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The Staff of Kyade

Page 2

by James L. Craig

  'Kenji, look out!' Shin yelled. Kenji jumped to the side, just missing the blast of fire from the dragon. The dragon then took a deep inhale to shoot out another fire blast. Kenji was paralyzed with fear. The dragon went to exhale when a flying chair knocked the warrior off the dragon. Shin had thrown a piece of furniture.

  'You'll pay for that!' The warrior said, holding his head. 'Kazu, get him.' The dragon flew towards Shin.

  'No, leave him alone!' Kenji screamed. He ran after the dragon, but with a quick tail swipe, Kenji was knocked back and the dragon continued towards Shin. Kenji quickly ran up the stair case that led to the next floor of the palace. There, he saw a balcony. The dragon was taking another inhale, preparing for another fire blast, when Kenji jumped off the balcony onto the head of the dragon. He covered the dragon's eyes with his hands so the dragon could not see. The dragon went into a wild frenzy. Kazu started to shake and fly around the room, twisting and turning until he knocked Kenji down next to Shin. He had them both cornered and there was nothing they could do.

  'I guess this is it,' Kenji said.

  'I am so sorry, Kenji,' Shin smiled sadly.

  'I am too, but at least I got to make an amazing friend.' Kenji said as he also began to smile. Kenji grabbed Shin's hand and they both closed their eyes in preparation for the fire blast that was coming. The dragon took a deep breath and hurled a huge ball of flames so great that it ignited the entire room. Right as the huge, orange and red flames were about to engulf them, the staff begin to vibrate and glowed once again with a great, bright light.

  'Shin … something's happened.' Kenji said and slowly opened his eyes. Shin opened his eyes to see that the staff had started to glow again. The light was so bright that Kenji, Shin, Kazu and the warrior all were engulfed in the light. When the light finally faded, the dragon and warrior were gone.

  'What happened, Kenji?' asked a confused Shin.

  'The staff … I think the staff protected us,' said a relieved Kenji. Kenji knew what had happened, but he was still a little nervous about revealing everything to Shin.

  'What is going on, Kenji? What is that staff and why does it glow?' Kenji realized that Shin was the only one he could trust. He deserved the truth after everything that they'd been through. So Kenji told Shin everything. He explained about the staff and the legend of the Ujiima and how the warriors who destroyed Kyade had wanted it. The more Kenji talked, the more he realized that the people who attacked Kyade resembled the warrior and the dragon who had just tried to kill them. Kenji did not know why there was such a resemblance, but he prayed that it was merely a coincidence. Even so, he did not share that thought with Shin.

  As they composed themselves, they noticed someone staring at them. A man slowly walked up to them. They didn't know that the man had watched their entire ordeal and was wise to the situation at hand regarding the staff.

  'I do apologize for my mindless warrior. You see, we have had a lot of intruders these days and they fear for my safety; but I've told them that needless attempts at killing were deplorable.' The man said with a smooth voice that seemed apologetic.

  'Who are you?' asked Kenji.

  'That is Emperor Tokufumi!' Shin exclaimed. 'My emperor, it is an honor to meet you.' Shin bowed.

  'Please, my young man, no need for that. There must be some way I can make it up to you for being attacked in my palace.' Tokufumi stared at the staff the entire time he spoke. He did not realize he was being watched by Kenji. Kenji was well aware that there may be another motive behind the emperor's kindness.

  'Actually, my Lord, we came in hopes that you can help us deal with some of the problems that plague us,' explained Shin.

  'I will do the best I can, but first, my friends, you need a hot meal and a change of clothing. I shall have my servants take you to a changing room and they will bathe and dress you. Then we will discuss what is on your mind,' said an overly eager Tokufumi. Kenji could not put his finger on it, but the niceness of the emperor did not seem genuine. It was as if the emperor was speaking at them, not to them. It was something about his eyes—they stared right through Kenji and Shin. Kenji did not trust him at all.

