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Pucked Under (Pucked #4.5)

Page 7

by Helena Hunting

  We spend the next hour in the water, during which I constantly try to get my hand into her bikini bottoms. After a while Lily’s lips start to turn blue. Being as lean as she is, she gets cold fast. We get out of the water before everyone else. I wrap her in a towel and cuddle with her in a chair.

  By seven thirty, the sun is starting to dip below the tree line, and we’re all hungry, so we pack up and return to the cottage to get changed and start dinner.

  I grab Lily around the waist as soon as we’re in the room, reaching behind me to flip the lock.

  “Oh, no. No way. We’re not doing this right now. I’m starving, and I said I’d help with dinner.”

  “Just a quickie.” I pull the top of her bathing suit down so her breasts pop out. She breaks out in a wave of goosebumps. Her nipples are already hard.

  “There’s no such thing as a quickie with you, and you know it.” She presses her ass back against my hard-on.

  “Everyone’s having showers, and you’re freezing. Let me warm you up.” I kiss along her shoulder. “I wanna make a video of you in this bikini. I’ve been thinking about fucking you in it all afternoon.”

  Mainly I want the videos for away games. Lily’s the only person I’ve ever done anything like that with, and I like them even more for that reason. I mean yeah, lots of bunnies happily sent me unrequested naked pictures, but it’s different with Lily. I think it’s similar to my current obsession with mirrors. I’m hooked on the raw emotion and vulnerability Lily shows in those moments.

  “We can make a video later.”

  “Just a couple of pictures, then?” I slide my hand down the front of her bikini bottoms. “You need to see how this looks from my vantage point.”

  She makes a plaintive sound when I brush over her clit. “Okay. A few pictures.”

  I withdraw my hand and give her ass a tap. “Awesome. Why don’t you turn on the water, and I’ll get my phone.”

  She doesn’t pull the top back up, just runs on her tiptoes to the bathroom. I check my shorts for my phone, but it’s not in there, so I check the comforter and under the bed.

  Lily peeks her head out. “What’s taking so long?”

  “I’m looking for my phone.”

  “You probably left it in the truck. Mine’s in my purse.”

  I nab her purse from the floor and bring it to her, because I’m not going through that. I have no idea what kind of stuff she carries around in there. Once she finds her phone, she keys in her code and passes it to me.

  I put my hand down the front of her bikini bottoms again and snap a few pictures, then show them to her. “See how hot that is?”

  “I see.” She tilts her head to the side so I have more places to kiss.

  I take a few more pictures like that before I bend her over and take a few of her sweet ass. Sliding my finger under the elastic, I pull the fabric to the side, exposing her cheek. Lily spreads her legs for me, and I snap a few more shots, capturing frame by frame as I ease a finger inside her.

  “Wanna see?” I ask.

  At her nod, I scroll back and flip through them for her—while I’m finger-fucking her. She moans her discontent when I stop.

  “Don’t worry, luscious, you’ll get what you want.” I use the head of my cock to nudge the fabric out of the way. Then I hit record as the head disappears inside her. I transfer the phone to my other hand and hold the fabric out of the way so I can watch the first thrust.

  “How’s the view?” Lily asks.

  “Amazing.” I hit pause, then rewind it, holding it out in front of us for her to see while I fuck her slow. “So much better than internet porn.”

  Lily takes the phone, and I start fucking her like I mean it. She stays as steady as she can, holding the phone up in the mirror, her eyes on the tiny image on the screen. She zeros in on my hand as I move her bikini bottoms to the side and rub her clit. When she’s too shaky, she drops the phone on the counter and grabs the back of my neck, seeking my mouth.

  She comes first, then drops to her knees. I pick up the phone again and record her as she licks herself off my cock and sucks me until I come, too. Usually I’m careful when I’m recording and don’t get her face, but that’s pretty unavoidable when a blow job is involved.

  She brushes her teeth as soon as we’re done and then joins me in the shower. “Don’t let me forget to delete that from my phone as soon as we’re home and I’ve downloaded it to my laptop,” she tells me.

  “Good plan.”





