Sister Girls 2

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Sister Girls 2 Page 19

by Angel M. Hunter

  James followed her into the kitchen. She went to pour herself something to drink and he asked for something as well. She obliged.

  “Let’s sit down, we need to talk.” Bella led him to the table. She put their glasses down and just as she was about to sit, she could hear her cell phone ring.

  She had left her purse in the living room with her cell phone in it. “I have to get that, I’ll be right back.”

  The second she was out of the kitchen, James looked around and once he knew she was away from the door, he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small vial that had clear liquid inside. He poured the liquid into her glass and hurriedly placed the vial in his pocket. He then sat down like he wasn’t doing anything and sipped his water.

  When Bella returned, she started to drink her water as she said to him, “James, I know you care for me but as I told you before, we can’t do this.” She went on and tried to let him down easy and to her surprise he accepted everything she said.

  Fifteen minutes into the conversation Bella started feeling nauseous. “I don’t feel well. I think I need to lie down.”

  James stood up and took her hand. “I’ll help you to your room and see myself out.”

  The next morning when Bella woke up, she stretched and wondered how long she’d been asleep. Her body felt like she’d been sleeping for two or three days. She felt heavy.

  Bella turned over and noticed that the space next to her looked like someone had slept there. She heard a noise coming from the bathroom and became frightened. She jumped out the bed and realized she was stark naked.

  God, what have I done?

  She grabbed her robe off the side of the bed and ran into the kitchen, where she grabbed a knife. She tiptoed back toward the bedroom. As she was on her way, James startled her by exiting the bedroom. She had the knife in the air.

  James threw his arms up. “Whoa, whoa. What are you trying to do, kill me?”

  Bella stood there with the knife still in the air. “What are you doing here and why am I naked?”

  James backed away from Bella. “First, you need to put the knife down and second, you’re naked because we made love last night.”

  Bella lowered her arm. “I don’t remember that happening. How come I don’t remember?”

  “I can’t answer that,” James told her, “but I can say this, that doesn’t make me feel good.”

  Bella turned around to go into the kitchen with James behind her. She placed the knife on the counter and tried to recall last night’s events. “The last thing I remember is me telling you, we couldn’t see each other on an intimate level and you understanding and agreeing.” Bella knew she wasn’t going insane.

  “I don’t recall any such thing, I remember me telling you I love you and your telling me you love me back.”

  Now Bella knew those words would not have come out of her mouth. There was no way that happened, but how else could her being nude and his being in her house as though he stayed the night make any sense?

  “James, I really don’t remember that conversation and I think it’s best if you leave right now. I have some things I need to sort through.”

  “What is it you need to sort through? I’m clear on my feelings for you and what you expressed to me last night verbally and physically shows me that you’re clear on your feelings as well.”

  Bella started to become anxious. “James, please just leave.”

  James stepped toward her and Bella reached for the knife.

  James jumped back and told her, “I’m going to leave, but I’ll be back.”

  Bella watched him as he headed toward her bedroom. “Where are you going? I asked you to leave.”

  “I’m collecting the rest of my things.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll stay in here until you leave.” Bella stayed in the kitchen and didn’t leave it until she heard the front door close.

  It was then that she broke down.

  Dear Journal,

  James just left my house talking about I told him I love him. I know there is no way I could have done that.

  The last thing I recall was meeting Ramsey for dinner, coming home to find flowers on my porch, and James showing up unannounced and uninvited. I poured us something to drink and my phone rang.

  Something is not right. What? I’m unsure of. I feel like I’m hungover or was out partying. God, please give me some clarity into what took place last night.

  And God, forgive me once again.

  Your Humble Servant, Bella



  “You mean to tell me you really got this bitch calling my house?” Harmony was irate. She was ready to fuck something or someone up.

  “What bitch, Mommy?” her three-year-old asked.

  “Not now, baby, Mommy and Daddy need to talk.”

  Shareef knelt down and picked his son up. “We’ll talk after I give little man his bath.”

  With her hands on her hips and fire in her eyes, Harmony told him, “little man can wait.” Making her tone a little sweeter, she kissed Shareef Jr. on his cheek. “Ain’t that right, baby.”

  Shareef turned away from her and went toward the bathroom with his son in his arms. Harmony was hot on his heels.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked her.

  “What does it look I’m doing, I’m following you in the bathroom.”

  Shareef put his son down and told him, “I want you to go to your room. I’ll be in there to get you in a minute.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Little man looked at his mother and frowned.

  She caught it and chose not to comment on it, all her children were sensitive and couldn’t stand to see Mommy and Daddy argue. Thankfully, the other two children were at a birthday party.

  When junior was out of earshot, Shareef grabbed Harmony’s arm and pulled her toward the bedroom. “Let’s take it in there.”

  When they stepped inside, Shareef closed the door behind them. He kept his voice low but you could hear the anger in his tone. “You really have some nerves,” he told her.

  She knew what he was getting at the second he said it, so she let him finish.

  “You got another motherfucker calling here collect and you throw it up in my face when Maria calls.”