  With a clap of his hands, Tokufumi signaled his servants to come down the staircase and lead Shin and Kenji to the changing room. As they walked upstairs, Kenji noticed again how Tokufumi stared at the staff. While Kenji and Shin made their way through the palace, they saw how beautiful and extravagant everything was. They saw all the paintings on the walls and even a beautiful garden and fountain outside through the window. When they made it to the changing room, they were in awe of the bathing pool that was as large as a small lake. The servants helped Kenji and Shin get undressed, but Kenji did not let his staff leave his hand.

  Once they got into the bathing pool, Kenji asked the servants to leave so he could talk to Shin.

  'Why do you insist on holding that staff even while in the water?' questioned Shin.

  'I have a bad feeling,' said Kenji, whose nervousness was returning.

  'Why? Lord Tokufumi knows we are not a threat, so there is no need to worry,' said a Shin calmly.

  'Hopefully you are right, but I will still hold on to the staff just in case.' Kenji saw that Shin was very trusting on the emperor and he did not want to dissuade him from believing otherwise.

  While they bathed, something odd happened when they saw each other's naked forms. They had grown up together and seen each other naked numerous times, but somehow it was different. Embarrassment radiated from the two and they avoided eye contact. The servants came back in after a while and dressed them in the finest silk kimonos and sandals. Shin and Kenji were not used to the pampering, but it did feel nice.

  'You young men look glorious,' said Tokufumi, who came into their changing room.

  'Thank you, my Lord,' said a very grateful Shin.

  'You must be hungry after all this excitement. Please, join me for breakfast.' Kenji and Shin were incredibly hungry and they willingly followed Tokufumi and his servants. They walked to the other side of the palace to the dining room. A huge table in the center seated thirty people and each chair was filled except for three which were for Tokufumi, Kenji, and Shin.

  'Good morning, everyone, these are my guests. Please,' Tokufumi gestured, 'introduce yourselves.'

  'I am Shin and this is Kenji,' Shin said with a smile. The people stared back expressionless. Their faces said they did not care who they were.

  'Nice to meet you,' said a little boy with a smile. The little boy was the only person at the table who appeared genuine to Kenji. 'Same to you, and who might you be?' Kenji asked.

  'This is my crown prince, Jun,' responded Tokufumi.

  'So he is your son?' asked Shin.

  'Indeed,' replied Tokufumi. 'Now, please, you two sit so we can eat.' Kenji and Shin looked at the spread of food that consisted of white rice, miso soup, sushi, grilled fish, eggs, bread, umeboshi and green tea. The food looked so delicious. Shin immediately began to devour everything in sight. Kenji, however, was more hesitant; eating only once he saw everyone at the table do so as well.

  After only a few bites Kenji, noticed no one at the table had uttered a single word. It was odd to have so many people in one place and have a meal in silence. Kenji felt less at ease than before. Even Jun, the crown prince, acted awkward. Kenji looked around the room trying to examine and analyze each individual, but no one would look at him. Tokufumi tried to start a conversation to alleviate the awkwardness.

  'So, Kenji that is a very magnificent staff you have there. If you don't mind, tell me where you got it.' Kenji thought to tell Tokufumi the same lie he'd told Shin—that he'd been given the staff by a family member—but he realized he wanted to know what Tokufumi was hiding. He questioned what Tokufumi's motives were in helping them and there was no better way to find out than by telling the truth.

  'This staff is my village's sacred treasure.' Kenji said with a smile.

  'Is it really?' spoke Tokufumi with a wide eyed expression.

>   'Yes, my emperor.'

  'What village are you from?'

  'I am from Kyade, but it is no longer there.' Kenji did not believe for a second that Tokufumi was as clueless as he was making himself out to be, but he decided to play along.

  'What do you mean … what happened?' questioned Tokufumi.

  'When I was a little boy my village was attacked; I am the sole survivor.'

  'How did you get away with that staff Kenji? You must have been really brave!' Tokufumi's voice was filled with sympathy and admiration.

  'It wasn't that. I knew what they were after and I was just lucky I got away.' Kenji said, looking down at his plate of food.

  'Well, I am glad you are alright.'

  'Thank you, but you know what is interesting?' Kenji said, adding a little bit of malice in his voice. 'That the people who attacked and destroyed my home looked almost like the person who attacked me here,' said Kenji and he stared straight into Tokufumi's eyes.

