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Desperate Measures (Men in Uniform #1)

Page 3

by Sasha Jayne Moretti

  I nodded and headed out the door.


  When I got in my vehicle, I pulled up the last known address for Julian Harkness. After a short drive, I ended up in front of his apartment complex. The place looked pretty nice from the outside. I turned off the engine and uploaded his arrest record. As I had suspected, Sloane was telling the truth. He’d never been convicted of a crime, but he was no angel. There had been six separate sexual assault charges filed against him over the last three years, but all were dropped a few hours later. Each one of the women had several things in common: they were all part of the entertainment industry, had said they suspected they were drugged, and had worked for him during one of his fashion shows.

  It didn’t take a genius to put this puzzle together.

  He used his position in the industry to prey on women. For every woman that reported him, there were probably dozens more that were taken advantage of and never said a word. This guy was an even bigger asshole than I had anticipated. Anger built in my chest. Violence against women was something that really hit home for me. It was something I never tolerated. When my hands started to hurt I realized I was white-knuckling the steering wheel. Any tiny amount of hesitation I had over not following police protocol went right out the window. This predator had managed to work around the system for years, avoiding the jail time he most certainly deserved.

  He needed to be stopped, and I was the man to do it.

  I got out of the car, and headed for the front door. Out of nowhere, a doorman rushed outside. A second later, a long black limo pulled up. He opened the back door and held out his gloved hand. A middle-aged woman got out, then three teenage girls followed. Another doorman loaded their shopping bags onto a cart as they made their way inside. It looked like those ladies had a busy night. While the employees fluttered after them, no one noticed me as I entered the lobby of the building.

  Sloane said he’d be on roof.

  His driver had said it was his birthday.

  Too bad I was about to ruin it.

  As I rode the elevator, I went over the plan in my head. I watched each of the floor numbers light up until the bell rung and the door opened. Music blared from the loud speakers, while people danced around a DJ booth. Many of them stared at me as I passed by. Apparently, I didn’t blend in well. I pictured his driver’s license photo I’d seen on the report as I searched the crowd. It only took a minute to find him.

  Julian didn’t look like anyone special. He was skinny as a rail with shaggy blonde hair and a white, porcelain-capped smile. He stood with a small group of men, wearing a shiny red button down shirt and khaki pants. I had no idea what they were discussing, but they laughed like it was the funniest thing that they had ever heard. His demeanor screamed douchebag, and it made me want to punch him in the face.

  Thinking about what Sloane had told me only made it worse. Imagining Julian with his hands all over her made my blood boil. I would make damn sure he’d never do it again. From now on, I protected her. No one else touched her. She was mine. I flinched at my own thoughts. I was getting territorial like a motherfucker. It made no sense. I’d never felt like this before. Not even when I was in a relationship. But she brought this out of me; this carnal need to protect her.

  Sure I was attracted to her, but it was more than just physical. There was something about her that just drew me in. Excited me. I like the way she felt when her body was pressed up against me. And maybe I touched her a little too much when I was searching her for weapons. This whole thing had my brain in knots. These feelings I had for her were dominating my mind, pushing aside all the rules I’d always lived by. I was the guy that did things by the books. No exceptions.

  Yet, here I was, ready to beat the shit out of this guy like some jealous boyfriend. “Julian Harkness?” I asked, flashing my badge.

  This dipshit had the nerve to eyeball me like I was trespassing. If he expected me to cower at his glare, he’d be disappointed. I had taken on enough dangerous criminals in the line of duty to laugh at men like him. I crossed my arms, and scowled at him.

  He visibly jolted.


  “I’m Julian Harkness,” he confirmed, shooing his friends away with his hands. “Was there a noise complaint?”

  With all the noise, I was surprised none of his neighbors had called the cops. “There was a situation at your office tonight.”

  He chuckled. “Did that stupid bitch get herself arrested?”