  We’re quick about the shower since the “photo shoot” took longer than planned. I pull on a pair of leggings, a bandeau bra, and one of the new tops Randy recently bought and hid in my drawer. It’s pale pink and has little brown wiener dogs all over it.

  He thinks he’s being all smooth; he takes off the tags and folds the new stuff up like it was there all along. I love how thoughtful he is, and I know I’m important to him in ways no one else is. He cleared out one entire side of his dresser and closet to make room for my things. I didn’t have a lot to begin with, but he keeps filling up the space with things he thinks I’ll like or need. It’s sweet.

  By the time we make it to the kitchen, dinner preparations are in full swing. I get a knife and start chopping vegetables. Randy takes the foil-wrapped double-stuffed potatoes outside to the barbecue.

  “So Lily, important question for you.” Violet’s peeling carrots at crotch level. It’s a little disturbing.


  She sets down her peeler, looking rather serious. “How do you keep your vag from chafing with the amount of dick you take from Balls?”

  “Paraffin wax baths,” I reply evenly. “Hey, where’s Sunny?”

  “She’s outside with Miller, watching him barbecue.”

  Charlene looks over at me. She’s wearing a pair of latex gloves while chopping onions. “Doesn’t she usually get squicked out by meat?”

  “Usually. I mean, at the beginning of her pregnancy, if she even passed a burger joint she’d be heaving, but lately she’s been sniffing my Epic Burger bags.”

  Darren passes through the kitchen and stops behind Charlene. “You ladies need help with anything in here?”

  Charlene’s hand flutters to her throat, and panic flares across her face.

  He retrieves the necklace she’s always wearing from his pocket. Hanging it from a finger, he holds it up in front of her. “Missing something, dollface?”

  “Oh my God.” She grabs for it, but he snatches it away. “Where did you find it?”

  “In your beach bag.”

  “I didn’t want to lose it.”

  “Of course not.” He moves her hair over her shoulder. “Let me put it back on for you.”

  She drops her chin, bowing her head as he clasps it behind her neck and follows with a soft kiss at the top of her spine. Charlene shivers, and I get busy with the lettuce. I feel like an interloper on a very private moment.

  Charlene startles me when she blurts out, “No!”

  Her knife clatters to the counter, and she latches onto Darren’s wrist with both hands.

  “No?” He cocks a brow. They’re rather villainous and archy.

  Her eyes are wide. “No. They’re raw. Please.”

  It takes me a second to realize she’s talking about the onions.

  An amused grin plays over his mouth, but he drops the rings back on the chopping board. “Why don’t you help me bring the beers out?”

  Charlene heaves a relieved sigh, peels off her gloves, and takes two bottles, passing the others to Darren. He links the fingers of his free hand through hers, and she follows him through the screen door on to the deck.

  Violet and I make eye contact.

  “Okay. Is it just me, or was that really fucking weird?”

  “That was really fucking weird,” Violet agrees.

  “What the hell is going on with those two?”

nestly, I have no idea, but this stinky food business is starting to freak me out. We need to get her hammered and make her talk.”

  “Yes. I’ll make some margaritas. They’re like truth serum.”

  “This is why we’re soul sisters, right there—that and we both have men with giant dicks.”

  I raise my hand for a high five as I pass. She shoves it out of the way and forces me to do a chest bump instead.

  Once the veggies are prepared and I’ve made a pitcher of margaritas, plus a non-alcoholic one for Sunny, we take everything outside and join the rest of them on the deck. It’s still warm, although the sun has sunk below the tree line now. Pretty decorative lights wrap around the deck railing, illuminating the space. In addition to a huge dining table inside, there’s also a screened-in porch, complete with a chandelier and seating for ten. It overlooks the water, and it’s the perfect setting for dinner.

  Sunny’s currently hanging off of Miller’s arm while he flips steaks. Darren and Charlene magically appear again fifteen minutes before dinner. They both seem composed, if not tense, which makes me even more curious about what the heck the onion-Doritos thing is.

  Sunny practically sits in Miller’s lap during dinner. I think she’s sniffing his shirt. If she wasn’t pregnant, I’d wonder if she was high.