  “You’re damn right. They are two different things. Ny’em is Shacquille’s father and that Puerto Rican bitch is someone who used to work for you that came onto you.” Harmony recalled every bit of drama Maria bought into their lives.

  Harmony knew something was up with her ass the second they met and what was up is she wanted Harmony’s man.

  “I don’t want her working for you,” Harmony told Shareef the first time she laid eyes on Maria.

  Of course, being the man that he was and not knowing the ways of a woman on a mission, he asked Harmony what the hell was she talking about. “She’s more than qualified. She’s has her own bookkeeping business and my concern is not who wants to get with me, it’s hiring someone that knows the ins and outs of a financial statement.”

  “What she would like to know is the ins and outs of your bedroom,” Harmony told him.

  “You know what, Harmony, I don’t even know why we’re arguing about this shit, it is not your decision. King is my partner and he’s the one who found her.”

  “Well, I don’t give a fuck who found her ass and I’ll tell him just like I’m telling you. I don’t want her around.”

  Harmony and Shareef went back and forth for no reason at all because Maria ended up working elsewhere. Even with this turn of events, Harmony still felt that something was up with her and Shareef.

  Now months later for Maria to call the house, just when Harmony and Shareef were going through it behind Ny’em, was a bit suspicious.

  “Why the hell is she calling here?”

  Shareef was just as in the dark as Harmony. “I have no idea. You’re the one that called me on my cell hollering and screaming about the phone call. Why didn’t you ask her yourself what s
he wanted?”

  Harmony didn’t have an answer. She was too pissed to think straight. Harmony was insecure when it came to Puerto Rican women because back in the day, all Ny’em cheated on her with were Spanish chicks. She recalled him making the comment, that with a Spanish chick you get the best of three worlds: the body of a black woman, the submissiveness of a white women and sex on demand. That shit bothered her to the core and she still held onto it.

  Before Harmony could think of an answer the doorbell rang.

  Saved by the bell, Shareef thought.

  Harmony walked out the bedroom with Shareef behind her. The front door was open and standing behind the screen door was none other than Ny’em.

  “Ain’t this a bitch,” Shareef said, unable to believe what he was seeing.

  Harmony was stunned. She was stuck in one spot, mouth open, and unable to move or utter a word.

  “Let the motherfucker in,” Shareef ordered.

  Still standing where she was, Harmony asked Ny’em, “What the hell are you doing here? When did you get out?”

  Shareef didn’t bother to wait for an answer. He was on his way to the door.

  Harmony stepped in front of him. “Please, Shareef, let me handle this. I didn’t know he was coming here.”

  They both looked at Ny’em who said, “I didn’t come to start trouble, I just came to see my son.”

  “How the hell do you know where we live?” Shareef asked. He did not feel like talking, he was ready to bust some ass.

  From behind Ny’em stepped Lala. “I brought him here.”

  Harmony looked at Lala, Shareef, and Ny’em. She could not believe what was taking place on her doorstep.

  “I’m about to beat this bitch’s ass.” She moved towards the screen door and pulled it open. As she reached to snatch Lala up, Ny’em grabbed her arm and stepped in the house.

  Shareef, seeing Ny’em’s hands on his woman, stepped forward to knock Ny’em’s ass out and was stopped by the sound of Shareef Jr.’s voice.

  “Daddy, I thought you were coming to get me soon.”

  Everyone turned toward Shareef Jr.

  Shareef looked over toward Harmony and told her, “You know what, I’m going let you handle this. You got five minutes and if he’s not gone by the time I get back out here, it’s on. You started this shit by allowing him to call my house, now you finish it.” He then turned toward Ny’em and told him, “Don’t fucking put your hands on her again.”

  Ny’em threw his arms up. “Man, it’s not even that serious. I come in peace.”

  Harmony looked toward Lala with all the hatred she could muster. “Why would you do this, why would you bring this drama to my doorstep?”

  Lala smirked and told Harmony, “Bitch, yo’ ass think you’re better than us.”

  Harmony shook her head. “You know what, you are unbelievable. Everything in me is telling me to whip your ass again but I’m not, instead I’m giving you one minute to get the fuck off my doorstep before I change my mind.”

  “Leap, bitch, leap,” Lala told her.

  On that note, Ny’em looked at Lala like she’d lost her mind. “I didn’t ask you to bring me here for this drama. You need to step before I beat your ass, I’m here to see my son.”

  Lala couldn’t believe that Ny’em dissed her like that. “You’ll really talk to me like that?”

  “Step, Lala, step, I’ll catch up with you later.”

  By now Shareef had come from the bedroom. “What the hell are you still doing here?” he asked Ny’em.

  Ny’em looked at Shareef and told him, “Yo, I don’t mean any disrespect but this has nothing to do with you.”

  “It has everything to do with me. I’ve been raising your seed as my son for the past four years, since me and Harmony hooked up. He calls me Daddy, he doesn’t even know you exist.”

  Ny’em looked over at Harmony and asked, “Did I have a child with you or did I have a child with him?”