  It took everything I had not to punch that grin off his face. “Let’s go for a walk. Is there any place around here where we can talk in private?”

  “Sure, follow me.”

  We headed down a flight of stairs, and through a door on the penthouse level. The hallway had dark stained wooden furniture, cream colored walls, and marble flooring. “Sounds like you’re having a decent party.”

  “Just the usual skanks,” he replied. “Nobody that interesting.”

  My hands fisted at my sides, but I kept my cool. I wanted the conversation to continue. “I noticed some women that looked pretty interesting.”

  “They’re mindless eye candy.” He let out a cocky chuckle. “But they certainly look nice on their knees.”

  I chuckled with my jaw clenched.

  “You seem pretty cool for a cop.” He stopped in front of one of the doors, which I assumed was his place. “I have a proposal for you. Why don’t you forget about whatever brought you here and hang out for a while?”

  “And why would I want to do that?” I asked, in a friendly tone.

  After he unlocked the door, I followed him inside. The apartment was dark except for the light coming from the hallway. “I can introduce you to a few of my friends.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “They really like to party if you know what I mean.”

  Yeah, I knew exactly what he meant. “What about Sloane?”

  He laughed. “Let that bitch rot.”

  Before he could flip on a light, I turned him around and pressed my forearm against his boney chest. My other hand clasped his neck. I had him up against the wall with his feet dangling a few inches off the ground. The force was hard enough to knock the wind out of him. “Okay, asshole. This is as far as we need to go.”

  Clasping his hands on my arm, he tried to get away. But he wasn’t strong enough to loosen my grip. He couldn’t move a muscle. “What are you doing?”

  I smirked. “Is Ms. Ardent one of your clients?”

  “What did that whore tell you?” he growled.

  I wrapped my fingers around his throat, squeezing tight. “Make that the last time you ever say that word again. Understand?”

  “Yes,” he replied, gasping for air.

  “Good.” I released his neck, but kept my forearm pressed against his chest. “Now, did you give her permission to enter your office and view a dress?”

  “Yes,” he winced.

  I loosed my grip a little, letting his feet touch the ground. “And was the dress her property?”


  “Good.” I replied, relieved I didn’t have to charge Sloane with breaking and entering. I released him from my grip. “You need to know that she wasn’t happy with what you made. You’re going to need to start over, and this time we expect something much better.”

  “You can’t just come here and threaten me,” he growled. “Don’t you know who I am?”

  “You don’t seem to get how this works.” Julian whimpered as I grabbed him by the biceps and pushed him against the wall with more force than before. “You’re going to do exactly what I say because I can ruin you. I know all about the charges those women made against you, except I know how to make them stick.” I leaned closer. “I’m not someone you want to fuck with.”

  His mouth opened, but no words came out.

  I released him, and straightened his shirt. “Now that we seem to understand each other, I suggest you get to work. I don’t care what it takes. We’ll be picking up the gown in a week, and you’d better pray she loves it.”

  Rubbing his palms over his thin arms, he said, “She’ll love it. I promise.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.” I patted him hard on the back. “We’ll be seeing you soon.”

  As I was about to go looking for the elevator, I turned back around. “By the way, some of the paperwork in your office fell on the floor. You’re going to need to clean that up. Oh, and that piece of shit dress you designed is destroyed. But you’re just going to forget all about that, got it?”

  He nodded his head.

  I waved as I dismissed him. The guy actually sprinted away. This was a far cry from the shithead I first met. He tried to act all boss in front of his friends, but once he had to deal with a man like me, he returned into the pussy he really was. That made me chuckle. Once he was gone, I kept going down the hallway until I found the elevator. The more I thought about Sloane and the rest of his victims, the angrier I got. My hands were clenched at my sides as I made my way through the lobby and out the front door. This was definitely not the last he’d seen of me. That was for damn sure.

  It was now my personal mission to make sure he got exactly what he deserved.

  Chapter Five - Sloane Ardent

  How long had I been in here?