  'What are you trying to say, my young friend?' Tokufumi replied. Shin had noticed the atmosphere in the room was completely changed. He watched as Kenji and Tokufumi tried to intimidate each other with just their stares. Shin also saw that everyone at the table was looking at him. Shin nudged Kenji with his foot, alerting him to the situation. Kenji tried to break the tension before things got out of hand.

  'Nothing, your Imperial Majesty,' Kenji said with a smile. 'I was just speaking on an interesting observation. Even though Kenji tried to calm things down, the glares from the others did not stop. He realized the only way to relieve the tension was to temporarily separate himself from the group.

  'If you do not mind, your Imperial Majesty, may I be excused to use the restroom?'

  'You may,' replied Tokufumi, still studying him.

  As Kenji got up and slowly walked away, he realized he was playing a dangerous game with Tokufumi. He needed time to compose himself. There was a dark feeling looming over him that he could not shake. Kenji walked outside and to the garden at the other side of the palace. He looked at the birds in the air and the fish in the pond on the side of Tokufumi's palace and for a moment, Kenji was calm.

  Kenji stared, confused, when the staff once again started to glow. So far, the staff had only glowed when he was in trouble or approaching trouble. He was safe at the moment so he did not understand.

  He suddenly remembered that he had left Shin alone back in the palace. With a sinking feeling in his gut, Kenji realized that the glowing staff had something to do with Shin. Kenji ran through the palace as fast as he could back to the dining room. When he got there everyone was gone. There wasn't a person in sight.

  'Shin! Shin where are you?' Kenji screamed, but there was no answer. Unfortunately, Kenji could not walk around the palace, frantic or otherwise—he would be captured as well. Kenji slowly crept around the palace, sneaking and hiding around furniture, statues, and other objects to avoid being seen by the servants and guards.

  He managed to check a few rooms undetected and all were empty until he opened a door and saw Jun. Jun was sitting quietly on the floor with tears streaming down his face. Kenji looked down at him, concerned. 'What's wrong Jun?' Kenji asked while approaching cautiously.

  'I hate it … I just hate it!' Jun wailed.

  'What do you hate?' Kenji asked.

  'I hate how Daddy makes them all go away?' Jun said, trying to wipe his tears away.

  'What do you mean?' Even as he asked, Kenji had a sinking feeling that he already knew the answer.

  'Whenever Dad thinks someone is bad, he makes them and everyone they know go away. He sent those people and their dragons to destroy your village because he has been hearing a voice in his sleep that told him to. He also knows about some horse creature … Ujumoomoo or something. He sent those scary girl monsters to take over your friend's home. Dad heard his village was going to rebel against him so he destroyed them.'

  'Jun, you can't be more than eight years old, how do you know all this?' Kenji asked nervously.

  'I know because Dad told me. He is trying to make me be like him so I can rule the way he does when I become emperor. Now he has your friend and I just know he is going to make him go away. I just know it.' Jun said, beginning to cry again.

  'Well, we can stop that before it happens.' said Kenji.

  'We can …?' Jun's voice was still quivery, but he sounded hopeful.

  'Yes Jun, we can,' Kenji said firmly,' but I need your help.'

  'I can't. Dad will be mad at me for betraying him,' replied a conflicted Jun.

  'He won't find out you helped me; I won't tell I promise,' Kenji pleaded with Jun.

  'Ok, I will do what I can.'

  'Great! Now, Jun can you tell me where he took Shin?' asked Kenji.

  'Yes, he's in the dungeon on the lower level of the palace.'

  'Can you take me there?' requested Kenji.

  Jun looked frightened 'I … I am not supposed to go down there.' He said nervously.

  'Jun, please … 'Kenji pleaded. 'I need you to take me; I don't know how to get there.'

  'Daddy will be really mad at me.'

  'Please Jun. I have lost many people because of your father, but Shin cannot be one of them.' Kenji begged and pleaded and begged some more, but the fear of Tokufumi's wrath was still in Jun's eyes. Kenji turned his back on Jun and walked off tearfully. He was going to search for Shin anyway, even though he had no idea where he was.