  At this point, Shareef had enough and he moved toward Ny’em. Before he could reach him, Harmony intervened by stepping in front of Ny’em.

  Shareef looked at her. “What the fuck are you doing? I’m protecting us.”

  Harmony placed her hands on his chest, looked into his eyes and pleaded, “Please, Shareef, just let me handle this.”

  Shareef, not wanting to back down and not wanting Ny’em to have any reason to step foot back in his house, told them both, “I’ll let y’all get this moment to try and figure shit out but just know that I will kill to protect mine.”

  “I understand that, man,” Ny’em responded, “and like I already said, I didn’t come her to disrespect you or Harmony. I just came by because I want to talk about seeing my son.”

  Shareef looked at Harmony. “You need to handle this.” He looked at the watch that was on his arm. “You’ve got ten minutes and then I’ll handle it.”

  Harmony breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t want any bloodshed on her porch.

  Dear Journal,

  Today there was some serious drama at my house. Ny’em showed up and I almost killed a bitch.

  I don’t know what I’m going to do about this situation. Jewell said that I should have let Shareef kick Ny’em’s ass but Ny’em did help create Shacquille but Shareef is the only father he has ever known.

  I feel torn because the right thing to do is not to deny a child his father but Ny’em didn’t even want him and it took his going to prison to realize his responsibility.

  Should I allow my family to be affected by his revelation, because truth be told, I don’t even know how sincere he is.

  In need of advice, Harmony



  “I’m thinking about having a baby,” Elsie blurted out as she plopped in the bar seat next to Crystal.

  Earlier that day, she called Crystal and told her she wanted to talk to her about something.

  “Well, let’s go out for drinks,” Crystal told her. “We can meet at Stars.”

  Elsie really didn’t feel like going to a bar. Come to think of it, she wondered when did Crystal start hanging out at bars. That’s not something she knew Crystal to do. “Why don’t I just come to the office?”

  “I have appointments all day and I know after I meet with one client in particular a drink will be necessary.”

  Elsie understood because she’d been there numerous times herself. “All right, what time?”

  “I’ll call you when I’m with my last client.”

  The hours passed and just when Elsie thought Crystal had forgotten about her, she phoned. “Let’s meet there at nine.”

  So here they sat with Elsie sharing her news. “You’re thinking about what?” Crystal asked.

  “Having a baby,” Elsie told her.

  Crystal waved the bartender over. “I’d like a martini on the rocks.” She looked at Elsie. “What are you drinking?”

  Elsie told the bartender she’d have the same.

  When he walked away Crystal looked at Elsie. “I don’t understand, aren’t you gay?”

  Elsie started laughing. “You think I’m talking about having a baby the old-fashioned way.”

  “Yeah, what other way would you?” Before Elsie got a chance to reply, Crystal said, “Hold up, are you thinking about adopting?”


  “Then what?”

  “I’m thinking about a sperm donor.”

  “Here are your drinks.” The bartender placed their drinks in front of them, while he eyed Elsie.

  “Um, thank you,” Crystal told him, “we’ll let you know when we need you.”

  He got the message and went to wait on another patron but not before he winked at Elsie.

  “Men?” Crystal said. “They are a trip.”

  Elsie took a sip of her drink. “I wouldn’t know.”

  Together they laughed.

  “So you’re really thinking about a sperm donor?” Crystal asked.

  “Yeah. I’m ready to be a mothe

  “But a sperm donor, Elsie, don’t you know any decent men out there?”

  Elsie immediately thought of Trey. The only thing is, she didn’t know how good a man he was. She had not been in touch with him since high school and here they were years later getting reacquainted. “Not anyone I would want to sleep with.”

  “I think you really should look into this before you make a decision like that. I don’t want you having some madman’s baby.”

  “Girl, me neither.”

  “You ladies need anything else?” The bartender was back.

  Crystal nudged Elsie with her knee, who ignored her.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Whatever you want,” he told Elsie, “you just let me know.”

  When he walked away, Crystal said, “Damn, he’s on yours. Girl, that might be your baby daddy.”

  Elsie was looking over Crystal’s shoulder. “Girl, isn’t that Lange?”

  Crystal almost broke her neck trying to see if it was him. She had not seen him since he left the firm that was in the same building as hers and that was over six months ago.

  “Oh girl, yes it is.”

  They both watched him as he flirted with a very attractive woman.

  Crystal could feel herself react in a way she knew she had no business reacting. She was jealous.

  Elsie looked at Crystal and noticed that she had not taken her eyes off him or blinked. “Hmmm, you still care for him, don’t you?”

  Crystal broke her trance, turned around, and downed the rest of her drink. “Girl, you know I do. I haven’t stopped thinking about him since I chose Roger over him and you see how that turned out.”

  Crystal thought back to when she started seeing Lange, he was a married man on the brink of divorce. She truly cared for him, she would almost say she loved him. Why didn’t she choose him? Because in the back of her mind she couldn’t get the thought out of her head that he would cheat on her just like he cheated on his wife.


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