  There was no clock, nothing but cold white walls. It felt like hours had passed since he walked out the door. I was driving myself crazy running all the possible scenarios in my head. Was he going to come back and throw me in jail? Had someone seen me and already called the paparazzi? Was my career over? If I had my phone, I could’ve checked to see if anyone had posted anything online. But I’d left all my belongings in Julian’s office. My purse, money, ID, clothes, everything. And I had no idea how I’d get them back since I’d left the access card and key on his desk.

  It was just one more problem to add to the list, which seemed to be growing by the hour.

  The doorknob clicked, and I turned my head. The detective stepped into the room and locked the door. As he approached, his expression was unreadable. A cold shiver raced down my spine. “What happened?”

  He peered down at me with his arms crossed. “Julian isn’t pressing charges.”

  Some of the tension in my shoulders released. “You didn’t mention anything I told you in the car, right?”

  His eyes grew darker, like he was about to step into an MMA fighting ring. “He’s not going to be a problem for you anymore.”

  This didn’t sound good at all. Had he just made my situation ten times worse? “What does that mean?”

  “The details don’t matter,” he dismissed. “What you need to know is that Julian is going to make you a new dress, and it’s going to be right this time.”

  This wasn’t possible. There was no way Julian was persuaded that easily. He was a vindictive little shit that always managed to get something in return. But what in the world could he have offered him? “I appreciate that you’re doing all this for me, but I need more information. This is my career we’re talking about. I want to know how you got him to agree to everything.”

  As he smirked at me, his whole demeanor changed. “I can be very convincing.”

  His husky voice made my toes curl. But that wasn’t important right now. I needed to stay focused. “What did you say to him?”

  “That’s classified.”

  He might’ve been sexy as all hell, but he was making a habit of not answering my questions. The whole classified thing didn’t sit right either. Maybe I needed to go see Julian and figure it out for myself. But first, I had to get out of here. I made a clanking noise as I wiggled the handcuff still attached to my wrist. “Does that mean I can leave?”

  He chuckled. “Absolutely not.”

  Okay, this made no sense. If he was going to charge me with something, wouldn’t he have done it when he first walked in? I stood, leveling our eyes. “Why?”

  Raising an eyebrow, he replied, “I guess you’ve forgotten about all the other charges.”

  Oh shit! The other charges were way worse and carried more jail time. “Please, Detective. I know what I did was really stupid. I mean, epically stupid. But this will ruin my career. I’m begging you to reconsider.”

  “You had your hand on my dick, Ms. Ardent.” He closed the distance between us. “You expect me to just forget about that?”

  “I know I was wrong, Detective.” His body was so close to mine I felt the heat coming off his skin. “I’m sorry. I was desperate. I’ll do anything to get out of this.”

  “Is that how you land your movie roles?” he asked, gruffly. “You use your pussy to get what you want?”

  My nipples hardened. I should’ve been offended by his comment. Angry, even. But I wasn’t. What was wrong with me? “You can’t talk to me like that.”

  Wrapping his forearm around my lower back, he pressed out bodies together. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Excitement filled my belly. This wasn’t at all how I expected this to go. He’d been so formal this whole time, barely giving any kind of indication that I was getting to him. Now he was flirting with me. Well, more than that. I was in his arms. And I felt his hard cock pressed up against my pelvis. A normal, rational person would’ve screamed for help. But nothing I’d done in the last twenty-eight hours had been even close to logical.

  “Get your hands off of me,” I ordered, sounding like I really meant it. While my body begged for more.

  “Turn off the act,” he barked. “You’ve been begging me to fuck you since the moment we met.”

  Heat radiated in my core. He had a raw, untamed sexiness that most men in this town lacked. It made him irresistible. I found myself caught in a haze of lust, and all I wanted was more. Any sliver of rational thought I had went out the window when I asked, “What are you going to do, Detective? Fuck me right here?”

