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Whispering Tower

Page 13

by Katie Clark

  OK. She hadn’t expected that.

  Philip spoke before she could form a reply. “If it’s happened before, can you help us reverse it?”

  Slowly, agonizingly, Ezekiel shook his head. “I can do nothing, except instruct you in the way.”

  “We will take that, happily.” Philip looked to her, and she nodded agreement. This was exactly what they’d hoped for—someone who could tell them how to get home.

  But Ezekiel’s expression didn’t change. His eerie frown deepened. “I am afraid it will not be easy. The prophecies say that when Hebat comes, she must be sacrificed on the third day, then rise again.”

  Sharp chills broke out across Skye’s skin. The heat in the hut, mixed with the chill in the air, made her queasy. “Like, Jesus or something?” The words were out before she could stop them.

  Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “Jesus? I know not any Jesus.”

  She scanned her memories and remembered that Sumer had existed before Jesus came. Before he rose from the grave on the third day.

  Of course Ezekiel didn’t know what she was talking about.

  “What does this mean?” Philip asked. “And why does it matter in terms of us getting home?” His voice had changed. He was getting impatient—anxious.

  Skye watched him, admiring him slightly. He reminded her of his dad, the way he commanded the conversation and seemed fully in charge.

  Even though Ezekiel was totally in charge here.

  “It means,” Ezekiel said patiently, “that people will be looking for you, Mistress. You have disappeared, which dishonors the city. The people will want to know what they did to displease you. They will beg for your return and your eventual sacrifice to show that you are happy with the land.”

  Now that she was out of the city, the entire thing was surreal. And much less scary. How could they find her, hidden away in this dirt hut? Still, if this affected her way home, she wanted to know. “When you say sacrifice, do you mean that literally?”

  Another deep nod. “Yes, Mistress. The ceremony will be at the end of the festival, at the base of the tower.”

  Again, a recollection in the back of her mind nagged her. Something about the tower, and the city’s history. It must be something she had learned, and she wanted to pin it down, but there was too much going on.

  “Can you tell us what we need to do to leave then?” Philip stood and paced the small room. His head barely cleared the roof of the small hut. “The people will be watching for Skye. Is that what you mean? So it will be difficult to move around without people mobbing her?”

  Ezekiel stood, too. He seemed uncomfortable to sit while his guest stood. He had to duck slightly to keep from touching the top of the hut. “It is as you say. You came into the city at the marketplace. I know not why, but you must return through time at the base of the tower. It is the stones that have the power of time.”

  Someone called from outside the hut, interrupting the rest of Ezekiel’s instructions. His brow lowered, and the shout sounded again. “I must go. Stay here. For now, you will be safe.”

  He left before they could ask anything else, and Skye growled. “I wish this stupid hut had a window.”

  Philip shook his head. “It’s probably the lack of windows that’s keeping us safe. So, what do you think about all of this? We have to go back into the city and make it to the tower.”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, I definitely want to do it. I don’t want to be stuck here.”

  She wanted him to sit, but he continued pacing. Where was Ezekiel? What was taking him so long? “Do you think it’s Saul?” It was hard to ask, but fear knotted her stomach.

  His eyes met hers, and she could tell he felt the same fear. “I don’t know.”

  He paced as seconds ticked by. What was happening outside? The shouting had stopped as soon as Ezekiel left the hut, but what if it was Saul’s guards coming to check for her?

  Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. Standing, she shook off her nerves and paced next to Philip. He quirked an eyebrow at her. She gave him a small smile, and half shrugged. “What? Even Hebat gets nervous from time to time.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “This is all crazy.” He stopped pacing for a step and faced her. “You know that, right?”

  Skye took a shaky breath. “Yeah, I know. But it’s kind of nice, being on the people’s radars because they actually like me.”

  A dark look crossed his face, but it vanished quickly. “People would like you back home if you’d let them.” His voice had softened, and it made her nervous.

  She laughed nervously. “Right, because I have such a great track record of people having my back.”

