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Single Dad's Surrogate

Page 6

by Annie Young

  She grabbed a pair of white panties and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. As the warm water washed over her, she realized just how happy she was to be staying at the house. It made her feel closer to Maggie than ever before and she really liked that feeling. For the first time in a long time, it was like she actually belonged somewhere. Of course, she didn't let any of it go to her head or to her heart. This was only a temporary situation, one that would be long gone in ten days. Still, for the moment, while it was there, it was nice.

  Once she had washed and conditioned her hair, she dried off and slipped on her panties and t-shirt. Then she headed back downstairs to check on Maggie and make sure that she was still asleep. It was only ten thirty and she didn't expect Wyatt to get home until around midnight like he had said, so she wasn't too concerned about what she was wearing as she walked through the house.

  I hope I'm strong enough to carry Maggie up to her bed, she thought. She's a lot heavier than she used to be.

  Lily got to the bottom of the stairs and turned toward the living room. The only light was coming from there was the flickering caused by the TV. She approached the couch, noticing that Maggie had not moved a single inch in the past fifteen minutes. She was still sound asleep, with a little smirk on her face as she laid dreaming.

  “Time to get you to bed, sweetie,” Lily said, stooping down to pick her up.

  She had just slipped her hands under Maggie's back, when she heard the front door of the house open up. A moment later, Wyatt stepped around the corner and into the living room. Lily glanced up and gasped. She was surprised to see him, but clearly not as surprised as he was to see her.

  Lily quickly stood up from the couch and did her best to cover herself up. She put one hand across her chest, where her nipples were protruding through her t-shirt. Her other hand was placed over the front part of her panties. She suddenly felt very exposed.

  “Shit, I'm sorry,” Wyatt said, turning away. “I, um, uh, sorry.”

  “No, no,” Lily said, her cheeks lighting on fire and she blushed. “I didn't think you'd be coming home until a little bit later. I was just about to take Maggie upstairs and tuck her in.”

  “I should have texted you to tell you that I was coming home a little bit early,” Wyatt said. “It's my bad. Didn't mean to walk in on you.”

  “I probably shouldn't have been hanging out in my underwear. I had just taken a shower and was only running down here really quick to check on Maggie and to take her upstairs to her bedroom.”

  “It's totally fine,” Wyatt said. “For the next ten days, this is your house, too. You can do whatever you like. I just feel bad that I walked in without you knowing.”

  Lily grabbed one of the blankets that was draped over the back of the couch and used it to cover herself up. “You can look. I've got a blanket on now.”

  Wyatt slowly turned to face her once again. His face was illuminated by the light of the television and Lily could tell that she wasn't the only one who was embarrassed. Even Wyatt's cheeks looked a little bit red from the confrontation.

  “Well, um, how did the night go with Maggie?” he asked. “Hope she wasn't too much trouble for you.”

  “No trouble at all.” Lily pulled the blanket up a bit, making sure that it covered her front completely. She felt so awkward that she could puke. “We just watched a couple of movies and ordered a pizza. It was pretty relaxing actually. As you can see, she fell asleep. You were right, too. She was out way before ten o'clock.”

  “Since I'm home now, I'm happy to carry her up to bed if you'd like,” Wyatt said.

  Lily nodded. “Yeah, okay. That sounds good. Thanks for doing that. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to carry her up there without waking her up.”

  Wyatt smiled and stepped toward the couch. “Thanks for taking care of her tonight. Tomorrow should be fun. I'm looking forward to going grocery shopping with you two. We'll get stocked up on some good food for the next week.”

  “Yes, I'm looking forward to it, too,” Lily said, turning to leave Wyatt and Maggie. “I guess I'll see you in the morning, then?”

  Wyatt nodded. “Yeah, that sounds great. You have a good night.”

  “Goodnight,” Lily said, turning around the rest of the way.

