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After [A Journey of the Twins Novel]

Page 29

by Janet Durbin

  "I wonder what he meant by Shyanne being the solution to his problem?"

  "Drayco ... what is all this stuff? The cylinder that shines light ... the flashlight, the box with wheels, the floating ball, the generator, machines. I've never heard of these things.” He shook his head. “I can't help but think they are all creations of demons.” The look on Joseph's face indicated he was on the verge of becoming overwhelmed by all the information he had received.

  "At one time these things were commonplace. It was called technology. Moving pictures were shown on something called a television, food could be put in a box and heated in minutes, and a person could travel across a vast body of water to another land in hours instead of weeks or months.” A longing filled him as he spoke about the things of the past. “But all that became obsolete after some people created an infection, a virus, that killed a lot of innocent people along with everyone who knew how to build or repair the technology. Life became what it is today thanks to the stupidity of a few idiots trying to look out for our best interest."

  "I like the life I lead, or did lead until those mercenaries came to town and wiped it out.” Joseph hung his head, but raised it up after only a few seconds. “And I want to start that life again with Shyanne at my side. Drayco, I hope you won't be upset, but I love your sister."

  "I know. I've known long before either of you two did. I saw it in your eyes."

  "You're not mad?"

  "I can't think of another person I would rather see her with.” Drayco slapped the man on his back, nearly knocking him off the steps. Joseph grinned at the dark twin and slapped his back in return.

  "If you two are finished with this manly human ritual, can we get back to helping Shyanne?” Drizzle stared at one man, then the other as he spoke, his tone filled with sarcasm.

  "You're right. What do you have in mind?” Drayco asked.

  The cat went over what he had planned while he made his way to the big room where the men waited for his return.

  "Drizzle, you sly old cat, that is a great plan. Let's move out to this hidden door you spoke of and return our family and friend to us.” The dark man looked at Joseph.

  The smile on Joseph's face faded and one of grim determination replaced it.

  Drizzle took them to a section of smooth, metal wall a short distance from the golf cart. He inserted a claw into the indentation, which caused the men to jump to either side when the door slid neatly into the wall, exposing the well-lit hall he had described earlier. Nothing moved. The three entered and started toward the door at the far end.

  Before they could reach it, the door opened to reveal the floating silver ball. It hovered in the entranceway, the circular lens on the front whirling at a high rate of speed. It zoomed into the hall. The three dove in different directions to avoid the laser bombardment from the exposed robotic arm.

  Drayco dove to the left while Joseph rolled beyond the speeding ball to come up behind it. The ball focused its attention on the dark man, the laser coming dangerously close each time it shot forth. He kept moving and managed to stay just ahead of it in the confined hallway, but he was running out of tricks. Joseph held up his sword. He tried to hit the ball; it was too fast. It whipped around and almost sliced him in half. Thankfully, he had rolled out of the way.

  Drizzle stood by one of the doors. He inserted a claw to open it. It refused to budge, frozen shut over time. He went from door to door until he found one that opened, and yelled for the humans to follow before he disappeared inside. Drayco fell in behind the cat. Joseph had the ball in the way. He crouched low and waited for it to shoot the laser. After it did, he ran under it and ducked inside the opening. The door started to close behind them at an agonizingly slow pace. The three did not wait for it to shut.

  They moved across the dimly lit room quickly, toward another door located off to the side. At one time, it had been a living space. Dust now covered everything. Drizzle was already at the door, inserting his claw. Joseph stood behind him, urging him on.

  Drayco kept an eye on the main door, willing it to shut faster. He wished again for his sword, but knew it was gone. He had not seen it since he had killed Viola so many days ago. An inner pang of loss filled him. It was forgotten when the silver ball flew into the room before the outer door closed.

  "Get inside now!"

  Drizzle was already in the room beyond when Drayco shoved the man next to him through the partially open door. A bright light filled the area where Joseph had been, forcing the dark man to dive out of the way to avoid being severed in half. The door started to close; a black streak marred the smooth surface from side to side. The laser had damaged the indentation on the wall, which explained why the door had reacted the way it did.

  Joseph leaned out to help the dark man. He had to pull back inside to avoid being crushed. The doors closed with Drayco still on the same side as the ball, his companions shut away on the other side.

  Damn ... now what?

  The dark man heard pounding and the muffled voices of his companions while he crouched in the shadows. The only light in the room, a small fluorescent one located near the bed, was not strong enough to reach where Drayco stood. The ball hovered with its lens spinning, as if confused by the noise distracting it.

  Maybe I can get out of here before it decides what to do next, or finds me. He was able to go several paces before having to freeze again.

  The ball started to make a faster whirring sound and a yellow beam shot from the lens, lighting up the corner near the black-streaked door. It began to pan around the room. It had almost reached Drayco when the inner door opened. Drizzle darted into the room, followed closely by Joseph, sword in hand.

  "Drayco! Nothing's in there but a dead end. We have to go back the way we came."

  The floating ball spun toward the swift-moving cat. The laser lit up the room. Thankfully, the ray hit empty space. Drizzle was already beyond where it had aimed.

