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Pucked Under (Pucked #4.5)

Page 15

by Helena Hunting

  Twenty minutes later, I get another picture. I hide my phone under the table, half expecting it to be Lily dressed up in one of her matching bra and undie sets. It’s not. This time it’s that roll of red ribbon. I’m instantly hard. Harder than I would be if she’d sent me a semi-nude picture.

  My response is brief and to the point:

  Leaving now. Home in 15.

  Hers is just as succinct:

  ready 4u.

  I leave my beer, say a quick round of goodbyes, and hop in my truck. I don’t drive the speed limit home. I don’t even try, actually. I run two stale yellows and almost forget to put the truck in park before I get out. I fumble with the lock code—I’m still getting used to the new one—throw open the door, and there she is.

  “Holy mother,” I groan as I take in the sight before me. I’m quick to step inside and close the door, so no one accidentally gets a glimpse of my gift-wrapped girlfriend. This isn’t like the time she answered the door with a bow around her neck. She has that now, too, but this is so, so much better.

  She’s made quite an effort this time. A thick band of ribbon winds across her chest, covering her nipples. Another piece is threaded between her thighs, somehow attached to the one wrapped around her chest, and all tied up with a pretty red bow in the center. Another wide piece of ribbon is wrapped around her throat with a second bow, and there are also bows on either hip.

  Lily fingers the ribbon at her neck. “Did you know we missed an important anniversary earlier this month?”

  I mentally scroll through all our important dates. I’m usually good with this kind of thing. Her birthday is in the spring, so I haven’t missed it. Mine is December, so it’s still a ways off. We officially started dating in January, and the first time I gave her an orgasm was in August, at Waters’ Ontario cottage.

  She takes a slow step toward me. She’s wearing heels. She almost never wears heels. And she has lipstick on. It’s red to match the bow. “Want a hint?”

  I nod. I don’t think I actually have words right now.

  “What happened in September last year?” She grabs my belt buckle and pulls it from the clasp.

  “September of last year?”

  She pops the button on my pants. The way she’s biting her lip and palming me through my pants makes it hard to think.

  “There was a party…” She drags the zipper down. “You were wearing these underwear, too. Except they were in much better shape then. There’s a hole here; did you know that?”

  “Huh?” I’m too busy thinking about all the ways I’m going to make her come, and how I want to hook my fingers under that ribbon around her throat and hold onto it while I fuck orgasms out of her. I seriously don’t know why it winds me up the way it does.

  She sticks her pinkie in the tiny hole near the fly flap, drawing my attention back down to her hand on my crotch.

  “Hey! Don’t do that. You’ll make it bigger.” I pin her wrists to her sides.

  “Did your teammates see these?”

  “So what if they did? They don’t care how big my dick is.”

  Lily giggles. “I guess you have a point. But these are probably ready for the trash.”

  “They’re my favorite.”

  “I thought I was your favorite.”

  “You’re my favorite person; these are my favorite ball huggers.”

  “I see.”

  I lean in for a kiss. I’m not sure what the red lipstick is about; once we get started, it’s going to end up smeared all over her face. And mine. I’m actually fine with that.

  She turns her head to the side, giving me her cheek. “You still haven’t guessed what we’re celebrating. You don’t get to unwrap me until you do.”

  “Oh, no?” I kiss along the edge of ribbon at her throat. “I better guess right then, huh?”

  She bats her lashes. “You’ll get to pull a bow if you do.”

  “Wow. That sounds pretty damn awesome. So last September…” I let go of her hands and slip a finger under the ribbon running vertically down her torso. I stop just above her pussy. “…was Waters’ engagement party.” I reverse my path, then trace the edge of the ribbon from the center to the right, and back the other way. Lily shivers. “That was the first time I ever got inside you.”

  “It was.”

  I kiss her shoulder. “I wanted to take you back to my place and keep you all weekend.”

  She angles her head to the side, and I follow the ribbon all the way to her neck. “I wanted that, too.”

