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Wrong Place: A gripping serial killer crime thriller.

Page 17

by M A Comley

  “Why? No, on second thoughts, I don’t want to get involved in that. I will say one thing; if any of my officers turn up looking the way you do, I should be informed about it immediately. What if the super had spoken to me about it? Can you imagine how foolish I would have felt not knowing what he was referring to?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t really think about that. I was too busy nursing my wounds, and my ego, for that matter.”

  “Why on earth didn’t you ring in sick? At least for a day or two until the swelling abated?”

  “You know me—or you should do by now. As long as my legs will carry me, I’ll always report for duty.”

  “I’ll give you that. You’re like every other woman I have the misfortune of knowing—stubborn. Talking of the super, he’s hounding me for a conclusion on this case. He also wanted to know why there has been a significant lack of media attention?”

  “Until now, sir, we haven’t had a lot to go on. I felt it was better to refrain from informing the media until we had something positive to announce. I was about to make an appeal when the DNA evidence pointed us in Dorling’s direction, and now this. Right from when we picked him up, I’ve had doubts about his guilt.”

  “Then why arrest him?” The chief tilted his head a little.

  “DNA, it’s what we work with. I have my team working on every angle to find the true perpetrator. The thing is, Dorling almost ended his life because we fu… screwed up.”

  “That’s very unfortunate. So, are you looking into the possibility of someone trying to stitch this man up?”

  “Yes, sir. Like I said, we have a preliminary sketch of a suspect, and I went to see Dorling today, hoping he could identify the man, but his eyes are severely damaged from his suicide attempt, although they should improve in time. I think if it meant he was able to discount himself and put someone else in the frame, he’d do it.”

  “So what’s the next course of action for you, Inspector? Wait, before you try and answer that, I have to tell you that I’m seriously considering taking the case off you.”

  “Why? I’m… we’re doing our best, and I truly do believe we’re close to finding the true culprit. Please, don’t take the case from under us now.”

  “I feel for you. However, I have the super breathing his dragon-like breath down my collar. You know as well as I do the stringent targets we have to meet at present.”

  “I’m all too aware of those idiotic targets, sir. I have to say in our defence that my team usually have no trouble meeting those targets.”

  “Indeed. Maybe that’s the reasoning behind the super’s insistence—in the past, you’ve just been too good at your job. Now you’re being punished for your own success.”

  “Jesus, really? It’s a bloody catch-22 situation. We’re damned if we do, and doubly damned if we don’t. Forgive me for retaliating aggressively, sir, but bloody hell, where is the justice in that?”

  “There isn’t one. In the force’s eyes, it’s a matter of getting results or shipping failing officers out.”

  Sally leaned against the back of her chair, the fight fleeing her rapidly. “Where’s the incentive in that? I don’t mean to be argumentative, sir, but sometimes, cases have a habit of spinning out of control, no matter how many hours you spend on them. You are aware that I’ve spent the last few nights here, sleeping at my desk, aren’t you?”

  “No, I wasn’t aware. I’m not the one doubting you or your team’s capabilities—neither is the super, really—but targets are targets, and they need to be met.”

  “I understand that, and believe me, I’m doing my utmost to adhere to those targets. Maybe we should show the criminals the spreadsheet and tell them to buck up their ideas. Now that’s a thought, isn’t it?”

  His stern façade broke into a smile. “Has anyone ever told you how funny you are when you’re annoyed?”

  “No. And now isn’t a very good time to start, either. Please, give us until the end of next week to come up with the goods.” Sally had a feeling her DCI was talking garbage anyway, given the size of the Norfolk Constabulary. The department didn’t have the resources to bring another team in to deal with the case and starting from scratch would have been more detrimental than allowing Sally’s team to continue to run the case.

  He rose and walked towards the door. “Very well. On one condition.”

  Sally bounced forward in her chair. “Name it.”

  “That you keep me informed of your progress at the end of every day.”