  Drayco took advantage of the distraction and grabbed the blanket off the bed. He threw it over the ball, effectively blinding it before he ran past to the exit. They left while the ball crashed around the room, shooting the laser in all directions.

  "Where do we go?” Joseph asked.

  "Drizzle ... open another door ... now! We have to get out of sight before it frees itself."

  The cat padded to the door closest to the generator room and tried it. It slid open without any difficulty. They ducked inside, and within seconds of the door sliding shut, the silver ball emerged. It paused, turning first one way, then the other, its camera lens spinning in a wild fashion. After a moment, it glided down the hall toward the large, vacant room with the golf cart, pausing at each door to scan for sounds before starting toward the opposite end.

  "Drayco ... wha—” Joseph stood to one side, his sword held ready.

  The dark twin held a finger to his lips, indicating the need for silence. The whirring sound made by the floating lens was getting closer. He hugged the wall and held his breath. Joseph held his, as well. Drizzle crouched close to him, watching the door.

  The whirring noise held steady in front of their door. It became softer as the ball moved on. It had lost track of them and decided to check the generator room. With the robotic arm, it opened the entranceway and was gone.

  Drayco stayed where he was until he was positive it was truly gone. He relaxed against the wall, letting his breath out. Joseph did the same.

  "Boy, that was close. I thought you were a goner when that door shut before you could get through."

  "You and me both,” Drayco responded.

  "What do you want to do now? That thing knows we're here and has probably gone to alert its masters."

  "We get Shyanne,” the cat answered as he moved to open the door.

  "I'm afraid Drizzle's right. We can't wait and give them a chance to set up a defense. But we do need to make some kind of plan. The one we discussed earlier is now null and void."

  Joseph put his sword away. He looked at the dark
man, then the big cat. “What do you propose?"

  "We need to get past the floating sentry. That is where you come in, Drizzle. You're the quickest at getting through the doors, and the fastest runner.” The cat nodded his head in agreement. “You can draw it away so Joseph and I can get into that room and free Shyanne."

  "What about Ruben and this mysterious person?” Joseph asked.

  "If they get in the way, we take care of them. Shyanne is the important issue here. I won't tolerate her being in their hands anymore."

  "Let's go then."

  Drizzle opened the door to the hall and looked out. “All clear."

  The three walked to the door that lead into the generator room and listened. The whirring sound caused by the flying ball was not heard so Drizzle inserted his claw and opened it. The cat was though the door in an instant. The two men hung back in case the generator disguised the floating ball's noise. Before the door could shut and lock them out, they flung themselves inside, rolling on the ground to either side. The ball was nowhere in sight.

  Joseph stood up and glanced toward the center of the room. What he saw made his eyes open wide and his jaw drop. The huge generator with its rolling belts and humming motor stood before him. He moved next to Drayco, unable, or unwilling, to take his eyes off the machinery the entire time.

  "What is that?"

  "It's a generator, a source of power,” Drayco said as he rose to his feet. He was near the stack of boxes Drizzle had hidden behind earlier. “I'm assuming that's what is keeping this facility going. It's old, though, even for my time."

  "This place is full of so many strange surprises. Some I like, while others are demon possessed.” Joseph looked up just to make sure the floating ball was not hovering overhead. “I wish we had more time to check it out."

  "Shyanne comes first."


  Joseph moved around the boxes and started toward the generator to see what else was in the room. A whirring noise different from the humming of the machine overpowered the lesser noise. He dove behind the boxes, pulling the dark man down with him.

  Just as they disappeared from view, the floating sentry ball appeared through a door to the right. Drizzle stepped out from behind another set of boxes and moved toward the door to the left, away from the men. The ball turned its camera on the cat and the whirring sound became faster. Before the robotic arm could be extended, Drizzle had the door open and was gone. The floating sentry flew after him. Both disappeared from sight when the door slid shut.

  "Do you think he'll be okay?"

  "That cat has survived both Shyanne's tortures and mine; he can make it through anything."

  Joseph smiled at the thought. He turned his attention to the three doors in the room. “Which door was it Shyanne was supposed to be behind?” The smile left at the mention of the woman's name.

  "This one over here,” Drayco said. He moved toward the door to their right.

  The pair positioned themselves on either side and listened. Drayco had Joseph's boot knife in his hand and looked at the indent on the wall. He glanced at the fair-haired man and nodded his head as he put the tip in and pressed. The door slid neatly into the wall, exposing the room beyond. Joseph again stood with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

  Equipment filled every wall except where the doors were. Other pieces stood scattered about the room, their lights blinking like those on a Christmas tree. Two TV monitors hung near a hospital bed, their screens blank. The bed underneath was empty. Another one a few paces away had someone on it. The monitors above showed the occupants heart rate, breathing pattern, oxygen levels, blood pressure and various other things Drayco did not recognize. Joseph saw the woman lying on the bed and ran to her side.

  "Shyanne, can you hear me?” Joseph's hands hovered above her body, afraid to touch her because of her condition. After much hesitation, he decided a safe place to grab was her hand.