  “I was already way more into you than I should’ve been for something that was supposed to be all casual.”

  She runs her fingers through my hair. “I remember thinking it was a good thing you couldn’t take me out for dinner.”

  I back up so I can see her face. “Why was that?”

  “Because it would’ve felt like a date, and I knew it wasn’t supposed to be.” Lily fingers the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head.

  “I was so fucking stupid.”

  “Not stupid. Maybe a little clueless, but then so was I.” She kisses the center of my chest, leaving a red lip print.

  Lily pushes, and I take a step back, then another, and I hit the wall behind me. She drops into a crouch, her face level with my crotch. Her grin is wicked as she pulls my pants and boxer briefs over my hips, setting my dick free. She kisses the tip, leaving another red lip print. Without using her hands, she kisses her way down the shaft.

  And now I get why the red lipstick—every kiss leaves another print. When I pull my phone out and quirk a brow in question, Lily grins.

  “I can get the digital camera if you’d prefer.” She’s mostly forgiven me for the lost-phone scare.

  “We’re good.”

  She licks the tip when I snap the first pic, and then engulfs the head. She doesn’t touch me with anything but her mouth, which drives me fucking crazy. When I warn her I’m about to come, she takes me deeper and keeps her eyes on mine.

  When she’s done, her lipstick has worn off, and her lips are puffy. I help her up, and she takes my hand, leading me to our bedroom, which is a really great idea. There’s a good chance I’m going to fuck fifty damn orgasms out of her tonight, and a bed is the safest, least potentially bruising place for that to go down.

  Lily crawls up on the mattress with her ass in the air. Her little ribbon thong panties are fucking obscene with the way the red fabric disappears between her lips. I bet it’s rubbing on her clit. I bet she’s halfway to coming already. I climb up after her and flip her onto her back, kneeling between her legs.

  The ribbon bra is first to go. I pull the bow and watch the red satin fall away. Kissing each nipple, I sit back and appreciate this gift of a woman. The remaining thick band of red hides her clit. I trace the damp edges of the ribbon with my thumbs, and Lily’s breath hitches.

  I slip two fingers under, tugging it gently upward. She spreads her legs wider and lifts her hips, pulling the ribbon tighter so it rubs right where it should. I tease her like that, using the friction of the satin to get her where I want her: close but not quite there. I drop my head and kiss above her pelvis. When she moans my name, I shift the ribbon to the side so her swollen clit peeks out. I give it a soft lick, and that’s all it takes to make her come.

  I spend a few more minutes with my face between her thighs, using the ribbon and my tongue to get her off. When I can’t wait any longer, I pull the bows on either hip, letting the ribbons fall away. I move her to sit in my lap, easing her onto my cock.

  I don’t start with vigorous pounding right away. Instead I let Lily roll her hips while I kiss along the edge of the ribbon still tied around her neck.

  “I don’t know why I love this so fucking much,” I mutter against her skin. I really don’t have an explanation. I move one hand to the center of her back and splay the other across her sternum. My index finger slips under the ribbon. “I’m leaving this one on.”

  Lily grins. “I figured as much.”

  I kiss he
r one more time. Then I adjust the ribbon so the bow is on the side and slide three fingers under the red satin, curling my fist around it. Lily’s throat bobs with a swallow under my knuckles. I caress the line of her jaw with my thumb. “Is this okay?”

  Her eyes flutter, and she makes a noise. For a second I think maybe I’m holding on too tight. I start to loosen my grip, but she covers my hand with hers. Then she shudders, and I feel her clench around my cock.

  “You coming for me, luscious?”


  I brush my lips over hers. “I haven’t even started fucking you yet.”

  “That was my anticipation orgasm. Maybe I need to get things started so I can have more.”

  “I’m gonna say answering the door dressed as a party favor counts as getting things started, but I’m all for more orgasms.”

  She rests her palm on the side of my neck as she rises up, and then lowers herself slowly. She starts an easy rhythm, and I let her take control—at least at first, because watching her ride me is damn well fantastic. While she moves, Lily rubs her clit, shuddering as another orgasms rolls through her. When she falters, I let go of the ribbon and hold on to her hips.

