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Page 6

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Jason was loving the quiet, the sunshine, and being with his wife. “I wish I could freeze this moment in time.”

  Vicky ran her fingers through his hair, “This is nice but reality has a way of rearing its head. I’m okay with that too as long as we are together.”

  For just this moment, Jason didn’t want reality to intrude on them but thought maybe it was a good time to tell her about the hearing.

  Jason exhaled, “Speaking of reality, Mr. Lucas called. Ryan’s attorneys have scheduled an emergency hearing for this Friday.”

  Vicky didn’t bat an eye, “I know. He needs me to stop by his office tomorrow so he can continue to prep me for it.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I called his office.”

  Jason sat up angrily, “Why did you do that instead of just asking me? Do you think I can’t handle this situation?”

  Vicky put her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.

  “No. That is not it at all. It’s just this whole situation is about Angel and me. Yet, you will talk to everyone else about it but me. In order for me to get any answers I’ve got to call his office. When I try to talk to you the only response you give me is ‘I’m taking care of it’ unless you’re giving me orders about what I have to do that day. I’m not a child, Jason. I’m your wife.”

  “You don’t think I know that? I’m doing the best I can to protect our family.”

  “Jason, I know that. All I’m saying is you don’t have to do it by yourself. You don’t have to shoulder the entire burden. I want to share it with you. Don’t be angry.”

  Vicky touched his cheek and then kissed him on the lips. He was angry and tense and didn’t want to kiss her. She would be patient because he was the love of her life. So, Vicky held his head in place until he began to return her kisses.

  Chapter 13

  The drive over to Franklin’s condo felt much longer than the forty-five minutes it actually took to get there. She sat quietly in the car debating how to approach him regarding her place in his life. Before she could broach the subject, Franklin interrupted her thoughts.

  “You’re awfully quiet. If you’re worried about Jason and Vicky…this storm too shall pass.”

  “I have no doubt about it. I actually admire how much they love and care for each other. Vicky never has to worry about where she stands with him.”

  “Hmm. That’s true.”

  Franklin could feel her piercing gaze on him. Her voice trembled, “That’s all you’re going to say?”

  He sounded tired “What else do you want me to say Sandy?”

  “You are a very smart man. You know what I meant by that?”

  “I’m not a mind reader. If you have something you want to say to me then say it. I’m too tired for games.”

  “Fine, I’ll spell it out then. We’ve been ‘seeing where this goes’ for months now. Where are we going?”

  The car stopped at a red light. Franklin rubbed his hands over his eyes “Sandy, don’t do this. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.”

  “Franklin, I haven’t pushed or tried to put pressure on you in any way. I’m not asking for the moon and the stars although I think I’m worth it. I just want to know how you feel about me.”

  His eyes finally connected with hers “I think you’re an amazing woman. You’re smart, funny, and I enjoy hanging out with you.”

  The light turned green and the car started to move again.

  Sandy’s heart was breaking because ‘he liked hanging out with her’ wasn’t the same as ‘I’m in love with you’ especially since she’d fallen head over heels in love with him. She broke eye contact first and did her best to focus on the car driving ahead of them. It took everything not to let the tears slide down her face.

  Sandy didn’t respond. She wouldn’t even look at him. He could see how she held her body that she was hurt. Franklin kept stealing quick peeks at her. He didn’t know what to say to make her feel better. He could lie but she deserved better than that.

  They drove along for a little while without any more words being spoken. It was too quiet in the car so he turned on the radio. When he pulled up into the driveway, Franklin reached for her hand and began to speak, “Sandy, I….”

  She turned to face him with so much hope in her eyes, “Yes?”

  “We started our relationship so soon after my breakup with April.”

  She pulled away, “I asked if you were over her. I asked you over and over again. So was I a rebound then?”

  “No. But, I….”

  She interrupted whatever it was he was going to say.

  “Franklin, I’m in love with you.”

  Sandy had managed to knock the wind out of him. He knew she had feelings for him but love? The seconds ticked by without him being able to utter a word.

  Sandy finally understood the phrase ‘the silence was deafening’.

  “Well. I guess I finally know where I stand with you.”

  “Sandy wait…”

  Sandy opened the door and got out of the car with as much dignity as she could muster. As she fought the tears back, all she knew for certain was that this was the last time she was ever going to let a man hurt her again.

  Chapter 14

  Alicia Foxworthy-Carter was sitting at Charlie’s restaurant waiting for her lunch guest. She was ten minutes late. Her friend was never known for being on time.

  She finished her glass of wine, her second for the day. She really wanted something stiffer but had to remember she was in a fishbowl. The First Lady of Minnesota couldn’t be a lush.

  The last few weeks had been hell. She was starting to wonder if the chance of being the First Lady was even worth it. The press and the paparazzi had her life under a microscope. She’d had to be on her best behavior which meant she hadn’t seen her lover in weeks. It was just too risky. And, having to look lovingly into Ryan’s eyes all the time was making her crazy. She was starting to get crazy ideas like sleeping with him. Well, that wasn’t going to happen. He didn’t deserve the opportunity to touch her.