  I can't believe I was so dumb as to come down here wearing nothing but a tight t-shirt and some skimpy underwear, she thought, as she walked through the living room, tightly pressing the blanket to the front of her body, as if it could somehow erase the last five minutes. I know he said that this is my house, too, but I doubt he was expecting to see me like this.

  The word “embarrassed” didn't do justice to the way Lily felt right then. She felt like crawling into a hole somewhere and just hiding for a while. Instead, though, she went upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door.

  I'm probably just overthinking it, she thought, as she closed the bedroom door and laid on top of her bed. She glanced down and noticed that her nipples were hard, poking proudly through the thin cotton of her shirt. She was sure that Wyatt had seen them. How could he not have? They were so blatant. Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal to him, though. He probably hasn't even given it a second thought.

  Chapter 5


  Wyatt pulled his Lamborghini up the winding road through his neighborhood. He was on his way home from his gala. After getting sick of schmoozing with other rich people, he had decided to leave early and head back. He had a few things planned for the following day, not the least of which was going grocery shopping with Lily and Maggie. He wanted to be well rested and present while he was with them.

  What a night, he thought, as he loosened his tie a bit. Three hours of mingling and not even one contact that could eventually turn into some sales. Felt like a waste of time.

  He realized, though, that it was all part of the game. He'd been playing it for most of his adult life. He attended events all the time, knowing very well that meeting people in the industry could eventually lead to growing his wealth even bigger than it already was.

  It's who you know, not what you know, he thought. It was his father's words echoing in his mind. Even though his dad hadn't been able to accumulate one percent of the wealth that he had, his words were still full of useful wisdom.

  Before turning down his driveway, Wyatt shut the headlights off so as not to disturb Lily and Maggie. It was only about ten thirty, but even so, he imagined that both of them had headed to bed by now. There weren't any lights on in the home, at least from what he could see. He slipped the car into neutral and coasted the last few feet.

  After parking his car in front of the garage, he shut the engine down and got out. He loosened his tie the rest of the way and walked toward the front door. He couldn't wait to get out of that suit. Nothing sounded better at that moment then a nice shower and his comfortable bed.

  Yeah, Lily and Maggie must be asleep already, he thought, unlocking the deadbolt as quietly as possible so as not to wake them. Hiring Lily for this job has already worked out so well. I was gone for most of the evening and not once did I worry about Maggie. She's the perfect fit to take care of my daughter. I can't imagine how stressed I would be right now if I'd hired one of those random babysitters off of the internet. I'd be losing my mind, constantly wondering if Maggie was getting the best care possible. I don't even have to think about that sort of thing now, though, thanks to Lily.

  He stepped into the house, carefully closing the door behind him. To his left, he noticed the flickering light of the television coming from the living room.

  Maybe they are still awake, he thought, feeling a bit surprised. If Maggie stayed awake past ten, I'll be shocked beyond belief. That will definitely be a first.

  Wyatt took off his suit coat and laid it down onto the bench near the front door. Then he kicked off his shoes, before walking across the marble floor toward the living room. He stepped around the corner. His eyes first met the television, where movie credits were rolling and kid's music was playing softly. Then
, as he scanned the room, his gaze landed directly upon Lily.

  Holy shit, he thought, his eyes focusing on her.

  She was wearing just a tight t-shirt and little white panties. She was stooped over and looked like she was about to pick up the sleeping Maggie from the couch. Wyatt could see everything. The curves of her hips, her puffy nipples underneath the shirt, a hint of what was underneath the front of her panties. Everything.

  Not more than a second after Wyatt stepped into the living room, Lily glanced up and gasped. She seemed very surprised to see him and she quickly tried to cover herself up. She put one hand across her chest, where her nipples were protruding through her t-shirt. Her other hand was placed over the front part of her panties.

  “Shit, I'm sorry,” Wyatt said, turning away hesitantly. He didn't really want to, though. As much as he hated to admit it, he really just wanted a better look. “I, um, uh, sorry.”