  Eventually I lay her down and reach across to the nightstand for the Polaroid. I take a picture of her orgasm-flushed face and the sexy bow decorating her throat. Then I cover her body with mine, pushing my thumb under the red satin, and cradle the back of her head while she wraps her legs around my waist. When I come, I keep my eyes on hers, like I did the first time, like I do every time.

  I trace the edge of the ribbon. “I know why I like this so much.”

  “Because you’re a kinky fucker?” Lily asks. She’s still breathless.

  “You think I’m kinky?”

  “We get off on getting it on in public bathrooms, and we make sex videos.”

  “That’s a valid assessment.”

  “I’d still like to hear your hypothesis on why you like the ribbon so much, though.” She runs her fingers through my beard.

  “I like the idea that you consider yourself a gift.”

  She makes a face. “Wow. That makes me seem like a narcissist.”

  “No, it doesn’t. You are a gift, Lily. I’m lucky to love you.”

  “I feel exactly the same way about you.” She pulls me down for a kiss. “Maybe next time you should wear the bow.”

  “Not in a million fucking years.”

  “Why not?”

  “Ribbon necklaces aren’t my style.” I roll to the side so I’m not at risk of crushing her and pull the blankets up so she doesn’t get cold.

  “What about moody dick? Of all the presents you give me, he’s my favorite to unwrap.”

  “Still no.” I pull the bow at her throat, letting it unfurl and fall away. I kiss the faint line left behind from the tension of me holding it.

  Lily lifts her chin so I have better access to her neck. “I thought we were going to sleep.”

  “We are. Eventually. Unless you need sleep now.”

  “No, your loving always beats sleep, even if it means you have to wake me up.”

  “Maybe I’ll let you fall asleep, just so I can wake you up.”

  Lily runs her hand down my chest. “Want me to pretend for you?”




  Two weeks later.

  The incessant ringing of my cell phone forces my eyes open. I feel for it on the nightstand and groan when I see the time. It’s barely six in the morning. I grunt instead of saying hello.

  “Lily? Is that you?”

  It’s Sunny. I make an affirmative noise.

  “It’s happening.”


  “The baby, he’s on his way.”

  I bolt upright. “Oh my God! Oh my God! Where are you? Is Miller there?”

  “I’m at home, and the midwife is on her way. Miller’s right here with me.”

  “Oh my God, you’re going to be a mom, and I’m going to be an aunt! This is so exciting. What do you need me to do?”

  “It’s too early for loud.” Randy groans and rolls over. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he nuzzles into my lap, his face conveniently close to my Vagina Emporium.

  “Nothing right now. Titan and Andy might need to be walked in a bit, but Miller can probably do that.” His disapproval over this plan comes through loud and clear in the background. “Or maybe you can stop by and take them for a walk. Um, Wiener might be an issue, though.”

  Randy mumbles something about wieners and curls himself around me even more. He’s pretty much head-butting my vagina.

  “Is Wiener okay?”

  “He’s anxious. He hasn’t stopped barking for the last hour. I wondered if maybe you could take him for a couple of days—just until we get things settled here with the baby? He loves Randy, and you, so…”

  “Of course! We’d love to have him. When should I come get him? Like, now?”

  “Whenever is fine. Oh! Hold on! Contraction.” Sunny makes a sound like she’s uncomfortable. It’s followed by some labored breathing. “It looks like they’re getting closer together. I should probably go. I’ll have Miller call as soon as the baby’s born if you don’t stop by to pick up Wiener before it happens!”

  “Okay. Good luck!”

  I hang up the phone and try to disengage myself from Randy, but he wraps himself around me and keeps on head-butting me in the vag.

  “I need to get dressed. Miller and Sunny are having the baby!”

  He lifts his head. His hair is a mess, and his beard is just as unruly. “Huh?”

  “Sunny’s finally in labor.”