  The dark look returned, and Philip turned away. He resumed pacing, and Skye bit her lip. She shouldn’t have said that, even if it were true. Right now, they had more important things to focus on. Forgiving people was harder than she thought it would be. She should apologize. “Philip, I—,”

  Before she could finish, the door swung open, and Ezekiel peeked inside. “They are searching, as I feared. I have sent them away, but they will likely be back. Come.”

  Skye scrambled after him, clueless as to who he meant. But whoever had come looking was obviously a threat to their safety. Was it the person who wanted to sacrifice her? Or just someone who would take her to that person?

  They followed Ezekiel through the yard, away from the villa and toward what looked like a vineyard. She wanted to ask what type of getup Ezekiel was running. Animal farm? Wine press?

  But he walked at a fast pace, and she had to struggle to keep her legs moving. It had been hours since she ate, and even longer since Philip had eaten. He had to be starving. Besides that, they’d both only had minimal sleep.

  “I have sent my family away,” Ezekiel said as they walked. “They received word from my wife’s mother just this morning, asking for them to visit. I encouraged my wife to leave right away. She agreed, and they left not a half hour ago!” He stopped behind a smaller villa. It wasn’t grand or fancy, but it was obviously a home. “I have also sent for a few of the council members. I know not if they will come, but we must hope and pray.”

  Pray? To whom? Skye had no way of knowing if Ezekiel believed in the one true God, or just the gods, but he was right about praying.

  Philip stepped closer to Ezekiel. “These council members will know how to send us home?”

  Ezekiel’s wide grin revealed his crooked and missing teeth. “This I know not. Some of them were apprentices to the council many years ago when the other visitors arrived from different times and places. I believe they can help, and as we have no other options…” He held his hands out and shrugged.

  Skye took a deep breath and glanced around. “What do we do until the council arrives?”

  Ezekiel motioned to the building. “This is where the servants live. You will be hidden well if you stay here.” He turned to Leah, and Skye’s heart clenched. Poor Leah hadn’t eaten in hours. She was already so tiny, she had to be starving.

  “You mother will be pleased to see you, little one,” Ezekiel said to Leah.

  For the first time since they’d run away the night before, Leah’s face lit up.

  “She is in the kitchen,” Ezekiel said. “Go and find her, and she will feed you.”

  Leah didn’t wait for further instructions.

  Skye’s eyes pricked with tears at how happy Leah was to see her mom. At this point, Skye would be just as happy to see her own.

  Ezekiel took each of their elbows and led them inside the house. “I have instructed the keeper to allow you to rest first. When you awake, you will be given food.”

  Food sounded better than sleep, but she wouldn’t argue.

  Ezekiel led them further into the house. The main entryway was large, with a low table set up in the center. Two hallways snaked off either side of the room, and Ezekiel led them to the left. “You will be separated, of course.”

  This time, Skye’s gaze flew to Philip. He frowned but again didn’t
put up a fight.

  “Pistorious will find you when you awake. He is never far.”

  A man rounded a corner and glided toward them. He was tall and skinny, with long, silky, brown robes. His weren’t rough like Saul’s servants’ robes.

  “Ah,” Ezekiel said. “Here he is now. I will leave you in his care.”

  Pistorious bowed deeply to Ezekiel, and Ezekiel nodded. The “keeper” was obviously an important guy.

  The prospect of sleeping in Ezekiel’s servants’ house instead of a dark, cramped cart with Philip brought relief. Something moved inside her—a feeling of trustworthiness.

  Ezekiel has good intentions.

  Skye had no idea where the feelings came from, only that she was sure now she could trust him. Thank You, Heavenly Father. Gratefulness filled her. “Thank you, Ezekiel. We can never repay your kindness.”

  He laughed, almost as if he was just as excited as she was. “It is my pleasure, Mistress. Unfortunately, the need to hide you is still present. Because of this, you should play the part of servant, at least until the council arrives. Is this acceptable to you?”