  “No, no,” Lily said, stuttering her words nervously. “I didn't think you'd be coming home until a little bit later. I was just about to take Maggie upstairs and tuck her in.”

  “I should have texted you to tell you that I was coming home a little bit early,” Wyatt said. “It's my bad. Didn't mean to walk in on you.”

  “I probably shouldn't have been hanging out in my underwear. I had just taken a shower and was only running down here really quick to check on Maggie and to take her upstairs to her bedroom.”

  “It's totally fine,” Wyatt said. “For the next ten days, this is your house, too. You can do whatever you like. I just feel bad that I walked in without you knowing.”

  Wyatt heard some rustling and then a moment later, Lily said, “You can look. I've got a blanket on now.”

  He slowly turned to face her once again. She had wrapped herself up in a blanket. The only thing exposed now was her head, her hands and her feet. Everything else was hidden.

  Oh, man, he thought. This is embarrassing. I hope she didn't think I did this on purpose or something.

  “Well, um, how did the night go with Maggie?” he asked, after clearing his throat to break the awkward silence. “Hope she wasn't too much trouble for you.”

  “No trouble at all.” Lily pulled the blanket up a bit. “We just watched a couple of movies and ordered a pizza. It was pretty relaxing actually. As you can see, she fell asleep. You were right, too. She was out before ten o'clock.”

  “Since I'm home now, I'm happy to carry her up to bed if you'd like,” Wyatt said.

  Lily nodded. “Yeah, okay. That sounds good. Thanks for doing that. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to carry her up there without waking her up.”

  Wyatt smiled and stepped toward the couch. “Thanks for taking care of her tonight. Tomorrow should be fun. I'm looking forward to going grocery shopping with you two. We'll get stocked up on some good food for the next week.”

  “Yes, I'm looking forward to it, too,” Lily said, turning to leave Wyatt and Maggie. “I guess I'll see you in the morning, then?”

  Wyatt nodded. “Yeah, that sounds great. You have a good night.”

  “Goodnight,” Lily said, turning around the rest of the way.

  He watched her leave and managed to catch the perfect view of her backside. The opening in the blanket had parted, giving him a direct shot of her ass. The glow from the television put off enough light so that he could see it perfectly. He watched for a moment, admiring the way her cheeks moved underneath her panties. Then he forced himself to look away.

  What am I doing? he thought. I shouldn't look at her like that. I mean sure, she's obviously good-looking and almost naked and I'm a straight man, but still. I need to stay professional here.

  “Come here, sleepy head,” Wyatt whispered to Maggie, as he carefully lifted her from the couch.

  She stirred in her sleep and let out a groan, as if to tell him that she didn't want to be woken up.

  “I'm just going to take you up to your bed, okay?” he asked.

  “Errrr.” Maggie groaned again, resting her head onto his shoulder. Wyatt just smiled as he held his daughter close. He knew that she wouldn't be this small forever and cherished every moment he had with her as though it was his last.

  Wyatt grabbed the stuffed elephant that was on the couch with his free hand.

  This is new, he thought, looking at the toy. Lily must have bought this for her. How sweet is that?

  As quietly as possible, he walked through the living room and made his way upstairs. He knew that Maggie had completely asleep again, because of how heavy she felt as she relaxed into his shoulder. He gently pushed her bedroom door open and stepped inside. Without turning the light on, he got Maggie under the covers and tucked her in. Then he placed the stuffed elephant in front of her, draping her arm around it so that she could hold it through the night.

  He sat there for a moment and just watched her. An overwhelming feeling of pride swelled in his chest as he gazed at his daughter.

  God, she's growing up so fast. It's like I look away for ten minutes and she's gotten bigger, he thought. It might just be wishful thinking, but I swear she's genuinely happier when Lily is around, too. All I know is that it's nice to see my little girl with a smile on her face again. Having Lily stay here is turning out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made.