  He blinks at me a few times. “No shit. Good thing he decided to come before the next away series.”

  “I’m sure she’s relieved.”

  Randy nods, still bleary-eyed and half asleep. “Oh, man. We do have a game tonight, though. I wonder if Miller’s gonna make it.”

  “I can’t believe you’re worried about the game! You are such a boy!” I try to disentangle my legs from his arms, but he grabs me behind the knees and pulls me down so he can lie on top of me. He rubs his morning wood, which is confined by nothing, on my underwear-covered vagina.

  “That probably feels more man than boy, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t have time for sex, and you’re being an insensitive jerk, so even if I did have time, my vagina isn’t interested.”

  Randy nuzzles my neck. “I’m kidding about the game, and you don’t need to rush. It’s not like you being there is going to make it happen any faster.”

  “You’re just saying that so you can get inside the Vagina Emporium.”

  “I think a trip to the Vagina Emporium is necessary on a day like today.”

  “Oh? And why’s that?”

  “Other than it being a game day, I feel it’s important for us to take advantage of the fact that we can have sex whenever we feel like it. Miller and Sunny definitely aren’t going to be able to do that for a long while.”

  “So this is sympathy sex?”

  “Exactly. Sympathy sex.” He uses the head of his cock to nudge my panties out of the way.

  “You’re a real—”

  “Shh.” Randy puts his finger against my lips, eyes wide and darting around the room. “Do you hear that?”

  “What?” I listen, but I don’t hear a thing.

  “You can’t hear it?”

  “Hear what?”

  He lowers his mouth to my ear. “It’s the sound of my cock calling for your pussy.”

  I slap his ass when he laughs. Then we both groan, and I dig my fingernails into his ass cheeks as he sinks into me.


  Forty-five minutes later we’re showered, dressed, and on the way to Miller and Sunny’s house. Randy brought the Polaroid camera—and a present he bought for the baby a while back but hasn’t shown me, because he didn’t trust me not to blab it to Sunny. I’d be offended, but if it’s cute, he has a point.

  “Should we stop for coffee? Do you think Miller will want one?” Randy asks.

  “I have no idea. We could get him one in case he does?”

  We stop at Starbucks and get Sunny a ginger lemon ice tea, and I get myself a mint one. Randy orders coffee for himself and Miller. By the time we get to the house, it’s after eight-thirty. Randy texts Miller, and I go to the fence to say hi to the dogs, who are super excited to see us.

  Randy doesn’t hear anything back after a few minutes, so we decide it’s best to take the dogs for a walk while we wait. I let Randy take Andy, because he weighs more than I do, and I take Titan and Wiener. He was supposed to be adopted by now, but it fell through. I’m not all that sad because he’s fantastic. We spend a good hour at the dog park a few blocks away, where they can roam around and sniff each other’s butts. Wiener stays pretty close, sitting on Randy’s foot half the time. Then he jumps up and puts his paws on Randy’s knee, like he’s looking to get on the bench with us. Randy picks him up, and he settles beside him, his little chin propped on Randy’s thigh.

  “You are just the cutest!” I give his head a scratch. “And so are you.” I scratch under Randy’s beard and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

  “I always wanted a dog as a kid,” he says.

  “Why didn’t you get one?”

  “Too many away games and competitions. We would’ve had to kennel a dog a lot when games were out of town. It wouldn’t have been fair.”

  “I never had a dog, but Sunny always did, so it was kind of like they were mine, too.”

  We get a group text on our way back to Miller and Sunny’s place:

  Welcome Logan Waters Butterson, born at 8:44 am, October 13th, 8lbs 13oz.

  The message is followed by a picture of Sunny holding the tiny little bundle.

  The first person to reply is Violet.

  Congratulations! My beaver is crying for your beaver.

  A slew of new messages make our phones go off incessantly all the way back to their house. We put the dogs back in the yard and knock on the door. A rental car is parked out front, so I’m assuming Daisy’s here, and possibly Skye as well.


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