  Skye glanced at Philip. He nodded, so she agreed.

  “Very good,” Ezekiel said. “Then I shall see you soon. Good day.” He left them with Pistorious, the keeper, so Skye turned toward him.

  “The women sleep in the north chamber, and the men in the south,” Pistorious said. “I assume this is acceptable to you?”

  “Yes,” Skye said. Then, she glanced at Philip to make sure it was OK with him. She tended to take control without thinking of asking anyone else—as she’d done with setting herself up to work with the poor in London instead of asking Mom first. Maybe she needed to learn to be more of a team player, as soon as she learned how to get over her grudges.

  “As long as it’s safe it’s fine with me,” Philip agreed.

  This seemed to amuse Pistorious, and he raised one eyebrow. “It is safe, I assure you. Those wearing brown are the outdoor servants. They tend the orchards, the animals, the houses. Those wearing white robes tend inside the house. Do you have a preference?”

  Skye’s brain froze. A preference for hard labor? “I think I’d prefer to work inside.”

  Pistorious nodded solemnly, as if he would choose that himself.

  Philip didn’t answer right away, just glanced around, taking it all in. Finally, he said, “I’d like to stay outside.”

  “Then it is decided. You will find me in this very house when you finish your rest.” He indicated the doorway behind them, and Skye saw beds filled the room. Pistorious bowed to Skye and then took Philip by the elbow and began leading him away.

  Skye’s breath caught. She didn’t want to be separated from Philip—the last time hadn’t gone so well.

  Philip glanced over his shoulder and watched her as he retreated with Pistorious. He obviously didn’t like it either.

  Skye looked into the north wing. Small pallets on the floor lined the room. This was where she would sleep until the council came. She swallowed hard, nerves twisting her stomach. Philip was gone, so she moved toward an empty bed and lay down. This had to be better than being at Saul’s where someone wanted to sacrifice her.

  But what if this didn’t work out? Would she ever see Philip again?


  Philip trailed Pistorious toward the other side of the building. The main common room was bright with light coming in through several windows. The walls were white, and it seemed fairly clean. It had been the same on the women’s side.

  The men’s side of the house wasn’t the same. Dark, cold, stark walls greeted him, and no decorations spruced up the area.

  “There is no mingling between the sexes,” Pistorious said. His voice was monotonous, as though he was quoting a fact he’d spoken hundreds of times. Which he probably was. “The men stay in their side, and the women stay in theirs. I, and my counterpart, sleep here in the common area.” He paused and pinned Philip with a look. “We are light sleepers.”

  Philip forced his face to stay neutral. “Got it.”

  Pistorious’s ancient eyebrows rose. “Got it? What have you got?”

  “Oh, sorry. I mean, I understand. Men on one side, women on the other.”

  Pistorious sighed. “Very well. Follow me.”

  The short walk landed them in a huge room lined with beds. The room stank like BO, but most of the beds were made nicely. “You will find the appropriate clothing in the trunks at the foot of the beds. You may rest as needed. When you awake you will be fed then shown your duties. Rest well.” He bowed then stepped away without another word.

  Philip stood still, waiting for him to disappear from sight. He shifted, glancing around. Should he go after Skye? But what good would that do? Ezekiel had promised to get them when the council members arrived. They were safe here, he hoped.

  He hurried forward, found an empty bed, and lowered himself onto it. Sleep seemed about as likely as waking up back in London, but he closed his eyes anyway. Before he knew it, he drifted away.

  Maybe a short rest would do him good.


  Philip awoke with a start. The dark, dingy room seemed darker than before. How long had he slept? He rolled off the bed and stood up. The kinks in his back reminded him why he didn’t like camping. Or sleeping on pallets on the floor.

  Hopefully, Skye hadn’t woken and gotten started without him. He opened the trunk at the end of his pallet and pulled out a brown robe. He slipped the fresh robes over his jeans and shirt as fast as he could. He wasn’t sure what the rush was. He hadn’t done much manual labor in his life, and he doubted it would be pleasant. But it felt as if he should be moving. Doing something. As if that would speed up the council members.