  He licked his lips.

  “Such a dirty mouth,” he replied, running his finger over the rim of my tube top. “I should punish you for that.”

  I sat down on the edge of the table, spreading my legs slightly. “Go ahead,” I urged.

  Using his index fingers, he slid my sequin top down to my waist. My breasts were fully exposed. He thumbed my aroused tips. “Tell me, is your little pussy soaking wet?”

  Fuck yeah it is.

  Warm tingles raced to my core. He took one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking on the sensitive tip. As he watched me with his piercing green eyes, he took turns giving attention to each. I tilted my head back, wild with desire. “I’m completely drenched,” I moaned.

  “I think I need to see for myself.” He slid off my black panties and put them in his back pocket. His thumb slipped between my sensitive folds and circled my clit. “You’re so ready for me. Aren’t you, baby?”

  “I’m so close.” I replied, panting. “Please make me cum.”

  He thrust two digits deep inside my core while he continued to tease my sensitive nub. “You mean, please make me cum, Sir.”

  My skin hummed with need. I’d had strong, dominating lovers in the past, but the affair never lasted long. Their attempts to gain control or influence me felt like a manipulation. And I always resisted and eventually pulled away. Which was why this situation was completely out of character for me. Right now, all I wanted to do was submit. I barely recognized my own voice as I begged, “Please make me cum, Sir.”

  “I like you, Ms. Ardent. You’re a fast learner.” He tugged off what was left of my long skirt, letting the thin fabric flutter to the floor. I slipped my top over my head. All I had left on was my black stilettos. Not surprising, he didn’t remove them. Men worshipped the tall heels, which was why I had ten pairs. “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I repeated, my thighs humming with need.

  Bending to one knee, he settled inches away from my core. “I can smell your sweet cream. Push back further on the desk and spread those beautiful legs wider.”

  I did as I was instructed with no hesitation. “Yes, Sir.”

p; Wrapping his arms around my legs, he ran his tongue over my slick crease. A low growl escaped his throat. “You taste so good. I could lick your sweet pussy for hours.”

  My inner walls vibrated, begging to be filled.

  “Yes, Sir,” I wailed, as he sucked on my clit. “Please don’t stop.”

  “You can’t wait to be fucked, can you?” he chuckled, inserting two fingers back into my core. “You’re such a dirty little girl.”

  This detective was hardcore. But what surprised me most was he didn’t seem to care that we were in a police station. That someone with a key could walk into this interrogation room and catch us. He’d locked the door, but had he remembered to turn off those cameras in the ceiling? I tensed for a second, but then I let it go. This was where he worked. There was no way he’d forget something like that. Not when it was his job on the line.

  This whole situation was shocking to say the least. I’d destroyed private property. I’d been handcuffed and taken to a police station. I could’ve been arrested and charged with a crime. I’d seduced a detective, and now I was about to fuck him. In an interrogation room. A man I’d just met.

  Insane didn’t even begin to describe what this night had been.

  None of my actions tonight matched who I thought I was. Somehow, this detective made me feel things I’d never experienced with any other man. I ached for him on a guttural level. My pussy throbbed with need. I craved him to a point I could barely comprehend. I was out of control and out of my mind and I loved every single second of it.

  “Yes, Sir,” I cried out in between pants. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Oh, I’m going to fuck you.” He pumped his digits in and out of me at a feverish pace. “But first, you’re going to cum on my fingers.”

  “Please make me cum, Sir,” I begged. “I want to so bad.”

  He ceased his assault on my clit long enough to lick my cream from his bottom lip. I let out a whimper. “Arch your back for me,” he ordered.

  As my breasts rose, he rubbed my cream all over them. When he was finished, he sucked the wetness off of my hardened tips. A rush of desire flowed through me. Each time, the intensity got stronger. My eyes fluttered closed as my sex pulsated. Seeming to sense my impending orgasm, he thrust his fingers back into my core.


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