  'Ok, Mister Kenji, I will help you.' Jun suddenly said. Kenji realized that he could still be captured, so he used Jun as a distraction. Kenji snuck around while Jun stayed in plain sight. Kenji followed him throughout the castle, but it was taking such a long time Kenji started to wonder if Jun was leading him to his doom. The boy seemed genuine in heart, and Kenji had no choice but to trust him.

  They finally arrived at a dark door. When Kenji opened it, he saw a huge cage suspended above a pit of spikes. When Kenji got a good look at the cage, he realized that Shin was inside it.

  'Shin!' Kenji said, relieved that Shin was still alive.

  'Kenji!' replied Shin.

  'Don't worry, Shin, I'm here to save you!' Kenji yelled. He began to look for a way to get to the cage.

  'No, Kenji, don't be a fool. There is nothing you can do to get me out of here. These bars are indestructible, and even if you managed to break them, we would still have to worry about the guards and Tokufumi. You were right Kenji: I should have listened to you.' Shin said as tears rolled down his face.

  'Don't even worry about all that now; let's just find a way to get you out of here.'

  'Kenji, please don't worry about me. Get out while you still can. I couldn't handle it if I was the reason you were hurt.' Shin said his voice full of pain.

  'Shin … 'Kenji asked,' what are you saying?'

  'I am saying that you are the most important person to me and you are all I have. If I die, I want to at least know you are still alive so please go … for me. I can't bear the thought of you being captured or killed just to save me.'

  'I am sorry you feel that way, but we are in this together Shin. You can't imagine us dying together, but I can't imagine my life without you. Either way the outcome is unbearable. I can't leave you Shin. I won't.

  'How precious,' Tokufumi suddenly interrupted, 'but you will wish you had listened to him. I wonder how you got down here anyway.'

  'I … I brought him here father,' spoke a nervous Jun.

  'You disappoint me, Jun, but I will deal with you later,' said Tokufumi in disgust.

  'Lord Tokufumi, what do you want?' Kenji said with anger.

  'That is a foolish question—you know what I want. So hand it over.'

  'You will never get the staff of Kyade. I won't ever let you have it,' Kenji said bravely.

  'Well, then, I guess I have no choice but to destroy you.'

  'No, you can't. I don't know all the secrets and powers of the staff, but I know that as long as I hold it in my hand I cannot be killed,' Kenji said with confidence.

>   'Hmm … is that so?' said a confused Tokufumi. He looked at Kenji for a while, as if he was studying him. Kenji looked at the emperor arrogantly, but after a few minutes, the smug look returned to Tokufumi's face.

  'Why are you smiling emperor? You can't beat me,' said Kenji.

  'I must admit, Kenji, you have a lot of courage and you had me nervous for a second, but now I know exactly how to bring you down.' Tokufumi said, sure of himself.

  'You are lying, 'Kenji replied with unease.'You have nothing.'

  'Oh, but I do. It's true I cannot harm you, but,' Tokufumi pointed to Shin, 'he, on the other hand, is not as fortunate.'

  'You bastard!' Kenji raged.

  Tokufumi smiled triumphantly. 'You have a choice to make. You either give me the staff and you both can go free. Or keep it and I will kill your friend. I realize this may take some time for you two to talk it over.' Tokufumi said while laughed. 'So I will give you an hour to decide. When I come back, I expect a decision.' Tokufumi walked away still laughing, Jun slowly walking behind him. The door shut behind them.

  Kenji was in a horrible position. He did not know exactly all the staff could do, but he knew that if Tokufumi was going through all the trouble then the staff must be something powerful indeed.

  'Leave me here,' said Shin.

  'I can't.'

  'You have to. There is no other choice.' Shin said.

  'I will give him the staff,' said a defeated Kenji.

  'No! Who knows what he will do with that staff. If you give it to him I will never forgive you!' Shin cried.

  'I can't watch you die Shin … I can't.' Feeling helpless, Kenji fell to his knees and started to cry. He felt lost and helpless. In his mind he knew that something bad would happen if the emperor got his hands on the staff, but by keeping it he would go back to a world of loneliness and sorrow. Losing Shin would be the end of his world.

  'I know what I have to do,' Kenji said as he dried his tears.


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