  Her guest finally arrived, “Alicia, I’m so sorry for being late. Dottie took extra time doing my manicure. You know how these things can happen.”

  Alicia stood up and they exchanged hugs and mutual air kisses.

  “Well Bridget, for you this is considered on time!”

  The women sat down at their table and a waiter came over to fill their glasses, “Well, I’m hearing on good authority that Ryan is going to be our next Governor. You know you’ve got our families support.”

  Alicia gave her a practiced smile, “And, thank you for it. Yes, he is doing well in the polls, considering.”

  “I know I know. It’s in all the papers. I’m so sorry; this has to be difficult for you.”

  “Not as much as it is for Ryan. He has an almost four year old daughter that he doesn’t even know.”

  “Victoria Martin is a viper. How she could do this to poor Ryan is beyond me. You’re just lucky that Ryan came to his senses.”

  “Well, that’s one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you. You’ve actually met her. I’m hoping you can give me some background; maybe even something we can use in court.”

  “I don’t know how much I can help but I will tell you everything I know. My parents are furious with the Rutherfords. They haven’t really spoken since that dreadful anniversary party in Atlanta. They let Jason lead me on for years. Everybody knew we were getting married. Franklin’s ex-fiancé April let it slip to me that Jason had already bought the ring. Only he never proposed. I thought I’d force his hand and broke up with him. I’m guessing that’s when he met that whore. She probably was someone Jason thought he could save.”

  Alicia listened intently. She’d met Victoria at the hospital but that was under an extreme circumstance. She wondered what the woman was really like…who did what she could never do. She gave Ryan a child. Every time she thought about it…she ached inside.

  “Well, you know she worked for
CkR Int’l. She was in customer service of all places. I think she actually worked the phones; No degree or anything. How embarrassing was that for me? How they even met is beyond me. I mean I didn’t know that Jason went to the hood to find dates when he was in Minnesota for business.”

  Alicia reached out to touch Bridget’s hand, “I can see how difficult that must have been for you.”

  Bridget pulled a tissue from her purse and dabbed her eyes, “I mean, we dated for YEARS and he married her within a year of meeting. I just get so angry thinking about it. I loved Jason very much. I still don’t understand it to this day.”

  Alicia couldn’t see any tears leaking from Bridget’s eyes. Alicia knew the score. Bridget was angry and embarrassed that he married so far beneath her. Just as she would have been.

  “Have you talked to Jason about it to try and get some closure?”

  “No. I haven’t but many of our friends have tried to. He’s pretty much shut everyone out except for Franklin.” Bridget shook her head, “It’s so obvious that women like her just want a baby-daddy. I’m guessing she probably didn’t know who her baby daddy was until that accident. If she had known, you can probably bet she would have contacted Ryan before now.”

  “You’re absolutely right about that. It kills me to say this but honestly, I can see why men would be attracted to her. I met her at the hospital. She is a beautiful woman. She has that exotical thing men seem to like. However, I’m still surprised he married her. Women like her are mistresses never wives.”

  “More than likely, it’s because she was pregnant. I think she’s about five or six months pregnant. They’ve only been married a little over a month. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out. Men just lose their minds when it comes to sex. How many times have we said ‘if he’d just worn a condom’? They can’t think strait until it’s over. I could over look an affair but not a child born from one.”

  That stung. But Alicia wore her poker face and went on as if Bridget hadn’t made the last remark. “Maybe that’s just it Bridget, Jason did the responsible thing after he found out she was preggers. You should call him. I can’t believe you two were together all that time and he doesn’t still carry some feelings for you.”

  Bridget’s face lit up, “You think? I mean I would never take him back just so you know. However, I’ve been so angry with him that I just couldn’t call him. But, now that some time has passed and I’ve calmed down, maybe I should give him a chance to explain himself. You know the one question that just keeps nagging me…other than the obvious is how did she manage to not only hoodwink my Jason, but she hoodwinked his parents too. They should know a gold –digger when they see one.”

  “Yes, I heard both the Rutherford’s but especially Miriam seems pretty taken with her.” Alicia hadn’t had a cigarette in over two years but she would kill for one right now. This conversation was tedious but necessary.

  “Well, I guess now we know where Jason got his ‘save a whore’ tendencies from.” They laughed heartily at that one.

  The wine was starting to get to Alicia. She put her glass to the side and started drinking water.

  “Bridget, it didn’t take her long to get pregnant either. I can’t say the girl is stupid. She managed to have a child with both Ryan and Jason. They are two of the richest and connected men in the States.”

  Bridget was barely listening to Alicia at this moment because she was already planning operation get Jason back. “Well…let’s just see how long it takes for him to tire of her.”

  Bridget’s expressions became very animated, “Just so we’re clear, I wouldn’t take Jason back if he came crawling on his knees. It would take a miracle for me to ever forgive him. I’m amazed you’ve been able to forgive Ryan.”

  “He’s my husband. I’ll stand by him through anything especially since we weren’t even together when the child was conceived.”

  Bridget didn’t believe that for one minute. Everybody knew that they hated each other and both had carried on many affairs over the years. This was about politics plain and simple.