  “Crap! Really? That’s like returning to kindergarten rules.”

  “You’re not the only one who needs to up their game, Inspector. There’s no need to give me an update this evening. Let’s start on Monday, okay?”

  “If I must, sir. Enjoy your weekend.”

  “You, too. Let’s hope your eyes are at least back to their normal size come Monday morning.”

  He left the office. Moments later Jack walked in. “Everything all right, boss?”

  “Tickety-boo, Jack. Tickety-fucking-boo,” she snapped at him. He retreated quickly, and she regretted taking her foul mood out on him. She kicked the table leg and winced with pain. Jesus, when are you going to learn to curb that temper of yours? She returned to the incident room and circulated it, speaking to each member of the team, getting updates on the tasks they’d been set. At the end of her tour, she clapped and called for their attention.

  “Listen up, folks. I’m going to say this as it was said to me. The chief has given us exactly seven days to conclude the case.”

  “So, he’s going to issue us with the necessary manpower, is he?” Jack asked, looking annoyed.

  “No, he’s not. I suppose it’s partially my fault—I told him we were on the brink of cracking the case. I promise I’ll think before I put my mouth into gear next time. Anyway, let’s start afresh on Monday. Have a good weekend, folks. Oh, and if you happen to go out and frequent any pubs in the area, keep a vigilant eye open for the suspect we have a dubious sketch of, if you will?”

  “I’ll make some copies if you like, boss,” Joanna volunteered.

  “Thanks. I’m going to shoot off now. I have to pick up my poorly pup on the way home. Have a good one, peeps.”

  Sally arrived at the vet’s moments before evening surgery began as the vet had instructed. A nurse led Dex into the consulting room. His tail wagged vigorously when he saw Sally; she knelt on the floor and gently cuddled her pal. “All better are you, sweetie?”

  “Hardly,” the vet said. “But he’s getting there. He was very lucky the rib didn’t puncture his lung. If that had happened, I doubt he would have pulled through. Gentle exercise only over the next few weeks and certainly no running after a ball. Here’s some painkillers and the instructions for their use. Any problems, don’t hesitate to contact me, day or night. Keep him under surveillance at all times, if you will.”

  “I’ll do that over the weekend then pass the baton across to my parents while I’m at work. Thank you so much for saving him, Doc. I’d be lost without his cheeky face around the place.”

  “He’s certainly a character. Not many dogs would have withstood the suffering he’s put up with these last couple of days. That’s for sure. Need a hand getting him into the car?”

  “We’ll be fine.” Sally stood and shook Dr. Munroe’s hand. “Sincerely, I thank you for caring for him.”

  “It’s my job. Take care now. Can you bring him back in about ten days for a check-up?”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  Gingerly, Dex walked beside her, not pulling on the leash as he usually did. Once they reached the car, she held open the back door. Dex placed his front paws in the footwell, and she hoisted his rear end into the car. Dex travelled in the footwell behind her seat during the short trip home. Her parents were at the gate to meet them. Gathered around the car they exchanged kisses under the watchful eye of the vile neighbours across the road.

  “I don’t think we’ll be getting any more crap from them in the near fut
ure. Let’s get the boy in and settled.” She opened the back door, and Dex surprised her by jumping out of the car before she had the chance to grab him. “Dex, calm down, boy. Are you all right?” She crouched and kissed his head. The dog whimpered and licked her face.

  Before she closed the high side gate, Sally glared at the wife of the man who’d been taken into custody, and pointed a warning finger in her direction. The woman scowled and stormed into her house.

  The rest of the weekend consisted of caring for her dog and generally relaxing with her parents, while keeping a vigilant eye on the neighbours from hell. She spent the odd hour or two on obligatory work-related notes. She even contacted Jack over the weekend with a few suspicions she had, much to Donna’s disgust. She’d reminded herself on more than one occasion that they had a deadline to meet. She had a feeling she would be ticking more people off over the coming days in order to get the case wrapped up by the weekend.