  Wyatt slowly stood up from the bed and tiptoed his way out of the room. He left the door open just a crack like always and headed toward his bedroom. As soon as he laid down and relaxed, an image flashed into his mind. He had told himself to ignore it a few minutes before, but now it was prominent. He couldn't shake the way Lily had looked in her panties. It was right there, at the forefront of his mind. Never before had he been one to have a photographic memory, but clearly this was something he wanted to remember.

  Man, she looked good, he thought. I guess it's been a while since I've had sex. Over a year, actually. Maybe longer. Still, though, I'm well aware of what a beautiful woman looks like and Lily definitely fits the bill.

  He played the scene over and over again in his mind. It was like a movie on repeat, starting from the moment he'd gotten back home from the gala. He closed his eyes and walked through the entire thing, imagining that he was there again.

  In his mind's eye, he unlocked the front door and stepped inside, making his way into the living room. When he walked in, Lily was about to pick Maggie up from the couch. She stood up straight and that was when he noticed she was only wearing a t-shirt and panties. The outfit left very little to the imagination.

  Her breasts, supple and firm, looked like they were about to burst out of her white shirt. The material must have been quite thin, because he could even see her pink nipples underneath, despite the fact that the room had been dimly lit. His eyes went down her body, and he noticed her perfectly toned stomach. She even had those lines of her hips, the ones that guided his eyes even further down toward her panties.

  Those freaking panties, he thought. Was she trying to turn me on? If so, she did a good job.

  Wyatt laid there in his bed and felt his cock begin to grow firm. He chose to ignore it, though, despite the fact that all he really wanted to do right then was to jerk off.

  I've got to stay professional, though, he thought to himself. Lily is an employee of mine right now. I can't think of her like this. Plus, it's not like she dressed like that on purpose for me. It was a total accident. I wasn't even meant to see that.

  Still, despite trying to talk himself out of it, all Wyatt could focus on was the way her mound looked under the front of her white panties. He imagined how tight she was and how wet she could get. The thought made his cock grow even harder.

  She's just so much different than when I first met her, he thought, rolling over in his bed to face the window. Lily isn't the girl that she used to be. She is so much different than when Caroline and I first hired her. She's changed so much in the past five years. I guess I never really noticed until tonight. It's just so damn obvious. She's a woman now. A woman in every sense of the word.

bsp; Wyatt sat up in his bed and shook his head. He was trying to shake the image of Lily's nearly-naked body out of his mind. It only worked for a moment, though, because he suddenly remembered when she'd walked out of the living room with that blanket pressed to her front.

  “Jesus,” he whispered. “That was pretty damn sexy. I can't deny it.”

  The way she'd wrapped that blanket over her front, created a wide opening in the back. It left the perfect view of her butt as she walked away. Her perfectly firm ass cheeks moved up and down with each step. Her panties had even rode up a bit into her crack, which revealed more flesh.

  Wyatt couldn't help but to wonder what it would be like to peel those panties off to reveal that toned ass of hers. He didn't want to be thinking like this, but for some reason, he couldn't stop it. It was as though something had taken over his mind. He dick throbbed underneath his underwear and once again, he was tempted to pull it out and jerk off, just to relieve himself.

  “No, no, no,” Wyatt said. He walked over to his bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face.

  What are you doing, Wyatt? He asked himself, as he looked into the bathroom mirror. This ends here. No more thinking about Lily in that way. Not just because she's your nanny right now and not even because she was the surrogate mother of Maggie. No, you can't think like this about her because your wife is dead. Caroline is dead and you're here, alive and well, imagining what some twenty-six year old girl would look like naked. It's just not fair to Caroline.

  He splashed some more cold water on his face and it actually did seem to help, at least a little bit. It was either that, or the sudden guilt about having these kind of thoughts about another woman while hid wife was dead. Either way, his cock slowly relaxed in his underwear, allowing him to take his mind off of the sexual desire that had been haunting him for the past few minutes.


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