  Where did these dudes even live? Inside the city? Somewhere else in the Sumerian countryside?

  God, please don’t let it take too long.

  His stomach growled. First things first, he needed food. Maybe he could talk to Skye before they started their chores. She needed to know he would keep watch over her. Pistorious’s warnings about the sexes relieved him. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about Skye being attacked while she slept in her bed.

  Not that the problem was his anyway.

  He pushed the thought away. He wanted to keep watch over her. No, he didn’t owe it to her anymore, and she didn’t seem to want him watching over her. But he would do it anyway. She wanted to appear strong—and she was strong—but he could see she wasn’t always strong. She had areas of vulnerability that he’d overlooked for a long time. He wouldn’t be doing that anymore. Time had come to be the man he wanted to be and not the kind of person Dad had become. Philip rounded a corner.

  Pistorious sat at a small wooden table, making marks on some type of paper.

  Philip cleared his throat.

  Pistorious looked up. “Ah, you have arisen. You would like to eat, no?”

  “Yes, thank you. And can you tell me if my friend has awakened yet?”

  Pistrorious frowned.

  Philip could almost feel a lecture coming on, but before Pistorious could speak, someone spoke from behind Philip.

  “I’m awake.”


  Philip kept still so he wouldn’t tick off the keeper by hugging her, but he was filled with relief.

  Pistorious stood. “Girl, you must change your robes.” He eyed Skye’s emerald colored robes, and his frown deepened. Perhaps wondering how a servant girl had come by such fancy duds?

  “Right. I’ll be back.” Skye hurried away and Pistorious led Philip into the main eating area.

  “If you will sit, I will retrieve something for you to eat.” Pistorious left the building, but Philip didn’t doubt he’d be back in ten nanoseconds to make sure there was no mingling of the sexes taking place.

  Skye came into the main room a few moments later. She wore a simple, cream-colored robe. Taking a seat across the table from him, she glanced around. “Where’d he go?”

  “To get us some food.�
�� Philip studied her closely. “Did you get any sleep?”

  She nodded. “What about you?”

  “Yeah. I feel a lot better.”

  “Hopefully, the council members won’t take too long to get here.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” he said. “But we’ll survive. How hard can manual labor be?”

  She grinned, and he returned the smile. It was good to see her happy. He hadn’t seen her this relaxed since coming to Sumer. Maybe since ninth grade.

  But they had hope now, and the excitement shone in her eyes.

  “So,” he asked. “What’s the plan?”

  She shrugged. “We do what we’re told and wait for Ezekiel to call for us.”

  Philip nodded again.

  Pistorious glided through the doorway, carrying a small tray. He set it on the table between them. A few pieces of bread and two bowls of something resembling soup. But it looked like mostly broth.

  His stomach growled, and he didn’t complain—but it was definitely the difference between being treated like gods at Saul’s villa or like servants in Ezekiel’s.

  They ate quickly and silently, but he felt better about everything now. He could go to work for a day, knowing Skye was safe. That she was OK with working, the same as he was.

  Pistorious stood over them as they ate. He kept his hands clasped behind his back, and he held himself uncomfortably straight. He was way too uptight.

  As soon as they finished, he whisked the tray away. “Follow me.” He didn’t wait for them before he started for the door.

  Skye scrambled after him, and Philip brought up the rear.

  Pistorious led them down a dirt path between the servants’ quarters and the main villa. It was a huge house with ornate arched doorways and windows. It looked a lot like Saul’s, only bigger. Or maybe it only seemed bigger because the land around it was so open, and the land around Saul’s was so cramped.

  Inside, Pistorious led them through a series of corridors, and they came to the kitchen. “Rachel, this is a new servant girl. Do with her what you will.”

  Leah worked silently beside Rachel. She smiled at Skye, and Skye smiled back. Rachel must be Leah’s mom, and Leah must have forgiven Skye for not being Hebat.


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