  Her eyes were taped shut and a tube disappeared into her mouth and down her throat. Her chest rose and fell in a smooth pattern with each hiss of the machine. Needles were inserted into her arms and bags of fluid, some yellow, some clear, dripped through thin tubing to provide her with nutrition and hydration.

  Drayco made his way across the room and handed Joseph his knife. Looking at the monitors, then at his sister, he remembered how his father had looked when the paramedics took him away; squeezing a bag attached to the tube in his mouth, and knew the hissing apparatus next to her was helping Shyanne breathe. He reached out, grabbed his sister's restrained arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. Shyanne gave no indication she knew he was there.

  Joseph reached over to pull the tube out of the unconscious woman's throat. Drayco caught his arm. He looked up, his eyes filled with agony at having to see his beloved like this.

  "We need to help her. I can't bear to see her like this.” Joseph's voice broke.

  "If we pull that tube out now, we could kill her. It's helping her to breathe."


  The two men spun around and saw a black robed figure standing a short distance away, one covered arm raised in their direction. Before either could react, a crackling noise sounded and a bolt of light shot out. It hit Joseph in the chest. He flew backwards, smashed into the machines behind him, and crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Drayco threw himself sideways. He rolled behind a piece of equipment and crouched there waiting.

  What did he use to knock Joseph out with?

  His thoughts raced. Whatever it was, it sounded electrical. How was it powered? If it was a battery pack, how long would it last before it ran out?

  "You are an interesting young man. I've been watching you. Your knowledge of technology is impressive.” The voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but it carried across the room as if it was a shout.

  Drayco glanced quickly around the equipment. The robed figure had not moved, and the arm remained upraised. A faint humming sound emitted from within the fabric. He glanced at Joseph and was glad to see the man's chest rise and fall. He was still alive. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his face. Otherwise, he appeared unharmed.

  The dark man darted another look around the machinery and was surprised to watch the strange robed person almost seem to float across the room in his direction. In a crouched position, he ran behind the freestanding equipment to the unoccupied bed. Using his right arm as a support, he threw himself to the other side just as the crackling noise sounded.

  He was in mid-swing when he felt the hair on his right arm rise. Even though the shot missed, the arm became numb when the bolt of light grazed past it. It buckled out from under him, causing him to hit the floor at an awkward angle. He lay there, trying to catch the breath that had been knocked out of him by the fall.

  "You are a mystery that I'd love to solve, but I don't have the time right now. I have to return to my work, and you're preventing that from happening."

  Drayco took several deep breaths before speaking. “What does that have to do with the woman?"

  "Ahh ... so you can speak when spoken to, you do have manners after all."

  The dark twin struggled to a sitting position behind the bed, its solid base hiding him from view. He held his useless arm against his body. “You didn't answer the question."

  "I need her to fulfill my research. That's all you need to know. What I'm curious about is why she is so important to you?"

  "She's his sister."

  The answer came from across the room. Ruben entered through the door from the generator room. He walked over to stand next to the Boss.

  "So ... that explains much ... the fast healing wounds ... the reversal of aging. It appears the mystery about you has been solved. Now I can kill you without losing any sleep over it, especially since I have your sister."

  Drayco looked around, but could not see a way out. He had inadvertently trapped himself in a part of the room without an exit. Joseph's sword was still in its sheath strapped to his back. If he could somehow get to it, he could
use it to break free. His sword arm was not working, but he could use the left. He was glad now for all the years of practice he had had to endure.

  Somehow I have to get to Joseph, grab his sword, avoid Ruben and the Boss's weapons, draw them away from both Shyanne and Joseph and do it with a bum arm ... this ought to be fun.

  He would have to leave his companions for his plan to work. Much as he hated doing so, it had to be done if they were going to make it out of there.

  A noise brought him back to the scene at hand. Drayco glanced over the bed and saw Ruben making his way around the equipment toward him from the left, sword in hand. He saw the Boss coming toward him from the right. An idea developed as he watched the others move. He ducked down and tucked his useless right arm inside his shirt to keep it from flopping all over. He did not need it in the way.

  He waited only a breath before jumping over the bed between the two oncoming people. The Boss turned his upraised arm toward the fleeing man and the crackling intensified. A light shot out just as Ruben faced toward Drayco on the opposite side. The dark man dropped to the floor and the light went past him, hitting the big man square in the chest. The look of shock on Ruben's face as he went down would have been priceless if Drayco had not been so busy trying to recover from the close proximity of the beam. His vision was fuzzy and his head hurt.

  He looked toward the Boss and saw the other arm reach up to adjust whatever it was in his hand. He was unable to make out what the object was due to the fuzziness, but he heard something click. The Boss began to raise the unknown weapon again.

  "You have delayed me far too long, and I've grown tired of this. I must finish my work before it's too late. This weapon is now set to kill. I promise you, it will be quick and painless.” The Boss straightened the robed arm.

  Drayco heard the crackling grow louder, more intense. Just as he thought he was dead, the door behind him slid open. A blur of tawny fur shot into the room. Both people had been so focused on each other that they had failed to notice the whirring sound as it neared.


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