  “So, then are you ready to be a full time mommy to Ryan’s child?”

  Alicia started choking on her water. It took her a moment to clear her throat before she plastered on her practiced smile and answered, “I’ll learn to love her just as much as I love Ryan. Ah…the waiter’s here. Shall we order?”

  Chapter 15

  Friday had finally arrived. Vicky, Jason and Angel had flown into Minnesota the night before with John Lucas and his staff. Aunt Shirley arrived with the Rutherford’s that morning. Sandy had driven in to the courthouse alone.

  She’d managed to avoid Franklin for the past several days. It wasn’t too difficult since he hadn’t really tried too hard to get in touch with her. She knew she’d see him today and hoped her game face wouldn’t crack.

  Getting into the courthouse was a zoo. Every major news channel and tv entertainment show was there with cameras in tow.

  John Lucas had prepared well for this case. He’d prepped Vicky and a couple of other witnesses. He felt confident the judge would not be granting the Carter’s full custody; today or any day.

  They all sat quietly in the waiting room. Vicky was nervous. Jason was nervous but trying hard not to show it. Angel was sitting on the floor playing with her blocks. She had no idea what was happening. Her world as she had known it was about to change in one way or another.

  Aunt Shirley had been praying silently. Then, decided to invite others in on it. “You know I think…if you’ve ever believed in prayer now would be a good time to pray.”

  Miriam was the first to get up from her chair and join her, “I think you’re right Shirley. You can never have enough prayers.”

  Everyone joined hands and somehow Franklin ended up next to Sandy. It was a little awkward especially since she never even looked at him. She just stretched out her hands for him to hold. He held it and bowed his head.

  Aunt Shirley led the prayer, “Lord God, we come before You today first thanking You for all of Your goodness and all of Your blessings. We ask a special prayer for Vicky, Jason, and Angel. They need you more than ever. We ask for favor in this situation but in all things Your will be done. AMEN.”

  Just as they finished the prayer John Lucas came into the waiting room, “They’ve called our case. We can head over to the courtroom now.”

  Everyone filed out of the room but Jason held Vicky behind for just a second “You okay?”

  She gazed deeply into his eyes and squeezed his hand, “I’m nervous and scared but I’m okay. You?”

  “As long as you and Angel are okay…I’m good.” He kissed her temple and they walked out of the waiting room hand in hand into the courtroom.

  Ryan was the first person that Vicky saw when she walked into the courtroom. How she could have thought she was ever in love with him was beyond her.

  Jason saw the moment Ryan and Vicky made eye contact. He knew that he owned Vicky’s heart but there was a small part of him that hated she had this connection with him. He HATED Ryan Carter.

  Franklin watched the entire exchange play out in front of him. He could see the rage in Jason’s demeanor and touched Jason’s shoulder.

  “Keep it together my friend. The cameras are everywhere.”

  Those simple words helped Jason pull it together. He wasn’t able to sit next to Vicky at the counsel’s table. He had to sit behind them with everyone else. She had to do this on her own. He could strangle Ryan for putting his family through all of this but Franklin was right. He had to keep it together.

  Vicky sat down next to Mr. John Lucas and he gave her a warm smile.

  “Okay Vicky. Remember what we discussed in my office. Take your time answering questions. Only answer what they ask and nothing more. I’ve got the rest.”

  The bailiff gave the order “All rise the Honorable Judge Zimmerman is presiding.”

  Everyone stood to their feet as the judge made her way to the bench.

lease be seated.”

  “Your Honor we’re calling case number A259871 - Carter vs Martin-Rutherford”

  “Do I have all the paperwork in front of me?”

  John Lucas answered yes and so did Ryan Carter’s attorney, Ms. Abernathy.

  “Okay…Gentleman, I understand this is a high profile case. But, I’m letting you both know right now this is about Angel Martin. I won’t tolerate any shenanigans. Okay, Ms. Abernathy please call your first witness.”

  “Thank you your Honor. I call Mr. Ryan Carter.”

  Ryan walked over to the stand.

  “Mr. Ryan Carter, do you promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

  He answered in the affirmative and took the stand.

  “Mr. Carter please state your full name and where you reside.”

  “My name is Mr. Ryan James Carter and I reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota.”

  “What is your occupation?”

  “I am a State Senator for Minnesota.”

  “When did you meet Ms. Martin?”

  John Lucas appeared to be taking notes and without even raising his eyes he called an objection. “The plaintiff’s name is Victoria Martin-Rutherford.”

  “Sustained. Please address Mrs. Martin-Rutherford by her correct name. Proceed.”

  “I met Mrs. Martin-Rutherford in Sept. or Oct. of 2010.”

  “Where did you meet Ms. Martin? Excuse me…Mrs. Martin-Rutherford.”

  “I met Mrs. Martin-Rutherford at a grocery store in Minneapolis. I was standing in line behind her as she was buying groceries. She didn’t have enough money to pay for them so I paid for them.”

  Vicky leaned over to John Lucas, “That’s a lie.”

  He nodded.

  “From that encounter, did you develop a friendship?”


  “Were you married to Alicia Foxworthy-Carter at the time?”


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