  “Charlene, I’ve been meaning to ask where you got your necklace. It’s so pretty.” I try to be nonchalant about it, but based on Violet’s glare, it’s way obvious what I’m up to. Also, I’ve had two margaritas and a lot of sun today, so I’m feeling the booze even with the steak-and-potatoes buffer.

  Charlene fingers the pearls. “Oh, uh, it was a gift.”

  “You must love it since you wear it all the time,” Sunny chimes in.

  She’s still all snuggled up to Miller, making it a challenge for him to eat. He’s resorted to stabbing his steak and biting off hunks since he doesn’t have a free hand to cut it with.

  I nod in agreement. “You hardly ever take it off.”

  “Pearls are Charlene’s favorite.” Darren traces the edge of the necklace with a fingertip. “Isn’t that right?”

  Charlene blinks several times, rapidly. Now, she and Violet are probably the most open people I’ve ever met when it comes to discussing sexual adventures. So I’m surprised by the flush that creeps into her cheeks. She puts her hand over Darren’s when he slips a finger under the necklace.

  “I love pearls.” She’s almost breathless.

  This is so weird.

  “It’s a symbol of Darren’s favorite spot to unload,” Violet says, breaking the sexual tension. I’d like to say it’s because she’s as drunk as I am, but she’s not.

  Darren snorts and whispers something to Charlene, who chokes on her margarita.

  Before I can segue to asking about the Doritos and raw onions diet they’re on, a flash of headlights and the sound of throbbing bass freeze us all in place. The lights and noise cease just as abruptly.

  Violet checks her phone. “Oh, shit. I missed a few messages. It looks like Lance decided to come after all.”

  Less than a minute later, Lance comes around the side of the deck with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder and a couple of bottles in his hand. He seems unsure of himself as he raises the bottles in greeting. “Hey, hope ya don’t mind me crashing yer party.”

  Violet and Alex exchange a look before she tosses her napkin on the table and pushes her chair back. “Of course not! We’re glad you decided to come.”

  Lance sets the bottles on the table, and I notice his raw knuckles.

  Violet takes his battered hand in hers and inspects it briefly. “Why don’t we drop your stuff inside?”


  She puts her hand on his elbow and leads him toward the cottage, glancing over her shoulder once at Alex before they disappear inside.

  “It has to be Tash. She must’ve called,” Randy mutters.

  “I think she was in town,” Alex says quietly.

  “Shit.” Miller picks up the closest bottle. It’s expensive scotch. “We’re gonna have to make sure he doesn’t chug this whole thing.”

  “It’s all right. Vi’s pretty good at talking him down,” Alex says.

  A few seconds later, a door on the other side of the cottage opens and closes, and we hear Lance and Violet walking down to the dock. I glance over at Alex. Despite his jealous streak, he doesn’t look worried; he just seems sad. It makes me wonder what Lance hides under that front of his.




  Once dinner is cleaned up, Sunny brings out the baby and bridal magazines. I’m not big on either since I don’t have a vagina, so I make my way down to the water to check on Lance. Based on the state of his knuckles, he’s had one of his meltdowns. Solar lights mark the path, and soft recessed lights line the edges of the dock. I want to say I trust Lance with Violet, especially since Alex does, but I’m not sure if I do. So I’m bringing them drinks. I know Lance officiated their wedding, but it’s hard to forget all the parties and bunnies from last season. He’s done some things that are on the edge. He’s my friend, but he’s not in a good headspace, judging by the state of his hands.

  He and Violet are sitting cross-legged, facing each other. Lance’s head is bowed, and his hands are in his lap. He looks like a massive kid.

  They look my way when my flip-flops slap on the wood. “We’re starting the campfire soon.” I offer them each a beer.

  Violet shakes her head as she unfurls from her seated position. Standing, she extends a hand to Lance. “You coming?”

  “In a bit.”

  She touches his shoulder. He tenses at the contact, but remains still.

  “Thanks.” His head stays bowed.

  “You don’t have to thank me. You know we’re here for you.” As she passes me she whispers, “You should stay with him.”