  Monday morning arrived, along with a renewed determination rushing through her veins. Sally kissed her parents farewell and told them not to expect her home until late that evening.

  Jack parked his car next to hers as she was getting out of her vehicle in the station’s car park. “Good weekend?” he called out.

  “Relaxing. Think I missed my vocation. I should have considered a nursing job instead.”

  Jack smiled. “How is Dex?”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s eager to burn off some energy. That’s the difficult part, restricting him. How was your weekend?”

  “Surprisingly good, in spite of Donna having a hissy fit every time you called.”

  She winced.

  “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, at least the anger cloud that has been hovering over the house appears to have moved on. Teresa brought her boyfriend round, and we had a grown-up discussion about what they intend doing when the child is born.”

  “Which is?” Sally asked as they reached the main entrance and walked into the reception area of the huge round building.

  He cringed and closed one eye. “Well, we’ve said that we’re willing to let Tim move in with us, if that’s what they both want. For the child’s sake, of course.”

  “Crikey! Never in a million years did I think I’d ever hear you say those words. Are you and Donna sure about that?”

  “Everyone seems to be okay with the arrangements now. Whether we’ll all be happy when the child arrives is anyone’s guess.”

  They reached the incident room, bought a coffee from the machine, and went through to Sally’s office.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” Jack asked, taking a sip from his paper cup.

  “Well, first I want you to check if any incidents have been reported overnight, the type we’d be interested in linking the case to, I mean. Then I need to again recap things as a team. We’ve got five days to complete this case. Any outstanding information we’re waiting for needs to be chased hard this morning. Got that?”

  “Yep, I hear you.” He emptied his cup and left the room.

  Jack reappeared in Sally’s doorway a few moments later, panting like an excited puppy. Sally recognised his expression and pulled on her jacket in readiness. “Hit me with it. Another murder?”

  “Another victim, yes.”


  “She’s in the hospital. She survived the attack, boss.”

  “Jesus, really? How bad is she?”

  Jack inclined his head and wrinkled his nose. “She’s in a coma. There’s every chance that she won’t make it.”

  “We must think positive. There’s every chance she might. Let’s get over to the hospital and see for ourselves. You can fill me in on what happened on the way.”

  They rushed through the building and jumped into Sally’s car. Sally put her foot down. “So?”

  “Apparently, the girl was found in an alley. Looks like he tried to strangle her but failed.”

  “Maybe she played dead just to let him think he’d succeeded.” Sally knew that’s how she would play things if she were a victim.

  “Or, perhaps he was disturbed during the attack.”

  “I don’t suppose there were any witnesses?” Sally asked.

  “No. But an old codger who lives in the alley was the one who called it in.”

  “So there was a witness?”

  Jack shook his head. “The old man said he’d left the alley for an hour or so to source some food. When he returned at the other end of the alley, he heard a noise. He called out and rounded the corner, only to hear footsteps of the attacker running away.”

  “So, he didn’t actually see the assailant?” Sally asked.

  “Nope. Do you think we’ll ever get to arrest this guy?”

  “For a start, Jack, we haven’t got any evidence linking this to the other crimes. Not unless he got around to… well, raping the girl. Do we know if that happened?”

  “No. To be honest, I forgot to ask. Maybe I just assumed that this attack could be linked to the previous ones.”

  “That’s fine. We’ll soon find out. Let’s hope we discover extra DNA on the girl, in the form of hairs et cetera.”

  “Well, if we are talking about the same guy, he’s been super-efficient at disguising that up until now. I suppose if he was disturbed in the act, there’s every chance he might have slipped up.”

  “Exactly, if we’re dealing with the same guy. I’m inclined to think we are just because of what day the attack took place. We have to keep our fingers crossed that the girl pulls through. This could be the break we need.”

