresh. Your divorce still has some damage control yet,” I added.

  Adam sighed, pushing his hand to his chin as he stared at me with his dreamy blue eyes. “I can handle the divorce problems,” he said.

  “Your ex-wife made some horrible claims about your infidelity,” I reminded him.

  “All of which were untrue, and unproven,” he pointed out.

  I’d worked closely with him during his campaign to clear his name, and I truly believed he was honest. His wife had divorced him, leaving him for another man, only to be angered when he ran for office. She’d always pushed him to run, but he wanted to start a family instead, and she refused. I knew the thought of him in office, possibly with a new first lady, made her sick, and all she wanted to do was ruin his chances.

  “She made up names; we proved that, you proved that,” he insisted.

  “I know that, and you know that. But the people never completely forget the claims, and something like this could make them bring it back up,” I argued.

  I was right. He knew I was right.

  He moved toward me again, this time slowly and seductively. I knew what he was going to do, and even though I thought it was wrong, I didn’t stop him.

  The taste of his tongue tangled around mine, the sensation of his hands caressing my curves was deliciously wicked, even more so knowing it was wrong.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, pulling away.

  His eyes were filled with pain and hunger. “I just need to prove myself,” I said quickly. “You’re right. You’re always right. That’s why you’re here,” he assured me with a smile.

  My eyes glanced toward his package, noticing the bulge between his legs, and my gaze lingered to trace the outline of his cock beneath the thin trousers he wore. I’d remember the shape, the girth, and later that night I’d find a toy that matched to ease my sexual angst.

  “Did you get settled in here in Washington?” he asked, painfully trying to change the topic of ‘us’ to anything else.

  “Not entirely. I’m staying with Rowena,” I replied.

  His face softened, “How is she?”

  “She’s great. Cancer-free, and actually on a mini vacation right now at a spa in Virginia Beach,” I boasted.

  “So, you’re all alone tonight?” he asked softly.

  My pussy pressed hard against my panties as the silk material clung to my swollen lips. I knew what he was after, and I wasn’t in any condition to fight him off. “Yes. All week,” I stated, trying not to show my eagerness.

  “Does she still live in Foggy Bottom?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “I visited her not too long ago,” he said with a quick smile.

  A knock on the door ended our conversation. When it opened at Adam’s request, it was Michael, staring at me with a wild glare. “Vice President Phillips is waiting, Mr. President,” he said, not taking his eyes from mine.

  “I’ll be right there,” Adam said, immediately putting his game face back on.

  I gripped my bag and moved toward the door, startled to see Michael just outside, leaning against the wall.

  “Your lipstick is smeared,” he said softly.

  I quickly pulled a compact mirror from my purse and used it to correct the obvious issue.

  “You need to be careful. If anyone knows how ugly these things can get in the media, it should be you,” he warned.

  “It’s not what you think,” I defended, knowing it was useless.

  “I think you need to fix your lipstick, adjust your skirt, and button your blouse,” he said with a strangely friendly smirk.

I mumbled under my breath as I did what Michael suggested. I knew how this looked: exactly like what it was.

  “If it gets out that you and the president are having… whatever it is you’re having, his time here will be spent focusing on damage control of his image rather than our country,” he warned.

  “We aren’t having anything,” I snapped, buttoning my top button of my blouse and feeling the suffocation take hold.

  Were we?

  Chapter Four

  “How was your day?” Rowena asked.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be relaxing?” I laughed.

  I fell onto her fluffy white couch with my phone held tightly to my ear. It felt good to hear her voice, but I was grateful she wasn’t there to eye me up. One look and she’d know what I’d done.

  “I am relaxing. I’m in a mud bath right now, actually,” she said calmly.

  “My day was as expected. I got lost, found out there’s no training, and I’m already a week behind on the workload they gave me,” I groaned.

  “Wow. So, they just threw you to the wolves, eh? Either they trust you or they’re testing you,” she laughed.

  I knew the correct response, but I didn’t say anything. “I’ll let you get back to your soak. I have to go through a mountain of papers to create an event schedule for Adam,” I explained.

  “Adam? Do you call him that in public?” she asked.

  “No. Of course not. I call him hot pants,” I giggled and hung up the phone.

  There was no activity on my phone as I looked at the screen. Adam had said he knew where Rowena lived, but there was no way he’d show up here. Was there?

  I took a long, hot shower, hoping to wash away my sexual tension. But the streams of water flicking against my nipples and rolling between my legs just made me more frustrated.

  My body craved Adam’s touch, not my own. My fingers lingered between my pussy lips, slowly rolling back and forth to part them. My juices were slippery, sliding my fingers inside my tight hole without effort.

  I moaned, trying to imagine it was Adam who was playfully teasing my pussy. My eyes closed, and I remembered the outline of his cock, thick and hard. I pushed my fingers deep inside of me, two, and then three, but couldn’t satisfy the ache deep in my body.


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