  I drop down beside him and hand him a beer.

  He takes it and clinks it against mine. “You checking up on me?”


  “I know I’m an asshole, but I would never make a move on Violet. Or any of my friends’ women.”

  I feel bad that he believes this to be the first assumption I came to, and that he’s correct. “You’re not an asshole, Lance.”

  “Yeah, sometimes I am.” He looks up at the stars and then at me. “But I mean it; you don’t have to worry about your girl with me. I won’t ever touch a woman who owns someone else’s heart—not on purpose anyway. That’s cruel.”

  He looks away and rolls his bottle between his hands. We’re silent for a minute while I process what he’s said. I wish I was better with words.

  “I don’t think it would ever be intentional. Sometimes lines get blurred without us even realizing it.” I know all about that. Lily and I started out as a casual hook-up, but that changed pretty damn fast, and I almost fucked it up more than once. Lance was part of the reason I didn’t, and lucky for me, Lily’s a patient, understanding woman. Patience and understanding don’t apply in this situation, though.

  “I dunno.” Lance drops his head. “But Alex and Violet are solid. That’s the only reason I can talk to her. That woman is devoted. What she went through with him earlier this year? She proved herself. She might say ridiculous shit a lot, but she’s made for this life. She’s got balls. Besides, Alex threatened to murder me a long time ago if I so much as lay a finger on her. We’ve got a good understanding.” He downs half of his beer.

  “You don’t ever worry that you’re gonna start having feelings for her that you shouldn’t?”

  Lance laughs.

  I back track. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t talk to her; I just don’t want things to get complicated for you.”

  “Violet would see that coming before it happened. She’s like family. Like a sister, you know? Besides, I’m not really interested in the good girls.”

  I nod to his now-bandaged hands. “You see Tash? Is that what happened here?”

  “Yeah. Y
ou’d think I’d learn, but I don’t.” He drains the rest of his beer in one gulp.

  “You need to quit her like a bad habit,” I say. “She kind of is a bad habit, eh?”

  “I know.” His nod is solemn, but the way his shoulders hunch forward tells me more about how he’s doing than his words.

  This girl has wrecked him, more than once. I don’t get why he keeps letting her do it. “What happened between you two?”

  “Too much and not enough.” He holds up his empty bottle. “I need another beer.”

  That’s as far as our conversation is going to go. I follow him back to the cottage, and we all get shitfaced at the fire—except Sunny and Miller. He stays sober out of solidarity until she’s ready for bed, which is much earlier than the rest of us.

  Less than an hour after they disappear upstairs, Miller comes back out and ties one on. It’s good for Lance, since that means he’s not feeling like a seventh wheel with no one to go to bed with later.

  The girls are sitting on chairs, taking a million selfies, while Miller roasts his fifth hot dog. Sunny being in bed means it’s a Miller meat free-for-all.

  “Oh, no, my battery died.” Lily gives me her drunk pouty face. “Can I borrow your phone?”

  It’s cute, but I’m hoping she’s drunk enough to want to get her uninhibited freak on, yet not so drunk that she passes out before we even get our clothes off.

  “Yeah, of course, luscious.” I pat my pockets, then remember I didn’t have it with me this afternoon. “It’s probably in the truck. I can go have a look for it, if you want.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll send you my pictures.” Violet has a serious slur.

  I cut Lily off around one o’clock, because she’s getting bleary eyed, and hangovers hit her hard. We don’t go to bed until after three in the morning, and when we do, we leave Lance and Miller out there alone. I make sure Lily takes aspirin and drinks a boatload of water before we get into bed. We have slightly uncoordinated, lazy sex and then pass out hard.

  No one gets out of bed before ten the next morning, except Sunny. I’m up before Lily, and I don’t bother her with my hard-on. Instead I take care of my own business in the bathroom. Usually I pick one of our recent videos and play it on repeat while I jerk off, but today I’m forced to use my imagination. It works, but it takes longer. I need to check the truck for my damn phone. Also, my hands aren’t as soft as Lily’s, so that makes it less pleasant than, say, her hands, or her mouth, or her sweet, sweet pussy.


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