  Once Sally had parked, they hurried across the car park, flashed their IDs at the parking attendant, and entered the hospital. Sally asked the bespectacled woman in her fifties sitting behind the reception desk what direction they should head in for the location of the victim. The woman pointed at a large sign on the wall that listed all the major departments to the hospital. “Follow the blue line to the Intensive Care Unit,” she told them.


  After getting lost a few times along the way, they finally arrived at the ICU and showed their IDs to the nurse at the station positioned outside the ward. “We’re here to see the doctor treating Amanda Collins. Can you contact him, please?”

  “You’re in luck. He’s on the ward at the moment, carrying out his rounds. He shouldn’t be long, if you care to take a seat.”

  “We’ll stand. Thanks.”

  Sally and Jack impatiently paced the small reception area for the next ten minutes until a doctor emerged from the ward. He stopped at the hand sanitizer dispenser on the wall and rubbed his hands with the liquid. Sally approached him before the nurse could inform him of their presence.

  “Ah, Inspector. Right, here’s where we stand: the patient, Amanda Collins, is still in grave danger. We’ve got her on a ventilator for now. She’s in a coma, and at present we have no idea how long that state will last or if indeed she will survive.”

  “Damn, I take it her family has been contacted?”

  “They have. They were on holiday in Turkey. They’re on their way back now. As you can imagine, the news came as a shock to them, and I’d appreciate you being courteous to them when they arrive. In other words, give them some breathing space before you start bombarding them with questions.”

  “We’ll be sensitive, Doctor. No fear of that. What’s your honest opinion about Miss Collins?”

  “I’d say realistically we’re looking at a sixty-forty split in her favour. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to complete my rounds on this floor.”

  “Sorry, one last question, Doc. We’re on the trail of a serial killer. At this time, it’s subjective, but we think Miss Collins’s attack could be linked to the other crimes. I was wondering if you found any traces of semen on Miss Collins when she arrived.”

  “We did. One of the nurses who usually works with rape victims in conjunction with the police, took a sample of fluid found on Miss Collins’s thigh before she cleaned her up. Wait here
a moment please.”

  Sally and Jack high-fived as the doctor walked away from them. “Things are certainly looking up. All we need now is for a miracle to happen and for Miss Collins to pull through,” Sally stated, with a cautious smile.

  The doctor returned, carrying a sheet of paper with the nurse’s contact information attached to a Norfolk Constabulary requisite form. “There you go, Inspector. She arranged for the lab to pick up the sample already. It should be there now.”

  Sally took the papers. “Thank you. I really appreciate your nurse’s timely thinking. I’ll just step out and ring the lab.”

  “Of course. Her parents should be here shortly.”

  Sally thanked the doctor, ordered Jack to wait in the hall to greet the parents, and stepped outside.

  Simon answered her call right away. “What can I do for you, Inspector?”

  “Another victim was attacked last night. She’s in a coma, but the attacker left this sample at the crime scene, just like all the others. Any chance you can get it verified for me ASAP?” Sally read off the case number from the nurse’s file.

  “Hmm… I do have that sample at the lab, but the last I heard, you already had a man in custody for the other murders. Has he escaped?”

  “No, he’s in the hospital wing of the prison. I think he’s innocent and probably being set up. I need to know why. We have a preliminary sketch of the real offender, but everyone we’ve shown the sketch to so far doesn’t seem to recognise the person.”

  “That’s strange. So where do you go from here?”

  “Well, the latest victim is in a coma. We have to pray that she comes out of that coma and can either give us a name of her attacker or give us a positive ID in the form of another sketch. It’s all up in the air for the time being. Can you get that sample rushed through for me? If nothing else, it rules out the man we have in custody and means we can be sure we’re after the man in the sketch.”

  “Of course, I’ll get it actioned immediately. I’ll call you with the results as soon as we have them.”

  “Thanks, Simon. Before I go, I have to tell you that my chief has given me until the end of the week to conclude the case. Otherwise, he’s hinting at another team taking over the investigation.”


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